Motion Detector Project 2 Documentation, Creation and Computation Heather Simmons Overview This motion detector has multiple applications. I first used it (Figure 1) to project lifesized dancing figures on a screen, based on the movement of people in the physical world. In this version, people interact with the device by dancing in front of the built-in computer camera, and pressing the mouse as instructed on the screen. Once the mouse is pressed, the dancer is given “feedback” on their dancing. The feedback consists of one of three sound clips from Austin Powers’ movies, played randomly. I then discovered code (Learning Processing, Example 16-17) that allows a hand or other object in the physical world to control the location and colour of a ball on the screen. In effect, the hand becomes the controller for the ball. The child interacting with this “ball” game can hear one of 3 “bouncy ball” songs when they press the mouse. See Figure 2. Figure 1 – Projection of girl dancing in front of motion detector, version 1 1 Figure 2 – Moving the onscreen ball by waving hand in front of motion detector, version 2 2 Figure 3 - Moving hand to lower left moves the ball and changes ball colour to blue Context and Related Research Interactive motion detection games are some of the hottest on the market. In 2010, Microsoft released the Kinect as a peripheral for the Xbox 360. It uses a sensor and camera device to track motion of the players themselves, without the need for a controller. Seeking to broaden the core Xbox 360 audience, Microsoft successfully targeted families and casual gamers with the Kinect. 3 Figure 4 - Kinect targets more females, parents, casual gamers than Xbox. Source: Interpret LLC The Kinect soon became the world’s fastest selling consumer electronics device. 4 Figure 5 - Kinect Initial Sales Figures Outpace Similar Devices. Source: According to market researcher Newzoo, the Xbox 360 will be the top selling gaming console in the US this fall. By February 2013, Microsoft had sold 24 million Kinect units and 76 million Xbox 360 consoles. In terms of applications, Just Dance 3, an Xbox 360/Kinect game which has players mimic on-screen dance moves and then rates their performance, was named one of the top 10 best games for the Kinect in 2011. The popular motion detection game market, with its multiple applications, was the inspiration for this project. 5 Figure 6 - Number of US gamers by console type, Fall 2013. Source: Newzoo In terms of potential, the success of the Kinect indicates that a motion detection application would have broad audience appeal and engagement if it were set up on a big screen in an urban or large-scale community venue (Nuit Blanche, AGO, etc.). (In fact, a motion detection application that played sounds louder and louder as people approached it was set up at Nuit Blanche in Paris, see below: 6 Figure 7 - Triptych motion detector installation, Nuit Blanche, Paris, 2007. Source: It could be used to play a variety of games or trigger onscreen events. The approach in this sketch could also be used to set off an alarm if motion is detected in a restricted area, and capture “outline” video images of the intruder. The Capture class in Processing can also be used to remove the background from an image, play a pre-recorded video from a camera, or modify images (scale, pixelation, etc.). The following books and website references were useful in understanding the market for motion detection games, as well as how to create the motion detector, move the ball, and play sound clips: Capture class, Processing reference (n.d.). Retrieved from Donohue, Brian (2010). Kinect hits 4 million units, outpacing Nintendo…Retrieved from Hong, Y. (2011). Xbox 360 and Kinect user demographics . Retrieved from Makuch, E. (2013). Kinect sales reach 24 million. Retrieved from 7 Movie class, Processing reference (n.d.). Retrieved from Qualls, E. (n.d.). Top 10 Best Kinect Games. Retrieved from Reas, C., Fry, D. (2010). Getting Started with Processing. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Shiffman, D. (2008). Learning Processing. A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction.” Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Smith, Catharine (2011). Microsoft Kinect: World’s Fastest Selling Consumer Electronics Device. Retrieved from Solution to inability to put multiple strings in Movie class object (2010). Retrieved from , user PhiLho. Takahashi, D. (2013). Xbox 360 to be the top-selling console this fall (exclusive). Retrieved from Triptych installation at Paris Nuit Blanche 2007, photo of (n.d.). Retrieved from Coding Notes These coding notes refer to version 2, the more complex motion detector which controls the location of an onscreen ball with physical movements in the real world. (Version 1 is just a simpler iteration of this code). The version 2 code consists of, first, a “motion detector” which works by comparing, frame by frame, the color of each individual pixel on the computer screen, to the color of that same pixel one frame earlier. If the color has changed by more than a threshold amount (indicating motion), the pixel color is set to a blue/gray colour. If not, it is set to a light gray colour. This creates the image on the screen. Second, the average location of motion (basically, the location with the most movement, in this case the hand waving) is calculated, and the x and y coordinates of the ball are set to that location, thus moving the ball to that spot. Third, a “map” function sets the red colour value of the ball to a number between 0 and 255 depending on the average horizontal location of motion (which is also the x coordinate of the ball), and similarly sets the blue colour value based on the y coordinate of the ball. The green colour value is set to a static 100. In this way, the colour of the ball changes as it moves across the screen to follow the moving hand. Fourth, a reusable Ball class was created to make it easier to draw a ball as needed, and a reusable function, playSoundClip() was created to make it 8 easy to change the sound clips to be played based on the application. Finally, text instructions to the user are displayed in an artsy “Nanum_Brush” font at the top and bottom of the screen. The motion detector code was modified from Exercise 16-13 in the book, Learning Processing, by Daniel Shiffman. The sketch utilizes the Capture class of the Video library in Processing. The Capture class makes it possible to grab frames of video from an attached device (in this case, the webcam integrated in the MacBook Pro), such as a video camera. By comparing colour in subsequent images pixel by pixel, movement can be detected and displayed onscreen by setting the pixel colour. I then discovered the “average location of motion” code in Exercise 16-17 of Shiffman’s book, and combined the two to create the motion detector which allows objects in the real world to determine location of objects on the screen. I added code to affect the colour of the ball based on location, and added the artsy font. Finally, I created the sound clip player and the Ball class to make changes simpler and to be able to re-use the code on subsequent projects. Creating the sound clip player required some research. I reviewed the Movie class in Processing, and determined that it should be able to play sound. Processing allowed me to create a Movie array object , soundClips, but would not allow me to populate the array with multiple movie titles (or in this case, sound clips). After further internet research, I discovered that the constructor for the Movie class is (parent, filename). (The parent is the applet, or “this”, and the filename is a single string). In other words, the Movie class will not allow multiple strings, representing multiple file names, when initializing an object of the class. So, I discovered, at, that I needed to create another array, clipNames, to hold the 3 string filenames. Using the random function, I was then able to pull one file at a time from clipNames, and drop it into the Movie object, soundClips, to be played. The following two lines of code do this: soundClips[r] = new Movie(this, clipNames[r]); soundClips[r].play(); This worked, and I created my own function, playSoundClip(), which plays one of three random sound clips whenever the mouse is pressed. It has a constructor and can easily be modified to accommodate larger numbers of clips. Starting the web cam automatically, showing the sketch full screen, and adding the text were fairly straightforward, and were accomplished via the following lines of code: Start webcam automatically: video.start();//start the webcam automatically, in void setup() Show sketch full screen: boolean sketchFullScreen(){ return true; 9 }//show sketch full screen for projector purposes, in void draw() Display text/font: font = loadFont("NanumBrush-48.vlw");//in void setup() textFont(font);//in void setup() textSize(36);//set font size to 36//in void draw() text ("Move the ball with your hand to change colour", 60,40);//in void draw() Full code for version 2 is at 2 Motion Detector Full code for version 1 is at 6a48809e5d0fb/Heather Simmons Project 2 - Groovy Dance Machine Vimeo video is at Setup Notes The Processing sketch automatically turns on the built-in camera in the MacBook Pro and run at full screen when the “Run” button is pressed. The MacBook Pro was connected via USB cable to an Epson EX5210 projector, and simply projected onto a wall in the house for viewing. It could also be projected onto any large, blank space in an urban environment. Figure 8 – Initial project sketch 10 Figure 9 - Dancer projected onto wall in house 11 Figure 10 - Epson EX5210 projector connected via USB to MacBook Pro 12