Dual Career ()

Issued September 2015
Office of the Provost
FY 2015-2016
Program Description
The Office of the Provost will continue the current Dual Career Assistance Program in FY15-16.
This initiative is intended to provide assistance to spouses and partners of faculty members who
are seeking faculty and non-faculty appointments at Purdue.
Financial Resources
In the case of faculty positions, the Office of the Provost will provide support for salaries and
fringe benefits in units that have met the following requirements:
a) Departments must have a demonstrated financial need for financial support.
b) Funds are typically available to provide partial, temporary funding to the hiring
department of the spouse or domestic partner of a new faculty member in order to
bridge to a permanent line.
c) The funds for the spouse's/partner's position is usually shared by the hiring
department, the department hiring the initial spouse or partner, and by the Office of
the Provost. Usually, each of these three units contributes one-third of the salary for
up to two years, at which point the hiring department assumes the full cost.
d) Faculty who are seeking employment opportunities for a spouse or partner are
encouraged to make that known to the hiring unit early in the process given the
difficulty and time involved in making unanticipated faculty appointments.
In the case of non-faculty positions, the same criteria and funding arrangements will apply. Note
that hiring a dual career candidate into an existing vacant line is not eligible for support from the
Provost’s Dual Career Assistance Program. Non-faculty hires may require some alternative plan
for funding after the two-year bridge period since bridging to a permanent position may not be
clear at the time of hire.
Placement Assistance
Units that are seeking faculty employment opportunities for a spouse or partner of a faculty
member are encouraged to contact the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs who can assist in
networking between academic departments. In addition, those who are seeking employment
opportunities for a spouse or partner in a non-faculty appointment are encouraged to contact the
Office of Faculty Recruitment and Retention in Human Resources.
Review and Approval Process
Proposals seeking financial support for either faculty or non-faculty positions for spouses or
partners should include the endorsement of the head and the dean for the hiring units of both the
initial faculty member and the spouse or partner. The request should be submitted to the Vice
Provost for Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost at the following email address:
approvalsofficeoftheprovost@purdue.edu . Proposals will be accepted throughout the year.