I have read and understand the policies in this handbook

I have read and understand the policies in this handbook.
Student Name:______________________________
Student Signature:___________________________
Parent Name: ______________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________
Jeff Hamm
Donna Goss
Travis McCluskey
301 West Vine Street
Tooele, Utah 84074
Property of:_________________________________
Phone #:____________________________________
In case of emergency, please notify:
Name:_______________ 3 Phone:_______________
Tooele High School Mission Statement
The mission of Tooele High School is to
empower all students to become productive
citizens in an ever changing world through
commitment to academic excellence and
personal responsibility.
At Tooele High We Believe:
 students will receive quality teaching in
every classroom every day.
 in providing a safe, inviting learning
environment for the students.
 all students have the ability and opportunity
to learn.
 in encouraging students to participate in
clubs, extracurricular activities and service
projects to make them well rounded.
Tooele County School District Non-Discrimination Statement
and Grievance Procedure
Tooele County School District, as a standing policy, does not discriminate
against individuals because of their race, color, religion, age sex, national origin,
disability, or status as disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran.
This policy applies to all school programs and employment handled by the
school district or through contractors, sub-contractors, or any other educational agency.
Such discrimination is prohibited by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Vocational
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Acts of 1974 and other Federal and State
statutes and regulations. The Title VII Indian Education program provides supplemental
services to meet the culturally related academic needs of American/Alaskan Native
Students. The program is federally funded through the Department of Education in
Washington D.C. by a Formula Grant Program. To enroll in the program students must
be enrolled in one of the District’s Public Schools and Parents/Guardians must complete
a 506 form. 506 forms are available in the school office or you can contact the Indian
Education Office at 833-1915.
Inquiries regarding the application of these laws and regulations or grievance
procedures to be followed in the event of noncompliance may be directed to the district’s
Equal Employment Officer: Assistant Superintendent Terry Linares 92 South Loadstone
Way, Tooele, Utah, or the Director Denver Regional Office for Civil Rights, U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
ADA Officer/504 Officer:
Jeff Hamm, Principal
Sexual Harassment Officers:
Jeff Hamm, Principal
Assistant Superintendent
Indian Education:
Jeff Hamm, Principal
Assistant Superintendent
ALS Information:
Jeff Hamm, Principal
Assistant Superintendent
Family Liaison Contact (Homeless Students)
Jeff Hamm, Principal
School Lunch Manager: Tooele High
833-1978 x2152- Deneene Lang
District Contact: Elva Roberts
2 For 2 Credit……………….…23
Absences ………………….…..19
Academic Requirements ….…..15
Alcohol and Other Drugs …..…28
Athletic Lettering …………..…39
Attendance Appeals Process…..25
Attendance Policy ………….…19
Attendance Make-Up Policy for
missed work..…21
Behavior Code ………………..28
Bell Schedules ……………..…..9
Blue Cord Award …………..…17
Bomb Threats……………….…38
Bullying/Hazing Policy………..25
Career Center …………………34
Change of Address ……………36
Citizenship Grades ……………17
Citizenship Policy……………..22
Class Parties ……………….….36
College & Career Readiness Plan
College Visits………………….22
Computer Technology Acceptable
Use Agreement…………….…..30
Cord Awards……………….….17
Compulsory Education……...…19
Counseling Department ………34
Course Requirements …………15
Credits Required to Graduate …15
Custodial Rights of Parents……36
Dance Dress Code…………..…33
Dress Standards ………………31
Drinking During Extracurricular
Activities ………………...……39
Drug Use During Extracurricular
Activities …………………...…39
Drugs and Alcohol ……………28
Due Process ………………..…28
Early Graduation …………...…17
Electronic Devices ……………32
Enrichment/Honors Program.…17
Excused Absences………….….19
Explosive Devices ……….……32
Expulsion ………………….….28
Extracurricular Activities ……..38
Extracurricular Activities,
Extracurricular Activities,
Eligibility Rules……………….38
Extracurricular Activities,
Scholastic Requirements………38
Extracurricular Activities,
Fees Section…………………...12
Fee Waiver ……………………15
Fighting Policy ……………….29
Fire Drills…...............................37
Gang Activity or Association …30
Gold Cord Award ……………..17
Graduation Requirements …….15
Gun/Weapon Control …………29
Hall Pass ………………………35
Hazardous Release Event……...38
Hazing/Bullying Policy …….....25
Homebound Absences ………..24
Homework Requests ……….…21
Honors/Enrichment Program….17
In-School Suspension…………26
In-School Sheltering…………..37
Insurance …………………...…36
Knives/Cutting Instruments …..32
Lockers …………………….…35
Lost and Found …………….…35
Make-up Policy for Missed
Media Center ……………...….35
Mission Statement………...……3
Multi Colored Cord Award……17
National Honor Society …….…18
Out-of-State Travel……………36
Parent in the Classroom ………27
Posters ……………………...…36
Power Failure…………….……38
Prohibitions ………………...…32
Purple Cord Award……………17
Relocation Centers………….…38
Renaissance ………………...…18
Report Cards………………..…34
Respect ……………………..…28
Returned Check Policy…….….15
Salutatorian Requirements….....18
Saturday School Sessions…..…23
Schedule Changes ………….....34
Scholastic Requirements,
Extracurricular Activities …..…38
School Activity Absences …….20
School Buses ……………….....33
School Emergencies……...……37
School Song ………………...….7
Seminary or Released Time …..24
Sexual Harassment ………...….30
Sheltering in Place….................37
Silver Cord Award ………...….17
Skateboards ……………….…..25
Smoking During Extracurricular
Activities ………………….…..39
Staff Directory ……………......10
Sterling Scholars………………18
Student Activity Programs…….12
Student Body Cards …………..34
Student Body Officers………….7
Student Fees…………………...12
Student Messages ……………..35
Student Parking ……………….33
Students Subject to Same Rule..16
Suspended Students …………..27
Suspension Alternatives ………27
Tardies ………………………...24
Textbooks ……………………..34
Tobacco Use …………………..28
Tooele City Park Designated as
School Campus ……………….25
Transportation Policy for School
Travel Out of State Sponsored by
the School……………………...36
Trespass ……………………….34
Truancy Policy ………………..20
Tryouts for Extracurricular
Vacation Plans ……………......21
Valedictorian Requirements.......18
Violation of Safe School
Visitors ………………………..35
Weapon/Gun Control …………29
White Buffalo Award …………17
Welcome to Tooele High School!
We are so excited for this new school year and all it has in store for
you! As your Student Body Officers, we want you to feel welcome to come to
us with any questions or concerns you may have. We are eager to serve you and
make it a fun and outstanding year! Tooele High is filled with opportunities and
activities for every Buffalo to be a part of. We encourage you to get involved
and attend all of the exciting activities that are planned. As you become more
involved you will help to boost the buffalo pride and spirit throughout this
Herd! We believe every student has something to offer, so come out and wear
your purple with pride, and together every Buffalo will make this year the best
one ever!
Forever and forever in Tooele!
Your 2015-2016 Student Body Officers
Sarah Wilson- President
Ayanna Likens- Inter-Organizational Council (I.O.C.) Vice-President
Jessica Webber- Activities and Assemblies Vice-President
Connor Searle- Publicity Vice-President
Isaac Montague- Senate Vice-President
Genesee Bevan- Secretary Vice-President
Elisa Erekson- Historian Vice-President
Here’s a tiger to Tooele High.
May our colors ever proudly fly.
We are here to stay until we die,
Forever and forever in Tooele!
Cheers to those who stand for us today.
Tears to those we leave along the way.
All good fellows we are here to stay,
Forever and forever in Tooele.
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Everybody sing.
Every echo ring!
Far away we leave our hearts to stay,
Forever and forever in Tooele!
