Ethical Guidelines for Members of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

The primary objectives and purposes of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate are to express, make
accessible, and enact the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha. Our ideals are based
on the example of the Buddha and guided by the teachings and lineage of the Soto
School as conveyed to us by Dogen Zenji and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Ancient Dragon
Zen Gate values the essential non-duality of practice and awakening in the practice of
Zen and the expression of the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts in our daily lives. We
welcome the public to join us for silent meditation.
The Board of Directors has adopted the following ethical guidelines and grievance
procedure. All supporters and active participants at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate are
required to abide by these guidelines and may avail themselves of the formal grievance
Anyone involved in the leadership of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate, such as members of the
Board of Directors, officers, priests, temple officers, our Dharma Teacher and anyone
acting in an instructional capacity, must conduct himself or herself in accordance with
these guidelines.
The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts are the most fundamental guidelines to our actions
and relationships:
The Three Refuges
I take refuge in Buddha
I take refuge in Dharma
I take refuge in Sangha
The Three Pure Precepts
I vow to embrace and sustain right conduct
I vow to embrace and sustain all good
I vow to embrace and sustain all beings
The Ten Grave Precepts
A disciple of Buddha does not kill
A disciple of Buddha does not take what is not given
A disciple of Buddha does not misuse sexuality
A disciple of Buddha does not lie
A disciple of Buddha does not intoxicate mind or body of self or others
A disciple of Buddha does not slander
A disciple of Buddha does not praise self at the expense of others
A disciple of Buddha is not possessive of anything
A disciple of Buddha does not harbor ill will
A disciple of Buddha does not disparage the Three Treasures
Inappropriate behavior is harmful to others and to ourselves. We try to create an
environment at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate where we can cultivate conscious and
compassionate relationships and where members are supported to focus on practice,
free from harsh or manipulative speech or actions, harassment and unwanted sexual or
romantic attention.
Please be mindful of your speech. Refrain from harsh speech and gossip and from
talking about your private interviews with a teacher. Please safeguard information
shared during study groups and other contexts where people may disclose personal
Spiritual direction is a central part of our practice. There is a right to confidentiality
regarding what is said in dokusan or similar interviews. Teachers and leaders may share
confidential disclosures with each other only to the extent required for consultation
regarding practice and the well being of the Sangha. Personal details disclosed during
interviews that are not relevant to practice or the well being of the Sangha may not be
Everyone who comes to Ancient Dragon Zen Gate has the right to be free from sexual
harassment. Sexual harassment may consist of unwelcome or offensive sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
which is unwelcome. Continued expression of sexual interest directed at another Ancient
Dragon Zen Gate Sangha member or visitor, after being informed that such interest is
unwelcome, is considered a misuse of sexuality.
Anyone involved in an instructional or leadership position has particular responsibility
toward others, especially with regard to romantic or sexual relationships within the
Sangha. Teachers and leaders include the Dharma Teacher, priests, instructors, anyone
in a position of formal authority, such as board members and officers, and the Temple
Director, Tenzo, Work Leader and Ino. Particular care must be taken with newcomers.
As the foundation of a practice is formed in the first weeks and months, it can be
seriously undermined or distorted through the lens of a romantic relationship. Because
this area is so sensitive, teachers and leaders should allow a new practitioner some
time to develop their practice before initiating such a relationship within the Sangha.
If the people involved in a romantic or sexual relationship are in a teacher-student
relationship, a choice must be made between pursuing the personal relationship and
continuing the teacher-student relationship. The EAR Committee may help in this
decision-making process. A resolution should be achieved with as little delay and as
much openness and transparency as possible.
Outside the Sangha, priests, Dharma teachers, and transmitted teachers are expected
to uphold the highest standards of integrity in all personal relationships.
Any disrespectful, discriminatory, or preferential treatment of others on the basis of race,
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, disability, income,
political views, religion, ethnicity, or national origin is a violation of the Ancient Dragon
Zen Gate ethical guidelines.
Teachers and leaders have a responsibility to anticipate and avoid potential conflicts of
interest. Matters of a financial nature among members of the Sangha should be engaged
in with open hearts and clear heads. Leaders must perform their responsibilities on
behalf of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate and administer its finances in a fiduciary manner,
without personal gain, taking for one’s self an opportunity that belongs to Ancient Dragon
Zen Gate, or exploitation at the expense of Ancient Dragon Zen Gate.
Mental health professionals, and those in the helping professions, are asked to be
sensitive to the possible complexity of dual relationships that may arise when both
parties practice at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate. Teachers, psychotherapists and priests are
expected to abide by the ethical codes of their professions.
Disagreements, conflicts, misunderstandings and unethical behavior may occur in the
course of Sangha activities. Sangha members are strongly encouraged to approach one
another to discuss conflicts and ethical concerns. If direct discussion is not comfortable
or successful, the Ethics and Reconciliation (“EAR”) Committee is available to assist in
resolving conflicts, in reconciling Sangha members with each other and with the Sangha
and to recommend disciplinary action to the Board of Directors...
