2015_318 - FIAP Entry Forms

Turkish Airlines (THY)
1 International Photography Contest
"Widen Your World” / “The World is Larger, Explore”
There are many “global” airlines throughout the world. Each of them flies to the same
countries, in line with their own needs. They meet the same expectations; apply the same
routes and rates, by going from point A to point B. “Same” is a standard for them…
On the other hand, there also are those that are in pursuit of the unexplored: Those that are
always seeking to find the new, who are open to learning and development… Those who are
able to see the beauty in the unknown… With their eyes and horizons are always open. They
make such things possible which are deemed to be impossible by others; transform
everything into ideas and reality and create a totally new effect. They are excited, not afraid
of exploring. They enjoy differences and want to get to know anything they do not know.
They do not lose their enthusiasm even for a single moment... Just like Turkish Airlines…
Turkish Airlines flies to the new world from the new center of the world, and unites the worlds
every day. It brings different cultures, people, and thoughts together. Cordiality, empathy and
hospitality deep from the heart lie behind its childish curiosity… It offers a pleasant travelling
experience that houses as many differences as the places where it flies to. It flies to render
the impossible possible and to reach new horizons. To grow and to be enchanted…
Now, the Turkish Airlines invites everyone who is curious about the unknown in this
adventure. It invites all of you, who are not satisfied by going to the same places and doing
the same things, who photograph everything what they see, to its world packed with
adventure and discovery. The photography fans will photograph their own worlds.
Photographers will arouse interest in the unknown, at any place on earth and at any time,
unite differences and emphasize that travelling is a significant step taken to change this
world. The Turkish Airlines invites everyone who wants to change his world, expand his
horizons and step into brand new worlds to its photography contest. Because every
photography fan may participate in the “The World is Larger, Explore…" contest.
Contest Categories:
The contest will be held on a single branch as Digital “Free” Color or Black-White.
Members of the Jury:
Ahmet SEL
Michael DENKER
The jury may convene by the attendance of at least three members.
PAFT Representative: Firdevs SAYILAN
Contest Calendar:
Participation Start Date
Latest Participation Date
Selection Board Meeting
: June 10
: October 01, 2015, time 23:00 (TSI)
: October 15, 2015
Results’ Notification
Exhibition and Award Ceremony
: October 18, 2015
: November 21, 2015
- 1st FIAP Gold Medal + flight tickets equivalent to 15000 dollars
- 2nd FIAP Silver Medal + flight tickets equivalent to 5000 dollars
- 3rd FIAP Bronze Medal + flight tickets equivalent to 2000 dollars
- FIAP Honorable Mentions (6 mentions)
- Exhibition (maximum 100 photographs)
- FIAP Best Photographer Award (to be presented to the photographer who has received the
highest total exhibition and awards)
Participation Conditions:
1. This contest is organized by the Turkish Airlines and the Müessese İletişim AŞ.
2. Contest participation is free of charge.
3. Each candidate may participate in the contest by maximum 4 (four) Digital Color or
Black-White photographs.
4. The photographs to be sent for the contest are required to have received no awards and
not to have been exhibited in any other contest. The fact that a photograph has been
published does not pose as an obstacle in participating in the contest.
5. The photographs shall be digitally uploaded to the following addresses
In Turkish: http://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/
In English: http://www.tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/en/
6. The participants are required to enter the http://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/ website, and to
register as a member and acknowledge the contest specifications. Upon ticking the
acknowledgment box, the participants are deemed to have accepted all conditions of the
7. The THY employees, the contest jury members, the contest secretariat officials, the
PAFT representatives and their first degree relatives may not participate in the contest.
8. In case any photograph is found worthy of an award by the Jury at the end of the
contest, but is subsequently discovered to have been awarded or exhibited in another
contest, either prior to or concurrently with this contest, the award is cancelled and if it
has been handed out, the award winner is obliged to return the award promptly. Such
cancellation does not lead to any rights for any claims by the other awarded and/or
unawarded contestants.
9. With the exclusion of any photographical interventions such as light, contrast, color,
grain that do not alter the character of the photograph, any photographs where solely
graphic-based effects have been applied by any software such as Photoshop or similar
(e.g. water color filter, etc.) shall be eliminated.
10. All usage rights of photographs that have been awarded and exhibited at the contest
shall belong to the Turkish Airlines and the Photographer. The Photographer accepts
and undertakes in advance to waive any claims regarding the exhibition of his
photograph(s) found worthy of an award and/or exhibition by the Jury, provided that the
names are indicated, during the dates to be determined by the Turkish Airlines, their use
in the catalog to be published following the contest and in the electronic media as
intended for the promotion of the contest, and the social media channels, calendar
activities and in-plane publications of the Turkish Airlines aimed for the passengers and
the THY websites, other than those on award and/or royalties in connection with these.
11. With the exclusion of the photographs found worthy of an award, a maximum royalty of
100 TL shall be paid per photograph, solely at the discretion of the Turkish Airlines, to
the owners of the photographs that have been found worthy of being exhibited only. The
participant represents and warrants that he has in advance waived the right to object to
the royalty and shall not claim for any increase. Provided that the names of the owners
are indicated, the photographs that have been awarded and exhibited in the contest may
be used by THY for a period of 3 (three) years for promotion purposes, without paying
any additional royalties, in exhibitions, printed catalogs, digital catalogs (including mobile
platforms), the websites within the THY A.O. organization, the mobile applications within
the THY A.O. organization, the in-plane IFE and Airshow displays, all social media
accounts within the THY A.O. organization, the printed, digital and mobile versions of the
Skylife magazines, marketing support products such as day books, posters, calendars,
boxes, etc. in printed and digital media.
