September 2, 2004

September 2, 2004 - 2:00 P.M.
1. Roll Call
1.1. - Terry Orban, Debbie Banks, Darryl Elaschuk, Clint Hayes, Jeff Hritzuk, Trevor Edgar, Miles
Bennett, Cindy Tulp, Erin Tarala, Jeff Sopczak, Kent Summach, Owen Sokoluk, Lex Wright, Julian
Slywka, Kris Denney, Allan Doel, John Gilles, Jim Wickett, Bye Braun, George Tough, Greg Mamer,
Ken Parker, Crystal Zakaluzny, Cliff Adelman, Penny Barr, Chris Tucker, Wayne Sandbeck, Cathy
Morrow, Glen Kehler, Jud Heilman, Jodi Sobool, Judy Walker, Terry Chalifour, Michelle Lahti, Sandra
Schatz, Andrew Merryweather, Kendall Pierce, Carl Yaworski, Brian Cook, Bill Macfarlane, Monica
Cyrenne, Jason Low, Jill Martin-Ament, Jeff Speir, Matt Linner, Lyle McKellar, Lance Morrison, Kevin
2. Adoption of agenda - add Audit of books. (Motioned by Jud H., seconded by Carl Y.)
3. Adoption of AGM and Executive minutes (2003-2004) - (Motioned by Jeff S., seconded by Julian
3.1. Business arising out of the minutes
3.1.1. Constitutional changes - Small groups will go through the constitution to make sure everything is as it should be
3.1.2. Awards - On the website. Please check for spelling and make sure people are still in the district. The
district would like to see more people from our schools recognized. Please nominate them.
3.1.3. Football play off formats - Formats will be posted on the W.C. website for 6 and 9 man football.
3.1.4. Officials to provincial competitions - The district will work towards improving officiating in our division. This will require our district
to put up some money for mileage to move officials to tournaments.
3.1.5. Communication in the district - Most communication will be done on Microsoft Excel. - President Lyle would like each school to have two people send him an e-mail so that he will
have two contacts for each school - Please email from both accounts to:
4. Correspondence
4.1. The Webstation
4.1.1. Matt Linner - software is available through "Webstation" for stats. It can also help schedule
tournaments and leagues. Lyle asked Matt for a report back to the Fall executive to see how it worked
for them. Cost is unknown at this time.
5. Reports
5.1. SHSAA - Kevin Vollet
5.1.1. Lyle has been elected as Section 4 Rep to the SHSAA executive
5.1.2. All material is online at the SHSAA website Newsletter is out
5.1.3. Office in Regina has moved to 575 Park Street in the same building as SK Hockey, Dairy
Farmers of SK, and Suputo.
5.1.4. Each school has a user name and password - phone the SHSAA office for help, if needed.
5.1.5. Team entry form and School enrollment forms are due Sept 30th. Enrollment form is only
available for one week from Sept 30th to Oct 6th.
5.1.6. Eligibility forms need to be in by the date. ($50 dollar fine for each that is missed) $10,500 taken
in last year on late fees. Dates have been changed to help athletic directors.
5.1.7. AGM highlights Membership passed a motion to go from 13 districts to 8 for the 2006-07. Boundary map will be
ready from the SHSAA by June 2005. This is to give time to create new executive and district executive
for the following year. The boundaries will probably change due to the change in the Sask Learning
amalgamations. 1A and 2A schools are now able to use Gr. 8 students - you must apply first Basketball resolution for 6A was defeated but there will be meetings to look at this problem.
One in Saskatoon and one in Regina. Curling dress code implemented we want teams dressed in the same colors (easily identifiable) Football - 43 students will be the maximum cutoff for the 1A six-man category. 36 medals are
now available to the champions of nine man. Wilson F2000 will be the official ball (University ball) Added a classification to soccer 1A, 2A, and now 3A. Soccer will now be seeded. Track and Field There will now be a $50 fine for late entries into the SHSAA office. New
schedule now on the website. Regional tournaments will now be added to Volleyball this year. These regions are listed on the
website. There is no host bid for Regionals. The District will decide on the host for the Regionals.
