Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project *Sample* Configuration Guide Configuration Decisions Campus Community Prepared By: <name>, Consultant, Ciber Inc. Date: MM/DD/YYYY Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 1 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project CHANGE HISTORY VERSION DATE CHANGED BY 1 06/17/2013 Consultant CHANGE Original Document Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 2 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.0 Tables Contained Within This Process ..................................................................................... 9 3.0 List of Translate Tables Important to Campus Community ................................................... 13 4.0 Initial Campus Community Setup........................................................................................... 14 4.1 Campus Community Installation ....................................................................................... 14 4.2 Student Administration Installation ................................................................................... 17 5.0 Required HRMS Setup ............................................................................................................ 18 5.1 Country Table....................................................................................................................... 18 5.2 State/Province ...................................................................................................................... 19 5.3 Regulatory Regions............................................................................................................. 20 5.4 Regional Transactions ........................................................................................................ 21 5.5 Installation Table – Country Specific ................................................................................ 22 5.6 (Regulatory) Global Security.............................................................................................. 23 5.7 Installation Table – Last ID Assigned ............................................................................... 25 5.8 TableSet IDs......................................................................................................................... 26 5.9 Business Unit ....................................................................................................................... 27 5.10 Establishment Data ............................................................................................................. 29 5.11 Company Setup ................................................................................................................... 30 5.12 Organization Defaults by Permission List ........................................................................ 31 5.13 Defining Regulatory Region ............................................................................................... 33 5.14 Create Department Security Tree ..................................................................................... 34 5.15 Define Security by Department Tree ................................................................................ 35 5.16 Security Join Table (SJT) Processes ............................................................................... 37 6.0 Campus Community Security ................................................................................................. 40 6.1 Demographic Data Access ................................................................................................ 40 6.2 Demographic Data Access Process ................................................................................. 42 7.0 Names .................................................................................................................................... 42 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 3 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 7.1 Name Types ......................................................................................................................... 42 7.2 Name Type Defaults ........................................................................................................... 44 7.3 Name Usage ........................................................................................................................ 44 7.4 Name Prefixes ..................................................................................................................... 45 7.5 Name Suffixes ...................................................................................................................... 46 7.6 Salutations and Joint Salutations ...................................................................................... 47 7.7 Joint Communication .......................................................................................................... 48 8.0 Addresses ............................................................................................................................... 49 8.1 Country Table....................................................................................................................... 49 8.2 State/Province Table........................................................................................................... 51 8.3 Regulatory Regions............................................................................................................. 52 8.4 Address Type ....................................................................................................................... 53 Address Usage ..................................................................................................................................... 53 8.5 Location Address ................................................................................................................. 54 8.6 Address Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 55 8.7 Maintaining Seasonal Addresses...................................................................................... 56 8.8 Applying Seasonal Addresses........................................................................................... 57 8.9 Electronic (Email) Address Setup ..................................................................................... 58 8.10 Phone Types ........................................................................................................................ 59 8.11 Phone Usage ....................................................................................................................... 60 9.0 Biographic/Demographic Data ............................................................................................... 61 9.1 Define Ethnic Groups .......................................................................................................... 61 9.2 Define Military Status .......................................................................................................... 63 9.3 Language .............................................................................................................................. 64 9.4 People Relationship Table ................................................................................................. 65 9.5 Relationships ........................................................................................................................ 66 9.6 Legacy ................................................................................................................................... 67 9.7 Relations with Institution..................................................................................................... 68 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 4 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 9.8 Updating Relations with Institution.................................................................................... 69 9.9 Religious Preference........................................................................................................... 71 9.10 Standard Industry and Standard Occupation Classification ......................................... 72 10.0 Identification Data ................................................................................................................. 72 10.1 National ID Types ................................................................................................................ 73 10.2 External System ID ............................................................................................................. 73 10.3 Residency Table .................................................................................................................. 74 10.4 Residency Exception Table ............................................................................................... 75 10.5 Citizenship Status ................................................................................................................ 75 10.6 Visa and Permits ................................................................................................................. 76 10.7 Supporting Documents ....................................................................................................... 77 11.0 Health Data ............................................................................................................................ 78 11.1 Diagnosis .............................................................................................................................. 78 11.2 Accommodation Types ....................................................................................................... 79 11.3 Immunizations Status ......................................................................................................... 79 11.4 Immunizations ...................................................................................................................... 80 11.5 Health Tests ......................................................................................................................... 81 12.0 Participation Data .................................................................................................................. 82 12.1 Athletic Participation ........................................................................................................... 82 12.2 Athletic/Sport Translate Table ........................................................................................... 83 12.3 Extra Curricular Activity Types .......................................................................................... 83 12.4 Extra Curricular Office Held Status ................................................................................... 84 12.5 Extra Curricular Activities ................................................................................................... 85 12.6 Honors and Awards............................................................................................................. 86 12.7 Licenses and Certifications ................................................................................................ 87 12.8 Memberships ........................................................................................................................ 88 12.9 Student Groups.................................................................................................................... 89 12.10 Securing Student Groups ................................................................................................... 90 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 5 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 13.0 Organization Data .................................................................................................................. 91 13.1 Organization Groups ........................................................................................................... 91 13.2 Proprietorship ....................................................................................................................... 92 13.3 External System ID ............................................................................................................. 92 13.4 Contact Types ...................................................................................................................... 93 13.5 External Organization Code Types ................................................................................... 94 13.6 External Subjects................................................................................................................. 95 13.7 External Terms..................................................................................................................... 96 13.8 School Types ....................................................................................................................... 97 13.9 External Organization Type ............................................................................................... 98 13.10 External GPA Type Table .................................................................................................. 99 13.11 Organization Table ............................................................................................................ 100 13.12 Organization Contacts ...................................................................................................... 102 13.13 Organization Departments ............................................................................................... 103 13.14 Organization Location ....................................................................................................... 104 14.0 Event Planning...................................................................................................................... 105 15.0 FERPA ................................................................................................................................... 106 15.1 FERPA Controls ................................................................................................................ 106 15.2 Institution Publications ...................................................................................................... 108 15.3 Publication Categories ...................................................................................................... 108 16.0 Service Indicators ................................................................................................................. 109 16.1 Service Indicator Impacts ................................................................................................. 110 16.2 Service Indicator Table ..................................................................................................... 112 16.3 Service Indicator Table ..................................................................................................... 113 16.4 Service Indicator Security ................................................................................................ 114 17.0 Search/Match ....................................................................................................................... 115 17.1 ID Delete Control ............................................................................................................... 116 17.2 Search/Match Rules .......................................................................................................... 116 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 6 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 17.3 Search/Match Parameters ............................................................................................... 117 17.4 Search/Match Permissions .............................................................................................. 118 17.5 Search/Match Results Fields ........................................................................................... 120 17.6 Search/Match Results....................................................................................................... 121 18.0 3Cs: Administration and Security ........................................................................................ 125 18.1 Administrative Functions .................................................................................................. 126 18.2 3C Groups .......................................................................................................................... 129 18.3 3C Group Security ............................................................................................................. 130 19.0 3Cs: Communication Management..................................................................................... 131 19.1 Standard Letter Table ....................................................................................................... 133 19.2 Communication Context ................................................................................................... 134 19.3 Communication Categories ............................................................................................. 135 19.4 Communication 3C Groups ............................................................................................. 136 19.5 Communication Speed Keys ........................................................................................... 137 20.0 3Cs: Checklist Management ................................................................................................ 138 20.1 Checklist Item Table ......................................................................................................... 139 20.2 Checklist Function Item Table ......................................................................................... 140 20.3 Checklist Table .................................................................................................................. 141 20.4 Tracking Group Table ....................................................................................................... 142 20.5 Checklist 3C Groups ......................................................................................................... 