Love Languages


Love Languages

Speaking different languages makes good communication difficult

Love Languages

How was love expressed in your family?

If we want to communicate effectively with our spouses, we may have to learn their Love Language .


When the emotional tank is low, feelings of love go away

When I feel loved by my spouse, I feel secure and my sense of self-worth is fed.

If she/loves me, I must have significance .





Words of Affirmation

“I can live for two months on a good compliment.”

Mark Twain

Verbal compliments are far greater motivators than nagging words

Encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from your spouse’s perspective. We must first learn what is important to our spouse.


Quality Time

Quality Time

Emphasis is not on what you’re doing but on why

Togetherness is focused attention, not proximity

Doesn’t matter what you do

Creating memories


Receiving Gifts

Gifts are visible symbols of love that have emotional value.

You can learn to be a proficient gift giver

Doesn’t have to be expensive or often.

It has nothing to do with monetary value and everything to do with love!

There’s presents and then there’s presence

The gift of self

The Gift of Self


Acts of Service

Doing things you know your spouse would like you to do

Requires thought, planning, time, effort, energy… and a positive spirit


Need to learn their dialect so we can do the right things!


Physical Touch

Some people emotionally yearn for their spouses to reach out and touch them physically

Which love language does your spouse speak?

When an action doesn’t come naturally to you, it is a greater expression of love

True Love

Just do it, whether you understand it, like it, or want to.

Love is a choice

If I know their primary love language and choose to speak it, her/his deepest emotional need will be met and she/he will feel secure in my love.

Each partner holds the key to changing the emotional climate of the marriage.
