1 Appendix S1. Example of the impacts of variable detection on scientific inference. 2 3 The following is a stylized example of how variable detection probability can lead to 4 incorrect inference when using catch indices such as CPUE to track changes in abundance. We 5 constructed this example from simulated data for illustrative purposes, but variation in detection 6 probability due to environmental change, similar to what we present here, has been observed in 7 the fish literature (e.g. Korman et al., 2009). We present a situation where the mean water depth 8 of a study area has increased by about 60% at 5 years into the 10-year time series (Fig. S1, dashed 9 line). Changes in depth through time such as this can be quite common in systems with variable 10 flows such as the Murray-Darling River of Australia (Lyon et al., 2014) and would be expected 11 under changes in environmental flow deliveries. Concurrent with the change in depth, is a decrease 12 in detection probability of fish (Fig. S2, solid line). Again, this is a realistic change in detection 13 that could be an expected when sampling fish with boat electrofishing or beach seines as many 14 sampling gears become less effective in deeper water (e.g. Lyon et al., 2014; Bayley & Austin, 15 2002). Furthermore, this variation in detection probability is well within the range observed in the 16 literature, which can exceed an order of magnitude (Hangsleben et al., 2013; Lyon et al., 2014; 17 Lauretta et al., 2013). Fig. S2 represents the analysis of 5 samples per year of a fish population 18 that experienced small random annual variation in abundance (open circles). The open circles are 19 the true abundance of fish in the study area; the dotted line is the mean catch-per-sample estimate 20 (CPUE), and the solid line is an estimate of abundance using a multiple-event closed population 21 mark-recapture model (model Mt; Otis et al., 1978). Notice how the CPUE in Fig. S2 tracks the 22 detection probability in Fig. S1 more closely than it tracks the true abundance. A typical conclusion 23 based on these CPUE estimates would be that there was a systematic decrease in abundance 1 24 starting around 2010, when, in fact abundance did not systematically change throughout the 10- 25 year time series. Alternatively, the abundance estimates that account for variable detection 26 probability (solid line of Fig. S2) continue to track abundance well even when detection probability 27 decreases (although there is greater uncertainty in the abundance estimates when detection 28 probability is lower). This example illustrates how CPUE indices of abundance can be misleading 29 for tracking changes in abundance when detection probability varies during the study period 30 31 References 32 Bayley, P.B. & Austen, D.J. (2002) Capture efficiency of a boat electrofisher. Transactions of 33 the American Fisheries Society, 131, 435-451. 34 Hangsleben, M.A., Allen, M.S. & Gwinn, D.C. (2013) Evaluation of electrofishing catch per unit 35 effort for indexing fish abundance in Florida Lakes. Transactions of the American 36 Fisheries Society, 142, 247-256. 37 Korman, J., Yard, M., Walters, C. & Coggins, L.G. (2009) Effects of fish size, habitat, flow, and 38 density on capture probabilities of age-0 rainbow trout estimated from electrofishing at 39 discrete sites in a large river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 138, 58-75. 40 Lauretta, M.V., Camp, E.V., Pine, W.E. & Frazer, T.K. (2013) Catchability model selection for 41 estimating the composition of fishes and invertebrates within dynamic aquatic 42 ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70, 381-392. 43 Lyon, J.P., Bird, T., Nicol, S., Kearns, J., O’mahony, J., Todd, C.R., Cowx, I.G. & Bradshaw, 44 C.J.A. (2014) Efficiency of electrofishing in turbid lowland rivers: implications for 45 measuring temporal change in fish populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and 46 Aquatic Sciences, 71, 878-886. 2 47 48 Otis, D.L., Burnham, K.P., White, G.C. & Anderson, D.R. (1978) Statistical inference from capture data on closed animal populations. Wildlife Monographs, 3-135. 49 50 Figures 51 52 Fig. S1. Simulated mean depth of study area (dashed line) and resultant detection probability (p) 53 of fish (solid line). 54 55 Fig. S2. Simulated true abundance (open circles), abundance estimates (solid line), and CPUE 56 estimates (dotted line). Shading represents 95% confidence region of estimates. 57 3