BIOL 6150 – Genomics and Applied Bioinformatics Group Project: Microarray Analysis Title: Identification of the Shear-and Side-specific genes related to Aortic Valve Calcification Group: Swetha Rathan, HaozhengTian, Sandra Baethke, WafaEldarrat Background: Aortic valve (AV) calcification is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in elderly population[1, 2]. The primary risk factors for AV calcification include hypertension, congenital defects like bicuspid AV, age, smoking, diabetes and chronic kidney disease[3, 4]. The AV experiences dynamic mechanical environment with significant variations in pressure, bending and shear on either side[5]. Under physiological conditions, these stimuli constantly renew and remodel the valve. Any alterations to this mechanical environment have been shown to cause a disease condition, eventually resulting in aortic stenosis (AS) and aortic regurgitation (AR)[6]. Several studies have been done to characterize the role of shear stresses on vascular biology and have indicated that low and oscillatory shear stress is atheroprone whereas high shear is atheroprotective[7-10]. It has been speculated that the reduced shear stresses on the non-coronary leaflet of the AV due to the lack of coronary flow are responsible for the increased susceptibility to calcification of that leaflet[11]. Hypothesis: Adverse patterns of shear stress were found to upregulate inflammatory markers in valve leaflet tissues, indicating that the fibrosa is more atheroprone compared to the ventricularis side, which is also seen in calcified human valves. Thus the hypothesis of our study is that the Human Aortic Valve Endothelial Cells of fibrosa side (fHAVECs) when exposed to oscillatory shear stress expresses similar genes that are seen in the calcified human AVs. Data sets chosen: For our comparison purposes, we have chosen two data sets as follows: 1. GSE26953 (4 data sets - 6 replicates per data set)[12] This is the data was extracted from part of the study: Discovery of Shear- and Side-specific mRNAs and miRNAs in Human Aortic Valvular Endothelial Cells. In this study the HAVECs from either sides of the valve were exposed to different shear stresses (both atheroprotective and atheroprone). The total RNA was collected and the miRNA and mRNA arrays were carried out to identify if there are any differentially expressed shear and side specific miRNA and mRNA that could play a role in AV disease progression. For our project purposes, we used only the mRNA data sets. mRNA microarray data was available for different data sets such as fHAVEC exposed to OS (FO) vHAVEC exposed to OS (VO) fHAVEC exposed to LS (FL) vHAVEC exposed to LS (VL) Where the HAVECs are the human aortic valve endothelial cells from either the fibrosa side or the ventricularis side (fHAVECs or vHAVECs respectively). OS: Oscillatory shear stress( proatherogenic) and LS : Laminar shear ( atheroprotective). 2. GSE12644 ( 2 data sets – with 3 or 4 replicates)[13] This data set has been extracted from the study: Gene expression profile of normal and calcified stenotic human aortic valves. This study was used to gene expression profiling of human aortic valves in patients with or without aortic stenosis. The dataset was generated constituteda large-scale quantitative measurements of gene expression in normal and stenotic human valves. The goal of this study was to compare gene expression levels between the two groups and identified a list of genes that are up-or down-regulated in aortic stenosis. For our project purposes we used the entire mRNA microarray data set provided, which is the following Human Aortic Valve – control (10 samples) Human Calcified Aortic Valve (diseased) - (10 samples) Objectives: In this project, the first step was to do the microarray analysis and to identify the differentially expressed genes within each data set. Our comparison groups are 1. For the sheared HAVECs data set, we have the following groups a. Overall differences between different shear stress : Oscillatory vs Laminar b. Overall differences between the sides : Fibrosa and Ventricularis For more specific comparisons, we did the following. c. fHAVECsvsvHAVECs exposed to same shear stress – Oscillatory d. fHAVECsvsvHAVECs exposed to same shear stress – Laminar e. fHAVECs exposed to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar f. vHAVECs exposed to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar 2. For the calcified and normal AV microarray data set, we compared the gene expression profiles between normal and calcified human AVs. From 1, Our comparisons a and b gives us