Sermon Outline Friday 22nd Tearing Down Walls

Tearing Down Walls
Philippians 1:12-18
Does the idea of outreach intimidate you?
advance = make progress in spite of opposition
difficulties force us to trust God instead of self –
Paul’s captive audience  future missionaries??
1. Join the supernatural power of outreach. 1:12-14
Application to My Life:
Do you want your life to stand for something that really matters?
How are you currently participating in intentional acts of caring?
others’ motives in proclaiming Christ –
envy, strife, selfish ambition –
hope to cause Paul emotional distress –
reacting to others’ motives –
most important thing is the truth of Jesus is told vs. policing methods –
2. Don’t reject those who reach out differently. 1:15-18
“Christians are so busy dividing that they have no time to multiply.” ~ Bill Pollard
Application to My Life:
Are you more concerned with your reputation or God’s reputation?
How do you respond to a form of ministry that doesn’t fit your personal
Life Group Discussion/Personal Meditation Questions:
Icebreaker: Are you someone who sees the glass half-empty or half-full? Why?
1. Does the idea of outreach intimidate you? Explain.
2. Read Philippians 1:12-14. How could Paul being in prison actually advance the
3. How do you see God at work in the lives of those in your circle of influence?
4. Read Philippians 1:15-17. How could false motives still serve to advance the
5. What can your attitude and response be to someone whose ministry motives
and methods you are questioning?
6. Read Philippians 1:18. How can we balance this principle vs. those engaged in
false ministry and teaching?
7. How can your group pray for you for caring and sharing opportunities in your
circle of influence?