The Board of Directors has established the EAR Committee as a standing committee to
assist in resolving conflicts, clarifying ethical issues and responding to allegations of
misconduct. The number of members and the membership of the EAR Committee are
determined by the Board, and members are appointed by consensus. Tenure is for one
year and may be renewed for up to three years. After an absence from the EAR
Committee for a year, a person may be reappointed. Members of the Board of Directors
may not be members of the EAR Committee. The names of the EAR Committee
members are posted on the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate website. In the event that a matter
involves either: (i) an allegation that a member of the EAR Committee has acted
inappropriately or in violation of these guidelines, or (ii) an allegation brought by a
member of the EAR Committee, any such member(s) shall be recused from any
meetings of the EAR Committee involving such allegation and shall not influence, or
attempt to influence, the outcome of such hearing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
such member of the EAR Committee may address the EAR Committee at the request of
the EAR Committee or, if bringing an allegation, as part of the normal process for
pursuing such allegation.
Any member of the Sangha is encouraged to bring ethical concerns or interpersonal
conflicts to a member of the EAR Committee for consultation, support and advice if
direct discussion with the person involved is impossible, unwise, or has been
unsuccessful at reaching resolution. Often a meeting with a single member of the EAR
Committee will prove sufficient. This can be an opportunity to air a concern and clarify
matters. There may be a need for additional consultation. This can be mapped out with
the EAR Committee member.
Informal Resolution
A direct conversation between Sangha members regarding a conflict or ethical concern
is usually the best way to resolve an issue. When it is not possible, Sangha members
should bring their concerns to a member of the EAR Committee. If the matter can be
brought to a satisfactory conclusion through an informal process, this will be the end of
the matter. If the matter cannot be resolved informally, or for serious concerns, a
process has been developed outlined below as the “Formal Procedure.”
There are many possible informal approaches to a complaint. Healing and reconciliation
is the goal, although all parties cannot always be satisfied. It may be useful to invite one
or more EAR Committee members as neutral witnesses or facilitators to take part in
face-to-face conflict resolution. EAR Committee members may be silent witnesses or
may be mediators who help ensure that each person has an uninterrupted opportunity to
speak. The parties may agree to involve a mutually agreeable third party, for example a
neutral acquaintance, or someone who is a trained mediator.
If informal resolution is not possible, or directly addressing the conflict or issue does not
bring a satisfactory resolution, it may be brought to the attention of the entire EAR
Committee for formal procedures. Anyone aware of the following matters that occur at
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate or that occur in connection with a teacher’s or leader’s
performance of his or her responsibilities should bring them to the EAR Committee
immediately to be addressed in accordance with formal procedures: misappropriation of
funds, gross and harmful incompetence in leadership or teaching, abusive behavior,
harassment, inappropriate sexual conduct between a teacher and a member of the
Sangha, any illegal misconduct by anyone in a teaching or leadership position, or
anything that a therapist or minister would be mandated by law to report, such as
suspected abuse or neglect of a child, an elder or a disabled person.
Formal Procedure
A formal grievance procedure is available when informal attempts at reconciliation have
not worked or are inappropriate. Serious ethical violations may necessitate interventions,
possibly including a recommendation by the EAR Committee to the Board of Directors,
which may result in sanctions including expulsion from the Sangha or dismissal from
leadership or teaching within Ancient Dragon Zen Gate.
The EAR Committee is responsible for determining whether alleged misconduct has
occurred, and any recommended consequences. In those cases their recommendation
is forwarded to the Board of Directors.
Any complaint to the EAR Committee under this formal grievance procedure must be
made in writing. It may be given to any member of the EAR Committee. Anyone who
registers a complaint with the EAR Committee should be given a copy of this document,
along with a written acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint.
The complaint should describe in appropriate detail the alleged behavior, a history of any
attempts to resolve the complaint informally, and a general statement about the desired
resolution. The EAR Committee may request additional information to supplement the
complaint. The complaint and related documents will be retained by the EAR Committee
for such period as it considers appropriate. The EAR Committee may meet with the
Sangha members directly involved in the matter giving rise to the complaint, as well as
other persons who may be able to provide information regarding the matter.
The EAR Committee should respond to the person who has registered the complaint in
writing within a month after receipt of the complaint, if reasonably possible, with a
statement of its decision and the reason(s) for the decision.
The possible responses include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: a
finding of no breach, suggesting a mediated resolution, a limited finding acknowledging
some breach and forwarding this to an appropriate second party, a reversal of an
administrative decision or action, a private and mediated apology, a private reprimand,
follow-up meetings with affected parties, a public apology, public censure, reparation
when possible, a recommendation for psychological counseling or similar program, a
period of probation, suspension or dismissal. Certain ethical transgressions may result
in sanctions that involve the individual’s spiritual path. While the EAR Committee may
recommend such sanctions, the decision regarding whether such sanctions are to be
imposed rests solely with the individual’s teacher. These sanctions are: 1. Retaking of
the precepts, with appropriate accompanying repentance practice, and 2. for persons
with priest ordinations, relinquishment of the ordination and okesa. In each case, the
teacher responsible for giving the precepts or ordaining the individual would be solely
responsible for determining whether such a sanction is warranted.
Anyone may appeal the EAR Committee’s decision to the Board of Directors. However,
the Board of Directors is expected to work from an assumption that the EAR Committee
has acted in good faith and with due diligence, and should not lightly overturn the
findings of the EAR Committee. This right of appeal does not apply if the EAR
Committee has already involved the Board of Directors in the decision making process.