the list of the differentially expressed genes that are shear sensitive and side- dependent respectively. Comparisons c and d will give us the differentially expressed genes that are side-dependent when exposed to same shear. Comparisons e and f will give us the differentially expressed genes that are shear-dependent on the same side. From 2, We will obtain the gene expression profiles that are expressed in diseased calcified genes. In our further steps, we will retrieve all the genes from the ids of the array platforms and then separately run the statistics to see if any of the shear conditions upregulate the gene expressions that are related to AV calcification. Project detailed steps: We used the tutorial provided and followed all the steps in order to retrieve the data sets from the GEO website. Briefly, we use the accession number of the paper with shear data, GSE26953, and obtained the information of the experimental design. : 24 samples; n=6 for the following 4 groups: FO, VO, FL, and VL (24 miRNA and 24 mRNA arrays. We have downloaded the series matrix files in txt.gz format. Since gz format files are all zipped files, use the 7 zip or any other unzipping program to extract files. We then formatted it according to the specifications for the JMP genomics software, as provided in the tutorial. Original, formatted and normalized data files attached: The data files were formatted, standardized and used for further analysis. Following are the list of files in the order of entire expression data, experimental design and normalized data for two accession numbers. These files are also attached along with the differentially expression profile files. GSE 12644 – Calcified vs. Normal human aortic valves 1. gse12644_disease_exp 2. gse12644_disease_expression_data 3. gse12644_disease_expression_std GSE 26953 – Shear data 4. gse26953_shear_exp 5. gse26953_shear_gene_express_std 6. gse26953_shear_gene_expression Identification of differentially expressed genes: To identify the differentially expressed genes, we followed the instructions in the tutorial, and used the pFDR – multiple testing method, one-way ANOVA for overall statistics, and t-test for individual pairs. Alpha: 0.05. All the specific p-values, corresponding list and the file names are listed in the table as follows. Also specifically the list of these genes were obtained by selecting only the genes that are expressed above the threshold p-value (above the red line in the anova plots). 1. Overall differences between different shear stress : Oscillatory vs Laminar : Effect of shear stress 2. Overall differences between the sides : Fibrosa and Ventricularis – overall side specificity 3. fHAVECsvsvHAVECs exposed to same shear stress – Oscillatory – Effect of oscillatory or pro-atherogenic on either sides. 4. fHAVECsvsvHAVECs exposed to same shear stress – Laminar – Effect of laminar or atheroprotective shear on either sides. 5. fHAVECs exposed to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar – Response of fibrosa side to different shear stresses – pathological vs physiological shear stresses. 6. vHAVECs exposed to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar - Response of fibrosa side to different shear stresses – pathological vs physiological shear stresses 7. Fixed effect: calcified VS normal. Cell type: aortic valve – To identify the differentially expressed genes in pathological conditions. Parameter Table: Each row in this table details the contents of each file. See individual files in attachment for row level details. Seria l No Group -log10(pvalue)cutto ff Differentiall y expressed genes 1 Overall differences 2.57 between different shear stress : Oscillatory vs Laminar 2 Overall differences between the sides : Fibrosa and Ventricularis 2.56 11 3 fHAVECsvsvHAVE Cs exposed to same shear stress – Oscillatory 2.608 4 4 fHAVECsvsvHAVE 2.86 Cs exposed to same shear stress – Laminar 3 5 fHAVECs exposed 2.47 to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar 1052 1929 Fold Change (See individual files) DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the File name attached gse26953_between shear all sides diff expressed gse26953_f-v all shear diff expressed gse26953_oscillato ry shear -f and v diff expressed gse26953_laminar shear -f and v diff expressed gse26953_side f oscillatory and laminar shear diff expressed 6 vHAVECs exposed 2.675 to different shear stresses – Oscillatory vs Laminar 964 7 Calcified vs Normal 3.27 human AV 130 Principal Component Analysis: 1. GSE12644 : Calcified vs normal human AV samples correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene DIFF Column details the FOLD CHANGE for the correspondin g row for each gene gse26953_side v oscillatory and laminar shear diff expressed gse12644 Diff expressed _disease genes Heat Map: 2. GSE26953 :Sheared HAVECs sample data. Heat Map: GSE12644 : Calcified vs normal human AV samples Eigenvalues and variance along each principal component axis (eigenvector) PCA PCA 1 PCA 2 PCA 3 2D Plots Eigenvalue 17.466 0.738 0.324 % of Variance 87.3 3.7 1.6 3D plot Blue: Normal aortic valve, Red: Calcified aortic valve Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 1 : A 87.3% of the variance is shown along the first principal component axis. Two groupings are clearly demonstrated in the PCA, however the normal and diseased aortic valve (blue and red respectively) are not the dividing factors. The grouping element is unknown. Figure 2 : The PCA here demonstrates the third principle component axis with a variance of 1.6%.In both Figure 1 and Figure 2 the second principle component axis captures a variance of 3.7%. The PCA in both figures show that the normal aortic valves lie in the positive region and the calcified aortic valves represented by the red balls have negative readings along both axis ranging from 0 to 0.5. Figure 3 Figure 3: This PCA shows no obvious grouping among the variables. GSE26953 : Sheared HAVECs sample data Eigenvalues and variance along each principal component axis (eigenvectors) PCA PCA 1 PCA 2 PCA 3 Eigenvalue 7.105 6.212 2.028 % of Variance 29.6 25.9 8.5 2D plot 3D plot Blue: Fibrosa, Oscillatory shear Green: Ventricularis, Laminar shear Red: Fibrosa, Laminar shear Brown: Ventricularis, Oscillatory shear Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 1: The variables which were exposed to laminar and oscillatory shear are represented in the PCA as two distinct groups. However there is no distinct pattern among the ventricularis and the fibrosa tissue. Along the first principal component there is a 29.6% variance. Figure 2: This PCA shows no grouping among the different aortic valves. Along the third principal component there is a 8.5% variance. Figure 3 The aortic valves exposed to the laminar shear (red and green) and the valves exposed to the oscillatory shear (blue and brown) show up on either sides of the Y-axis, with the former being on negative side and the later in the positive region. Again in this PCA we cannot identify a grouping among the fibrosa and the ventricularis variables. Gene Ontology and Pathway Analysis: Steps: The Pathway analysis was performed using PATH VISIO 2- with WIKIPATHS (Analysis Collection Pathways) to identify any pathways containing up regulated/down regulated genes. For GSE12466- Up regulated genes are blue and down regulated genes are red. A gradient color scheme was applied. The up regulated genes were selected if the fold was > 1 and down regulated genes were selected if fold was < -1. All probes were subject to -log(p-vaIue) > 1.3 selection criteria. For GSE26593- down regulated genes were blue and up regulated genes were red. A gradient color scheme was applied. Down regulated genes were selected if fold value < 0 and up regulated genes were selected if fold value > 0. The fold values in these data sets were small. The selection for all records was -log(p-value) > 1.3. Not all samples provided pathways using these methods. In some cases no z value was calculated. Other PATH ANALYSIS tools were also attempted. Cytoscape, David, GenMapp CS Files and GSEA. GenMApp CS provided output similar to PATHVISIO but did not seem to provide an easy way to determine which paths could be used- in other words it displayed all paths- 181 of them. GSEA- This one utility needed the original affymetrix probe data for all samples but only containing the selected genes . We had used the JIMP data which did not contain this level of detail. The original JIMP tables containing the affymetrix and illumina data contain all original probes not just the selected probes. Most of these utilities need excel data saved as tab delimited files. JIMP files cannot be read into them and we cannot access jump from home. David did not seem to provide pathway 'pictures' and deciphering the output did not seem easy. We also tried using GOEAST for Pathway Analysis, but could not get a decent diagram for GSE12466 (Calcified vs healthy Aortic) with more than 10 genes. We also couldn't get a diagram for the other study GSE26593 Osc vs Laminar data. GOEAST was abending or gave errors after waiting a long awhile. However, with whatever different analysis we performed, we nailed it down to the following important