12. The participant represents and warrants that the work(s) sent for the contest belong to
him fully; all required permits have been received on issues that are included in the
photographs and may be subject to copyrights, together with the other issues.
13. Any photographs that have been found worthy of an award, an honorary mention and
exhibition at any contest held either prior to or concurrently with this contest shall not be
accepted. The fact that a photograph has been published does not pose as an obstacle
in participating in the contest. In case it is discovered that the said photograph has
received an award, an honorary mention and exhibited at a contest held prior to or
concurrently with this contest, or the same photograph is used as a main element, the
rule violation procedure is applied.
14. An individual attempting to suggest that any photograph actually belong to him as his
own work, or any intervention and modification aimed to mislead the jury is deemed to
have violated the rules.
15. Any awards, titles and acquisitions of the participant, who has been determined to have
violated the rules, are redeemed. The award is cancelled; and its place is left blank.
Such a circumstance does not give any extra rights to the other participants. In case the
award has already been handed over, the participant is obliged to return the ward.
16. Participation of any individuals who have violated the rules in any PAFT approved
contests are restricted for a period of 1 (one) year as per the PAFT Contest principles.
The circumstance is notified to the FIAP. In case the individuals, for whom 1 (one) year
restriction has been ruled, commit the rule violation offence for the second time, they are
banned from PAFT approved contests indefinitely.
17. Participants, for whom restriction rulings due to the aforementioned reasons are
continued, and participants included in the FIAP restricted lists may not participate in this
18. The contest results shall be announced at the websites of THY at the
http://www.turkishairlines.com/ and of PAFT at the http://www.tfsf.org.tr and
http://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/ addresses.
19. The works that have been found worthy of an award and honorary mention at the
http://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/ websites and will be included in the pages about our
organization in the Almanac 2015 published by the PAFT.
20. The Turkish Airlines shall be free to demand the original files of the photographs found
worthy of an award and exhibition, in minimum 2200 pixels, and 300 dpi bit depth.
"With the sole act of submitting his/her images or files to a salon under FIAP Patronage,
the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection that the submitted images
can be investigated by FIAP to establish if these obey to FIAP regulations and definitions
even if the entrant is not a member of FIAP; that FIAP will use any means at its disposal
for this undertaking; that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the
original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be
sanctioned by FIAP and that in case of sanctions following the non compliance with
FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform
the breaches of the rules. It is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted
files intact in order to ease eventual investigations."
Naming and Sending the Photographs:
Since the contest shall be held as based on the online photography system, any
alternative deliveries (by e-mail, cargo, hand delivery, etc.) shall not be accepted.
The contest photographs shall be sent online through the
Turkish > http://www.tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/
English > http://www.tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/en/
addresses, by following the membership and photograph submittal directions.
It is necessary to register as a member in order to upload photographs on the relevant
page. The membership shall be finalized upon clicking the activation link that will be sent
to your e-mail address after registering as a member.
Those who have registered before shall use their previous user names and passwords.
The sizing and the naming of the photographs to be uploaded during participation should
be made beforehand; the files should be ready and uploaded in a single session.
The photographs to be uploaded shall be free of any pass partout and margins. There
shall be no indication of the participant’s identity, such as name, signature, logo, date,
etc. on the photographs.
The photographs to be submitted for the contest shall be saved in the jpg/jpeg format, at
150-300 dpi, and 7-12 compression quality, with the short side being minimum 1920
pixels, and the long side maximum 3200 pixels; and the file sizes shall neither be less
than 2 Mb and nor shall exceed 4 Mb.
The name of each photograph file shall be maximum 31 characters. The ç, ı, ğ, ö, ş, ü
characters shall not be used in naming the files. English characters and underscoring (_)
may be used.
All characters, with the exclusion of country code and section definition, shall be in lower
1st step: The country code shall be entered for the first two characters of the file name
(“TR” for Turkey). For country codes, please check:
2 step: Then the name of the owner of the work shall be written as maximum 5
characters (e.g. such as “omery” or “oerly” or “erily” for “Ömer Eril YILMAZ”).
3rd step: The next character shall be the first letter of the category (such as Digital, Open
or Black-White > DO).
4th step: The photograph number shall be defined as numbers (from 1 to 4) and an
underscore ( _ ) shall be added after this.
5th step: Following the underscore, the photograph name shall be entered so as not to
exceed the total number of characters. For example, for the photograph no. 1 by “Ömer
Eril YILMAZ” named “düğün”, “TRomeryDO1_dugun” or photograph no.2 named “halay”,
In case any problems of system or user origin emerge during member registration or
onlineyarismalar@tfsf.org.tr address, the problem shall be quickly rectified and the
participant shall be notified. Sending any photographs to the above mentioned address
does not constitute a participation in the contest.
The Turkish Airlines and the Administration Communication Corp. shall not be held liable
for any potential problems that may emerge from the uploading of the works.
Return – Contest Album:
According to the FIAP rules, a digital catalog shall be prepared for the photographs found
worthy of an award and exhibition following evaluation by the jury, and shall be kept ready in
order to be shared in the web media.
General Provision:
Participating by sending photographs for the contest is deemed as that the above mentioned
conditions have been exactly accepted.
Contest Secretariat:
Engin Güneysu
E-mail: engin.guneysu@muesseseiletisim.com
Telephone: +90 553 022 6328
Our contest has been approved by the Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT)
(PAFT 2015/008) and the International Photographic Arts Federation (FIAP) with number
(FIAP 2015/318).
The PAFT Representative shall be present during the contest.
(TFSF/PAFT 2015/008)
(FIAP 2015/?)