Tooele High School
Calendar 2015-2016
August 25
September 7
October 15-16
October 28
October 29
October 30
November 26
November 26-27
Dec. 21 -Jan. 1
January 4
January 15
January 19
January 18
February 15
February 16
March 23
March 29
March 24,25,28
May 27
May 27
First Day of School
Labor Day (No School)
Teacher Convention (No School)
First Term Ends (45 Days)
Second Term Begins Teacher Grades &
Professional Dev. (No School)
District Day (No School)
Early Release Fall Break
Fall Break (No School)
Winter Break (No School)
Return to School
Second Term Ends (43 Days) Teacher Grades &
Professional Dev. (No School)
Third Term Begins
Human Rights Day (No School)
Presidents’ Day (No School)
District Day (No School)
Third Term Ends (46 Days)
Fourth Term Begins Teacher Grades &
Professional Dev. (No School)
Spring Break (No School)
Fourth Term Ends (43 Days)
Teacher Grades & Professional Dev. (No School)
Parent/Teacher Conferences and Back to School Nights:
Back to School Night
First Conference
Second Conference
Third Conference
August 31
September 15 and 16
December 2
February 24
Bell Schedules
Regular Schedule
AM Assembly
7:55 ---Warning Bell
7:55---Warning Bell
PM Assembly/Early
Release Monday
7:55---Warning Bell
8:00-9:25---1st or 5th
8:00-9:10---1st or 5th
8:00-9:10---1st or 5th
9:30-11:05---2nd or 6th
9:15-10:35---2nd or 6th
11:05-11:35---1st Lunch
10:15-11:35---2nd or 6th
10:35-11:05---1st Lunch
11: 40-1:05---3rd or 7th
11:35-12:05---1st Lunch
11:10-12:20---3rd or 7th
12:10-1:20---3rd or 7th
11:10-12:35---3rd or 7th
10:40-11:50---3rd or 7th
12:35-1:05---2nd Lunch
11:40-12:50---3rd or 7th
11:50-12:20---2nd Lunch
1:10-2:35---4th or 8th
12:50-1:20---2nd Lunch
12:25-1:30---4th or 8th
1:25-2:35---4th or 8th
or Released form school
8:00 – 8:41 …. 1st Period
8:46 – 9:27 …. 2nd Period
9:32 – 10:13 ..... 3rd Period
10:18 – 10:59....4th Period
11:04 – 11:45… 5th Period
11:45 – 12:20 …1st Lunch
12:25 – 1:06 …. 6th Period
11:50 – 12:31 …6th Period
8:00 – 9:10 …...1st/5th period
9:15 – 10:15…..CIS
10:20 – 11:35…2nd/6th period
11:35 – 12:05…1st lunch
12:10 – 1:20… 3rd/7th period
11:40 – 12:50…3rd/7th period
12:50 – 1:20….2nd lunch
1:25 – 2:35…..4th/8th period
12:31 – 1:06 ...2nd Lunch
1:11 – 1:52 ….7th Period
1:57 – 2:35 ….8th Period
Jeff Hamm ............................. Principal
Travis McCluskey . Assistant Principal
Donna Goss ............ Assistant Principal
Bishop, Mrs.…………...Secretary
Bolin, Mrs.…………...Counselor
Cartwright, Mrs…Scholarship Cord
Conner, Mrs.……Work Base Lrng.
Leonelli, Mrs.………....Counselor
Murphy, Mrs…………..Counselor
Sneed, Mr...…………..Counselor
Brady, Mrs.-Receptionist
Cafarelli, Mrs.-Attendance
Dalton, Mrs.- Attendance
McNaughtan, Mrs.-Registrar
Spendlove, Mrs..-Finance
Armstrong, Mrs.-Dance……Dance
Ashby, Mr.-Social Studies……...215
Barns, Mr.-Sports Med/AD…….P11
Beckstead, Mrs. – Ach. Acd…....224
Beer, Mr.-Social Studies………..212
Beer, Mrs.-Social Studies............209
Bowser, Mr.-PE……….…...….Gym
Brady, Mr.-PE………………...Gym
Brady, Mrs.-Health……………..225
Brown, Mrs.-English……………103
Campbell, Mr.-Computers…...…303
Chalmers, Mrs.-Art…………..…207
Champneys, Mr.-Ag Mech……..304
Christensen, Mrs.-French….........219
Cook, Mrs.-Math……………..…236
Cramer, Mrs.-English………...…104
Dickson, Mrs. –Drill Team…....Gym
Drake, Mr.-Soc. Studies……..…216
Dustin, Mrs.-Math…….……..…234
Faux, Mr.-Special Education …..221
Florence, Mr.
Ford, Mrs.-Special Education…..117
Gowans, Mr.-Voc. Ag………….308
Gygi, Mrs. –Health…………….225
Hamm, Mr. English…………….121
Hammond, Mr.-Science……...…113
Harmer, Mr.-English…………...P17
Haskell, Mrs. – Ach. Acd……….224
Hazzard, Mr. – Special Ed……….P8
Henrie, Mr.-Drama…………...…201
Henwood, Mrs.-Child Dev/FACS
Hunter, Mr.-PE ...………….….Gym
Jackson, Mrs.-Marketing…….....231
Johnson, Mr.-Special Ed……..…P9
Jones, Mrs.-English………..…...107
Jones-Miller, Mrs.-Math….…….124
Lems, Mr.-Math……………..….236
Lopez, Mr.-Spanish……………..217
Lorton, Ms.-Math……………….235
Lundgreen, Mr.-Psychology…....213
Lundwall, Ms.-Spec Ed…………214
Madole, Mrs. FACS .……....109/108
McAtee, Mrs.-Media……..…Library
McGovern, Mrs.-Special Ed…....227
Medley, Mr.-Soc Studies….……211
Montgomery, Mr.- Sign Lang….218
Pacheco, Mr.…….…..Truant Officer
Palfreyman, Mr.-English…….…105
Peacock, Mr. Journalism…..301/302
Potter, Mrs.-Photography……....205
Purvis, Mr.-Science……………..222
Roberts, Mr.-Swim…………….Pool
Rydalch, Mr.-Math…………......230
Sandoval, Mrs.-Math…………...122
Shields, Mrs.-AG Science………307
Simmons, Mrs.-ISS……………..101
Smith, Mrs.-Foods…………111/112
Spencer, Mr.-Sports/Med…..…..220
Stuart, Mr. – Special Ed………..P10
Swartzfager, Mr.-Soc Studies......306
Syra, Mrs.-Band………………...203
Timothy, Mrs.- Special Ed……...226
Valdez, Mr.-Drafting…………...206
Vanderwerken, Mr.Choir/Science………………202/P 4
Vowels, Mrs.-Cheer/Pep Club..Gym
Waltzing, Mrs.
Warby, Ms.-Business………...…231
Watts, Mr.-Orchestra…………...202
Wilcox, Mr.-Fine Arts………….204
Wood, Mr.-Special Ed…………..P1
Yearby, Mr. –Drivers Ed…..…..P12
Zeller, Mrs.-Science…………….114
Butler, Ms. – Special Ed
Ditty, Mrs. – Special Ed
Froscheiser, Mrs.-Special Ed
Ford, Mr. -Special Ed
Jackson, Mrs.-Copy Center
Lusk, Ms. – Special Ed
May, Mrs. – Special Ed
Merrill, Ms. – Special Ed
Millward, Mr. – Ed Net
Nelson, Mrs. – Special Ed
Perkins, Ms. – Special Ed
Peterson, Ms. – Special Ed
Reuder, Ms. – Special Ed
12 Jensen, Mrs.-EdNet
Beckstead, Mrs.…….P 7
Haskell, Mrs.…….….P7
STUDENT FEES: Student fees need to be paid prior to the first day of school.
These fees may be paid by cash, money order or check. Parents may make
payment arrangements with the Principal if needed. These payments will be due
by November 1st. After that date fees past due will be assessed a 10% service
fee on the student’s account balance.
of extracurricular activities to students. All activities, clubs and teams are
conducted under teacher supervision, but are designed to promote maximum
student responsibility for selecting, organizing and evaluating the events and
their outcomes. A participation fee provides money to offset the costs of
uniforms, equipment, supplies, officials, supervision and waivers as required.
Participation fees must be paid prior to the student participating in any contest or
competition. There are no refunds on participation fees. The fees approved for
the Tooele School District, per activity, are indicated in the following list of
various activities offered:
Mrs. Marilyn Syra
Band Uniform Fee (no refund)
Mrs. Marilyn Syra
Band Marching Shoes (if needed)
Mrs. Marilyn Syra
Mr. Catham Beer
Basketball (boys)
Mr. Josh Johnson
Basketball (girls)
Mr. Tom Ware
Bowling Club
Mr. Ryan Peacock
Mrs. Courtney Haskell
Choir (Begin, Show, Concert)
Mr. Ted Vanderwerken
Choir (Uniform)
Mr. Ted Vanderwerken
Cross Country
Mr.Johnathan Lundgreen
Dance Co.