pathways and processes that regulated by the genes in response to different treatments or conditions, which are explained in detail below. Pathways: GSE12644 (Calcified vs Healthy Human AVs) Pathway regulated Wnt Signaling Pathway and Pleuripotency Statin Pathway Senescence and Autophagy Myometrial Relaction and Contraction Focal Adhesion Fatty Acid Beta Oxidation Apoptosis GSE26953 -Fibrosa side: Oscillatory vs Laminar Nucelotide metabolism Serotonin Receptor 2 & ELK-SRF/GATA4 signaling Blood Clotting Cascade FAS Pathway & Stress Induction Tryptophan Metabolism AD Signaling Pathway Serotonin Receptor 4-6-7-and NR3C Signaling Apoptosis Modulation Compliment and Coagulation Cascades Osteopontin Signaling Heart Development Fatty Acid Biosythesis Wnt Signaling GSE26953-Ocsillatory Shear on Fibrosa and Ventricularis sides No Pathways identified GSE26953- Ventricularis side: Oscillatory & Laminar Shear Serotonin Receptor 2 and ELK-SRF/GATA4 signaling Blood Clotting Cascade Tryptophan metabolism Serotonin Receptor 4/6/7 and NR3C Signaling Heart Development miRs in Muscle Cell Differentiation Nucleotide Metabolism ID signaling pathway Complement and Coagulation Cascades Fatty Acid Beta Oxidation Osteopontin Signaling Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Endochondral Ossification Integrated Pancreatic Cancer Pathway Androgen receptor signaling pathway Selenium Pathway Wnt Signaling Pathway G Protein Signaling Pathways GSE26953 - Laminar Shear - fibrosa and ventricularis No Pathways found Gene Ontology: Calcified vs Normal Human AV samples: We first generated a list of processes and the associated number of genes that are altered or regulated in the calcified valves compared to normal valves. Following are the important biological functions and the corresponding number of genes associated with them that are significantly upregulated in calcified human AVs compared to normal human AVs. This data has been sorted based on two parameters: Important processes related to valve physiology and pathology as well as the p-value. This list will be used as a guide to test our hypothesis if the oscillatory shear on fibrosa side would trigger any of the genes that are associated with the calcified valves. Ontology biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process cellular_component molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function Term cardiovascular system development response to wounding response to chemical stimulus response to stress cell migration wound healing cellular process negative regulation of response to stimulus inflammatory response response to stimulus tissue morphogenesis osteoblast differentiation angiogenesis wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells wound healing, spreading of cells heart development regulation of cell proliferation response to external stimulus negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction ossification cell differentiation extracellular matrix extracellular matrix structural constituent platelet-derived growth factor binding SMAD binding No. of Genes 22 21 30 33 15 12 88 15 12 54 12 5 8 3 3 9 16 13 p-value 2.18E-10 3.67E-10 1.71E-07 1.87E-07 1.98E-07 1.55E-06 3.35E-06 3.35E-06 5.05E-06 2.14E-05 8.27E-05 0.001503143 0.002444354 0.003180017 0.003180017 0.00575483 0.006280226 0.006280226 2 0.006280226 2 6 23 183 17 11 5 0.006280226 0.015182975 0.015424909 9.93E-24 4.07E-18 5.34E-17 0.003407602 Sheared HAVECs: We obtained the processes and the associated number of genes, which are regulated by different treatments: Laminar vs shear as well as side-dependent. But since we are looking at the treatment conditions that may potentially cause calcification, which is the effect of oscillatory shear on fibrosa side, we narrowed our ontology list based on the above table and listed the most relevant and important processes as follows. 1. Overall shear response: Oscillatory vs Laminar Ontology biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process Term regulation of cellular process developmental process translation cellular response to stimulus multicellular organismal development anatomical structure development system development blood vessel development vasculature development signaling cell communication angiogenesis regulation of signaling cell motility cellular lipid metabolic process regulation of cell proliferation intracellular protein transport cell migration negative regulation of metabolic process regulation of signal transduction cardiovascular system development cell death cell differentiation negative regulation of cell cycle cellular homeostasis