Department of Psychological Sciences Staff Meeting Monday 2nd July 2012, Room 101, 30 Russell Square Minutes Present: Mike Oaksford (Chair), Naomi Adams (minutes) , Ted Barker, Jacqueline Barnes, , Rabinder Bery, Jacqueline Barnes, Geoff Bird, Rick Cooper, Suraj Durbar, ,Francesca Gumbs, Rick Cooper, Eddy Davelaar, Naz Derakhshan, Virge Eatough, Martin Eimer , Simon Green, Annette Karmiloff Smith , Anna Lewin , Matthew Longo, Jen Mackay, , Becky Morris, Anne Miles, Mahen Padayachee, Harish Patel, Clare Press, Angelica Ronald, Kirsty Rowan, Alex Shepherd, , Tim Smith, Fiona Tasker, Michael Thomas, Richard Throup, James Vallerine, Amy Valentine, Magnus Vaughan, Ruben Zamora. ALL STAFF: 1. Introduction 1.1 Welcome to new staff MO welcomed new members of staff, Clare Press, Suraj Durbar and Amy Valentine. 2. Matters Arising 2.1 School status: progress to date. MO reported that although the Master had said that the department should be a school in all but name, there had been no visible change, and he had met with him last week to discuss this. Lines of communication are still going through the Executive Dean’s office although promises had been made to amend that. Regarding budgets, the department had been shown as running a deficit for two years but that was down to estates charges being wrongly calculated on FTE rather than on square footage. 3. Grants (FROM RES COMMITTEE Minutes) Royal Society British Academy Innovative Medicines Initiative Dr E Meaburn Prof Naz Derakshan Prof Mark Johnson 14,160 9,546 651,800 MO said that the current IDM showed a drop in grant income but as new grants were coming on stream regularly this was not accurate. He also congratulated Angelica Ronald on winning the Spearman Medal. 4. Staffing Issues 4.1 No plans for further recruitment. After the rapid expansion of the last few years there are no plans for further recruitment of staff as the introduction of higher fees mean that student numbers are likely to fall substantially. MO noted that the traditional BBK students seem to be the most affected (50% down currently on last year) , with UCAS holding up well compared to last year. 2011 had been the largest intake yet, however, so the drop leaves us with what looks like a more traditional intake in terms of numbers. There is a recruitment event on 18th July. 5. Accommodation and Planning 5.1 Lab development – via generating surpluses. The plan is still to expand into the basement for additional lab space. Mark Johnson et al are preparing a bid to the Wohl Foundation for an expansion to 32 Torrington – the college has agreed to match funding. 6. Recruitment and Budgets MO reported that we are aiming for a similar income to last year – the BSc 4th year cohort is large so this should be achievable even with a drop in year 1. Next year’s recruitment will be crucial although the College has large reserves. ACADEMIC STAFF: 7. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 8. Matters arising 8.1 Final year projects MO noted that with a large final year cohort the pressure on project supervisors was increased. He recommended group supervision and online projects as a way to ease this. SG suggested using prepared proposals, and on behalf of Jonathan Smith reminded staff that students were not meant to be preparing before 1st October as this gave an unfair advantage to some. 9. Items from the Chair 9.1 International Programme MO updated on the International Programme - we are in a consortium with RHUL and Goldsmiths and hope to go into profit within 5 years. The University of London is paying all upfront costs and Roz Dixon has been seconded to work on the programme. There had been some issues with RHUL wishing to withdraw but top down pressure form their senior management had resulted in them remaining in the consortium. The delays caused by this mean the roll out date will probably now be October 2013 rather than January, which will of course have a knock on delay on realising any profits. 10. Report from the Chair of the Dept’al Research Committee (MO) MO reported that there had been a problem with appointing additional GTAs and at the IDM meeting, it had been said that they could not be appointed before student numbers were known, and would be revisited in January. As REF is only counting doctorates awarded in the period, not numbers on the books, they would not count. This raises the issue of determining prospective funding using a retrospective measure. ME reported on REF. The staff census date is 30th September 2013, and we will do another dry run in the autumn of this year. The impact case studies are being prepared and will be refined over the next six months. The return will be more selective as 2* research will not be funded. Last time BBK submitted 90% of staff, there will be a substantial drop in this figure, and only staff with an overall profile of 11*/16* will be submitted. 11. Report from the Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee (SG) SG noted that the PG Taught Committee needed to meet more regularly and to have a representative on the Learning and Teaching Committee. A curriculum review group (headed by SG) has been set up to look at duplication across courses. SG stressed the importance of retention with recruitment down, and said that there would be a new job spec for personal tutors, who would need to be more proactive, particularly in the first term. The issue of year one essays and the rate of panic among students was raised. Making them optional was suggested but they will still need to get the first essay out of the way at some point. SG and KR are coming up with solutions. 12. Report from the Chair of the Resources Committee (AS) AS reported that BBK is to get a Matlab site licence, and that additional bubble forms had been ordered for the multiple choice exams. There had been a small surplus left on the equipment budget, and various suggestions had been made as to how to spend it. It was agreed that buying things that benefited the most people was the way to go and AS will send round the suggestions to the committee. 13. AOB The non-professorial rep on the SPG was discussed and it was agreed to keep FD for one year, then vote again as he would have been on the group for three years.