Mrs. Erica Armstrong
Mr. Robert Purvis
Drama Club
Mr. Scott Henrie
Mrs. Natalie Henwood
Mr. Kyle Brady
Future Farmers of American (FFA)
Mr. Bob Gowans
Golf (Boys)
Mr. Fred Killpack
Golf (Girls)
Mr. Brady Christensen
HOSA (CTE/Health)
Mr. Rick Spencer
Key Club
Mrs. Sheryl Lundwall
Mrs. Tami Bird
Mock Trial
Mr. Robert Purvis
National Honor Society
Mr. Alan Watts
Pep Band
Mrs. Marilyn Syra
Pep Club
Mrs. Nicole Dickson
Soccer (boys)
Stephen Duggan
Soccer (girls)
Stephen Duggan
Ms. Melanie Nelson
Student Government
John Olson/Cody Valdez
Summer Band
Mrs. Marilyn Syra
Mr. Mel Roberts
Mrs. Frances Potter
Tennis (Boys)
Mr. Lyle Nielson
Tennis (Girls)
Track (Boys)
Mr. Kip Bowser
Track (Girls)
Mr. Albert Bottema
Mrs. Kristi Brown
Mr. Gary Coffman
Yearbook Staff
Mr. Cody Valdez
School Fees
Accounting Workbook
Activity Fee
Advanced Auto Cad
Home Access
Advanced Placement
Calculators Rental
Child Care
Class Change
Concurrent Enrollment
Copy Fee
Cosmetology (includes
Dental Assisting
Drafting I
Drafting II, III, IV,
Architectural, EDDT
Drawing Foundations
Drivers Ed
Fashion Strategies
Glasses (Safety)
Graphics Printing
Health (CPR
Home Study
Instructional Resource
Interior Design
for test
$130 $25
(subject to
Intro to Health
IT Courses
Language Arts Fee
(Utah Write)
Law Enforcement/
Criminal Justice
Library Fine
Locker Fee (9th grade
and new student)
Medical Anatomy &
Medical Assisting
Metal Shop
Musical Instrument
Rental (no refund)
Citizenship SessionsDaily
Online Registration
Overnight Hotel
Parking Fine
P.E. Class/Uniform
Photography $35
Saturday School
Small Engine
Sports Medicine
Summer School
Tardy Tickets
Truancy Citation
TV Broadcasting
Vet Assisting
Wood Shop
World Languages
$.25 per
$5, $10
$40 per
¼ credit
$5, $20
RETURNED CHECK POLICY: If a check written to Tooele High does not
clear the bank it will be forwarded to a collection agency. Anyone who has over
two checks returned in a year will be requested to make future payments by
money order or cash.
FEE WAIVER: Students who are in state custody or foster care, or are receiving
public assistance in the form of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or
Supplemental Security Income, or are eligible for free school lunch, may have
all fees waived. Other fee waivers may be granted because of extenuating
circumstances, such as exceptional financial burden, substantial reduction of
income, or extraordinary medical expenses. Request for fee waivers are to be
made to the building principal.
Appeals of his/her decision on the granting of fee waivers may be filed at the
school office, superintendent and, ultimately, to the school board. At all times
the privacy rights of students and parents will be protected and no student will
be discriminated against because of inability to pay or because of a request for a
fee waiver.
Fee Waiver does not cover the following: Extended day classes, NG Fees,
Saturday Schools, yearbooks and summer school (fee waiver will not apply if
the student is remediating a class that has previously been taken.). Complete fee
waiver packets are available in the office or at registration.
ENGLISH - # Required Credits (Yrs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . 4.0
Courses in AP English, English 1010, College Prep English, English 12, Creative
Writing, Journalism, and World Languages 3 or 4 can be substituted for Senior
English Credit.
MATHEMATICS - # Required Credits (Yrs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0
Students must complete a full credit of at least two different levels of mathematics,
completing a minimum level of Secondary Math II. Secondary Math I is the first
level, Secondary. Math II is the next level. The math sequence is: Secondary Math
I, Secondary Math II, Secondary Math III, Pre-calculus and AP Calculus.
Sequencing for Honors math is: Honors I, Honors II, Honors III, and AP or
SOCIAL STUDIES - # Required Credits (Yrs.) ……………….….3.0
9th Grade Geography for Life……………………….……..…....…...0.5
10th Grade World History ………….…….……….……......…....…..0.5
11th Grade U.S. History ……………….………………….……...….1.0
12th Grade Civics/Gov.……………………………………….…..….0.5
Social Studies Elective …………………………………….………...0.5
HEALTH # of Required Credits ……………………….……...….0.5
HEALTHY LIFE STYLES (P.E.): ……………………..……….1.5
0.5 Participation Skills (required)
0.5 Fitness for Life (required)
0.5 PE Elective
With successful completion of two seasons of competitive high school sports
participation, a student can apply for one-half P.E. elective credit through their
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: ……………………………….…0.5
FINE ART: (visual or performing arts)……………………………..1.5
FINANCIAL LITERACY:………………………………………..0.5
REQUIRED CLASS CREDITS:………………………………...18.5
ELECTIVE CREDITS: ………………………………..………... 9.5
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: - # Required Credits (Yrs.) . . . ..... . . . .2.0
University of Utah / Utah State & others recommend two years of the same
SCIENCE: - # Required Credits (Yrs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . 3-4
Minimum requirement - Freshmen are required to take a science. A student
must take at least two courses from the four science areas which include Earth
Science, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics. Earth Science is not considered a core
science for university admissions. Sciences with lab components are usually
regardless of age, are subject to the same rules. This statement is suggested by the State
Office and helps define that a student who turns 18 is still under our rules of parent
involvement in their child’s education. If students want to excuse themselves from class
or choose not to inform parents of school problems, then the adult education system may
be the best placement for them. Students who are 18 and living on their own must meet
with Administration for any exceptions to this policy.
student in grades 9 & 11 will be held individually and grades 10 & 12 will be
held in small groups. Academic, extracurricular, career and personal goals will
be addressed. At a student’s annual CCR conference, if a student has failed a
required course, that student will complete a remediation plan with the
counselor and parent. The CCR team consists of student, parents, counselor
and other staff members as needed.
HONORS/ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS: Students at Tooele High School
seeking a more challenging education have the opportunity to earn an Honors Diploma.
The faculty has outlined a program of rigorous courses for an Honors Diploma. Students
may also earn Diploma Enrichments in various departments. Students must apply through
the department chair in the area of the enrichment desired. For further information contact
your counselor.
REMEDIATION: Students failing core classes during their freshman year must
remediate at summer school or extended day. A student will not be allowed to
take the next class in the same sequence until remediation is completed. If a
student fails two or more terms of any math class, that student must remediate
the entire class.
CITIZENSHIP GRADES: Citizenship grades will be earned in each class in
which a student is enrolled. Students’ citizenship will be assessed as follows:
H - Honors
S - Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
Our focus is to help students develop self-discipline to become productive
citizens. Unsatisfactory grade refer to Citizenship Policy.
EARLY GRADUATION: Students meeting all graduation requirements have
the option of graduating as early as the end of their 11th grade year or at the end
of any term in 12th grade. Students who graduate early may be eligible for the
Utah Centennial Scholarship. See your counselor for details.
WHITE BUFFALO/GOLD CORD AWARD: This award is presented to
graduating seniors who have maintained a minimal GPA of 3.7 during their high
school career.
SILVER CORD AWARD: Presented to seniors who have maintained a GPA
of between 3.5 and 3.69 during their high school career.
BLUE CORD AWARD: Presented to students with Perfect attendance during
their high school career.
PURPLE CORD: One diploma enrichment.
MULTI COLORED CORD AWARD: More than one diploma enrichment.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian is the highest award bestowed to a student at
Tooele High School. Students who receive the award have adhered to and
maintained the highest ethical and academic integrity while engaging in all
scholarly pursuits. To be considered as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian,
students must meet the following requirements:
Complete four full years of secondary school credit (grades 9-12). These years
may consist of 16 quarters equal 8 semesters.
Attend THS for at least two years or more, one of which must be the complete
senior year.
Upon completion of the above requirements, a student will be considered
for the position of valedictorian and/or salutatorian based on grade point average,
ACT Test score, and class load. (In determining class load: No more than a seven
period day will be considered; and class weights will be accounted for according
to the listing in the THS class catalog.