143 21.0 3Cs: Comment Management .............................................................................................. 144 21.1 Comment Category Table ................................................................................................ 144 21.2 Comment 3C Groups ........................................................................................................ 145 22.0 3C Engine.............................................................................................................................. 146 22.1 3C Engine Event Definition .............................................................................................. 147 22.2 Trigger Prompt Table ........................................................................................................ 148 22.3 Trigger Definition ............................................................................................................... 148 22.4 3C Engine Event 3C Groups ........................................................................................... 150 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 7 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 23.0 SEVIS ..................................................................................................................................... 151 24.0 Appendix A - Setting up PeopleSoft HRMS Data Permission Security ................................. 152 Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 8 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 1.0 Introduction This document contains the configuration decisions made and values to be used in deployment of the Campus Community of the Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 application. As such, all additional documentation must be in agreement with the related items described herein. Should conflict arise with information contained in another document, the data in this document shall be considered valid and that of the other shall be deemed incorrect. Any changes to the information in this document should be entered as dated additions. No information should be deleted once initial configuration has been completed. The order of the configuration tables presented in this document adheres to the table setup sequence required to successfully set up all tables. Your academic structure must be clearly defined before implementing other Campus Solutions: Campus Community, Admissions, Student Records, Academic Advisement, Financial Aid and Student Financials. All other modules are dependent on the basic structure set up for your institution. In general, the CS 9.0 Configuration Guides should be setup in the following order: Academic Structure Campus Community Demographic Data Access The guide listed in bold is the guide you are working on now. This guide contains a brief description of any issues and /or recommended approaches for the table setups. In addition to this documentation, please refer to the appropriate sections in PeopleBooks for additional details for configuring and maintaining the CS product. 2.0 Tables Contained Within This Process The chart below is being provided as a quick reference for listing the Campus Solutions General and Shared and Campus Community configuration tables identified in this document and to confirm table ownership. Table Name (PS Name) Text Name (Descriptive) Owner INSTALLATION_TBL Installation Table (HR) TBD COUNTRY__TBL Country Table TBD STATE_DEFN State Definition TBD REG_REGION_TBL Regulatory Region Table TBD Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 9 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Table Name (PS Name) Text Name (Descriptive) Owner INSTALL_PERSON_TBL Person Object Installation Table TBD SETID_TBL Table Set IDs TBD REC_GROUP_TBL Record Group Table TBD BUS_UNIT_TBL_HR Business Unit Table TBD COMPANY_TBL Company Table TBD LOCATION_TBL Location Address TBD ESTAB_TBL Establishment Table TBD DEPT_TBL Department Table TBD PSTREEMGR Tree Manager (DEPT_SECURITY) TBD NID_TYPE_TBL National ID Type (SSN) TBD NAME_TYPE_TBL Name Type TBD TITLE_TBL Name Title TBD SUPPORT_DOC_TBL Supporting Documents TBD HOLIDAY_TBL Holiday Schedule TBD HOLIDAY_DATE_TBL Holiday Date Table TBD SCHOOL_TBL Schools TBD VISA_PERMIT_TBL Visa/Permits Table TBD INSTALLATION_SA Student Administration Installation TBD NAME_SUFFIX_TBL Name Suffix TBD ADM_FUNCTION_TBL Administration Function Table TBD CIP_CODE_TBL CIP Code Table TBD HEGIS_CODE_TBL HEGIS Code Table TBD BLDG_TBL Building Table TBD ROOM_CHRSTC_TBL Room Characteristics Table TBD FACILITY_TBL Facility Table TBD FACILITY_CMPNT_TBL Facility Components Table TBD FACILITY_CHRSTC_TBL Facility Characteristics Table TBD UNIT_CONVR_TBL Unit Conversion Table TBD PERS_MSK_CFG Demographic Data Access TBD HCR_SM_RULE_TBL Search/Match Rules TBD HCR_SM_PARM_TBL Search/Match Parameters TBD HCR_SM_RSLT_FLDS_TBL Search/Match Results Fields TBD HCR_SM_RESULT_TBL Search/Match Results TBD SCHOOL_TYPE_TBL School Type Table TBD CITIZEN_STATUS Citizen Status TBD Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 10 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Table Name (PS Name) Text Name (Descriptive) Owner OPR_DEF_TBL User Defaults Table TBD STUDY_FIELD_TBL Field of Study Table TBD ADDR_USAGE_TBL Address Usage Table TBD NAME)TYPE_DFLT_TBL Name Type Defaults TBD NAME_USAGE_TBL Name Usage Table TBD PHONE_USAGE_TBL Phone Usage Table TBD SALUTATION_TBL Salutation Table TBD LOC_ADDR_TBL Location Address Table TBD EXTRA_ACTIVITY_TBL Extracurricular Activity Table TBD FERPA_CONTROL FERPA Controls TBD SALU_TYPE_TBL Joint Salutation Type Table TBD EXT_ORG_TBL External Organization Table TBD SCC_NAICS_TBL NAICS Codes TBD EVENT_TYPE_TBL Event Type Table TBD INSTALLATION_CC Campus Community Installation TBD RESOURCE_CODE_TBL Resource Code Type Table TBD STAFF_CODE_TBL Staff Code Type Table TBD MTG_TMPL Event Template TBD TRGR_PROMPT_TBL Trigger Prompt Table TBD EXTORGCDTYPE_TBL External Code Type Table TBD EPS_MRKT_CD_TBL EPS Market Code Table TBD MAR_STATUS_TBL Relationship/Marital Status TBD IMMUNIZATION_TBL Immunization Table TBD RELATIONSHIP_TBL Relationship Table TBD SCC_STN_LTR_TBL Standard Letter Table TBD CMNT_CATG_TBL Comment Category Table TBD GRP_3C_TBL 3C Update/Inquiry Group Table TBD CMNT_GRP_3C_TBL Comment 3C Groups TBD TEACK_GRP_TBL Tracking Group Table TBD COMM_CTXT_TBL Communication Context Table TBD INST_PUB_TBL Institution Publications Table TBD INST_AFFIL_TBL Legacy Table TBD COMM_CATG_TBL Communication Category Table TBD COMM_GRP_3C_TBL Communication 3C Groups Table TBD INST_CATG_TBL Publication Categories Table TBD Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 11 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Table Name (PS Name) Text Name (Descriptive) Owner SERVICE_IMPACT_TBL Service Impacts Table TBD SRVC_IND_CD_TBL Service Indicator Table TBD SRVC_IND_RSN_TBL Service Indicator Reason Table TBD COMMITTEE_SETUP Committee Setup Table TBD CS_CHK_ITEM_TBL Checklist Item Table TBD CHK_FUNCTION_TBL Checklist Item Function Table TBD CS_CHKLST_TBL Checklist Table TBD CS_CHKLST_3CGRP_TBL Checklist 3C Groups TBD COMM_SPDKEY_TBL Communications Speed Key Table TBD SCC_CG_DTASRC Communication Data Source TBD EVNT_3CS_SETUP Event Definition TBD TRGR_3CS_ON_SETUP_TBL Trigger Definition Table TBD ORG_CNTCT_TYPE_TBL Contact Type Table TBD ORG_RCP_USAGE_TBL Organization Recipient Usage Table TBD EXT_ORG_TBL External Organization Table TBD EXT_ORG_TBL_REG External Organization Regional Table TBD ORG_LOCTIONS_TBL Organization Locations Table TBD ORG_DEPARTMETNS_TBL Organization Departments Table TBD ORG_CONTACTS_TBL Organization Contacts Table TBD SPCGPS_TYPE_TBL Special GPA Type Table TBD EXT_ORG_AFFLTN_TBL External Organization Affiliation Table TBD EXT_ORG_CODES External Organization Codes TBD SCHOOL_SUBJECTS_TBL School Subject Maintenance Table TBD SCHOOL_COURSES_TBL School Course Classification Table TBD RESID_EXCPT_TBL Residency Exception Table TBD RESIDENCY_TABLE Residency Table TBD US_SIC_TBL Standard Industry Table TBD US_SOC_TBL Standard Occupation Table TBD SCC_EXT_SYS_TBL Define External Systems Table TBD HEALTH_TEST_TBL Health Test Table TBD SA_HONORS_AWARDS Honors and Awards Table TBD ATHL_PART_TBL Athletic Participation Table TBD SCC_SUM_CFG Student Service Center Setup Table TBD SEVIS _SETUPS SEVIS Setups Table TBD SEV_COUNTRY_MAP Country Mapping Table TBD Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 12 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Table Name (PS Name) Text Name (Descriptive) Owner SEV_VISA_MAP Visa Mapping Table TBD SEV_SUFFIX_TBL Suffix Mapping Table TBD SEV_EVENT_TYPE_TBL SEVIS Event Types Table TBD SEV_FILE_ERROR_TBL SEVIS File Errors Table TBD SEV_SCHL_CD_TBL SEVIS School Code Type Table TBD SEV_DOS_TBL Dept of State Post code Table TBD SEV_POE_TBL Port of Entry Table TBD SEV_FEE_TBL Fee Code Table TBD SEV_I20_TMPLT I-20 Template TBD SEV_LVL_VISA_TBL Visa/Level of Education Map TBD SEV_PRG_SP_TBL SEVIS Program Sponsor Table TBD SEV_INT_ORG_TBL International Organization Table TBD SEV_POS_CD_TBL Position Code Table TBD SEV_SITE_ACT_TBL Site of Activity Table TBD SEV_AGEN_CD_TBL US Government Agency Code Table TBD SEV_EV_TERM_RSN J Visa Termination Reasons Table TBD 3.0 List of Translate Tables Important to Campus Community Following are the crucial translate tables that you will need to examine as you are setting up your Academic Structure. Translate Table Pre-requisite to Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 13 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Translate Table 4.0 Pre-requisite to Initial Campus Community Setup There are several settings on the system's installation pages that you should review before setting up any of the Campus Solutions applications. Specifically, you should review settings that point the system to the applications that you have installed, settings that begin and maintain incremental numbering, and settings that define basic default values throughout the system. It is a good idea to review the country codes and country address formats defined on the installation pages, too. If any of these settings are not correct or do not reflect the institution's design decisions, you could experience problems getting the system to operate properly. 4.1 Campus Community Installation Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Install > Campus Community Installation Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 14 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 15 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 16 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 4.2 Student Administration Installation Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Install > Student Administration Installation Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 17 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Each field on this page is automatically incremented or automatically appears by default throughout the system. Set the last used numbers so that automatic numbering does not create numbers that already exist in the data. If you want the increments of any of these fields to start at a number other than zero, enter that number on this page before you do anything else in the system. The SA Features tab includes regionally specific setups. 5.0 Required HRMS Setup The Campus Solutions application was originally built upon the Human Resources platform. While efforts have been made over several released to separate the dependencies that CS has on HR setup, there are a number of elements that CS shares with the setup of HR. Even though *UNIV* will not be implementing PeopleSoft HR, there are is required setup within the HR application that must be done in order for CS to function properly 5.1 Country Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Country Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 18 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.2 State/Province PeopleSoft delivers the State or Province Table with all states, provinces, and equivalent geographical entities (such as Dutch communities and French departments) for all supported countries. The codes are based on standard postal codes. PeopleSoft updates this table with each version. Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > State/Province Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 19 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.3 Regulatory Regions Regulatory regions are specific to HR, but are required setup for the base function of Campus Solutions Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Regulatory Region Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 20 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.4 Regional Transactions Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Regional Transactions > [STANDARD] Decisions / Recommendations Only the Regulatory Region of USA will be used at *UNIV* It is not necessary to remove other countries that appear in this list Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 21 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.5 Installation Table – Country Specific Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Installation Table > Country Specific [tab] Decisions / Recommendations *UNIV* will only use the USA regional settings. Be sure the “USA – United States” box is checked. After saving you will see a message notifying you that you will need to bounce the server for this change to take effect. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 22 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.6 (Regulatory) Global Security Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Security > Component and Page Security > Setup Global Security This is the next step in setting up Regions for Campus Community. The purpose is to assign the country code to the Primary Permission list. While most educational institutions will not us multi-country regional settings, this is required setup if not only to enable the US regional functions (i.e. Ethnicity) Decisions / Recommendations This setup will need to be done for EACH Primary Permission List. Enable the security for each Country/Region; for *UNIV*, only USA will be used. In this example, HCPPALL is being enabled This will need to be setup for each Primary Permission List. NOTE: Users will need to log out after this setup for changes to take effect. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 23 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project NOTE: When creating your Ethnic Groups, you must first enter the (1) “USA” Regulatory Region in order for the (2) EEO Ethnic Category field to appear. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 24 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.7 Installation Table – Last ID Assigned Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Installation Table > Last ID Assigned [tab] Decisions / Recommendations This page will not be defined at this time. It will be updated at go-live Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 25 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.8 TableSet IDs Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > TableSet IDs Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 26 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.9 Business Unit Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization > Business Unit Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 27 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations One Business Unit will be set up at *UNIV*: _____ This will be set up in Academic Structure Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 28 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.10 Establishment Data Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization > Establishment Decisions / Recommendations One Establishment ID will be set up at *UNIV*: *UNIV* This will be setup in Academic Structure Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 29 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.11 Company Setup Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization > Company Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 30 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Setting up “Company” is primarily an HR requirement. While CS will not use Company, it is necessary to set one up for the sole reason of creating defaults that will assist in data entry, even within Campus Solutions. The setup of the Company location as shown above. In order to set this up, the Location SetID, Location and a Default SetID must be previously defined. 5.12 Organization Defaults by Permission List Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization > Org Defaults by Permission List Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 31 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Setting up “Defaults” for CS is done only to provide the convenience enabling defaults when navigating to pages that use these values. These defaults are assigned to a Primary Permission List, which in turn is assigned to a user. This is added convenience to *UNIV* since they will not be implementing HR and there will only be one Business Unit, SetID, Company, currency, etc. Though it is not a required setup, if used, it will need to be set up for each Primary Permission List. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 32 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.13 Defining Regulatory Region Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Regional Transactions > [STANDARD] Decisions / Recommendations *UNIV* will use the USA regulatory Region under the STANDARD Regulatory Transaction. