اخلطة الدراسية للمقرر العملي Practical course Lesson Plan English Department 4 Weekly Hrs. Dept. القسم English for Computer Users عدد الساعات األسبوعية Weeks Content 1 Introduction 2 Basic English for Computing to enhance reading skills. Supplementary material for vocabulary enrichment. Introduction to description writing. Course Name اسم املقرر Course Code رمز املقرر En.213 Course Objectives أهداف املقرر This module is designed to develop reading competence and comprehension of English on technical 4 Reading comprehension on types of computer passage. New vocabulary understanding. Writing description. ) Reading and answering questions for ‘Keyboard and Mouse’. Vocabulary exercise. Describe an object. 5 Read and answer questions based on ‘Input Devices’. New vocabulary enrichment. Describe an object. 6 Reading for specific information. Exercises based on new vocabulary. Description writing a new object. 7 Revision by going over a sample Midterm Exam. 8 Midterm Exam موعد اختبار منتصف الفصل Mid-term Exam Date Answering questions based on reading comprehension. New vocabulary build-up. Introduction to instruction writing. درجة100 توزيع الدرجات الكلية واليت جمموعها 3 topics related to computer studies. Learning and understanding vocabulary and terminology related to computer studies. Understanding how to write technical passages and instructions. Mid-term Exams 9 Mid-term Exams 10 Mid-term Exams Grading Policy ( Total of 100 ) Reading for information and answering questions. Define new vocabulary & answer the exercises. Instruction writing. Reading comprehension. New vocabulary understanding. Instruction writing. 12 Reading for information and answering questions. New vocabulary with exercises. Writing instructions. 13 Reading comprehension & answering questions. Final vocabulary understanding. Writing instructions. 15 16 االختبار الفصلي % 60 Final Exam 11 14 يبلغ املدرب مجيع املتدربني ابملوعد اختبار منتصف الفصل % 20 Mid-term Exam االختبارات القصرية % 10 Quizzes االنتظام Attendance Sample final exam & revision موعد بداية االختبارات النهـائيـة Final Exams ختم القسم Dept. Seal % 10 Course Plan En. 213 3rd semester Computer English 4 Hours / week General Outline: (Objectives) - To enhance the ability to read and comprehend technical material relating to Computers in English. - To improve vocabulary skills and to teach students to use the dictionary with easy. - To teach students various ways of expression technical concepts in the written and spoken forms. - To teach student to think logically and use English to produce clear, simple sentences and to write simple definitions, descriptions and instructions. Teachers should concentrate more on the language aspect rather than on the the technical content of the material. Book: Basic English for Computing - Unit 1 Everyday Uses of Computers - Unit 18 Graphics and Multimedia - Unit 2 Types of Computers - Unit 19 Programming - Unit 4 Keyboard and Mouse - Unit 21 Languages - Unit 6 Input Devices - Unit 23 Future trends 1 - Unit 14 The Internet 2: The World Wide Web - Unit 26 Issues in Computing Supplementary Material - Practice questions based on book’s material - Vocabulary exercises and exercises for writing program - Sample question papers Grading System - Attendance 10 Marks - Written Quizzes 10 Marks - Mid-term Exam 20 Marks - Final Exam 60 Marks Week 1 - Introduction - Suggestions: Teachers can use questions in unit 1 for warm ups and also to get to know the students ability and to break the ice. Use task 1 as a free discussion also ask ‘What do they use a computer for? How often?’. Task 2 is another good exercise to do for the first week also ask them to include ‘Where have they seen computers in their daily lives?’ Week 2 Unit 1: Everyday Uses of Computers - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 7. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 1-3. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 3-4. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material pages 55-64. Answering the question ‘What is it?’, ‘What is it made of?’ and ‘What shape is it?’ - Suggestions: If there is extra time then do task 9 and 10 on page 9. Easy and simple. Week 3 Unit 2: Types of Computers - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 11. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 5-7. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 7-9. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Go over previous questions from last week. - Supplementary writing material pages 65-66. Answering the question ‘Where can it be used and for what purpose?’ and ‘How is it used?’. - Describing an object ‘A Laptop’. Supplementary material page 67. - Suggestion: - If there is extra time then Task 8 on page 13 in the text book is a good team work exercise. Team up students into pairs or groups to solve the task. Week 4 Unit 4: Keyboard and Mouse - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 19. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 10-12. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 12-14. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Describing an object ‘A Computer System’. Supplementary material page 15. - Suggestions: - If there is time then the following exercises are a great gap fillers for the end of the class. Task 1, task 2 and task 7. Week 5 Unit 6: Input Devices - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 27. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 16-18. Students need to first fill in the blanks in the passage before answering the questions in the supplementary. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 18-20. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Describing an object ‘A Mouse’. Supplementary material page 21. - Suggestions: - If there is time then the following exercises are a great gap fillers for the end of the class. Task 1, task 6 and task 8. Week 6 Unit 14: The Internet 2: The World Wide Web - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 59. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 22-24. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 25-27. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Describing an object ‘A Printer’. Supplementary material page 28. - Suggestions: - If there is time then the following exercises are a great gap fillers for the end of the class. Task 1, task 2, task 4 and task 9. Week 7 - Sample Mid-term Exam on pages 68-67 - Revision as needed. Week 8 - Mid-term Exam Week 9 Unit 18: Graphics and Multimedia - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on pages 75-76. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 29-31. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 31-34. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material. Instruction writing. Week 10 Unit 19: Programming - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 79. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 35-37. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 38-40. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material. Instruction writing. Week 11 Unit 21: Languages - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 87. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 41-43. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 43-45. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material. Instruction writing. Week 12 Unit 23: Future trends 1 - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on pages 95-96. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 46-48. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 48-49. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material. Instruction writing. Week 13 Unit 26 Issues in Computing - Reading Comprehension: - Enhance student’s skills of reading for information. Read the passage in the book on page 107. Exercises are provided in the supplementary on pages 50-52. - Vocabulary: - Do the vocabulary exercises on pages 53-54. Use the dictionary to check definitions of the new vocabulary. - Writing: - Supplementary writing material. Instruction writing. Week 14 - Sample Final Exam + Revisions Guidelines for Mid-Term Exam En. 213 (3rd Semester for Computer Studies) Reading Comprehension (250 - 300 Words) A – Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (4 marks) (4 x 1) B – Complete the sentences with the correct answers. Choose from a, b or c. (3 marks) (3 x 1) C – Are the following statements True or False? Correct the false statements (provide 2 true sentences and 2 false sentences) (2 marks) (0.5 x 4) Vocabulary (from words list from section 1 - 5) A – Match the following words with their correct definitions. (3 marks) (6 x .5) B – Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list given below. (3 marks) (0.5 x 6) C – Answer the following questions. (give 1 on antonym and 1 on synonym). (1 marks) (2 x .5) Writing (Descriptive Writing) A – Write a small paragraph describing __________________. Use the picture and the questions given to help you. (4 marks) PICTURE 1 – What is it? (Definition) (1 mark) 2 – What shape is it? (0.5 mark) 3 – What is it made of? (0.5 mark) 4 – Where can it be used and for what purpose? (0.5 mark) 5 – How is it used? (1 mark) 6 – place the following parts in the correct location on the picture. (provide 4 parts to be placed on the picture) (0.5 mark) Total: 20 Marks Guidelines for Final Exam En. 213 (3rd Semester for Computer Studies) Reading Comprehension (250 - 300 Words) A – Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (8 marks) (4 x 2) B – Complete the sentences with the correct answers. Choose from a, b or c. (5 marks) (5 x 1) C – Are the following statements True or False? Correct the false statements (provide 2 true sentences and 2 false sentences) (4 marks) (4 x 1) D – Circle the meaning of the underlined words as it is used in the passage. Choose from a, b or c. (3 marks) (3 x 1) Vocabulary (from word list from section 6 - 10) A – Match the following words with their correct definitions. (6 marks) (6 x 1) B – Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list given below. (8 marks) (8 x 1) C – Answer the following questions. (give 3 on antonym and 3 on synonym). (6 marks) (6 x 1) Writing (Instruction Writing) A. Read the following passage and write instructions on: How to ___________. Your instructions must have 10 steps. (10 marks) Note: The passage must be in the passive voice. Test negative. B. Write your own instructions on How to ____________. Your instructions must have 5 steps. (10 marks) Note: -Trainees should be able to write 5 instructions on the topic you have given. -The topic must be based on computers. Total Marks: 60 Marks