RENAISSANCE: The purpose of Renaissance is to recognize and reward
students. The goal is to make each student believe he/she can achieve success in
school and become a productive member of society. Areas of recognition include
perfect attendance award, academic excellence award, and academic
improvement award.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: The selection process for acceptance into
NHS takes place once a year, usually in the fall. The four qualifications for
membership are: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. To be eligible
for induction into the Tooele Chapter, a student must have a 3.6 GPA. The final
selection for membership is determined by the Faculty Council who evaluates
the inductees using the following criteria:
Scholarship - A 3.6 GPA is the national standard.
Service - The student puts service to others above self-interest, demonstrates a
willingness to render service to the school and community, and assists visitors,
students and teachers.
Leadership - The student takes a constructive lead in classroom, school and/or
community activities, exemplifies positive attitudes, and/or successfully holds
offices or positions of responsibility.
Character - The student demonstrates his/her character by the degree of integrity,
positive behavior, cooperation and ethics that are manifested. Personality or
minor incidents are not to be considered.
STERLING SCHOLARS: Being a Sterling Scholar is a great accomplishment.
Sterling Scholars compete on a region/state level, for which they prepare an
extensive portfolio that tells about all of their major accomplishments. Students,
who win local, go on to compete on a state-wide basis. These students are
honored on television by the Deseret News Agency. Students who are interested
should contact the Sterling Scholar Advisor:
Mr. Michael Cox
SCHOLARSHIPS: Universities, schools and industries give scholarships to
students who meet their special requirements. Most scholarships are awarded on
the following basis:
1. Classes taken
2. Grade point average, grades 9 - 12
3. ACT or SAT test scores
4. Evaluation of school performance by principal, counselors and teachers
5. School activities
6. School and job experience
7. Special talents or abilities
8. Leadership
9. Community Service
10. Financial Need
11. Departmental/College Major or Career Interest
Students should inquire into scholarship possibilities early in their high school
career and apply early their senior year. Students should work closely with
counselors and principals when making application for scholarships.
Information about available scholarships is posted in the Counseling Office and
on the THS website.
Compulsory Education: Tooele High School will follow the District’s
compulsory education policy that you were supplied with at registration. In
short, the policy states that students will first receive a warning citation after six
unexcused absences. If the truancy continues a second citation will be issued
accompanied with a $20 fine. Finally, if the student continues to be truant,
he/she will receive a third citation, an additional $20 fine, and a court referral.
Note: Truancy Citations are not to be confused with THS truancy tickets.
THS truancy tickets are issued to students during the regular school day for
sluffing class periods and carry a fine of $5.00. Students will be allowed to
“work-off” truancy fines through the community service program at the school
through one of the administrators.
1st Truancy will be a warning, and a parent/guardian notification.
2nd Truancy will result in a $5.00 truancy ticket, and parent/guardian
3rd Truancy will result in a $5.00 truancy ticket and In-School Suspension
4th Truancy will result in a $5.00 truancy ticket and two days of In-School
Suspension. At this time a parent/guardian will be notified to meet with a
school official to discuss educational alternatives.
5th Truancy will result in a $20.00 truancy citation and a referral to Juvenile
Court. A parent/guardian will be notified to meet with a school official to
review educational alternatives.
Absences Excused by Parents: Any “excused absence” will indicate that an
absence was for illness, medical or dental appointments, funerals, ½ day for
driver’s license, or emergencies (which are in accordance with Utah State Law).
Any absence must be cleared by the parent within three days of the absence by
calling the attendance office @ 833-1987, or by fax @ 833-1984, or by a
written communication from the parent. This includes students on 504 and
Dr. Notes A “personal absence” will indicate that the parent reported that the
student will be absent from classes for reasons that do not meet the criteria for
an excused absence; i.e., slept in, needed at home, out of town (unless prior
approved), shopping, etc. If a personal or unexcused absence occurs, a teacher
may deduct a percentage of the points for the work completed according to the
teacher’s disclosure statement. Once a student is on campus and has a need to
leave, he/she must check out at the Attendance Office. If a student does not
check out at the Attendance Office, the absence cannot be excused and will be
marked as a sluff. The sluff may result in a truancy ticket.
Photo identification of the parent or guardian needs to be shown prior to
student being checked in or out.
Options to excuse students: Parents/Guardians have three options to notify the
Attendance Office of their student's absences:
Telephone the Attendance Office at 833-1987 between 7:30a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
If you call after hours please leave a message.
B. Upon returning to school, the student reports to the Attendance Office with a
written note from a parent/guardian. The note should contain: 1) the student’s
full name, 2) the date of the absence, 3) the reason for the absence, and 4) a day
phone number where the parent/guardian signing the note can be reached. The
note should be written and signed by the guardian.
C. Fax a written note meeting the above criteria to the attention of the Attendance
Office. The THS fax number is 833-1984.
School Activities: Students participating in school activities must be excused
by the advisor responsible for the activity. These absences are cleared in advance
with the Attendance Office by the advisor. Students will be allowed to make up
any classroom assignments, homework or tests, which took place during the
absence. It is the student's responsibility to obtain make-up work from each
teacher. Make-up work needs to be completed within a reasonable amount of
time set between student and teacher.
TRUANCY: A Student is truant if he/she:
a. Leaves home for school, but does not arrive at school.
b. Arrives at school, but does not attend classes.
c. Leaves school without properly checking out through the
Attendance Office. (This includes leaving school between classes
to run home to get books, store, etc.)
d. Obtains permission to go to a certain area, but fails to report there.
e. Leaves class early without teacher's permission.
f. Attends classes other than those assigned. A student wanting to go
to another instructional area must have written permission from his/her assigned
teacher and from the teacher accepting responsibility for the student missing a
class. The written permission slip must be submitted to the Attendance Office
PRIOR to the absence. A student who fails to get prior approval will be
considered truant.
Vacation Plans: If possible, arrange to get work prior to missing school.
participating in extracurricular activities must be in school the entire day of the
activity. Funerals and doctor appointments are approved exceptions when the
student provides documentation to the Attendance Office. All absences on
activity day must be cleared by Administration. If the student is found to have
been absent on a game/event day, he/she will not be allowed to participate in the
next upcoming event. Continual truancy will affect the student’s eligibility for
extracurricular activities.
MAKE-UP POLICY FOR MISSED WORK: Students who are absent for any
reason are missing valuable educational time. Every student is expected to makeup all work when absent within a reasonable amount of time as outlined in the
policy below
Students receive full credit for their make-up work for the following types of
absences and will be given adequate time to complete the wok as agreed upon by
Participation in school activity
Suspension from school
Prior excused vacations
Make-up work may be permitted for the following types of absences; however,
a percentage of the points awarded may be deducted from the credit earned as
stated in this policy:
Unexcused /Personal
Any absence not cleared within three days
Truancy or
student fails
Student presents a forged note or gives a false reason for an
absence in an attempt to obtain an excused absence.
Assignments not turned in on time
Time frame in which late work (work not tuned in by the due date) can be turned
in and receive a grade:
1st Deadline: The CIS day 1 week following Parent Teacher Conferences.
2nd Deadline: The last CIS day of each term.
Penalty for late work:
The late work of a student will not be penalized more than 20% for
ABSENCES: Through the Attendance Office, homework may be gathered for
students in cases of unexpected extended absence. The work will be available at
the end of the school day following the day of the request. For short term
absences (one or two days), students should work with their teachers upon
returning to school. In the case of a planned extended absence, a form is available
in the Attendance Office that assists students in notifying teachers of the pending
absence and facilitates acquiring make-up work. Assignments may be accessed
on the Internet. Parents and students may track scores by accessing the web site
and providing the student ID and login number. Teachers will update
assignments each Monday.
COLLEGE VISITS: Students may visit a college campus prior to selecting a
college. If the visit is made during the school year, 2 absences per year can be
school excused. Students must get permission from their counselor before the
college visit to have the absence excused.
We encourage students to act responsibly. Attendance in class, punctuality and
acting appropriately enhances growth, learning, and enjoyment of school.
Tooele High School encourages student responsibility through the
implementation of the Tooele County School District Citizenship Policy. The
policy includes “H” (Honors) “S” (Satisfactory), “N” (Needs Improvement), or
“U” (Unsatisfactory).
An unsatisfactory “U” citizenship results from any of the following:
A “U” will result from three (3) uncleared absences per term in
any one class. An uncleared absence is any absence without
notification from a parent/guardian within three days.
A “U” will result from five (5) tardies per term in any one class.
A student may not participate in athletics, extracurricular activities or represent
Tooele High School in any capacity if he/she has a “U” on their transcript.
