IACUC Amendment to Increase Animal Numbers

Georgia Institute of Technology
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
Amendment to Increase Animal Numbers
Instructions: This form was created in MSWord. Fields will expand to accommodate text entry.
When complete, please forward this form by email to iacuc@gatech.edu
GA Tech IACUC Policies and Procedures
Principal Investigator/Protocol
Principal Investigator:
Emergency Contact Number:
Protocol Number Being Amended:
Protocol Title:
Request to Increase Animal Numbers
The Attending Veterinarian must be consulted in the case of any adverse event of change requiring additional
USDA Pain Classification
Number of Animals Requested
Justification for Increased Number of Animals:
You were originally asked to justify the number of animals necessary to complete the project. Please explain why
you are asking for additional animals at this time and provide justification for the additional animals.
(For example: Why could you not complete the project with the number of animals requested? Did you experience an adverse
event? Do you need to use the same protocol to test a similar substance that was not yet available when the original protocol was
approved? Do you want to try a revised surgical technique on a cadaver animal before submitting a new/revised IACUC
New procedures (not previously described in the approved protocol) on new animals are considered new protocols
and require the submission of a new IACUC Application. Pilot studies are new protocols and require a new IACUC
Application. Changing species or the addition of a new species on an approved protocol requires the submission of
a protocol amendment.
PI Certification
In lieu of a written signature, PI may submit protocol application via e-mail to iacuc@gatech.edu from your GT
email account.
Principal Investigator Signature ________________________ (or submit via GIT email for electronic signature)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office of Research Integrity Assurance
IACUC IACUC@gatech.edu
IACUC Amendment to Increase Animal Numbers
January 2014
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