AIF1(Pharmacy Anon) REPORTING OF ADVERSE INCIDENTS By COMMUNITY PHARMACY SERVICES *Fields 1-5 Not applicable if reporting anonymously 6. Date of Incident: 9. Patient Involved? Yes / No 7. 10. Date Aware: 8. Date of Report: Age: 11. Sex: (please delete) 12. 13. Medication Incident? Yes / No (please delete) If Yes please give name (s) of medication involved: 14. Other HSC Organisation Involved? Yes / No (please delete) 15. More details on HSC organisation (if willing to provide them) 16. Brief summary of incident (Should not contain personal detail of patient) Include relevant information regarding the incident eg name, form, dose and quantity of medications prescribed and same for those dispensed (if different), whether the patient actually consumed the medication and any harm that occurred. 16a Please indicate whether this was a ‘near miss’ or a dispensing error: □ near miss □ dispensing error □ other ‘Near miss’ is defined as an incident detected up to and including the point at which the medication was handed over to the patient or patient’s representative. Dispensing error is an incident detected after the patient had taken possession of the medication. 16b Level of harm and likelihood of re-occurrence: † See risk analysis table (Appendix 1) for definitions of these terms If harm occurred please indicate the actual level of harm† caused to the patient by this incident: Insignificant □ minor □ moderate □ major □ Catastrophic □ unknown □ n/a □ PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED ANONYMOUSLY AND WILL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN LEARNING. Please post completed document to: Medicines Governance Adviser, Integrated Care, Local HSCB Office AIF1(Pharmacy Anon) Had the error gone unnoticed, please indicate the level of harm† you think could have occurred to the patient: Please indicate your perceived likelihood that this could happen again, in your or another pharmacy: Insignificant □ minor □ moderate □ major □ Rare □ unlikely □ possible □ likely □ Catastrophic □ almost certain □ 17. unknown / unpredictable □ Possible Cause / Contributory Factors 17a Please indicate how busy the pharmacy was at the time of the incident □ Very busy □ busy □ average □ quiet 18. Action taken by contractor with regard to this event: 19. Action taken by contractor to prevent recurrence: □ very quiet Please tick the box(es) that best describe(s) this error/near miss (tick as many as are applicable): □ Dose or strength was wrong or unclear □ Verbal direction to patient was wrong or omitted □ Expiry date wrong, omitted or passed □ Wrong/transposed/omitted medicine label □ Formulation of medication was wrong □ Wrong drug/medicine □ Frequency for taking of medication was wrong □ Wrong method of preparation or supply □ Medication incorrectly stored □ Wrong quantity □ Mismatch between patient and medicine □ Contra-indication to the use of the medication □ Omitted medicine or ingredient □ Medication prescribed to which patient had a known allergy □ Other medication incident □ Patient information leaflet wrong or omitted □ Omitted dose □ Wrong route of administration of medication HSCB Use Only: FPS Reference No Logged by Date PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED ANONYMOUSLY AND WILL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN LEARNING. Please post completed document to: Medicines Governance Adviser, Integrated Care, Local HSCB Office AIF1(PharmacyAnon) Appendix 1: Risk Analysis Table DOMAIN INSIGNIFICANT (1) PEOPLE (Impact on the Health/Safety/Welfare of any person affected: e.g. Patient/Service User, Staff, Visitor, Contractor) Near miss, no injury or harm. INFORMATION Minor loss of nonpersonal information. IMPACT (CONSEQUENCE) LEVELS [can be used for both actual and potential] MINOR (2) MODERATE (3) MAJOR (4) Short-term injury/minor harm requiring first aid/medical treatment. Minimal injury requiring no/ minimal intervention. Non-permanent harm lasting less than one month (1-4 day extended stay). Emotional distress (recovery expected within days or weeks). Increased patient monitoring Loss of information. Semi-permanent harm/disability (physical/emotional injuries/trauma) (Recovery expected within one year). Increase in length of hospital stay/care provision by 5-14 days. Loss of or unauthorised access to sensitive / business critical information Long-term permanent harm/disability (physical/emotional injuries/trauma). Increase in length of hospital stay/care provision by >14 days. Loss of or corruption of sensitive / business critical information. CATASTROPHIC (5) Permanent harm/disability (physical/ emotional trauma) to more than one person. Incident leading to death. Permanent loss of or corruption of sensitive/business critical information. *PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED ANONYMOUSLY AND WILL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN LEARNING. Please post completed document to: Medicines Governance Adviser, Integrated Care, Local HSCB Office