Students will forfeit the privilege to participate in graduation commencement
ceremonies if they have a “U” on their permanent records. U’s must also be
cleared in order for a student to purchase a parking permit. Parking permits will
be suspended if a student gets a “U” and will be reinstated when the “U” is
Needs Improvement “N” will be marked by teachers for minor classroom
behavior problems. Teachers shall mark Comment Codes for minor behavior
problems when giving an “N”.
Citizenship Make Up Policy:
Students may make-up an Unsatisfactory Citizenship mark in the following
ways: In each class, students are required to make up uncleared absences
beyond two by spending hour-for-hour time in make-up sessions. Students
may check their attendance on the internet at www.tooelesd.org Parents may
request print-out information from the attendance office at a cost of $.05/copy.
Citizenship sessions will run one week past the end of every term, with an
additional session offered once per week throughout each term. Citizenship
sessions will start promptly at 2:40 p.m.
There will be no morning Citizenship sessions.
Students must do two, 45-minute sessions (totaling 1 ½ hours) for each
uncleared absence over two per class.
To make up tardies; one 45-minute make up session will clear two tardies.
Twenty-five minutes of a citizenship session clears one tardy.
The cost is $3.00 per session and must be paid at the time of the session.
Citizenship sessions will be closed to students as soon as the session
is full.
Students must bring schoolwork to work on during the make-up session.
There will absolutely be no talking or sleeping, and students must remain on
task (otherwise the session will be void and not count towards an absence or
Upon completing one citizenship session, the record of attendance will
automatically be recorded for the following session. Students may attend
sessions consecutively or separately, but an uncleared absence will only be
removed after a student attends two sessions totaling 1½ hours.
Students are encouraged to take care of make-up hours immediately. Students
may have difficulty getting in to citizenship sessions if they wait until the end
of the term. Students may not bank or hold in reserve hours for future
absences or tardies.
Previous-semester Make-up can only be made up under the following
1. “2 for 2’s” – Students who go two consecutive terms with no F’s
or “U”s will qualify to remove two “U”s. Students cannot use terms that
previously had a U. Students must see their counselor to complete this
“Student Summit” – Students who attend the Student Summit will
qualify to remove one “U” from student transcript. If a parent
accompanies the student two “U”s will be removed. Student and parent
must attend the entire evening and have their verification cards stamped
at each session. Cards must be returned to authorized personnel at the
end of the evening. Students may not bank or hold in reserve hours
for future absences.
3. Saturday School – Will be Sept. 27, 2014 and May 9, 2015. Cost
is $10.00. Labor only. Students who complete all four hours will clear
eight absences or sixteen tardies (or a combination of absences and
tardies, but not to exceed eight absences or sixteen tardies). Students
may not bank or hold in reserve hours for future absences or tardies.
CTE Fair - Students can attend the CTE Fair held at the
Community Learning Center with their parent and clear one “U”.
Student and parent must sign in at the door.
5. “School Service” – This option is only available on a case-by-case
basis at the discretion of the principal in consultation with the student’s
parents/guardians. There is a $10.00 fee.
Note: The principal may waive fees upon his/her discretion as
per student need.
Tardies: Repeated tardiness is unacceptable and presents a major disruption to
the educational process of the student, the class, and the teacher. Students are
expected to be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Students arriving up to
ten minutes late to class are considered tardy. When students arrive tardy, they
are to sign in on the tardy log. Teachers will use the tardy log to verify if the
student is absent or tardy. If students fail to sign in, they will remain absent.
Students arriving more than ten minutes late to class are considered absent,
unless cleared by the Attendance Office. Utah law requires all students
between the ages of six and eighteen years to attend school on a regular basis.
When a student’s non-attendance causes a loss of credit, this is considered
truancy and will be referred to the Juvenile Court System.
Tardy – Sweeps/Lockdowns
Periodically, teachers may be asked to immediately lock their doors after the
tardy bell rings. Students who are in the halls will be rounded up and taken to
the commons area. Those not having a legitimate excuse/hall pass will be
subject to the following disciplinary procedures:
Parent/Guardian will be notified with each offense.
First offense – Written warning
Second Offense - $3.00 fine
Third Offense - $5.00 fine
Fourth Offense - $5.00 fine and spend the remainder of the day in
All subsequent offenses will result in suspension of 1-3 days.
*Students may opt to complete 1 hour of community service in lieu of the 3-5
dollar fine.
released during school time to enroll in one period of religious instruction.
Limited early morning classes are offered for those who cannot enroll during
regular class time.
HOMEBOUND AND HOSPITAL: Any student who is absent for reasons of
health, accident or injury for more than ten consecutive days is eligible for
homebound instruction. The school must receive a notice from a medical doctor
before authorization is given for homebound privileges. Contact your counselor
or administrator for further information or application for homebound
ATTENDANCE APPEALS PROCESS: If a student has unusual
circumstances with his/her attendance, appeals will be considered on an
individual basis and are kept on file for future reference. Appeal Forms are
available in the Attendance Office. School Principal will review appeals.
Appeals must be submitted within two weeks after the final grades are given.
Students and parents will be notified as to the status of the appeal, whether
approved or denied. Students should continue to make-up absences during the
appeal process.
welfare of students and other people, no rollerblades, skateboards, scooters or
bicycles are allowed to be used on any area of the campus. Skateboards,
scooters or bicycles that are brought to the school are the sole responsibility of
the student. They need to be placed in the racks that are supplied by the school
and securely locked. Skateboards are not permitted inside the school.
BULLYING/HAZING POLICY: Hazing is a criminal offense. Students are
guilty of hazing when they intentionally or knowingly:
1. Endanger the mental or physical safety of another.
2. Involves any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating,
branding, bruising, shaving, placing a harmful substance on the body or
exposing another student to the elements.
3. Involves any activity where a student would be subjected to extreme
mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, isolation from social conduct, or
conduct that subjects another to extreme embarrassment, shame, or
humiliation; and is for the purpose of initiation, admission or a condition
of continued membership in a group or organization.
designation of the Tooele City Park as part of the school campus was approved
by the Tooele School District and the Tooele City Council in April 1996. The
Student Rules of Conduct and Board Policies of the Tooele County School
District shall apply to the Tooele City Park, during school hours and activities,
including one-half hour prior thereto and one-half hour thereafter.
1st offense
2nd offense
Full Day InSchool
Extended InSchool Suspension
[same class
1-3 Days Out-ofSchool
4-6 Days Out-ofSchool Suspension
3rd offense
1-3 Days Out
of School
7-10 Days
Possible CMT
Situations not covered in this policy will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Explanation of “Discipline” classifications outlined above:
1. “Discipline” includes, but is not limited to:
Improper language/behavior (in class, in the halls, on the bus, etc.)
Dress Code violation
Public displays of affection
Cheating (the student will also receive a 0 on the assessment and the
teacher will call the students parent)
Defiance of authority
Verbal harassment
Physical harassment
Sexual harassment
Tobacco Possession/Use
Note: Law enforcement officers may be notified.
2. “Major Discipline” includes, but is not limited to:
Substance abuse
Intended use of drugs/possession of drug paraphernalia
Note: Law enforcement officers will be notified.
3. Mandatory referral to Tooele School District’s case management team will be
done for all safe school violations and law enforcement officers will be notified.
Note: Administration reserves the right to use discretion in issuing consequences
for behavior infractions. Due Process will be afforded each student.
IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION (ISS): We provide an alternative learning center for
students who have had discipline, attendance, or tardy problems. The center is open from
7:40 a.m. through 2:15 p.m. Students follow a strict behavior policy in the center. Work
must be completed and students must demonstrate consistent appropriate behavior before
being released to return to class. It is an excellent opportunity for many students, who
otherwise might be suspended, to stay in school.
SUSPENDED STUDENTS: Suspension is viewed as a serious matter.
According to Utah law, suspension may be used when students do not comply
with rules for the governance of the school, pursue the prescribed courses of
study, or do not submit to the teacher's authority.
Suspension is:
1. An educational process
a. Teaches accountability for actions
b. Teaches that there are consequences
2. A method of bringing students, parents and the school together to
discuss the student's problems and possible solutions.
The disposition of the student while at home on suspension is the
responsibility of the family. The effectiveness of the suspension rests with how
the student and his/her family view the time.
A student who is suspended may not participate in school
activities/functions, return to school, or be on school premises until he/she is
readmitted from the suspension by an administrator, or it will be considered as
trespassing. Due process requirements prior to suspension:
1. The student must have had a reasonable opportunity to know the
expectation for acceptable conduct in the school.
