ACSG561_CH11and12_HW (1)


Mike Turner

ACSG 561

HW CH11&12

Here’s a website that irritates me, it’s the page you get when trying to view your bill on CLAWS.

Naturally I click on the big rectangular button to go to the next step and see my bill but they want you to click on the tiny font blue link… Gets me every time and I get so annoyed.

Bad Input Form

What does this mean?

“-Use characters from at least three of the following categories:

A, B, C, ... Z a, b, c, ... z 0, 1, 2, ... 9 !, $, #, %, ...”

We get calls from students who are confused all of the time with this form. I would write the rules more clearly…

Step 2: Create your Password (Be sure to follow these simple rules) a.

You can NOT use any previous passwords b.

You can NOT use words contained in your username c.

Password must be at least 8 characters long d.

Must use at least 1 capital letter e.

Must use at least 1 lower case letter f.

Must use at least 1 number or symbol

Bad Output form

This is the output error message I got when I created a password not using a number so the error should mention something about not using a number. Also, I used a password that I had never used before, so why would it tell me that I may have used the same password as before??? I haven’t reset this password in weeks but resetting a password too recently doesn’t have any impact at all when changing your password so why is that even in the error message??? We get tons of calls on our

Password Management System because it confuses the students.

Bonus Example

Here’s a bad example of an instructor setting up an assignment on Bb. Do I submit the assignment under the “3 Questions” option or do I post where it says “Post here”? Is one CH11 and one CH12? That wouldn’t make sense since the top one says Homework Assignment Chapters 11 and 12. Maybe I should upload the assignment to both…