Regionals will be one weekend before Provincials. All information is available on the SHSAA website
under Volleyball. Wrestling - matches will not be able to start until a COACH is in the corner for Regional and
Provincial matches. Team sportsmanship banner will be available this year. Coaches will be expected
to act the same as any other sport. There is a spectator conduct policy available on the website. This will help the hosts of the
tournament to deal with the spectators accordingly. Jewelry policy has been adopted. It is a safety issue and there is no jewelry allowed at all,
taping is not allowed. (Except curling and golf). There is now a pay scale for officials who are passengers to regional basketball. Coaches Symposium this year had 125 participants. If you have any people that you would
like to see present, please send these names to your executive. School Sport Week Oct. 16th - 23rd. Tuesday is "be a sport" day. Thursday will be a fan
appreciation day. Posters will be sent out to the schools. A brochure will be sent with it with some
suggestions for activities. Look for this in your school mail. Bids to host provincials. Many sports open for bids. Check the SHSAA website. Team entries on the website. Check all sports that you may have. (You can be reimbursed
later.) You will be fined if you are entering late. Petro-Canada gas deal has been changed due to rising gas prices Coaches Cards are available Make sure your tournaments are sanctioned before going to them. Check with the SHSAA. Fill
out the forms and send them to the SHSAA. It will then be advertised on the website.
5.2. Officials' Commission - Jeff Sopczak
5.2.1. Athletic directors need to recruit officials in their local areas. Please get information about clinics
to your local people. Jeff would like athletic directors to tell him how the officials are doing at their
tournaments. Officials should be supported by our coaches during tournaments. Commissioners need
to help Jeff if there are officials available in the area of the District or Regional tournament. Use Jeff to
book the officials and let him know as early as possible.
5.2.2. District Football clinic Sept 7th in Rosetown. Cost is $5.
5.2.3. District Volleyball clinic Sept 8th in Rosetown. Cost is $5.
5.2.4. Adoption of the Official Commissioner's report (Motioned by Jeff S., seconded by Chris T.)
5.2.5. Division Volleyball Clinics Kindersley - Kindersley Sept 9th @ 7pm SaskWest - Dalmeny Sept 14th @ 6:30pm Outlook - Outlook Sept. 13th @7:00pm LandsWest - Unity Sept. 9th @7:00pm Biggar - Biggar Sept. 15th @ 7:00pm Rosetown - Rosetown Sept. 9th @ 7:00pm Eston-Elrose - Eston September 14th @ 7:00pm
5.3. Financial - Wayne Sandbeck
5.3.1. Attached at the end
5.3.2. Adoption of the Financial Report (Motioned by Wayne S. Seconded by Miles B.)
5.4. Activity Reports - Lyle McKellar
5.4.1. Information from the executive meetings They went out last spring by email, contact Lyle if you need more information If you are hosting a district championship send the District half the profits Carry a current E-5 form with your team Those hosting golf should use coaches and parents as walkers with the groups. Use of two gyms when there are more than 6 teams for volleyball Schools who have students who have qualified for Provincial track should be at the track and
field meeting at the end of the district track competition Saturday evening. There was discussion about
how athletes are picked for the relay teams that will be sent to the Provincials. (See constitution and
bylaws.) If teams are not going to a competition drop out early. If not there will be a fine Adoption of activity reports motioned by Lyle M. seconded by Jud H.