2. The student has the right to know the charges that are made against
him/her and must be given a chance to explain the occurrence as he/she
perceived it.
3. Parents/guardians must be notified immediately of the suspension. They
have a right to know the events that led to the suspension and the
specific charge made against their child.
4. Suspended students will remain on membership rolls, and they must be
counted as an excused absence during the period of their suspension.
5. Under state law, suspended students have the opportunity to make up
class work from suspension days for full credit.
Parent in the Classroom: When it has been determined that a student
shall be suspended for any period of time, the parent/guardian, upon
meeting with administration and with the consent of the teachers, may be
given the option of attending all classes with the student in lieu of
excluding the student from school during the period of suspension.
However, a student will not be able to participate in school
activities/functions as stated above. If this option is accepted, the
parent/guardian must agree to attend all of the student's classes with the
student for each day of the suspension. If the parent/guardian fails to
attend a class period with the student, the student will be excluded from
classes and return to home suspension for the duration of the suspension.
EXPULSION: Expulsion is a more serious disciplinary action than suspension
as it terminates a student's attendance at school and school activities for the
remainder of the quarter, semester or school year. Expulsion records are attached
to the student's permanent records. Safe School Policy indicates parameters of
expulsion. If a student is expelled, educational responsibility lies with the parent.
DUE PROCESS: A student can appeal an action within 15 days of the date of
notice of a suspension, grade, or citizenship grade. A written, dated appeal shall
be made to the person from whom the notice came. If an appeal is not made with
the 15 days, the notice is final. The appeals hearings are as follows:
1. Within ten (10) calendar days a conference shall be held with the
student, parent/guardian, administrator and the necessary staff members.
If the issue is not resolved, the matter will be referred to an appeals
2. Within ten (10) calendar days after the conference, the appeals
committee will review the complaint.
3. If the issue is not resolved, the Tooele School District Grievance
Procedure for Student Rights and Responsibilities will be sanctioned.
The THS Appeals Committee will consist of one Student Government Member,
one Youth Court Representative, one PTSA Representative, two teachers and
one administrator selected by the principal.
RESPECT: THS staff is committed to providing a safe, healthy environment.
Disrespect to and defiance of school staff members will not be tolerated. Acts
of disrespect and defiance undermine educational excellence. Acts against
school personnel will receive severe administrative consequence. Teachers will
be expected to treat all students with mutual respect. They will strive to handle
individual infractions privately. They will teach common courtesy by example.
TOBACCO USE: The use and/or possession of tobacco products is prohibited
and illegal. This applies to students who are in school, on the way to and from
school, during lunch, and at all school sponsored activities. Administrators are
agents of the court and will issue citations for all offenses. First offense, the
student will be suspended for the remainder of the day, sign a non-use contract,
and must complete an approved smoking cessation class at the expense of the
parent/guardian. Second offense, the student will be suspended for three days
and referred to Juvenile Court.
ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS: The use, possession, distribution, or sale
of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia constitutes a hazard to the welfare of
students, staff and educational programs, and is illegal under the laws of the State
of Utah. Students, who may be under the influence of, possess, be knowingly
present where there is use of, and/or distribute alcohol or drugs during school
hours, on school property or during school activities will have discipline
administered in accordance with the following guidelines:
Possess, Use or Knowingly Present When Use or Sales of Drugs or Alcohol
First Violation: The student will be referred to court. The student will be
suspended from school for three to ten days. The student and parents
shall sign a non-use contract.
The student and at least one
parent/guardian will complete the school sponsored drug and alcohol
Second Violation: The student will be referred to court. The student will
be suspended from school for ten days and may be referred to a more
extensive Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program through the Tooele
County School District Case Management Team.
Third Violation: The student will be referred to court and will be
suspended from school for ten days. The Principal will make a
recommendation to the CMT Committee for possible expulsion up to one
year. The student may be requested to successfully complete an approved
alcohol or drug treatment program prior to consideration for readmittance.
Sell or Distribute:
First Violation: The student will be referred to court. The student will be
suspended from school for ten days, through the Tooele County School
District Case Management Team. The Principal and Superintendent will
consider whether a suspension longer than ten days is appropriate. The
principal may grant re-admittance to the school when the student
demonstrates a readiness to return. The student will be requested to
successfully complete an approved alcohol and drug treatment program
prior to consideration for re-admittance.
Second Violation: The student will be expelled from school for at least
one year.
GUN/WEAPON CONTROL: Any student who is in possession of a weapon at
school will be expelled for a period of not less than one calendar year. In
situations where school officials determine that objects may be used as weapons
which pose a threat to staff or students, they will: (1) confiscate the item; (2)
notify proper law enforcement agencies; (3) suspend the student; (4) recommend
an alternative instruction environment, such as home teaching, and; (5) press
charges through juvenile court authorities. Facsimiles of weapons or toy
weapons are also expressly forbidden at school and possession of such may result
in suspension.
NO FIGHTING POLICY: Students are advised that if they are threatened,
harassed, or intimidated by any other student, they should immediately report the
matter to a faculty member or administrator. Students taking matters into their
own hands, or responding to being threatened, criticized, or hitting, pushing,
shoving or slapping the other student is not acceptable and may receive
disciplinary action. Students should seek assistance from school personnel.
Students fighting will be sent home. All students initiating or involved in a fight
will be suspended. Students prompting a fight or pushing a student physically
into a fighting situation will be suspended as a participant in the fight. Students
not yielding adult access to a fight will be disciplined.
GANG ACTIVITY OR ASSOCIATION: The use of hand signals, graffiti, or
the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory or manner of grooming which,
by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or symbol implies membership to
a gang will result in disciplinary action. Incidents involving initiations or
intimidation, which cause bodily harm or personal degradation or disgrace,
resulting in physical or mental harm to students, may result in suspension,
expulsion and/or legal action.
first offense of students who misuse, access inappropriate material or conduct
unacceptable email correspondence will meet with the principal or assistant
principal and their parents, and the appropriate disciplinary action will be
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: The purpose of this policy is to assure a learning
environment that is free from sexual harassment and is in compliance with state
and federal law.
Any form of sexual harassment by staff or students is prohibited. This
includes: any verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which has
the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
environment. Any suggestion, request, demand, or pressure for sexual
involvement, accompanied by implied or explicit threat concerning one’s grades,
extracurricular standing, job, etc., is prohibited.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. Derogatory, demanding, or offensive jokes, teasing or comments of a
sexual nature.
2. Graphic remarks or sexual comments about an individual’s body.
3. Sexual suggestive or obscene telephone calls, letters, notes or
4. Sexual suggestive or obscene pictures, cartoons, posters or objects.
5. Grabbing, pinching, or touching of private areas.
6. Deliberate cornering, shouldering or bumping in hallways.
7. Sexual gestures, unwanted pats, hugs, or any unwanted touching.
8. Any form of sexual threat, intimidation or exploitation.
9. Actual or attempted sexual assault, molestation or rape.
10. Sexist remarks or gender-based stereotyping.
11. Pantsing of students.
Sexual harassment by students or staff must be reported to administration.
Parents of any students involved must be informed immediately. Following a
thorough and fair investigation, students or staff members who have violated this
policy may face: suspension, expulsion, alternative placement, other appropriate
legal or school consequences.
Tooele High School is a place of learning. Proper dress standards help set the
tone for a proper learning atmosphere and reflect directly upon the school and
the district.
Clothing shall be of modest design.
Appearance must not be disruptive to other students or staff. Student
learning is the priority.
Clothing and hairstyles must conform to reasonable standards.
Specifically (but not limited to):
Hats, hoodies, beanies, headbands, bandanas are not to be worn in the
building (except in the gym at after-school athletic events, and those
designated areas for safety concerns, and days approved by
Tank tops are not to be worn. Shirts must have a sleeve or a cap
Bare midriffs are not to show.
Shorts and skirt length should be at or near top of kneecap length.
Pants should not have holes above the knee.
Clothing should allow for no visible cleavage.
Outer clothing should never reveal underwear.
Open-sided shirts are not permitted.
Clothing shall not be worn that displays obscene or suggestive words,
pictures, or advertises any substance a student cannot legally possess.
Shirts or clothing depicting defiance, protest, dissent, or disrespect
toward any race, culture, religion, or gender are prohibited. No
clothing depicting criminal activity or violence is allowed.
Chains and/or clothing with metal spikes are not to be worn.