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 33 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.14 Create Department Security Tree Even though *UNIV* will not be using the HR application, HR Departments will need to be defined (This is different than the Academic Department setup that Student Records will do). Student Records may initiate this setup, though it is the responsibility for Campus Community to ensure its accuracy and subsequent security setup. For the needs of CS, these HR Departments are used in the setup of: Service Indicators * Academic Organization 3Cs * Required Navigation and Description Navigation Description Tree Manager > Tree Manager > [DEPT_SECURITY] Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 34 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The Tree Name will be set as ____ The top, parent node must be ALL_DEPTS The subsequent child nodes shown above will be set up for *UNIV* 5.15 Define Security by Department Tree After setting up the DEPT_SECURITY tree, security settings must be defined to enable user access the referenced departments by linking defined nodes of the tree to a Primary Permission List(s). Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 35 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Setup HRMS > Security > Core Row Level Security > Security by Dept Tree Decisions / Recommendations For initial setup purposes, the HCDPALL Row Security Permission List will be granted access to ALL_DEPTS This will need to be setup for each Row Security Permission List. While this setup table links the HR departments to the Row Security Permission List, a process must be run (see next step) that activates the security link to users. This is a required process to enable the security Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 36 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 5.16 Security Join Table (SJT) Processes Following the Department Security Tree Setup, the Security Join Table (SJT) processes must be run to activate the department security links with the assigned Primary Permission Lists. NOTE: This process will need to be run every time the DEPT_SECURITY tree is updated, when new Permission Lists are created and updated in the Security by Dept Tree table. Process 1 Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Security > Core Row Level Security > Security by Dept Tree Decisions / Recommendations For initial setup purposes, the HCDPALL Security Row Permission List will be granted access to ALL_DEPTS While this setup table links the HR departments to a Primary Permission List, a process must be run (see next step) that activates the security link to users. This is a required process to enable the security Process 2 Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Security > Core Row Level Security > Refresh Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 37 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project SJT_CLASS_ALL Decisions / Recommendations Process 3 Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Security > Core Row Level Security > Refresh SJT_OPR_CLS Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 38 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Process 4 Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Security > Core Row Level Security > Nightly SJT Refresh Process #1 #2 Decisions / Recommendations This process is run twice with different Transaction Sec. Join Tables as shown above. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 39 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project For more information on on HRMS data permission Security, See Appendix A “Setting up PeopleSoft HRMS data permission security”. 6.0 Campus Community Security 6.1 Demographic Data Access Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > Permission List > Demographic Data Access With DDA security, you can mask the display of national ID and birthdate data in search records, prompt records, and on the Bio/Demo Data and the Relationships pages if these pages have display-only security. You can mask the entire fields or the first five characters of the national ID field or the year of the birthdate field. You can apply masking to one, both, or neither field. No matter which masking configuration you use, users can search on the entire national ID field. To apply DDA security, you define masking configurations for all primary permission lists and assign a primary permission list to each user ID as part of his or her User Profile. For example, suppose a primary permission list assigned to a user ID is named ALLPANLS. You might not want national IDs to appear throughout the system for this permission list, but you do want partial birthdates to appear. You would access the Demographic Data Access setup page and insert a row for the ALLPANLS permission list. In that row, you would configure the system to 1) mask the entire national ID, and 2) to display a partial birthdate field (masking the year). You must then run the Demographic Data Access (MSK_CFG) process to replace data in the masking configuration table with the masking configuration that you defined and to apply the new configuration to each user to whom that permission list is assigned. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 40 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project In the example, after running the Demographic Data Access process, each user whose primary permission list is ALLPANLS will not see national IDs on search pages or prompts, but they will see the birth month and day where birthdates appear. The masking configuration for the primary permission list to which a user is assigned also controls how national ID and birthdate data appear on the Bio/Demo Data page (SCC_BIO_DEMO_PERS) and the Relationships page (RELATIONSHIPS) throughout the system. To set up DDA— security, you must assign a primary permission list to each user ID, grant administrative access to components for managing DDA, and define masking configurations for each primary permission list. The DDA assignment involves two steps: 1. Define the primary permission lists and the masking configuration assigned 2. Run the DDA Process to apply these changes globally IMPORTANT NOTE: All Campus Solutions search records and prompts depend on DDA security. You must therefore assign a primary permission list to each user, even to those who do not need the national ID and the birthdate fields masked. If you do not do this and then run the process, your users will not receive any search results. Decisions / Recommendations <At this point, access has been given to the HCPPALL permission list. As the project progresses it will be determine the needs for open or more restrictive demographic access> Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 41 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 6.2 Demographic Data Access Process Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > Process > Demographic Data Access You must run the Demographic Data Access (MSK_CFG) process to replace data in the masking configuration table with the masking configuration that you defined and to apply the new configuration to each user to whom that permission list is assigned. If a user has more than one permission list and therefore has both add/update and display-only access to a masked page, the least restrictive setting (add/update) takes precedent and masking is not applied. Note. The process applies the masking configuration only for permission lists that are used as “primary” permission lists. Therefore if you assign a User ID a primary permission list that was not used as primary the last time the DDA process was run, you will need to run the process again. If run the process, your users will not receive any search results. Decisions / Recommendations <At this point, access has been given to the HCPPALL permission list. As the project progresses it will be determine the needs for open or more restrictive demographic access> 7.0 Names 7.1 Name Types Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 42 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up HRMS> Foundation Tables> Personal > Name Type Define Name Types to use when adding a new person ID. Primary and preferred are the delivered values. Clearly define your types, minimize the number of types created, and manage name type creation centrally (by committee, for example) to maintain consistency of data. Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 43 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 7.2 Name Type Defaults Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > Name Type Defaults Define name types to create by default when adding a new person ID. Primary is required and preferred is recommended. Other types may be added. Decisions / Recommendations 7.3 *UNIV* will configure the system as shown in the screen shot above. Name Usage Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > Name Usage Table Your database can contain many different name types for each person. Use the Name Usage Table to define the hierarchy of name types your institution wants the system to use. For example, depending upon the circumstances, you might want your system to always use the full name in official correspondence or the first name in email correspondence. You can use the Name Usage table to set up the types of names you want to use in specific instances. The whole name is used for the address block and envelope; the first name is used for the salutation. A typical basic name usage set up includes: Full Name:(1) Primary (2) Preferred; Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 44 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Full Name:(1) Preferred (2) Primary; First Name:(1) Primary (2) Preferred; and First Name: (1) Preferred (2) Primary. Enter a Description and Short Description for the name usage you are creating. Select a Type of Name and Part of Name that should be the first name tried for this name usage. The Usage Order is automatically filled in for you. The Name Usage Table is a fundamental table shared across all applications in PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions. Coordinate carefully with other departments to define and update the Name Usage table to ensure that these values meet the needs across your institution Decisions / Recommendations 7.4 Name Prefixes Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Prefix The Name Prefix Table enables you to enter all of the name prefixes used by your institution. Name Prefixes are shipped with your system, but you can add more prefixes if necessary. Enter a Description and a Short Description for the name prefix you are adding. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 45 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 7.5 Name Suffixes Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Suffix The Name Suffix Table enables you to enter all of the name suffixes used by your institution. Name Suffixes are not delivered. When using names, you may choose from the list of suffixes you set up here or you can simply enter the suffix you want to use as part of the name. Suffixes are shared with HRMS and setup is completed in an HRMS table. Enter a Description and a Short Description for the name suffix you are adding. Name suffixes are optional. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 46 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 7.6 Salutations and Joint Salutations Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > Salutation Table You can set up salutations and salutation types for use in generating communications. The salutation types that you define are available for use on the Joint Communication Management page in the Relationship component. You can reduce joint communications data entry by setting fields within a salutation type to define how two names will appear in the address and the greeting of a joint communication. Decisions / Recommendations . Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 47 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 7.7 Joint Communication Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > Joint Salutation Type Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 48 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Define salutation types to make available for joint communications. The Joint Communication Management page (in the Relationships component) and the Name Usage page use the salutation types created here. Also use salutation setup to maintain consistent use of a salutation type, assuring that all users entering data for joint communications use the same rules to enter the names. 8.0 Addresses 8.1 Country Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Country Table Tab 1: Country Description Tab 2: Address Format Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 49 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Tab 3: Valid Address Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 50 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project On many pages in PeopleSoft Human Resources, a country appears as part of the address for a person, a company, or an office. Countries are represented as codes, such as USA for United States. In the Country field on any page, the system displays a default country code which will be set to USA. The Country Description page (COUNTRY_DEFN) includes an extensive list of predefined countries and codes delivered with your system. The page is updated with each version of PeopleSoft Human Resources according to the countries that are recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The country table includes Country description, address forma and valid address components. The Valid Address page stores state/province codes with corresponding cities, as entered on the State or Province Table page. When you select Enable Address Validation on the Address Format page, the system checks address entries against the values stored on the Valid Address page to verify that the city and state or province match. 8.2 State/Province Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > State/Province Decisions / Recommendations PeopleSoft delivers the State or Province Table with all states, provinces, and equivalent geographical entities (such as Dutch communities and French departments) for all supported countries. The codes are based on standard postal codes. PeopleSoft updates this table with each version. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 51 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 8.3 Regulatory Regions Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Install > Regulatory Region Decisions / Recommendations Regulatory Regions are delivered with your system and should not be modified. When a regulatory region is created, you must specify the country to which the region belongs. This enables country-specific edits even when a state-level or provincial-level region is used in a system transaction. Select a security access level from the list. Because most users may be working with only one, limited set of regulatory regions, this feature enables you to hide the other regulatory regions from the user. Will use setup as delivered. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 52 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 8.4 Address Type Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Address Type Decisions / Recommendations Enter address types and the order in which they are available. Home and Mail Address types are delivered values and should not be modified. Add additional address types as needed at your institution. Address Types are shared with HRMS and setup is completed in an HRMS table. Address Usage Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 53 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project People Processing > Setup > Address Usage Table Decisions / Recommendations The database can contain multiple addresses for each person. When sending correspondence, you need to be able to specify which of the addresses should be used. Use the Address Usage Table to set up the types of addresses you want to use in specific instances, and which address to use instead if no data exists for the previous selection. 8.5 Location Address Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > Location Address Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 54 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations You may use this table setup for campus addresses for your institution. This should not be confused with the setup of locations for off-campus instruction or off-campus job locations in HRMS. On-campus residence halls are an example of the Location Addresses that would be entered here. 8.6 Address Maintenance Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Address/Phones > Addresses Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 55 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The Address Maintenance page is used to update address, and address linkage data related to an individual in Campus Community. All of the setup completed for addresses will be used to maintain person address information in the system. Based on your setup of Campus Self Service, including the security for student role and the access you grant to students, a student can edit or delete an address in the Student Center. Configuration to accommodate the institution’s policies regarding a student’s ability to edit and update information is completed during setup of Campus Self Service. The screen below illustrates the Student Center page where students can maintain their own address information. 8.7 Maintaining Seasonal Addresses Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Address/Phones > Seasonal Addresses Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 56 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Some of your faculty, students or other constituents may relocate and work from a different address every summer. Maybe a student goes off complete some community service every winter break. You can use the Seasonal Address page to track temporary addresses that reoccur every year to remain in contact with individuals while they are away. Enter or select the specific Address Type for the seasonal address. The prompt box in the Address Type field will display the list of Address Types that exists in the system for this individual. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the dates during which this seasonal address should apply. When the end date occurs the first year, the system will automatically increase the dates by one year and reset the address for the next year. The setup required to maintain season addresses is complete. Via Campus Self Service, students, faculty and staff can maintain their own address changes for seasonal changes if you wish to grant this access. 