negative regulation of cell proliferation regulation of cell migration regulation of cell motility cellular response to stress No. of genes p 615 262 78 312 234 209 177 35 35 284 291 25 92 39 57 71 51 35 69 83 45 66 120 38 45 38 19 19 51 8.45E-34 7.73E-13 9.77E-13 3.09E-12 7.57E-11 3.09E-10 1.47E-08 1.85E-08 3.83E-08 6.98E-08 7.20E-08 1.13E-06 1.94E-06 2.59E-06 5.50E-06 1.06E-05 1.11E-05 1.20E-05 1.26E-05 1.58E-05 2.26E-05 9.42E-05 0.000145769 0.000615823 0.000650469 0.000678886 0.003357046 0.003357046 0.00797229 biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function negative regulation of cell communication cell-matrix adhesion nitric oxide metabolic process negative regulation of signal transduction negative regulation of transcription, DNAdependent regulation of MAP kinase activity cell cycle tissue homeostasis negative regulation of signaling negative regulation of hormone metabolic process negative regulation of smooth muscle cell migration tissue development regulation of cell growth negative regulation of blood coagulation negative regulation of hemostasis cell proliferation Ras protein signal transduction negative regulation of response to stimulus wound healing cell development chemical homeostasis regulation of programmed cell death regulation of cell death regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization ion transmembrane transport regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade response to oxidative stress cell cell part intracellular intracellular part endomembrane system phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor antioxidant activity nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity 23 16 5 22 0.020000129 0.026543478 0.030876446 0.031319124 30 18 66 7 22 0.032141373 0.034176127 0.036313315 0.040350696 0.04130435 3 0.04189894 3 52 26 5 5 37 17 24 17 43 37 45 45 0.04189894 0.045163795 0.047520856 0.048777412 0.048777412 0.049297913 0.057022382 0.062378208 0.081455496 0.081615089 0.081727329 0.088334937 0.090526108 10 0.09069631 8 0.091831322 16 0.091831322 16 0.091831322 1357 2.98E-166 1357 2.98E-166 1230 4.80E-165 1199 1.07E-161 141 5.04E-12 93 1.57E-08 10 0.065424983 38 0.091831322 2. Fibrosa side: Oscillatory vs Laminar shear: Ontology Term No. of genes p - value biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process cellular process regulation of cellular process response to stimulus cellular component organization multicellular organismal development response to stress cellular response to stimulus gene expression anatomical structure development translation signal transduction cell communication cell motility cell migration regulation of signal transduction regulation of cell cycle negative regulation of gene expression regulation of gene expression regulation of response to stimulus regulation of cell communication response to wounding regulation of cell migration regulation of cell motility lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway negative regulation of blood coagulation angiogenesis nucleocytoplasmic transport nuclear transport cardiovascular system development regulation of cell proliferation lipid transport positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process regulation of coagulation cell differentiation cellular homeostasis lipid localization regulation of response to external stimulus positive regulation of response to external stimulus positive regulation of MAP kinase activity regulation of wound healing 571 340 241 115 141 93 179 83 122 44 155 167 25 23 51 36 26 125 58 34 31 14 14 3.49E-57 8.01E-19 4.25E-12 4.84E-09 7.93E-09 2.79E-08 3.52E-08 2.26E-07 3.73E-07 4.50E-07 3.57E-06 1.67E-05 7.28E-05 0.000120665 0.000195557 0.000222076 0.000329267 0.000425113 0.000498521 0.001408852 0.001408852 0.002100465 0.002100465 4 5 13 14 14 25 38 14 0.00522278 0.005312838 0.006336822 0.006676118 0.007394041 0.007571576 0.011687283 0.012033119 38 6 67 26 14 0.012434336 0.012434336 0.012981489 0.019414487 0.021018667 10 0.034446655 6 0.034446655 10 5 0.034446655 0.041267336 biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component cellular_component molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function anatomical structure morphogenesis gene silencing cellular response to stress positive regulation of endothelial cell migration regulation of MAP kinase activity cell death apoptotic process cell cell part intracellular intracellular part nucleosome membrane-bounded vesicle extracellular region cell junction transition metal ion binding oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen L-ascorbic acid binding