Gang-related dress is strictly forbidden (i.e., bandanas, pant legs
rolled up, belt hanging out of the belt loops, excessively baggy
clothing, gang related jewelry, button shirts with the top button
fastened and shirt tails hanging out, hair nets, etc.).
Hair styles/colors should not be distracting or extreme. It is
recommended that hair color stay with in natural color ranges.
Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times.
Facial jewelry/makeup should not be distracting or extreme.
Dress at after-school activities must conform to standards of decency.
For reasons of student safety and ID purposes, students will not be
allowed to have any body paint on any area of the body except the
school logo on the face (cheek). All other body painting is prohibited.
The following items and are prohibited on high school property or at any high
school activities regardless of location. Violation of these prohibitions may be
cause for disciplinary action, which may include expulsion. Prohibited items
are subject to confiscation by school officials.
Explosive Devices: Includes but is not limited to materials or devices
such as fireworks, shotgun shells, bullets, explosive caps, and
cigarette lighters.
Knives/Cutting Instruments: All cutting edges of any size are
strictly prohibited.
Unauthorized Electronic Devices: Cell Phones, MP3s, iPods, CD
players, Radios, Walkmans, cameras, and/or other unauthorized
electronic devices are prohibited. Unauthorized electronic devices in
the classroom are a major distraction to the educational process and
therefore NOT PERMITTED IN CLASSROOMS or the Library.
Cameras are permitted only under direct teacher supervision.
However, electronic devices may be carried to school at the owner’s
risk and used during class breaks, before and after school, and during
lunch. Unauthorized electronic devices in class will be confiscated by
the teacher and turned over to administration. A parent of the student
will need to contact the school and make arrangements to pick up the
item from the school. All items left in the office or with a teacher will
be disposed of after the last day of the school year.
1st offense - Parent picks up electronic device, student receives a written warning.
2nd Offense - Parent picks up electronic device, student receives 1 full day of ISS.
3rd Offense - Parent picks up electronic device, student receives 1 full day of suspension.
All subsequent offenses will result in suspension of 3-5 days.
Stomps – Hats are allowed as long as they are worn appropriately. Students
who are not abiding by the dress code will not be permitted to enter dances. If
clothing changes or is modified after entering the dance, students will be asked
to leave without a refund and will be issued a school consequence. Dirty
dancing will not be tolerated. Students asked to leave for dancing
inappropriately will be sent home without a refund and will be issued a school
consequence. Rave paraphernalia will not be allowed at any dance. (Glow
sticks, pacifiers, etc.)
Formals – Students are expected to look their best and dress appropriately.
Dresses should be at or near knee length. Slits in the dresses should not be any
higher than the top of the knee. Strapless dresses are prohibited unless a jacket
or shawl is worn. '”Plunging” necklines are prohibited. The backs of dresses
should not show more than 1/3 of the back (roughly speaking, directly below
the armpits). Midriffs should not show in any way. “Sheer” fabric is acceptable,
as long as skin is not showing underneath.
SCHOOL BUSES: The bus driver has complete authority over his/her bus, and
all rules must be strictly adhered to by the students. Students, who refuse to
promptly obey the directions of the driver, or refuse to obey riding regulations,
may forfeit their privilege to ride on the bus. Any deliberate damage to a bus
will be paid for by the student or parent.
STUDENT PARKING: The following regulations are applicable to parking on
school property:
1. Students are permitted to park in the designated student parking lots only.
2. Parking stickers are required for all student parking lots and must be displayed
at all times
3. All cars must be parked in designated parking stalls. Parking in any area other
than between marked parking stalls is prohibited.
4. The faculty parking areas shall be so designated and are off-limits to student
5. The service and bus entrances are off-limits to student parking. Special areas
of the student parking lot may be reserved for motorcycle parking and if
so designated, motorcycles must be parked in that area.
Maximum speed in the student parking lot is 10 mph
TRESPASS: Under the law a person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he/she enters
or remains on school property, without authorization, when notice against such
entry or remaining has been given personally by a school official; by signs posted
to prevent trespassers or by current order of suspension or expulsion.
REPORT CARDS: Report cards are issued four (4) times a year. They are
distributed within one or two weeks after terms end.
STUDENT BODY CARDS: Student body cards are available to any student
who pays the proper fee. Students who present their student body cards will be
admitted to athletic events of the school, allowed to check out library books, and
pay reduced fees for various out-of-town athletic contests and some of the school
dances. Regular general admission prices will be charged to those who do not
have current student body cards. School identification cards will be required of
all students who do not purchase activity cards. Students must carry a student
body card or school identification card to dances or evening activities. When
school officials request identification, a student must present their card.
Noncompliance will result in the student being asked to leave the activity.
COUNSELING DEPARTMENT: Students wanting an appointment with a
counselor must come to the Counseling Office before/after school or during the
student’s lunch period to set up an appointment with the counselor. Parents may
call 833-1981 for appointments.
CAREER CENTER: The Career Center is located in the Counseling Office area
and provides students with resource material to aid their career decision-making
process and assist them to research colleges and technical schools. There are
also computer programs available concerning financial aid, scholarships, and
ACT preparation. Our School-to-Careers Coordinator may help students with
internships or work release options.
SCHEDULE CHANGES: Students will only be allowed to change schedules
the week prior to a new term and the 1st week of that term. Schedule change
forms may be obtained from the Counseling Office and must be returned there
for processing. Once school has started, ALL requests for class changes MUST
involve the parent. Students are reminded that they are obligated to attend all
classes until the schedule change is processed and the student receives a copy of
their new schedule. A schedule change fee of $3 will be assessed for each class
changed. Prior debts must be cleared before students can make schedule changes.
Teachers may recommend a change in placement for math or foreign language
classes through midterms.
TEXTBOOKS: Textbooks are rented to students by the Board of Education.
Once a book is assigned to a student, it becomes his/her responsibility to take
care of it. Lost and damaged books must be paid for by the student.
LOST AND FOUND: All lost and found articles should be turned into the front
office. Before articles can be claimed, they must be accurately identified by their
owners. The school is not responsible for valuables lost at school.
HALL PASS: No student should be in the hall during class time without the
orange vest provided by your teacher. As members of the instructional team,
teachers have the responsibility to challenge students who are in the hall without
the orange vest.
LOCKERS: Lockers are rental units owned by the school. Each student renting
a locker must keep the outside and inside clean. All locker malfunctions should
be reported to the office. Students who need to replace a lock will be charged
$5.00. Administration reserves the right to search school lockers.
VISITORS: Parents are always welcome at Tooele High School. We ask that
an appointment be made to see a teacher or to visit a classroom. To ensure the
safety of all persons and to maintain an educational environment free from
disruption, all adult visitors must sign in/out at the Office, show personal
identification and wear a Visitor’s Pass while on campus.
** District policy mandates student visitors are prohibited on campus. **
MEDIA CENTER: Students may be admitted to the Media Center during class
time with written consent from the classroom teacher or during lunch hours. No
food, drink, etc. is allowed in the Center. Students should leave personal
belongings in their lockers. Students will not be permitted to enter the Media
Center wearing coats or jackets, or carrying tote bags, backpacks, briefcases,
purses, or any other type of bag. An area will be designated where students may
leave personal belongings, but the Media Center cannot be responsible for lost
or stolen items.
Over-due books deprive other students from using the materials. Fines
will commence on the first day after a book is due at the rate of $.10 per day.
Over-due notices will be given to students through their first period teacher.
Students are responsible to pay all fines and pay for lost books. Additional books
cannot be checked out until over-due books are returned and fines paid. All
charges not paid by the end of the school year will be entered on the student’s
fee account.
STUDENT MESSAGES: The office personnel will not be held responsible to
deliver messages to students, except in cases of an emergency. We understand
that parents may feel the need to get in touch with students during the school day,
but we cannot stop the instruction of the other students in the class for any reason
other than an emergency.
Arrangements for routine matters such as rides to and from school, car
and house key delivery and pick-up, medical appointments, job times, meeting
places, etc. should be made before students arrive at school
school sponsored out-of-state trips occur during the school year and require
missing school, district policy will be followed. The students must maintain a 2.0
GPA for the quarter prior to the trip.
CLASS PARTIES: Class parties during class time are discouraged. Donut runs
are not approved. All school activities must have the approval of the principal.
