NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF IRELAND NAI/2002/119 Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives NAI/2002/119 W .O . No. : r~0''"'~-1' Reaord No • ... . ./~r-~6.6 62? ~iOr Regtl. No. l J.I..O C> and Rank J .5. ii. ... p~·-·········---··-­ The enclosed document dated Gc a.,._J~''I'J'Y . and s igned appears to have been written or executed by tne tle:t. l~&- ~ .eAA~ . 7~ -~~---- named I n the pel'aon ,ma..g l n a~ he was / "ln while actual milltal'y ael'vlce" within the meaning af the Willa Act, 1837, and has been l'ecognl s ed by the ~ of Ueath C7.11 ..#.:.St:t~~ . p(..t..':f... Wal' Depal'tmont as con- atltutJng a valid will. ·wAR OFFICE. :J2.~it6 (or ths Aulstant Fmancial E;ocrstary. 'Date .....................•..........: ....- Q.16/l- NAI/2002/119 .28 Army Form B INFORMAL WILL. w.o. No. : r~ 0 't"'f I' Reaord No•. ./~f.:!.6k . 12.(/ FORM OF WILL, No. 1. ' To be us«t {,y a Soldier duirou• of lwvino tile whole.. of hVI ejfeeu to one per :on. ~ ~~t- DOMICILE.... ..... _.t-11_ (a) The nnmes of t he eoldi r to be wrl~te n In lull. ii. The enclosed document ~ dated r''" .(;; ~ I tj; It. (b) t n a e r t "/rtmd" or It a and signed Regtl. No. ) U.OO and Rank J ~- p~·············-·--· rell\tive, In whn~ degree. (o) The name In full. appears to have been wriHen or executed by the person named In the ,margin while c:c.~ he was / " In • actual military service" within the meaning of the Will• Act, 1837, and llledat has been recogni sed by the ~:.~ of Death fYA1 .. "--~ .. f'-(..t..l:f... War Depart mont aa con• atltutlnl& a valid will. 'WAR OFFICE. (or the Aaslstant Fmanclal eocretary. :22. "' :...,£, •Date ................................ G.1511NAI/2002/119 ~3 . (.f) The f u ll unmes and de· eoripLione a ud ex not add r ses of the Executor or ExeontMe should be carefully alated . ·------~· r~O,DI'/-11 Reoord No •../~r-~.6.6 . . But an alteration or addition may bo m: rle by a Oot.licu (that. is t.o say, by au acltUbioo to t.h 'Will), executofi and wit-nessed in the same way a the \Vill. '" llf tY. The encloaed document dated ~ C a...c.J~I-- 19' 't . and algned Regtl. No. ) U.CH> and Rank ' 5 . P~---········-- ----­ appear• to have been written or executed by the peraon named In the ,argln while a~ he was / " In actual military .. service" within the meanlnl& 818d at of the Wille Act, 1837, and has been recognised by the ~=~ of IJeath C/.M.. ff.~'-· (t.(.t..l:{:.. war Depart mont as con• atltutlnl& a valid will. -~ VI AR OFFICE. (or ths Anlstant Fmanclal eacrstary. .J %. .,. . , 6 •Date ....................................- G.U/la NAI/2002/119 - - - -·- ----. 7. If any altemtion is made in the writing o( a Will, b Ihe signatures of t h t. te.tor and the s oug~t made in the margin or other part of t.he Will, opposite to r near such alteration, or o.L lhe f ot or end of, or opposito to u. memorandum referring to ~ cb alteration. and written at th n<l or some other part of the Will. INFORMAL WILL W.O. No.: ---- 0. When ongnged in actual wm fare, or "hen he has ben vla.c•d UJI(i r· orders for o live Sflrvice, a olclier of English, Guern~ y or :funx dornioile i privil g rl (wh ro cir·oum to.n e~ do not allow o£ t.hese Form~ ing u d) to r or<l his \Vill in writing with u the aLtlSCing wito s · s [ c- p.