6. New Business
6.1. Awards
6.1.1. SHSAA service award - Jill Todd
6.1.2. SHSAA Outstanding Coach Award Judy Walker Alex McTavish
6.1.3. West Central Service Plaques Liz Duncan
Dan Wilgenbusch
Ron Veller
Denise Warrington
Judy Adair
Neil Buswell
Martin Berg
Todd Schmekel
Jim Walker
Ken Sloman
6.1.4. Years of Service recognition program - please complete the sheets you were given and sent back
to Lyle as soon as possible
6.2. District Website
6.2.1. Lyle listed what can be found on District site.
6.2.2. What are we looking to add? Ability to cut and paste draws Put the financial report form on the website so that numbers could be typed directly on to the
6.3. Constitutional Changes
6.3.1. Motions from executive meetings 2003-04 Be it resolved that in cross country, the Senior trophy to include Midge, Junior, and Senior
categories and the Junior trophy to include Peewee and Bantam (Julian S. / Greg M.) Carried Be it resolved that WCHSAA will pay entry fee to the SHSAA coaching symposium for up to 4
applicants. (Craig O. /Ken P.) Carried Be it resolved that in the sport of curling
a) Schools are responsible for the facility rental
b) Profits are to be shared equally (50/50 school and WCHSAA) after the schools cost of the facility is
c) In the case of a financial loss to the host then West Central will pay a maximum of $300.00 for Senior
Curling and $100.00 for Junior curling
d) Gate admission as per policy. (Craig O. /Ken P.) Carried Be it resolved that in Senior and Junior curling the "A" qualifier is awarded the hammer for the
final. (Craig O. /Terry O.) Carried Be it resolved that West Central Senior Basketball District playoffs be played on weekdays
rather than including Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. (Ken P.) Withdrawn Be it resolved that Senior Badminton can be hosted on a minimum 4-court facility. (Ken P.
/Greg M.) Amendment to - Be it resolved that Senior and Junior Badminton Districts can be
hosted on a minimum 4-court facility.) (Ken P. /Lex W.) Carried Be it resolved that Senior and Junior Badminton Districts can be hosted on a minimum 4court facility.) (Ken P. /Lex W.) Carried Bantam boys will run 80m hurdles at Midget Girls spacing. (Lex W. /Terry C.) Carried Change the track schedule to move the 800m girls to 10:45am (Carl Y. / Sandra S.) Carried The District books to be audited by the accounting teacher at Outlook High school and an
honorarium of $50 be paid. (Wayne S. / Jeff S.) Defeated Be it resolved that the executive research the cost of having the WCHSAA financial records
and the WCHSAA official Commissioner's financial records audited by a professional accounting
service. (Jeff S. / Lex W.) Carried Be it resolved that West Central Senior Basketball District playoffs be played on weekdays
rather than including Thursday, Friday, or Saturday on years when the West Central District is hosting
provincial curling. (Ken P. / John G.) Defeated Motion to keep the junior volleyball districts on Oct. 30 (Chris D. /Terry O.) Carried
6.3.2. Constitutional package Small group discussions were held to check for problems and concerns Large group discussion WCHSAA is what our District is called Motion put forward to accept the changes to the constitution by the WCHSAA AGM (Julian S.
/ Andrew M.) Carried
6.4. Activities
6.4.1. Rotation will be on the website
6.4.2. Team Fees will stay the same
6.4.3. Bring the trophies to the championships
6.5. Provincial Championships
6.5.1. 3A Girls volleyball Nov/04 - Cutknife
6.5.2. 4A Boys volleyball Nov/04 - Unity
6.5.3. Regional badminton May/05 - Wilkie
6.5.4. 2A Girls volleyball Nov/05 - Eatonia
6.5.5. Sr. Boys curling Mar/05 - Kerrobert
6.6. Election of officers
President Lyle McKellar
Vice-President Miles Bennett
Officials' Commissioner Jeff Sopczak
Secretary Lance Morrison
Treasurer Wayne Sandbeck
Biggar Lex Wright
Eston-Elrose Terry Orban
Kindersley Jason Low
Landswest Ken Parker
LCBI Cliff Adelman
Outlook Chris Tucker
Rosetown Kevin Gawletz
St Gabriel's Julian Slywka
NWRCSD Crystal Zakaluzny
SaskatoonWest Andrew Merryweather
Members at large Carl Yaworski
John Gilles
Rob Meschishnick
Judy Walker
6.7. Setting of meeting dates
6.7.1. Fall Executive - Wed. Dec. 8th 5:00pm
6.7.2. Spring Executive - Apr. 6th 5:00pm
6.7.3. Fall AGM - TBA
6.8. SHSAA AGM - Humboldt (June 2005)
6.8.1. Resolution Procedure - Resolutions can be submitted through the District (have them ready for
the Spring Exec.) or through your Division Board.
6.8.2. Door prize - Kindersley School Division
6.8.3. Delegates
Administrator Chris Tucker
Trustee Cathy Morrow
Officials commissioner Jeff Sopczak
Women's Rep Terry Orban
Member at Large Miles Bennett
Member at Large Carl Yaworski
Observers: Sandra Schatz, Karen Jefferies, Jennifer Ridgewell, Judy Walker, Ken Parker, Kevin
Gawletz, Lex Wright, Todd Hawkins, Brian Cook
6.9. Athletic Director Checklist will be put on the website by Lyle
7.1. Adjournment (Julian S.)