8.8 Applying Seasonal Addresses Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Address/Phones > Seasonal Addresses Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 57 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Using the Seasonal Addresses feature, you can track temporary addresses to stay in contact with individuals while they are away. You enter the individual's seasonal address data with the appropriate begin and end dates. Then you run the seasonal addresses process to apply or remove the address, based on the begin and end dates. You can run the process to apply the seasonal address for a specific individual or you can run it to apply or remove all seasonal addresses between certain start and end dates. 8.9 Electronic (Email) Address Setup Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > E_ADDR_TYPE Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 58 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Use the Translate Value Maintenance page to update the Electronic Address (Email) types *UNIV* will use. The fieldname to update is: E_ADDR_TYPE. 8.10 Phone Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities> Administration> Translate Values> PHONE_TYPE Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 59 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Use the Translate Value Maintenance page to update the Phone Types *UNIV* will use. The fieldname to update is: PHONE_TYPE. 8.11 Phone Usage Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR >Product Related >Campus Community >Establish People Processing >Setup >Phone Usage Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 60 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 9.0 Biographic/Demographic Data 9.1 Define Ethnic Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Ethnic Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 61 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project NOTE: When creating your Ethnic Groups, you must first enter the (1) “USA” Regulatory Region in order for the (2) EEO Ethnic Category field to appear. Decisions / Recommendations >>> PeopleBooks indicates that ethnic groups are delivered, but none were delivered with this system. The categories were delivered and available to associate with the groups once the groups were set up. These categories are translate values (White, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and Not Specified) and should not be modified. You can create additional ethnic groups and associate them with existing ethnic categories to reflect the diversity in campus community. Setup will be as shown below: Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 62 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 9.2 Define Military Status Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > Field Name: MILITARY_STATUS Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 63 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 9.3 Language Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Product Related > Profile Management > Content Catalog > Content Items: LNG (languages) Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 64 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Over 50 languages are delivered. Set up is in HRMS. Additional languages may be added as needed. 9.4 People Relationship Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 65 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project PeopleTools> Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > Field Name: PEOPLE_RELATION Decisions / Recommendations Translate values that will define the relationship types *UNIV* will use. 9.5 Relationships Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Relationship Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 66 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The Relationship values are system values delivered with the Oracle application. The institution can determine which of these to use to create relationships that it would like to track. Reciprocal relationships can be identified between individuals in the system. The reciprocal relationship can be used to link addresses between individuals on the Addresses page. Reciprocal relationships can also be used to indicate which communications should be sent to the Communication Recipients identified on the Relationships page. Select the Limited Relationship check box to indicate that one person with the relationship of spouse should be in the system for this individual. The individual may have many former spouses, of course. However, if more than one Reciprocal Relation type of Spouse exists for this individual, the system will display an error message. The restriction checks both sides of the relationship and displays the appropriate messages. 9.6 Legacy Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR >Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Legacy Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 67 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The legacy table is used to define the types of legacy affiliations that individuals can have with the institution, such as alum or sponsor. It is sometimes set up to handle old converted records so that the relationship can be manually entered into PeopleSoft. 9.7 Relations with Institution Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Relationships > Relations with Institution Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 68 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project This table indicates that the individual currently has the associated relation to your institution, such as alumni, student, employee and recruiter. This information can be entered manually or updated by a population selection query or equation. Entering the data manually will override whatever automatic process is set up to update this table. It is important to clearly define each Relation with Institution type according to your institutional business processes so that the correct population is selected. Relations with Institution types are delivered with your system and should not be modified. However, you can choose which types to use from the delivered list, and you can write your own definitions for the delivered types according to your individual institutional needs 9.8 Updating Relations with Institution Navigation and Description Define the queries through query manager Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager Use the Query “QA_CS_CC_POP_INSTREL” as a template for building your queries specific to your updating needs. Setup User Population Security Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Admin > User ID > Population Update Security This is a security setup table that defines the user ID that is allowed to access specific Population Update records. The record for Relations with Institution is PERS_INST_REL. Specify access to the record Setup SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Setup Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 69 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project This page specifies the fields within the PERS_INST_REL record that will be updated. Be sure to add all the fields that will be needed to define and update all the relations with the institution required by your institution. Run the Population Update Process Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process The Population Selection Update process brings all the setup and parameters together to update the Relations With Institution page. For each variation of updates, you will need to create a specific Run Control ID. All Run Controls can be run as one batch. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 70 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 9.9 Religious Preference Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Religious Preference Table Decisions / Recommendations Some religious preference codes are delivered. You can create additional religious preference codes that are needed for your population. When you enter religious preferences for individuals, you can specify more than one. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 71 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 9.10 Standard Industry and Standard Occupation Classification Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Standard Industry Table or Standard Occupation Table Standard Industry Table Standard Occupation Table Decisions / Recommendations The Standard Industry (SIC) and Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) system is used by Federal statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. PeopleSoft delivers your system with SIC and SOC codes loaded in the table. These values are usually set up to track job codes in Human Resources or work history in Student Administration. 10.0 Identification Data Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 72 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 10.1 National ID Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS> Foundation Tables > Personal > National ID Type Decisions / Recommendations All countries track some form of national ID for payroll, identification, or benefits purposes. National identification number will be used to define the Social Security Number of Campus Community members. When you select a country code on any global page where you are entering a national ID, the system refers to the information defined on this page to enter a default national ID type (if selected) or to ensure that you select a valid one. The system also validates the national ID you enter against the format you specify here. If you don't enter the correct number of digits or letters for a country's national ID, the system displays a warning message. Within the setup of Campus Solutions, you will have the opportunity to apply additional security by setting masks to the SSN or other National IDs that are collected to shield the information from users. 10.2 External System ID Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Define External Systems Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 73 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Use the External System ID Table to set up a place to store IDs for conversion purposes or for storing IDs that require processing with external systems. *UNIV* will setup as needed by each module and during conversion 10.3 Residency Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Residency Table RESIDENCY_TBL Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 74 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Use the Resident Table page to set up codes representing the residency rules of your institution, such as in state, out of state, in district, out of district, etc. *UNIV* will use the following setup: 10.4 Residency Exception Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Residency Exception Table RESID_EXCPT_TBL Decisions / Recommendations Set up exceptions to the residency rules on the Residency Exception Table page. For example, some individuals might be exempt from out of state requirements because they are in the military, and this exemption reason could be set up and selected on this page. Exceptions are especially useful in tuition calculation as it pertains to out of state fees. 10.5 Citizenship Status Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Citizen Status Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 75 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Define the citizenship statuses you’ll need to track for various countries. For example, you may need to distinguish between a native, a naturalized citizen, or a permanent resident of a particular country. Country codes for which Citizen Status can be defined are delivered. *UNIV* will use the setup as shown above for Citizenship Status (note Campus Solutions comes delivered with additional citizenship status for other countries; *UNIV* will only use USA statuses). 10.6 Visa and Permits Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Visas/Permits Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 76 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 10.7 Supporting Documents Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Common Definitions > Letters and Documents > Supporting Documents Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 77 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Supporting documentation is often required as part of the requirements to issue a visa. This table allows the institution to set up codes for the types of documents required to obtain visas and permits for students, employees and their dependents, such as birth certificates, letters of employment, and marriage certificates. The supporting documents functionality that is delivered in HRMS does not take the place of the more powerful checklist functionality that is delivered in Campus Solutions. 11.0 Health Data Health data encompasses information about accommodations for disabilities, immunizations, health tests, and physical exam requirements. The amount of information collected depends on the institution’s business process. Requirements for immunizations and specific health tests may be a prerequisite for enrollment, for athletic participation, or for professional certification. Requirements can be tracked using the checklist functionality. There are other options for collecting health data for persons/students. 11.1 Diagnosis Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Monitoring > Health and Safety > Diagnosis Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 78 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project You can set up codes to identify injuries and illnesses and use them to monitor health and safety incidents. Physicians often use standard terminology to describe the results of their examinations. You can set up the same standard codes, such as those that the American Medical Association has established, or enter your own institution-specific codes. 11.2 Accommodation Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Accommodation Type Decisions / Recommendations Set up codes for the types of accommodations that your institution makes for individuals with health restrictions and disabilities. This setup is completed in HRMS and shared with campus community. 11.3 Immunizations Status Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > [STATUS_IMMUN] Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 79 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Update Translate Values to identify the immunizations status that *UNIV* will record when updating a student’s MMR record. *UNIV* will use translate values as shown above 11.4 Immunizations Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Immunization Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 80 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Set up codes to identify the immunizations that your institution requires or that students choose to report. You can use these codes to record and track immunization history. 11.5 Health Tests Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Health Test Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 81 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations There are other options for collecting health data for persons/students. The Health Exams component includes the ability to record data on Audiometric Exams, Eye Exams, Physical Exams, and Respiratory Exams. In addition to collecting data specific to each of these health exams, the institution can add free form comments that might be used to record diagnosis of various types of ailments. 12.0 Participation Data 12.1 Athletic Participation Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Athletic Participation Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 82 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Athletic Participation allows the institution to set codes that describe whether an athlete was recruited, a walk-on, red-shirted, a manager, etc. The checkboxes indicate whether the status results in current participation and whether the status makes the athlete NCAA Eligible. In order to make all sports that are relevant to your institution appear as options in the athletic participation table, review the translate values in the SPORT table at PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > SPORT. 12.2 Athletic/Sport Translate Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > Field Name: SPORT Decisions / Recommendations In order to make all sports that are relevant to your institution appear as options in the athletic participation table, review the translate values in the SPORT table. 12.3 Extra Curricular Activity Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > Field Name: EXTRA_ACTVTY_TYPE Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 83 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Translate value that groups Extracurricular activity codes 12.4 Extra Curricular Office Held Status Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > Field Name: OFFICE_HELD Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 84 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Translate value that indicates office held (status) when recording a student’s Extracurricular activity. 12.5 Extra Curricular Activities Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Extracurricular Activity Table EXTRACUR_ACTVTY Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 85 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations All of the sports and activities that a student/person might participate in can be created in the Extracurricular Activities table. The setup on this table dictates how and where the values are displayed in Campus Community. 