NAME __________________________________ PERIOD_____ DATE ________________
Purpose: To demonstrate the rock cycle by simulating activities showing the processes of erosion and the
formation of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock.
Materials: Hotplate, Timers, 10-12 milk chocolate chips (from baking aisle), 3 plastic knives, 10-12 white
chocolate chips, sheet of aluminum foil, 10-12 butterscotch or peanut butter chips, heavy books, 3 paper towels
What to Do
Part 1
1. Pour one color of chips on a paper towel and break them into little pieces and shavings with the plastic knife.
(Squash and grind chips with side of knife, then cut) (The smaller the pieces and shavings, the better.)
2. Repeat with the other colors keeping the colors separate until ready to combine them.
3. In the middle of the sheet of aluminum foil pour all of one of the colors of chips.
4. Place another color on top of the first color and then the other color last.
5. Make some observations in the space below.
1. Draw and color what you see from the top.
3. What processes of rock formation is being modeled in part 1?
2. Draw and color what you see from the side.
Part 2
1. Double Tri-fold the aluminum foil over your three layers of chips.
2. Place two to three heavy books over the aluminum foil, and then sit on it for three minutes.
3. Take off the books and observe the chips.
4. Make some observations in the space below.
1. Draw and color what you see from the top.
2. Draw and color what you see from the side.
3. What type of rock formation is being modeled in part 2? _____________________________
Part 3
1. Fold the aluminum foil over the chips again.
2. Have one member of the group press very hard on the foil with their hands for 30 seconds.
3. Have another member of the group do the same for another 30 seconds.
4. Continue doing this until all members of the group have done it twice.
5. Unwrap the aluminum foil and observe the chips.
6. Make some observations in the space below.
1. Draw and color what you see from the top.
2. Draw and color what you see from the side.
3. What type of rock formation is being modeled in part 3? _____________________________
Part 4
Safety Concern: The hot plate will cause burns. Use it carefully.
1. Wrap the aluminum foil over the chips again.
2. Take the foil package to a hot plate and lay it on the hot plate for 30-45 seconds. Don’t cook too long as the
chocolate will burn.
3. Pick up the package by the sides and return it to your table.
4. Leave the package wrapped for at least 10 minutes
5. Gently unwrap the aluminum foil and observe.
6. Make some observations in the space below.
1. Draw and color what you see from the top.
2. Draw and color what you see from the side.
3. What type of rock formation is being modeled in part 4? _____________________________
1. What did your group do to simulate weathering?
2. What did your group do to simulate erosion?
3. What did your group do to model the formation of sedimentary rock?
4. What did your group do model the formation of a metamorphic rock?
5. What was the difference between what you did to the sedimentary rocks and the metamorphic rocks?
6. What did your group do to make the igneous rocks?
7. What was different between what you did to the metamorphic rocks and the igneous rocks?
8. From what you did in this activity, fill in the following flow chart with the correct rock type for each
Under Pressure
and Erosion
Under Heat
and Pressure