\gP provid d for t.ho purpo o in Army Book 64 ( uldiPr's Pay Book)], t' to declare th same orally in t.h13 pr sen co f 'I i Lo s. 1l oldi ,. of cottish, J rsoy, r Gu rn y domicih• can make a. written Will without witness nt any time, provided it is eoLirely in his own hand· writing and luted o.nd sigaed by hirn. N.B.-Tbo Leslator, if of Eng-li~lr rlomioile, mu~t h3 of the age of 21 y ms uuless h is on ncl ive s<'r vic or unrlc-r ord rs f,.,. ac ivr SOJYic . A coLsman cnn rliep .e by ·wrll of personal proporly (no from real prop~rty) wh~ n over LhJ age \If fourteen y ms. In INFORMAL WILL. Reaord wh r·~ I my hand thi A. D. W.O. No.: \Y i ln o~~ 19 h:we h l.ay I~ ;,.,, o f -!::..~..::.~~ p_ "'r- (g) Jcli.r to eil(n here, or. ir he (!/) ca.nnot write, to ign d and nckno\1 l d red m ke bls mark. r~O,DI'/-11 No. l~f.?:~b . llf ,;_ " " Mm haviog b 00 by lho aid p•· ~l to him as and for hi · la-St IVill pr The ancloHd document dated nc i tl OV ' lh of us, pr sent at, tlro 'arne tim , who, in hi. presence, aL his r quP ·t., and in ~ ctlvt.J~I--ty' Y. th pre· nco of each otbet·, have hereunto and s igned (h) WltneMea to sign here. ( i) Add add re •· ea In full. legtl. No. l and Rank u.o. 0 .s. f!,.(z. .............. -- J appears to have been wriHen or executed by the person Decl.amtion of the Me<iicat Offr.ce,·. I declare that I was pre cot a.t Exocution of thi Will, aud that_ named In the ,nargln while ct.~ he was { " In actual military • service" within the mea.nlnl& of the Wills Act, 1837, and has been recog nised by the Wal' Departmont as con• atltutJnl& a valid will. jl. WAR OFFICE. ,J2. ~,•Date .....................•..........:.. _ t6 (Dr ths Aulstant Fmanclal ~ocrstary. G.U/1- NAI/2002/119 - - - - - --the Tt:sto.tor, wa.s at the tim in a fit sLate of miud to execute Lhe same. 30 . INFOR-MAL WILL. W.O. No.: r~O,DI'/-1' Reaord No•. ./~r-~.6.6. llf . FORM OF WILL, No. 2. ~~~ DOMICILE ....C!Jt ....... ii. (4~ The o&mea of t e eoldler to be written In full. ~ and algned . P~---·-·-·-··---·-· appear• to have been written or executed by the peraon named In the ,argln while c:t~ he waa / "ln actual military • aervlce" within the meanlnl& eledat of the Wills Act, 1837, and has been recognised by the ,U:.~ of Death C!:Jrj ..~-~ ...jt( War De ~tart mont as con• atltutlnl& a valid will. WAR OFFICE. (or ths Aulstant Fmsnclal f:ocrstar1. :J 2. ~ - , 6 •Date .....................•.........:...NAI/2002/119 of the _ _ Regiment of do hereby revoke all former Wills by me ~ .c ~J~I--Itjty_ c. . u..o .e>. 5 I,(a )_ No. dated Regtl. No. l and Rank ) Army Form B 244 . To be tlMd by a Soldier desirom of leaving Legacju to 807714 0714 or mort perscm8, and the rasidue to anothe1·, or others. The encloaed document lama .... J made, and declare this to bo my last Will. After payment of my just Debts and (b) Name the Funeral Expenses, person, and describe him by Ws ran~ or ~rofesaion, rcgJmen , degree oi relationship (if (c) _ _ - &ny), or in a.ny o~ber way, and jltve Ws &ddress And I give to (b) tn full. l! to a female, also add the (c) words [for Mr •ole aw.t •eparate u•e he: receipt alm~ be.t~ a 11/:fficient And all the r d11 arge]. Ilcre alate part.icular tbe artioles or money intended to be a-iven. (c) I give Lo (b) t of my Estate and Effects, and everybhing that I can give or dispose of, I give a.nd bequeath absolutely to (b)