12.6 Honors and Awards Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Set Up > Honors and Awards Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 86 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Honors and awards include internal and external awards that you want to record for students. With honor and award codes and rules, you can create sets of guidelines for every academic career within your institution. You can then use these codes and rules to assign honors and awards to students, either by running the Acad Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD) through the Academic Standing/Honors and Awards page to evaluate students’ honors and awards, or, by entering honor/award codes directly onto a student’s record through the Honors and Awards page. 12.7 Licenses and Certifications Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set up HRMS > Product Related > Profile Management > Content Catalog > Content Items > where Content Item = LIC. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 87 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations You can set up licenses and certifications, such as Public Accountant, Nurse Administrator, Teaching Certificate or Safety Recognition Program, to track the achievements of individuals in your campus community. 12.8 Memberships Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Profile Management > Content Catalog > Content Items >, where Content Item = MEM Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 88 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations You can set up memberships such as the American Marketing Association, Registered Nurses Association, or Toastmasters, to track the memberships of individuals in your campus community. 12.9 Student Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Student Group Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 89 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Student groups enable you to define groups of similar students at a high level, such as athletes, student body officers, or honor students. An emplid must be tied to a career in order for you to use the student group functionality. Creating groups of students enables you to track and use the students within a group for campus-wide processing, such as billing, academic advising, or financial aid awarding. You can only assign students from the same institution to a student group. Student group security enables you to assign student groups to a user ID. Mass assignment is available for student groups. The process incorporates population selection along with the ability to assign individual IDs for student group assignment. 12.10 Securing Student Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > User ID > Student Group Security Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 90 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Student group security enables you to assign student groups to a user ID. At least one user ID should have update access to a student group for assignment and processing purposes. Mass assignment allows a user to create, or update multiple students using a single run control process. Mass assignment is now available for student groups. The process incorporates population selection along with the ability to assign individual ID's for student group assignment. 13.0 Organization Data 13.1 Organization Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Define Organization Data > Organization Group Table Decisions / Recommendations Group types and codes within each group type enable you to group similar organizations at a high level and further define them into specific categories. For example, in admissions, you can group organizations according to their academic quality by setting up a high-level group type of Academic Quality. Within that group type, you can further identify each organization in the group by assigning group codes of Below Average, Average, and Highly Competitive. Organization Group Types of Academic Quality, Feeder School and Magnet School are delivered as translate values. Additional ‘types’ can be added to that list to expand the data collected regarding external organizations. Once created, the Org Group type can be further defined by adding additional details. You can attach an organization group to an organization at Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Affiliation. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 91 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 13.2 Proprietorship Navigation and Description Navigation Description PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Translate Values > [PROPRIETORSHIP] Decisions / Recommendations Proprietorship defines the type of school being defined. 13.3 External System ID Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Define External Systems Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 92 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Use the External System ID Table to set up a place to store IDs for conversion purposes or for storing IDs that require processing with external systems. 13.4 Contact Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Define Organization Data > Contact Type Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 93 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations You can set up the types of contact persons typically available to your institution. Contact types help you to identify the role of the contact person at each organization in your database. Contact type is used on the Contact Detail page to further identify a specific contact at an organization. Navigate to Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Contacts > Contact Detail 13.5 External Organization Code Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Define Organization Data > External Org Code Type Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 94 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Load or set up external agency codes to make them available to associate with organizations. For example, if your institution loads Enrollment Planning Service (EPS) market codes, the load process enters each code on the External Organization Code Type table. Those codes are then available for you to assign to organizations on the Organization External Codes page. 13.6 External Subjects Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Define Organization Data > External Subject Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 95 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations External subjects are general subject areas that you define for the purpose of categorizing external courses. Set up external subject categories to broadly identify the subjects offered at external institutions. Use those categories to identify which institutions offer courses in those subjects. For example, perhaps one of the entrance requirements at your institution is four years of high school English. Various high schools offer classes titled 17th Century English Literature, Mystery Writers of America, and A Journey through Time with Shakespeare. When these classes appear on a student's transcript they may not readily translate as English courses. If you create a broad external subject of English, you can assign these courses to it to help track your institution's core English requirements. You can also use this page to specify the external subject as an Academic Interest, which would allow you to track the academic interests of prospects, applicants and current students for recruiting and advising purposes, especially if you do not offer a formalized program or plan in the external subject area. 13.7 External Terms Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Define Organization Data > External Term Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 96 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations When you track information regarding external institutions for a prospect, applicant, or student, you should know the specific term to which that information is related. For example, when you enter external transcript or external transfer credit information, you should record the term to which the transcript information pertains. Because external institutions use various term structures, possible terms should be available to help identify that particular organization's term structure. Some external terms are redefined translate values. Review these values to verify whether they meet your institution's needs and create others if necessary. You can also set up how you want the system to convert external term sessions to your term structure. 13.8 School Types Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > External Education > School Type Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 97 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations School types are another way that the system categorizes external organization material. School organizations are those that you’ll probably use the most in Recruiting and Admissions. Assign school types to an organization on the School Data page in the Organization Table component. 13.9 External Organization Type Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Organization Processing > External Organization Type Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 98 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The External Organization Type Table page defines the business structure of an organization used by an institution such as Business, Non-Profit, School, Foundation, Knowledge or Other. It also sets up the dynamic links to the various pages that a user would complete for data entry for the organization type. A number of organization types are predefined and are most useful when using SEARCH/MATCH to locate an organization in the database. 13.10 External GPA Type Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > External Education > External GPA Type Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 99 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Define GPA types for external education data, for use in evaluating transfer credit from other schools and for high school grade point average tracking. Here is where you will want to document unusual grade point scales like 5 point or 20 point scales, as well as set up the typical 4 point scale. You must set up at least one external grade point scale in order to affiliate an organization group with an organization. 13.11 Organization Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organizations > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 100 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 101 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Organizations can include high schools, colleges or universities, community or civic groups, government entities, test and transcript data companies, office supply vendors, and so on. You can create a record for each organization and enter the location of the organization with telephone numbers and electronic addresses. You can enter persons at the organization with whom your institution maintains contact and specify the primary location, department, and contact person that your institution should use. For schools, you can identify the subjects and courses that they offer, the types of transcripts they generate, and their term, grading, and credit structure. Maintaining this information helps to convert their information into an equivalent at your institution so you can evaluate it according to your requirements. To add an organization to your system, create an organization record on the Organization Table page. When you enter data and save the record, the system assigns the next available sequential organization ID to that organization and adds the record to your database. That ID remains associated with the organization unless you change or delete it. You can use the organization name or its unique ID to access the record and update the organization information and specify primary contacts, locations, departments and so on. When an organization is also a school or other institution that offers courses, you can identify and track the subject areas that the organization offers and the specific courses that it offers within that subject area. Maintaining subject and course data is especially valuable when evaluating transcripts from other institutions. You can identify items that are important to your institution's academic affiliations with organizations, including their grading structure and the types of transcripts that they generate. Maintaining this information helps you convert their information into an equivalent at your institution so that you can evaluate. 13.12 Organization Contacts Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Contacts Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 102 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations The institution can create and communicate with multiple contacts at external organizations. Each contact can be individually identified by name, job title, effective date and status. Additional Contact Details includes contact history, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses for each individual contact at the organization. Using the Communications Generation functionality delivered in CS 9.0 the institution can target unique, personalized communications for different groups at these external organizations. For example, admissions information could be targeted for school counselors or advisors; alumni information could be sent to school principals. Organization contact uses data from other setups in Campus Community 13.13 Organization Departments Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Departments Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 103 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations After adding an organization to your database, you can enter information about an organization's various department names, locations, and email addresses. You can enter as many departments for an organization as you need. You can enter information about the department directly from the menu item Organization Departments or from the Organization Table page. After you enter this information, you can specify the primary department for this organization. 13.14 Organization Location Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Location Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 104 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Create or update locations for your external organizations. You can also capture electronic addresses and phone numbers on this page. 14.0 Event Planning You can use your system to help plan and manage campus events. A set of meetings comprises one overall event, and each meeting can have resources and staff assigned to it. For example, you could create an event called College Fair. Your template might include meetings such as a browse session and a number of college prep workshops. You can identify the required resources for each meeting (tables, chairs, brochures, banners, and so on), and assign and schedule the responsible staff. College fairs tend to be recurring events, and each of the meetings might need the same resources and staff each time. You can create a College Fair event template to make it easier to regularly plan and manage this type of event. You can also use the template to plan similar events. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 105 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Courses are also events. You use event planning to assign classrooms, identify faculty, and schedule equipment for courses. You can use your system to get accurate counts of how many attendees you invited to an event, how many plan to attend, and how many actually attended. You can identify attendees who are in your database versus those who are not. You can also add guests as attendees and associate them with the host attendee who invited them. Tracking guest information this way is especially useful in social situations. For example, if an attendee invites two coworkers who you know are key figures in the local community, you do not have to remember which attendee works with and invited them, you can check the list of attendees to find out. You can use your system to get accurate counts of how many attendees you invited to an event, how many plan to attend, and how many actually attended. Decisions / Recommendations 15.0 FERPA The FERPA privacy control functionality is named for the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulation. However, anyone can use the functionality to set privacy controls in PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions. The delivered FERPA control setups need careful review by the *UNIV* staff to determine what works and what additional privacy data needs to be created. Administrators can add FERPA restrictions to a student record or the institution can push that ability out to students and faculty via the Student Center and the Faculty Center. 15.1 FERPA Controls Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Establish People Processing > Setup > FERPA Control Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 106 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations To comply with FERPA, you must, at minimum, make directory information available for privacy control. You must review the FERPA_VW records in your system and configure them to reflect the type of information that your institution uses as directory information. The fields shipped on each FERPA_VW record that is delivered with your system, are examples of that type of directory information. If the shipped examples do not reflect your institution's directory information, you should modify the relevant FERPA_VW records and other objects to adjust the data accordingly. You can specify additional fields on existing FERPA_VW records to include more information within the same FERPA-controlled category (address, names, personal Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 107 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project information, and so on). You can also use PeopleSoft Application Designer (see your PeopleTools documentation) to do the following: Create and add new FERPA_VW records to add new categories to your system's FERPA control. You must create a FERPA_VW record for each new category and modify the following to accommodate the new record: 15.2 Institution Publications Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Institution Publications Decisions / Recommendations You can make publication categories available for exceptions to FERPA privacy restrictions. Students can then elect to permit your institution to release otherwise restricted data for publication in certain types of publications created for your institution. For example, a student might restrict the release of her name, home address, and phone number but permit you to include it in your internal student community directory. 