Transportation Policy for School Activities: Tooele School District
Transportation Policy allows only guardians and designated adults over 21 years
of age to transport a student to a school event when circumstances do not allow
a student to ride the district bus, van or car. Private Vehicle Transportation
Forms are available in the office. It is the policy at Tooele High that all students
will ride in district transportation to all events. Deseret Peak and the baseball
fields have been approved as areas where students may transport themselves
when necessary. Only under unusual circumstances will approval for other
transportation be given.
CUSTODIAL RIGHTS OF PARENTS: If the custodial rights of parents are
divided, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school as to who has access
to the child and the school records. We will not be able to release records to the
non-custodial parent if the appropriate legal documentation is not on file in our
main office.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Whenever there is a change in an address or
telephone number, parents should notify the Attendance Office. In case of an
emergency, it is advisable to have the correct address and telephone number on
file so that the parent/guardian may be promptly contacted.
INSURANCE: Generally a student injured on the school campus will be covered
by his/her own health insurance policy. A reasonable state health insurance
policy is available to the student, but it must be obtained and paid for by each
individual student at the beginning of the school year or prior to athletic
participation. Forms will be available in the Main Office. The school does not
carry student health insurance. No student may participate in UHSAA activities
without proof of insurance coverage.
POSTERS: There are several bulletin boards and strips throughout the school.
Community announcements placed on these strips must be approved by the
District Administrative Office before being put on display. Posters or
announcements to be displayed anywhere in the building, other than on the
bulletin strips, must be approved by school administration and attached only on
designated areas. Do not use paste or cellophane tape, and do not attach to
painted or brick walls. Poster size may not exceed 8 1/2” by 11”.
When a school emergency or disaster situation occurs, we want to be prepared.
A school emergency response chart is posted in every classroom with directions
for emergencies that may occur while school is in session. Students will review
these procedures with the teacher during the first week of school. We will briefly
cover important information for parents and students in this handbook.
In case of major emergencies, parents can help us by not calling the school. The
best way to gain information is by turning on radios or televisions to hear
important broadcasted information. Parents need to establish a meeting place
with your students so they know where to go if disaster strikes and understand
the codes and procedures we will take at Tooele High School.
disaster that warrants us staying in the school we will announce a “Lock
Down.” Teachers will go to their doors and briefly check their hall to bring in
students. They will then keep students in that room until an announcement to
release is made, a runner comes to their room and announces the lock down is
over, or an alarm indicates they are to move outside. Students or staff left in the
halls would move to the closest classroom or secured area. A sign with words
“WE ARE SHELTERING IN PLACE” would be placed in our school windows
where possible. This would indicate to neighbors and passersby to contact police
if they are not already present.
FIRE DRILLS: A fire alarm will be sounded in the building. Students will
move in an orderly fashion to meeting areas outside of the school. If they are in
class when the alarm sounds they will quietly follow the teacher from that room
out. If the alarm goes off during lunch or passing time, students will go out the
closest exit and then move to the area where their teacher of their previous class
meets. They will line up at the outside location and wait for further instructions
from the teacher.
EARTHQUAKES - DROP AND COVER: At the first indication of ground
shaking, crouch under a desk, or door support, or table, tuck your head, and keep
your hands on the side of your neck unless you need to hold on to the legs of the
item you have shelter under. If no shelter is available you should move to the
inside wall facing away from the windows. If you are outside, stay outside and
move away from hazard areas. Try to stay calm and listen for directions.
Aftershocks are likely to occur within warning minutes after the earthquake. As
you move out of a building be prepared to Drop and Cover if aftershocks occur.
Move to the area your teacher designated as a meeting place.
BOMB THREATS: The Principal will call 911 and the District Office. A lock
down will be ordered. Teachers will scan their classrooms for unusual looking
objects. Students are not to touch any unusual items. The administration will
determine when to exit the building. Fire Drill procedures will be used to exit
the building.
If a bomb goes off in the school, a lock-down code will be called. The THS
emergency team will go into action. Students will be moved outside of the
building by a route that would avoid the emergency area. If a student is on their
own, they need to be cautious and move carefully out of the building.
POWER FAILURE: Stay where you are. Listen for teacher or administrative
HAZARDOUS RELEASE EVENT: In case of a hazardous release event
(chemical spill) near the school, a lock-down or shelter in place procedure will
occur. All students outside will move quickly indoors and all efforts will be
made to stop outside air from entering the building.
RELOCATION CENTERS: If we need to relocate away from Tooele High
because of an emergency, we will be at West Elementary Located at 451 W. 300
South or at Deseret Peak Complex. You will be able to pick your student up
there. Students will only be released to parents or persons identified on the
students emergency release form.
ELIGIBILITY RULES: Participation in athletic competition, drama, debate,
or other representative programs, clubs, or student body organizations, shall be
permitted only in harmony with eligibility rules approved by the state, the region
and the administration. Students who violate the student code of conduct in any
way jeopardize their extracurricular eligibility. One major violation either at
school or in the community, if deemed severe enough by the school
administration, could result in immediate removal from a team organization.
ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION. ** An individual must be enrolled in at least
four classes at THS in order to be eligible to represent his/her school in
interscholastic competition. Exemption requests to this policy should be directed
to the principal.
No student shall be eligible to represent his/her school if he/she is failing
more than one subject and/or has received a “U” in citizenship. Students must
maintain a minimum grade point average 2.0 from the previous term. I’s and F’s
are computed into the grade point average as a zero value. Students with more
than one I or F are ineligible until made up. The grade point average shall be
based on each quarter’s work with eligibility being approved by the building
principal based upon individual student’s IEP or CCR and documented test
results relating to learning disabilities.
Home-schooled students must have a meeting with the Principal prior to
the term of participation to review their home educational plan.
Where a student has failed to meet the minimum requirements set forth
above, he/she shall also be ineligible for participation in UHSAA activities in the
succeeding grading period until such deficiencies have been corrected. (A
grading period is deferred as the one in which he/she is participating, as well as
the one previous grading period not on the entire previous year.)
Deficiencies, including incomplete conditions and failures from a
previous grading period may be made up during a subsequent grading period.
Summer school course work taken to remediate 4th term grades will be accepted
for first term eligibility.
met the UHSAA requirements prior to the beginning of tryouts. If the student
receives an “I” for incomplete, it must be taken care of prior to tryouts. If the
student has received more than one “F” grade in the previous quarter, he/she is
not eligible to participate.
ATHLETIC LETTERING: Lettering criteria can be obtained from the coach
of the requested sport.
suspended from Tooele High School or a member school for violation of the Safe
Schools provision of that district board of education, shall be declared ineligible
for participation in any activity for a period equal to any suspension, bar or
dismissal, but in no case shall the period exceed twelve months. If the student is
transferred to another school, the transfer rule provisions will apply.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Any student representing Tooele
County Schools in any extracurricular activities who is found guilty of using
tobacco, alcohol or drugs will be dealt with as follows:
First Offense: The student will be suspended from the team or
organization for a period of at least two weeks or at least two consecutive events,
games, meets, matches, competitions or performances at the same level of play
(and any intervening levels as well). The offender will not be allowed to
participate with the team or organization in any practice, performance or
competition session for the full time of their suspension. The suspension will
include participation in all extracurricular activities sponsored by Tooele School
District schools or by the UHSAA that are being participated in by the suspended
student. The student will not be allowed to travel to away contests with the
organization he/she is suspended from. At the end of the suspension period, the
student may apply for reinstatement to the organization he/she was suspended
from. If the student wishes to be reinstated, a meeting between the parent(s), the
suspended student, the coach/advisor, and the principal may take place. It will
be the school authorities’ decision to either accept or reject the application for
reinstatement of the student. If and when the student is reinstated, he/she will be
placed on probation for the remainder of the sport’s or activity’s season in which
he/she is involved.
Second Offense: The student will be suspended from participation in that
sport/activity for the rest of the season.
Third Offense: An eighteen week suspension from all games, meets,
matches, competitions, performances and practices for all extra-curricular
activities at THS. Where applicable this suspension carries over into the
following school year. Reinstatement of eligibility at the end of the eighteenweek suspension is predicated upon successful completion of a formal
assessment, intervention and treatment program.
Tooele High School Hall Pass
Student Name: ______________________(must be printed in ink)
Destination Codes:
B = Bathroom L = Locker O = Office T = Tardy
F = Drinking Fountain M = Media Center C = Counselor D = Discipline
Student Handbooks must be carried by students at all times during class periods.
Students may only use their own Hall Pass to be excused from class.
First Term
Second Term
Third Term
Fourth Term