calcium ion binding 46 6 30 0.04722417 0.049849136 0.057586055 3 12 34 31 744 744 669 647 9 32 88 31 134 0.05883972 0.059244202 0.064616034 0.065829318 1.85E-90 1.85E-90 1.69E-86 5.68E-82 0.006395077 0.007490244 0.009427704 0.026179387 0.000126894 13 6 55 0.006676118 0.006767938 0.007160141 3. Fibrosa vs Ventricularis side: Oscillatory shear Ontology biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process biological_process Term regulation of catabolic process cytoplasmic sequestering of NF-kappaB fatty acid alpha-oxidation regulation of Cdc42 protein signal transduction regulation of Cdc42 GTPase activity negative regulation of transmembrane transport negative regulation of protein import into nucleus negative regulation of NF-kappaB import into nucleus negative regulation of transcription factor import into nucleus cytoplasmic sequestering of transcription factor negative regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade negative regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport negative regulation of intracellular protein transport regulation of Rho GTPase activity positive regulation of Ras GTPase activity positive regulation of Rho GTPase activity positive regulation of GTPase activity positive regulation of protein complex assembly negative regulation of intracellular transport genes p 2 0.032616666 1 0.08034134 1 0.080861475 1 0.080861475 1 0.080861475 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.085464824 1 0.086473584 1 0.087431714 biological_process molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function molecular_function regulation of NF-kappaB import into nucleus Rac GTPase activator activity NF-kappaB binding Rac GTPase binding Rho GTPase activator activity 1 1 1 1 1 0.092939231 0.08034134 0.085464824 0.085464824 0.094580619 Discussion: We were able to generate pathway as well as the gene ontology details for all our comparison groups. PCA analysis indicated that calcified vs healthy human AVs sample data are distinctly grouped into two. Further pathway analysis showed that these calcified samples expressed genes that involved in the Apoptosis, Wnt signaling, oxidation and statin pathways. These pathways when altered have been known to be involved in the AV disease progression[6]. Further gene ontology revealed that, the calcified valves expressed genes that negatively alter basic cell functions such as cell death, proliferation, migration and development apart from the process that are associated with disease initiating pathways such as angiogenesis, inflammation (via NF-KB pathway), apoptosis, ossification and osteogenesis. These results are also in good agreement with the published results[13]. In order to test our hypothesis, which is fibrosa side when exposed to oscillatory shear stress, expresses genes involved in AV disease progression, we primarily focused on the following groups 1. Overall shear effects: oscillatory vs laminar shear stress 2. Fibrosa: oscillatory vs laminar shear stress 3. Oscillatory shear stress: Fibrosa vs Ventricularis We observed that when fibrosa was exposed to oscillatory vs laminar shear stress, some of the pathways associated with disease were identified, such as osteopontin, wnt signaling, serotonin receptor pathway, blood coagulation inducer, which were not observed on ventricularis side. Further, specifically, the processes related to anatomic development were seen preferentially on fibrosa when exposed to oscillatory shear. This can be justified stating that, although fibrosa and ventricularis sides are part of the same valve, their composition differs, partly due to the conditioning of the different mechanical stimuli and partly due to genetics. Perhaps, this can also explain the preferential inflammation and calcification of the fibrosa side, under altered mechanical stimuli, compared to ventricularis side, as also reported in an ex vivo study[7]. Genes involved in other functions such as cell cycle, migration, development, proliferation were expressed in all different groups, but at different levels (or numbers). However, the published results indicated other novel mechanosensitive pathways that were not detected by our analysis. This could be due to the differences in the analysis softwares ( such as using JIMP vs SAM, open source tools for pathways and ontology vs using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis etc)[12]. Albeit the differences in the pathways identified, we found some of the common pathways between fibrosa exposed to oscillatory shear and calcified human valves. 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