15.3 Publication Categories Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 108 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Setup > Publication Categories Decisions / Recommendations Organize your institution's publications into categories that you can make available for exception to an individual's FERPA restrictions 16.0 Service Indicators Use service indicators to provide or limit access to services at your institution for an individual or organization. Service indicators can be holds that prevent an individual or organization from receiving certain services or positive indicators that designate special services to be provided. Service indicators consist of one or more impact values that identify the types of specific services that are restricted or provided. Examples of negative service indicators include no check cashing privileges, enrollment verification or transcript holds, and denied registration for classes. Positive service indicators include check cashing privileges, front-of-line service, use of the gym, special services for disabled students, and so on. You might define a positive service impact to permit specific students to receive their student identification cards earlier than the remainder of the student body. You might define a negative service impact that prevents specific students from receiving their student identification cards until, for example, they submit past-due enrollment deposits. Service indicators are displayed on the page as Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 109 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project (Negative Service Indicator) (Positive Service Indicator) You can review service indicators in several ways. You can click the service indicator buttons or use menu navigation to access the Manage Service Indicators page, where you can review a list of service indicators currently assigned to an ID. You can also access the Service Indicator Audits page, where you can configure a search for any service indicator information that you want to review. For example, you can specify an ID whose service indicator details you want to review and search for that list; you can specify a service indicator and search for all IDs to whom the indicator is assigned; you can specify an ID and search for all service indicators assigned by that individual; and many other configurations. The search results provide data that identifies the date and time the service indicator was added or deleted and the ID of the user who added or deleted it. Based on institutional configuration of Campus Self Service, students can also view their own active service indicator information on the self-service Holds page. 16.1 Service Indicator Impacts Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Impact Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 110 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 111 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project To use the PeopleSoft-delivered services that are related to service impacts (such as blocking enrollment), you must set up but never modify the service impact codes in the table below. Use service indicators to provide or limit access to services in your system. Service indicators can be holds to prevent an individual from receiving certain services or positive indicators to designate special services to be provided. Service indicators consist of one or more service impact values identifying the types of specific services that are restricted or provided. Student Records enables you to attach specific service impacts to negative service indicators, which, when assigned to a student, restricts the student from receiving certain services. These specific service impacts are the following: Service Indicator Impacts Restricts all enrollment activity (such as adds, drops, CENR swaps, or wait lists) for a student with existing enrollment for the current term. Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class IENR but permits the student to add or drop classes if they already have enrollment activity for the current term. Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class AENR and prevents the student from adding a class, but permits the student to drop classes if they have already have enrollment activity for the current term. Prevents the enrollment verification process from ENVER printing a student’s enrollment verification request. Restricts a student's access to self-service View My GRADE Grades. Also prevents the student grade report process from printing the student's grade report. 16.2 Service Indicator Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Indicator Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 112 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Define service indicator codes (including attaching service impact values to each service indicator) on the Service Indicator Codes page. 16.3 Service Indicator Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Indicator Table . Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 113 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Define and associate reasons for a service indicator. SI Reasons are added on the second tab of the SI setup pages. To select roles permitting users with those roles to view the assigned service indicator, click the Secure Display by Role link on the Service Indicator Reasons page. 16.4 Service Indicator Security Navigation and Description Navigation Description Setup SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > USER ID > Service Indicator Security Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 114 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations SI Security is setup by USER ID, by Institution, and then by individual Service Indicator. The screen shot shows the level of granularity for SI security setup. This allows the institution to manage who can place and release Service Indicators on a person or organization record. To be defined by each module 17.0 Search/Match The difference between record search from search dialog pages and using Search/Match is this: You use search box pages to retrieve existing records using limited search criteria to view or update data, and you use Search/Match to use a larger set of search criteria that detect duplicate or multiple records in your database or to identify different records that contain duplicate data that should uniquely identify only one ID. Maintaining the integrity of IDs and their associated data is important toward maximizing system features and functionality. Search/Match helps you to prevent the entry of duplicate or multiple records by determining whether a person (EMPLID), an organization or an employee (HRS_PERSON_ID, if you license PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS Talent Acquisition Manager) already exists in your database before creating (or recreating) the record. You use Search/Match to define rules and search parameters that determine if duplicate or multiple records exist with the uniquely identifying data relevant to your business processes. You can configure which results fields to display with the returned matching IDs. You can also choose to fully display, mask, or partially mask result field values based on business processes and the level of security that your users need. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 115 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project You can reinforce the evaluation of possible duplicates by setting up Search/Match to run automatically at save time when a user creates a new ID. 17.1 ID Delete Control Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Personal Information > ID Management > ID Delete Control Decisions / Recommendations You can establish priority data to control and prevent the deletion of individual records in your system. With priority data in place, the system will not permit users to delete an ID for which that data exists. A system administrator, or other user with proper security, can review the key data and then, if required, delete the ID. PeopleSoft delivers predefined ID delete control priority tables and fields for individual and organization IDs. Corresponding messages are preset to appear when you try to delete an ID with data in any of the associated control records and fields. 17.2 Search/Match Rules Navigation and Description Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 116 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Navigation Description Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Rules Decisions / Recommendations Will continue to use as delivered 17.3 Search/Match Parameters Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Parameters > Search Parameters . Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 117 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Combine and order search rules. The combination (called the search parameter) is what the users select prior to performing a search to determine the search fields that they are permitted to search on. 17.4 Search/Match Permissions Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Parameters > Search Permissions Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 118 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project General Search/Match Warning Message Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 119 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Search Parameters Access Identify who can use the search parameter to perform the search. Select the Full Access check box to provide full access to all component names listed on the page. If the Full Access check box is not selected, specify the roles or roles that have access to the components on the page. Search/Match Used in Transaction The Search/Match Use in Transaction section is where you will insert the transaction components. You are allowed to link a transaction component once, to a Search Parameter. PeopleBooks states that the only components you can use are limited to the following: Campus Solutions SCC_BIO_DEMO ADM_PROSPECT_PROG ADM_APPL_ENTRY1 QUICK_ADMIT ORGANIZATIONS HRMS HRS_PREP_FOR_HIRE It has been shown that additional components can be used (i.e. ADM_PROSPECT_PROGwhen creating prospects- has been proven to work as well). There may be more components that can be added as well. Note: If you try to select one of the components and it does not appear, this means it is already being used on another Search/Match Parameter setting. To trigger an automatic search from the transaction page the user enters all of the necessary data to create a new ID on that page and saves the transaction record. Upon the save, Search/Match begins automatically. The system uses the predefined search parameter and the data entered by the user as search criteria. If Search/Match does not find matching IDs, the system saves the transaction successfully. If Search/Match finds at least one matching ID, the system displays a warning message telling the user that at least one matching ID was found, and the Search Order number where that duplicate was found is displayed. 17.5 Search/Match Results Fields Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Results > Search/Match Results Fields Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 120 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Many Search/Match result fields are delivered predefined and are available for you to use when defining search result codes. The text System Data - not available for update appears for these fields on the Search/Match Result Fields page. You cannot edit the data for the predefined search fields. You can, however, select additional fields to make available for your search result codes. When you select Add a New Value and enter a name for the results field, the Search/Match Result Fields page appears with enterable fields for you to select the record and field to make available within the search results. To control how the values for a field appear in the results, use the Search/Match Results setup page. When search result fields are created based on records that are either effective-dated or typerelated (such as address type, email type, phone type, and so on), Search/Match returns a row for each of the dates (history, current, and future dates) and types. For example, the field Gender is included in the PERS_DATA_EFFDT record. If you use Gender as a search result field, then a person with multiple rows on PERS_DATA_EFFDT will display multiple rows with the same gender in the search results grid. This is to make sure the evaluation of potential duplicate IDs occurs across all dates and types applicable to each ID. If your institution prefers to see a limited number of rows, you can create the search result fields based on a view that includes logic to limit the effective date to display only current information or logic to return only a specific type (for example select address information where Address Types is Home). 17.6 Search/Match Results Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Results > Search Results Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 121 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 122 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Search Parameters Access Identify who can use the search parameter to perform the search. Select the Full Access check box to provide full access to all component names listed on the page. If the Full Access check box is not selected, specify the roles or roles that have access to the components on the page. On the Search Results tab, the Search/Match Use in Transaction section is where you will insert the transaction components. You are allowed to link a transaction component once, to a Search Parameter. Once again, Peoplebooks states that the only components you can use are limited to the following: Campus Solutions SCC_BIO_DEMO ADM_PROSPECT_PROG ADM_APPL_ENTRY1 QUICK_ADMIT ORGANIZATIONS HRMS HRS_PREP_FOR_HIRE It has been shown that additional components can be used (i.e. ADM_PROSPECT_PROGwhen creating prospects- has been proven to work as well). There may be more components that can be added as well. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 123 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Note: If you try to select one of the components and it does not appear, this means it is already being used on another Search/Match Parameter setting. Similar to a General Warning, A Detailed Auto Search/Match warning is triggered from the transaction page where the user enters all of the necessary data to create a new ID on that page and saves the transaction record. Upon the save, Search/Match begins automatically. The system uses the predefined search parameter and the Search/Match Results to display the details of the match along with the details of the Search criteria and the Order number where that duplicate was found. Detailed Search/Match Warning Message The information displayed is very similar to the regular search/match results page. Depending on the detail of the Search/Match Results page the transaction is linked to, the user can click through the tabs to review the detail of the possible duplicates without having to leave the transaction page. Additional Security Settings If you are using the Detailed Auto Search/Match Warning, additional security may need to be added to a permission list related to user’s usage of that transaction page in order to gain access the results page. Within the ADMINISTER_WORKFORCE_(GBL) menu, users will need to be granted Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 124 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project authorized Update/Display access to the HCR_SM_RESULTS component. 18.0 3Cs: Administration and Security 3C setup is configured by each module that needs this functionality. The 3Cs — communications, checklists, and comments — are a flexible way to track and analyze correspondence, lists of requirements, and notes about the students, staff, constituents, and organizations in your database. Communication management enables you to fully manage all types of contacts inside and outside your institution. Checklist management enables you to create lists of requirements and monitor their status. Comments creation enables you to attach notable remarks about individuals and organizations. You can enter communications, checklists, and comments manually throughout your system or, using the 3C Engine, you can define events and triggers to have the system add communications, add comments, and add or update checklists for individuals or organizations automatically from within your business processes. You can also use the Population Selection process to select a specific population for the 3C Engine to assign items to. Each of the 3Cs requires an administrative function and a 3C update/inquiry group. These icons are present on each page where the user can access/add communications, checklists or comments to a person or organization record. The following name prefix convention should be used for all 3C objects defined in the student system: Admissions - A Contributor Relations - C Student Records - R Student Financials - S Financial Aid – F This will allow easy management of the 3C configuration by each module/area. Transfers you to the appropriate Communications Management page, where you can review or create communications for the individual or (Communications) organization. Communications include letters, phone calls, meetings, emails, and faxes. Transfers you to the appropriate Checklists Management page, where you can review or create checklists for the individual or organization. (Checklists) Checklists may be lists of steps that must be performed, or documents that must be provided, or communications that are planned to occur, and so on. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 125 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project (Comments) Transfers you to the appropriate Comments page, where you can review or enter comments about the individual or organization. 18.1 Administrative Functions Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Administrative Function Table Decisions / Recommendations Administrative functions identify the variable data or key fields associated with specific functions in the higher education environment. Throughout your system, when you select a function, the associated fields or data for that function become available, such as career, career number, program, plan, term, event ID, application number, item number, recruiting center, and aid year. With this feature, you are ensured consistency between all records within a similar functional area across your institution. Administrative functions are also especially useful for extracting relevant data for generating letters and other communications within a specific functional area. Administrative functions are delivered with your system and should not be modified. Code Administrative Function Variable Data Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 126 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project ADMA Admissions Application Academic Career [Application Level] Student Career Number Application Number ADMP Admissions Program Academic Career [Program Level] Student Career Number Application Number Application Program Number AVAK Advancement Acknowledgements Designation Code Gift Number Initiative Code Recognition Type Session Number AVIN Advancement Initiatives Audience Code Audience Type Initiative Code AVMB Advancement Membership Benefits Member Payment Number Standard Benefit AVMS Advancement Membership Membership Number Membership Organization Code AWRD Awarding Academic Career Aid Year Item Type BDGT Budget Maintenance Academic Career Aid year Effective Date (FINA) Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 127 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Term EVNT Event EventID Meeting Number (optional) FINA Financial Aid Aid Year GEN General None IHC International Health Coverage Coverage Number ISIR ISIR Corrections Aid Year Effective Date (FINA) Effective Sequence (FINA) LOAN Loan Aid Year Loan Type Code Application Sequence NLBP Internships NLD Contract NLOW Educational contracts NLD Contract Number PROP Prospect Program Academic Career Academic Program Recruiting Center PROS Prospect Academic Career PSSV Prospect Self Service Academic Career RECR Recruiters Academic Career RSTR Restricted Aid Aid year Restricted Aid ID SFAC Student Financials Account Business Unit Account Number Account Term Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 128 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project SFBI Student Financials Billing Business Unit Invoice ID SFCO Student Financials Collections Business Unit Collection ID SFGR Student Financials Groups Business Unit Group ID SFIT Student Financials Item Lines Business Unit Item Number Line Sequence Number SFPA Student Financials Payments Business Unit Payment ID Number SFPR Student Financials Promise Checklist Date Time SFRC Student Financials Receipt Business Unit Cashier’s Office Receipt Number SFRF Student Financials Refund Business Unit Refund Number SFTP Student Financials Contracts Business Unit Contract Number SPRG Student Program Academic Career Career Number STRM Student Term Academic Career Academic Term 18.2 3C Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 129 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > 3C Update/Inquiry Group Table Decisions / Recommendations Define a group of users who have similar needs and interests. The 3C update/inquiry group provides user-level security access to categories of communications, checklists, and comments, while providing or restricting the user's ability to edit the data. For example, a security administrator might give a specific user 3C update/inquiry group security access to items in the Notice of Dismissal communication category, with an update only status so that he or she can view the data but cannot modify it. 3C Group set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 18.3 3C Group Security Navigation and Description Navigation Description Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > User ID > 3C Group Security Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 130 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations 3C Group Security is setup by USER ID for each institution and 3C Group associated with the institution. This allows the institution to manage who can inquire and who can update. With the additional security options in CS 9.0, the institution can craft very specific roles for individuals within the institution. 3C Group Security set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 19.0 3Cs: Communication Management Communication management enables you to track and analyze all of your institution's contacts with students, staff, constituents, and organizations inside and outside the institution. You can track: All incoming and outgoing communications. All types of communication: letters, email, phone calls, personal contact, and facsimiles. Communications generated by other offices that affect your office. All staff involved with a communication. You can also assign communications to individuals, organizations, and groups of people. To assign a communication, you must select the method, category, context, direction, and letter code for that communication to identify basic information about the communication, such as the who, what, when, and how of each communication, which correlate in this way: Method = How Context = What Category = Why Direction = Where Date = When ID = Who Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 131 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Use the communication management pages to manually assign communications to individuals or organizations. You can access the communication management pages as described here, or you can access them by clicking the Communication button on pages throughout the system. You can assign communications to individuals and organizations manually, or you can use the 3C Engine to automatically assign communications to individuals or organizations based on rules and conditions that you define. You can indicate whether the communication is a phone conversation, a letter, or an in-person meeting with the individual. If the communication is an outgoing softcopy document, you can, with either Letter Generation or Communication Generation, manage the variable data and enclosures to include, and enter comments that you can choose to print or not print in the output. With Communication Generation, you can also manage variable data, attachments to include, and comments to include or exclude in an outgoing email. With Communication Generation, you can also send an outgoing communication based on the student's preferred method of either letter or email, and send it in any language supported by your institution that is set at the student's preferred language. In addition to creating communications for individuals, you can create communications for organizations. For example, you can send letters to schools announcing that an admissions counselor from your institution will be in their area on a certain date, or you can send bills to companies with which your institution does business. When you assign a communication, you must identify the data to extract about the recipients and select the code from the Standard Letters table to identify the template to use. For Letter Generation, you use your institution's word processing software to merge the data into a template created with that software and associated with the letter code, or into one of the sample Microsoft Word templates that the PeopleSoft application delivers. For Communication Generation, you identify the data source from which to extract data, associate it with the XML report definition, and associate the report with the standard letter code. Use the inquiry pages to review communication information for an individual or an organization. You can enter criteria and search for a summary of communications or view details of the communication assignments. You can search for a summary of communications to determine if a specific communication was sent, if it included enclosures, or if it was a joint communication. Note. You are able to view only those communications that are associated with the communication 3C groups to which you have security access. With 3C group inquiry access, you can view communication assignments, but you cannot change them. With 3C group update access, you can view and change the communications. Use the Operator 3C Groups Summary page to determine or change an individual's 3C group security status. Additional features of Communication Management: You can assign communications to individuals or organizations. You can assign communications manually or you can use the 3C Engine to assign communications automatically in real time or in the background. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 132 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project You have the ability to review communications assigned to individuals or organizations. You can review the details of each communication. You can view a list of all communications assigned. You can also review the security access that users have for viewing or updating the communications. You can use either the Letter Generation process to generate letters or the Communication Generation process to generate letters and emails. The Letter Generation process extracts data that you can then, using your word processing software, merge into letter templates. The Communication Generation process extracts only the data specified in the source file and merges it immediately into the associated XML Publisher templates for letters or emails. For emails, the process also sends the generated outputs to the extracted email addresses. You have the ability to review the data that was extracted for each of the IDs processed. Communication Management set up will take place during the individual module configuration sessions for Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Student Financials, and Academic Advisement. *UNIV* will use Communication Generation as the preferred method to mail and email correspondence. 19.1 Standard Letter Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Standard Letter Table CS Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 133 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Letter set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 19.2 Communication Context Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Context Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 134 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Communication Context set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 19.3 Communication Categories Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Category Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 135 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Communication Category set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 19.4 Communication 3C Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication 3C Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 136 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Communication 3C Groups set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 19.5 Communication Speed Keys Communication Speed Keys (also known as Comm Keys) enable you to associate communication elements together and access them as a set, using the assigned shortcut code Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Communications > Set up Communications > Communication Speed Keys Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 137 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Communication Speed Keys set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 20.0 3Cs: Checklist Management You can use checklists to track applications, organize recruitment mailings, assign tasks to staff members, generate a series of communication items, and so on. You can also assign checklists to an organization. For example, you might want to assign a checklist of recruitment items required from a specific high school, including a roster of the top 10 percent of the current graduating class, a list of athletic award winners, and scholarship applicants. You can assign checklists to events. For example, if you are presenting a conference, you might want to create a checklist of things to do, including sending out invitations, booking a keynote speaker, setting food menus, and so on. For each checklist item that you assign, you can specify the individual who is responsible for that item and the due date. If the item is also associated with an organization, you can specify the name of the organization responsible for the item. You can also specify an ultimate due date for the overall checklist. You can assign checklists to individuals, organizations, and events manually, or you can use the 3C Engine to automatically assign checklists to individuals or organizations based on rules and conditions that you define. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 138 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 20.1 Checklist Item Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist Item Table Decisions / Recommendations Set up individual items to be used in a checklist. Checklist items from all departments are set up in the same table, so it is important to use a consistent checklist item naming convention for each department so all of your items will be grouped together when you inquire an item. Begin each item name with an A for Admissions; C for Contributor Relations; R for Student Records; S for Student Financials; or F for Financial Aid. Whatever you type in the Comments box can also appear in a missing information letter to further describe the missing item. Checklist item set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 139 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project 20.2 Checklist Function Item Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist Function Item Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 140 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Set up checklist items by Administrative Function. Below is an example of the FINA Administrative Function and the entire checklist items associated with that function. Checklist function item set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 20.3 Checklist Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 141 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Use checklists to assign lists of requirements to individuals, organizations, events, or groups of individuals and to monitor progress toward completing those requirements. Checklists track admission and financial aid applications, organize recruitment mailings, assign tasks to staff members, generate a series of communication items, etc. You can assign checklists to individuals, organizations, and events. Use checklists to assign lists of requirements to individuals, organizations, events, or groups of individuals and to monitor progress toward completing those requirements. Checklists track admission and financial aid applications, organize recruitment mailings, assign tasks to staff members, generate a series of communication items, etc. You can assign checklists to individuals, organizations, and events. Checklist Table set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 20.4 Tracking Group Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Tracking Group Table Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 142 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Setting up Tracking Groups is optional. A tracking group combines two or more checklists with the same administrative function into one monitoring unit. A tracking group provides a logical connection between the checklists that are associated with an individual. For example, you may have several checklists for the same student who is applying for undergraduate admission: an Admission Requirements checklist that might include items like test scores and transcripts; a Residency Requirements checklist that might include items like driver’s license and landlord verification form; and an International Requirements checklist that might include items like TOEFL test scores and Statement of Financial Support. You might want to monitor the status of all of these missing items by assigning those checklists to a tracking group named UG Application Requirements. That way when you assign a communication notifying a student of the application status, all missing items that pertain to the undergraduate admission decision (admissions requirements, residency requirements and internal admission requirements) would be extracted and monitored simultaneously. Tracking Group set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 20.5 Checklist 3C Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Checklists > Set up Checklists > Checklist 3C Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 143 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Checklist 3C Groups set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 21.0 3Cs: Comment Management You can review all comments about an individual or organization or all comments entered by a specific individual. To attach comments to records, you must first create comment categories and associate them with 3C groups to define who, at your institution, has the security access to write, review, or append or change comments. Because personal comments are subjective and often confidential, carefully analyze your institution's needs and requirements for entering and tracking comments. You should also be familiar with administrative functions and 3C group security before setting up or creating comments in your system. Comments configuration requires setup of the following tables: Comment Category Table Comment 3C Groups 