Assessment Task: Bonds and Compounds IBMYP Science: Seventh Grade Life Science Unit: I’m so Bohred! Inquiry Question: How does innovation improve understanding? Global Context: Scientific and Technical Innovation Assessment: Criterion C- Knowledge Students are presented with the task of creating a 3-D Bohr model of a randomly assigned atom. TASK: Create a 3-D model of an atom that will show the protons, neutrons, electrons, and energy levels (or shells) that is capable of being hung from the ceiling or free-standing PURPOSE: To assess students understanding of the atomic structure timeline specifically the Bohr Model. INSTRUCTIONS: Use the Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science textbook, element notes, and internet research to complete this activity. REQUIREMENTS: The teacher will randomly assign you an atom for your model. The name of my atom is: You will do some research and record the following about your atom: Atomic number, Atomic mass, Mass number, Number of Protons, Number of Neutrons, Number of Electrons, Arrangement of Electrons: K, L, M You are required to make three 2-D sketches of your possible atom then choose one sketch and justify why you are using that sketch to make your 3-D model. There is an assignment sheet on the calendar to help you meet this requirement. Use the sketch to construct your 3-D model of your atom. Your model must include the following: Be 3-Dimensional with the protons, neutrons, and electrons represented in their correct locations and by their correct respective sizes. Have a key attached to the model that states the atoms: Name, Number of protons, Number of neutrons, Number of electrons, Electron shell arrangement of the electrons, Your name and period Contain a string and paper clip so that your teacher can hang it in the room OR have a stand so that your model can be displayed on the counter. EXTRA CREDIT: 3 extra points will be awarded to any atom that can fit inside a 5 X 5 X 5 inch box. + 10 points per DAY will be deducted for all late assignments. HCPS RUBRIC CHECKLIST: Section Atom Model Key Overall Construction and Neatness Sketch Extra Credit Description Possible Points Correct number of protons Placement of protons Correct number of neutrons Placement of neutrons Correct number of electrons Placement of electrons Contains the student name and period Contains the atoms name Correctly identifies protons, neutrons, electrons Correctly tells how many electrons are in the K, L, M shells Poor Construction Average Construction Above Average Construction Outstanding Construction Sketch and justification Fits in a 5 X 5 X 5 Box 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 15 4 6 8 10 10 3 Total Possible Points Grade Student Signature: Parent Signature: Earned Points 100 A Date: DUE DATE GRADING 12/3 or 12/4 This activity will be scored as an IB and HCPS Assessment using the checklist on the first page and the rubric below. GRADING: IBMYP Science Criterion C: Knowledge and Understanding of Science Knowledge and understanding of science enables students to demonstrate their understanding of science by applying scientific knowledge to construct scientific explanations, solve problems and formulate scientifically supported arguments. Students should be able to: • recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. • apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. • analyze scientific information by identifying components, relationship patterns and make comments on the validity and quality of the information. Achievement Level 0 (0-29%) 1–2 (1=30 – 49%) (2=50 – 69%) 3–4 (3=70 – 77%) (4=78 – 84%) 5–6 (5= 85 – 92%) (6= 93-100%) Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. Comments: The student recalls some scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve simple problems. Comments: The student describes scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems in familiar situations. The student analyses scientific information by identifying parts, relationships or causes. Comments: The student uses scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes correctly to construct scientific explanations. The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems including those in unfamiliar situations. The student analyses scientific information and identifies components, relationship patterns and make comments on the validity and quality of the information. Comments: Bohr Model Reflection Using the information discussed in this unit, answer the following questions with at least one well-constructed paragraph per question. Submit the reflection on a Word document to the Bohr Model Reflection Drop Box or neatly handwritten on paper to the teacher on the project due date. 1. How did Bohr build on the scientific contributions of the past to create his model? 2. How do innovations change the world? Please write the complete Honor Pledge and sign your name at the bottom of this sheet. The Honor Pledge is provided below. Honor Pledge: “On my honor, I certify that I (your name) have neither given nor received inappropriate assistance on this assignment. I certify that this work is authentically my own.” (Sign your name) Student Signature: Parent Signature: Date: