By-Law Revisions - The Association of Nutrition & Foodservice

Members of SCANFP,
The following items were identified in our annual review of our By Laws as being areas that
could be improved. A brief summary of the changes follows:
1. Items one and two extend the current terms of Secretary and Treasurer to 3 years to
increase stability, and improve continuity of the board from President to President.
2. Item three is a correction to the wording of the change voted into the By Laws last
October which was rushed into vote and did not achieve what the members
discussed. This revision states that the Association will pay the registration fee and
hotel stay for the Executive Board for State Chapter Meetings.
3. Item four changes the look of the document to fall more in line with a book
publication and includes our current logo, as well as moving the revisions page to
the rear of the document.
Please review these items for a discussion and vote on October 16, 2015.
Item 1 for Review and Vote:
Section 9. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the
Board of Directors, as well as all meetings of the state association, shall perform such
duties as shall be duly assigned by the President or Board of Directors and shall record all
minutes of the Executive Board meetings. The Secretary will send approved minutes to the
webmaster to be posted on the State’s Webpage within 10 days of each meeting. The
Secretary shall serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for re-election for no more than
two (2) terms. The office of the Secretary will be elected on odd numbered years. The
Secretary is responsible for preparing the newly elected Secretary to have complete
knowledge of the Secretary’s duties and responsibilities and will relinquish all papers,
electronics, records, etc. to the newly elected Secretary at the Fall State Meeting of which
he/she assumes the office of Secretary. All of the Secretary’s records will be kept and
available for five (5) years.
Section 9. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the
Board of Directors, as well as all meetings of the state association, shall perform such
duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors, and shall record all minutes of all
Board meetings. The Secretary will send the Presidents approved minutes to the
webmaster to be posted on the State’s Webpage within 10 days of receipt. The Secretary
shall serve a term of three (3) years and be eligible for re-election for no more than two (2)
consecutive terms. The Secretary is responsible for preparing the newly elected Secretary
to have complete knowledge of the Secretary’s duties and responsibilities and will relinquish
all papers, electronics, records, etc. to the newly elected Secretary as he/she assumes the
office of Secretary. Newly elected Secretary will begin mentorship with the Board of
Directors immediately after election to the position. All of the Secretary’s records will be kept
and available for five (5) years.
Item 2 for Review and Vote
Section 10. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER: The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the
Board of Directors, as well as of the State association, shall perform such duties as shall be
duly assigned by the President or Board of Directors, and report to the membership the
financial stability of the association. The office of Treasurer will be elected on even
numbered years. The Treasurer shall keep on account of all monies received and expended
for the use of the Association, and shall make disbursements authorized by the Executive
Committee and approved by the President. All sums received shall be deposited in the bank
approved by the Executive Committee, and a report shall be given at the state business
meeting or when called upon by the President. Funds may only be dispersed by the
Treasurer after an expense form has been submitted. The President must approve the
expense before the transaction occurs. The Treasurer shall prepare the books for audit at
the close of each fiscal year. The funds, books and vouchers shall, at all times, be subject
to verification and inspection by the Executive Committee and ANFP. Treasurer is
responsible for completing the required IRS tax fillings annually to keep tax-exempt status.
The Treasurer shall be bonded. If the Treasurer leaves office before his term ends, an audit
will be conducted at that time. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer for preparing the newly
elected Treasurer to have complete knowledge of the Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities
and will relinquish all papers, electronics, records, etc. to the newly elected Treasurer at the
end of the fiscal year (after the audit has been conducted) following the Fall State Meeting
of which he/she assumes the office of Treasurer. All of the Treasurer’s records will be kept
and available for ten (10) years.
Section 10. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER: The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the
Board of Directors, as well as of the State association, shall perform such duties as shall be
duly assigned by the President or Board of Directors, and report to the membership the
financial stability of the association. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies
received and expended for the use of the Association, and shall make disbursements
authorized by the State Executive Board and approved by the President. All sums received
shall be deposited in the bank approved by the State Executive Board, and a report shall be
given at the state business meeting or when called upon by the President. Funds may only
be dispersed by the Treasurer after an expense form has been submitted and approved by
the President. The Treasurer shall prepare the books for audit at the close of each fiscal
year. The funds, books and vouchers shall, at all times, be subject to verification and
inspection by the State Executive Board and ANFP. Treasurer is responsible for completing
the required IRS tax fillings annually to keep tax-exempt status. The Treasurer shall be
bonded. If the Treasurer leaves office before his/her term ends, an audit will be conducted
at that time. The Treasurer shall serve a term of three (3) years and be eligible for reelection for no more than two (2) consecutive terms. The newly elected Treasurer will begin
mentorship with the Board of Directors immediately following election. It is the responsibility
of the Treasurer for preparing the newly elected Treasurer to have complete knowledge of
the Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities and will relinquish all papers, electronics,
records, etc. to the newly elected Treasurer at the end of the fiscal year (after an audit has
been conducted) as he/she assumes the office of Treasurer. All of the Treasurer’s records
will be kept and available for ten (10) years.
Item 3 for Review and Vote
Addendum I – SCANFP will pay one half (1/2) of the expenses (hotel, and mileage at the
current IRS rate) incurred by the Executive Board (President Elect, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate Past President) for each state meeting.
Addendum I – SCANFP will pay all of the expenses (hotel and registration) incurred by the
State Executive Board for each state meeting. (President Elect, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and immediate Past President)
Item 4 for Review and Vote
OLD: (Front page w/no back page)
South Carolina Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals was affiliated with the
National Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals on July 15, 1974.
Reviewed: October 1995
Reviewed: October 1996
Reviewed: February 1998
Reviewed: February 1999
Reviewed: February 2000
Reviewed: September 2003
Reviewed: January 2007
Reviewed: March 2007
Reviewed: January 2008
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: February 2010
Revised: November 2013
Revised: October 17, 2014 at 9:31am
NEW: (Front page)
By Laws
The South Carolina Association of Nutrition & Foodservice
Professionals was affiliated with the National Association
of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (formerly the
Dietary Managers Association) on July 15, 1974.
Back Page:
Revision Dates:
Reviewed: October 1995
Reviewed: October 1996
Reviewed: February 1998
Reviewed: February 1999
Reviewed: February 2000
Reviewed: September 2003
Reviewed: January 2007
Reviewed: March 2007
Reviewed: January 2008
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: February 2010
Revised: November 2013
Revised: October 17, 2014 at 9:31am
Reviewed: May 15, 2015