21.1 Comment Category Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Comments > Set Up Comments > Comment Category Table Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 144 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Comment Categories set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 21.2 Comment 3C Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > Comments > Set Up Comments > Comment 3C Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 145 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Comment 3C Group set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 22.0 3C Engine The 3C Engine is a rules-based PeopleSoft application engine that you can integrate with functional transactions to automatically insert or update communications, comments, and checklists records as you interact with students, suppliers, and employees. For example, you can eliminate steps required to manually enter 3C information by setting the 3C Engine to automatically insert defined checklists, communications, and comments for prospects as you enter new admissions prospects to the system. You can use online business transactions to invoke 3C Engine processing or you can use background integration with certain delivered programs. To use the 3C Engine, you use administrative functions and detail data to define the rules (called engine events) to identify the sets of communication, checklists, and comments records that you want the engine to enter or update for you. Then, you can either set your own conditions (called event triggers) to invoke the action of entering or updating the 3C records or you can use the predefined triggers delivered with your system. You can also use Population Selection, Triggers, Mass Change or any combination thereof to identify the IDs to process for an even in batch. In Campus Self Service you can configure your system to record in real time the checklists that you want self-service users to be able to view in the To Do's list self-service transaction. For example, when a prospective student logs onto your self-service site to request application information about your school, after saving the request, the system can record the checklist information that you specify in the engine event definition. When the prospective student logs in Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 146 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project the next time, he or she can see the specific tasks that they must accomplish to complete your school's application process. Before using the 3C Engine, you must set up communications, checklists, and comments. If you are going to use communication speed keys (Comm Keys), set those up first, as well. 22.1 3C Engine Event Definition Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community>3C Engine >Set Up 3C Engine > Event Definition Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 147 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Define 3C Engine events to set rules by which the system identifies the sets of communications, checklists, and comments records for the 3C Engine to enter or update. For example, using the engine event functionality, you could automatically assign a checklist, a comment and an acknowledgement letter upon receipt of an application. Event Definition set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 22.2 Trigger Prompt Table Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Trigger Prompt Table Decisions / Recommendations Enter the source record that contains the field conditions to use on the Engine Trigger Definition page. Mapping to an edit table is optional. For example, to make academic career (ACAD_CAREER) values available from the Engine Trigger Definition page, map to the Academic Career Table (ACAD_CAR_TBL). Trigger Prompt set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 22.3 Trigger Definition Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 148 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Trigger Definition Decisions / Recommendations Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 149 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Online triggers are conditions that you define to indicate when to invoke 3C Engine processing. You can define triggers to occur in real time or to store in a trigger table for background processing later. Triggers are table specific. They identify record or field level conditions and associate the 3C Engine event definition to use when the trigger conditions are met by creating, changing, or deleting data in the system. The 3C Engine online triggers are integrated with the system by using a PeopleCode function. The function evaluates certain key variable information provided in the PeopleCode placed in the transactional locations. You must define certain variable assignment values when you place this PeopleCode in other records or components. The following PeopleCode example identifies and describes these variables. The PeopleSoft system delivers some predefined 3C Engine PeopleCode function calls. You can use the EmplID (SavePostChange) field on these records: ADM_APPL_DATA ADM_APPL_PROG ADM_PRSPCT_CAR ADM_PRSPCT_PROG ADM_WEB_PRS_CAR You can configure your system to provide 3C Engine integration in other areas by placing the PeopleCode function call in the appropriate records or components in these ways: Place the Trigger3CEngine function call in any record or component-record location. Place the Trigger3CEngine function call only in the SavePostChange PeopleCode event. Place the Trigger3CEngine function call only in locations where a person ID (EMPLID or similar field) or organization ID (EXT_ORG_ID or similar field) is included in the component. After you identify and place the appropriate Trigger3CEngine function, you must define the online triggers. Trigger Definition set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 22.4 3C Engine Event 3C Groups Navigation and Description Navigation Description Campus Community > 3C Engine > Set Up 3C Engine > Event 3C Groups Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 150 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Decisions / Recommendations Event 3C Group set up will be finalized in the individual module configuration sessions. 23.0 SEVIS Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an internet-based system that electronically monitors and reports on international students and exchange visitors and their dependents. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) maintains SEVIS. It is an integral part of the DHS program to improve data collection and reporting, facilitate compliance with regulations, and automate monitoring of school and exchange programs. The PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution collects data, monitors changes, and reports student and exchange visitor changes. The PeopleSoft SEVIS solution provides you with the functionality to identify new and changed information to submit to SEVIS in the following ways: SEVIS Alerts Process (Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M or Process SEVIS Alerts - J). The process identifies information that should be submitted to SEVIS regarding new students (F/M visas) or exchange visitors (J visas) and data changes for existing students or exchange visitors. The process also verifies SEVIS business rules, required fields, and certain eligibility edits. The Select Alerts to Report for F/M and J components allows you to evaluate results for all applicable school codes and program sponsors and take the appropriate follow-up action: enter additional information, decide which alerts to send to SEVIS, which to ignore, and which to send to the PeopleSoft Master file and not SEVIS. After reconciling the data in the alerts, you run the SEVIS Export process for the appropriate visa type (Export SEVIS Events - F/M or Export SEVIS Events - J). For events where the Send To field is set to Master on the Alerts Header page, the export process directly updates the active SEVIS Master row with the data from the event. For events where the Send To field is set to SEVIS, the export process generates an XML file compliant with the SEVIS XML schema. The process creates multiple XML files if the number of records transmitted to SEVIS exceeds 100. The export process also populates the SEVIS Master component with an inactive row containing the data sent to SEVIS. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 151 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project After reconciling the alerts, you Upload XML Batch Documents to SEVIS, using a utility that supports secure sockets layer (SSL) and HTTPS. The XML batch document upload process is completed outside of the PeopleSoft system using the utility program of your choice. Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) web site for information regarding digital certificate registration and batch file transmission. See Reference Manual for the SEVIS Batch Interface Application Program Interface (API), The next step is to import the upload results transaction log using the SEVIS Import Results process. You download the XML transaction log files and any form PDF files (I20 forms or DS-2019 forms) generated by SEVIS using a utility that supports SSL and HTTPS. The XML transaction log and PDF files are compressed into a single file in zip format. You print the PDF files outside the PeopleSoft system. Note. Carefully evaluate the Application Program Interface (API) to determine the period during which the batch process results remain available. The DHS SEVIS system automatically deletes files that are not downloaded within the specified period, so it is important to download according to the specified timeframe or you will lose data. After the compressed batch result file is successfully downloaded and unzipped, import the XML transaction log result files into PeopleSoft using the SEVIS Import Results process. Review all transactions with errors and take appropriate follow-up action. The import process also updates the SEVIS Master component to reflect the data successfully imported to SEVIS and populates the SEVIS ID Maintenance page with the SEVIS IDs for any new students or exchange students and their dependents. There are a series of set up tables that must be in place in order for the alerts and extract process to run successfully. Many set up tables are delivered with your system; others are set up according to instructions followed in the lookup tables section of Application Program Interface Document (API), which is published by the Department of Homeland Security to specify the SEVIS Batch interface between the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and the institutions' internal systems. After the initial set up, it may be necessary for you to update or delete codes and descriptions to keep your system current with SEVIS. Decisions / Recommendations 24.0 Appendix A - Setting up PeopleSoft HRMS Data Permission Security Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 152 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project Setting up PeopleSoft HRMS data permission security You attach data permission security to permission lists so you must create permission lists in the PeopleTools pages before you can assign data access to them. Use the Security Installation Settings, Security Set Table, and Security Access Type components to set how you are going to control data access in HRMS. If you decide to use department security trees to control data access, you must set up a department security tree for every Dept SetID in your system. You can then assign data access to permission lists. If you have assigned access to departments on the Security By Dept Tree page, you must run the Refresh Row Security Operator process to commit the security changes to the system. Using PeopleSoft Tree Manager, you create a security tree that represents your organization's security hierarchy for the departments in a selected setID. Security trees enable you to grant (or deny) access to a person's data by granting access to the department to which they are assigned. To grant a row security permission list access to a group of departments, you grant access to the department to which all of those departments report. You can restrict access to individual departments or to a group of departments if you need to. This is an example of a department security tree for the SHARE setID: Portion of the SHARE department security tree Using this security tree you could, for example, grant a row security permission list access to department 13000 and the system includes department 13000 and all the departments that report to it, giving the permission list access to everyone in all fourteen finance departments. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 153 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project You can also restrict access to one of the branch entities. For example, if a row security permission list needs access to everyone in Finance except for Business Services, grant access to department 13000, but restrict access to department 15000, giving access to departments 13000, 20000, 22000, 25000, 27000, and 31000. You grant or deny this information to Row Security permission lists on the Security by Dept Tree page and the system stores the data in the SCRTY_TBL_DEPT record. In HRCS, Users are granted or denied access to employee data based on organizational hierarchy defined in the Department Security tree. Data Permission Lists are assigned to individual user ID’s. All Data Permission lists should start with the <x>DPHC then followed by the descriptor or the department number. If department related, for example, <x>DPHC00000 for access to all departments (employees). When associating Data Permission Lists with departmental access in HRCS, the “No Access” feature should rarely be used to not impede system performance. Instead, consider creating placeholder departments, which can be inactive in the department table. Refreshing the Security Join Tables by Action Use the table below to determine which refresh processes to run following an action. Implementing PeopleSoft HRMS Data Permission Action Refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL SJT Refresh Make changes to the implementation settings on the Security Install Settings page. Enable a security access type.* Disable a security access type. Modify an enabled security access type (for example, by selecting or clearing the Include Future Dates check box). Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 154 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project * You do not need to refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL under these circumstances because there are no permission lists using the security access type yet. Using Security Trees and Creating and Modifying Row Security Permission Lists Action Refresh SJT_CLASS_ ALL Create a department security tree. Create a new effective-dated version of an existing tree.* Modify a department security tree without changing the effective date. Add a new permission list to the Security by Dept Tree page and add to it data permission. Modify the data permission of a permission list on the Security by Dept Tree page. Refresh the effective date of the trees on the Security by Dept Tree page because you created a new effective-dated version of an existing tree. *You do not need to refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL yet because you’ll have to update the data permission lists to reference the new tree. You’ll run the SJT_CLASS_PROCESS then. Creating and Modifying Row Security Permission Lists Action Refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL Add a new permission list to the Security by Permission List page and add to it data permission.* Modify the data permission of a permission list on the Security by Permission List page.* Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 155 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project *The system uses SavePostChange PeopleCode to update SJT_CLASS_ALL automatically when you save the component. Add, Delete, or Modify a User’s Data Permission Action Refresh SJT_OPR_CLS Add a row security permission list to a user profile on the User Profile – General page.* Delete a row security permission list from a user profile on the User Profile – General page.* Change a row security permission list on a user profile on the User Profile – General page.* Create a new user profile by copying an existing profile that has permission lists with data permission (whether by the Copy User Profiles page, the Create Users process, or the Create Row Security - Dept Mgr process).* Add a role-based permission list (one that has data permission from the Security Permission List page) to a role that is already assigned to a user.* Delete a role-based permission list (one that has data permission from the Security Permission List page) from a role that is already assigned to a user.* Add a role that has one or more role-based permission lists (permission lists that have data permission from the Security Permission List page) to a user profile.* Delete a role that has one or more role-based permission lists (permission lists that have data permission from the Security Permission List page) from a user profile.* Add a permission list that is already assigned to a user (by way of a role) to the Security by Permission List page and give it data permission. Add a permission list that is already assigned to a user on the User Profile – General page to the Security by Dept Tree page and give it data permission. *This assumes that you have not enabled the USER_PROFILE message and the local subscription HCM_Refresh_SJT_OPR_CLS and the ROLE_MAINT message and the local subscription HCM_Role_Refresh_SJT_OPR_CLS to automatically update SJT_OPR_CLS. PeopleSoft does not deliver the system with these messages enabled. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 156 of 157 Campus Solutions – PeopleSoft Project If these messages are enabled, the system updates SJT_OPR_CLS and you do not need to run the refresh process. Campus Community Configuration Guide Document Page 157 of 157