10th November 2015 Community Zone Meeting Minutes

Community Zone Committee Meeting
Held on Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 4.00 p.m.
Katy Sawyer,
Maisie Ross,
Ben Clewer,
Kim Talingdan
Sara Etemadi,
Ammarah Salvatore
Ian Handy
Jade Johnson
Oliver Wells
Josh Brett
Dave Coles
VP Community & Committee Chair
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Community and Events Coordinator
Community Zone Manager
Surrey Snowsports President
Surrey Snowsports Treasurer
Surrey Snowsports Social & Event
1. Apologies for absence
2. Conflict of Interests
No conflict of interest was declared.
3. Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting, 3rd November 2015, will need to be formally agreed and
signed by the Committee Chair.
4. Matters Arising
AS has emailed AT the design for the “Your Night Your Theme” event poll which should
be completed by the end of the week. However as the first event will be on next
Wednesday, JJ suggested a poll be made via social media websites for this occasion in
order to allow people time to vote and prepare. Alan will also begin the campaign after
Prevent campaign. KS told the Committee to meet at 10:45 pm at Rubix to get feedback
from students.
5. Agenda item Discussion: Welcome to the new Community and Events
Ian Handy introduced himself as the new Community and Events Coordinator to the
6. Agenda item Discussion: Officer Updates
KS went door knocking with Jack around campus to ask students if there had any
problems or feedback. KS has also finalised the Welcome Home booklets as well as the
suggestions to Surrey Shop.
7. Agenda item Discussion: Snow Sports
Representatives of the Surrey Snowsports Committee proposed the idea of having an
après event in conjunction with Citrus. JJ informed the Committee she had suggested
Surrey Snowsports to host their own event in the Living Room instead and that their
original idea would be a non-profit arrangement. The representatives assured the
Committee they only wanted to promote their sports club. AS raised the issue that by
giving permission it would open a floodgate of other societies and clubs wanting to do
the same thing. SE inquired how they were going to fund the decorations and snow
machines they wanted. The representatives are hoping to ask their trip operator,
Wasteland, to sponsor them but if not they would contribute to the necessary costs.
MR felt that it was good to have societies and clubs contributing to ideas for Rubix. JJ
also bought up the need to ensure the core users of Rubix are not put off and it would
be best for the Committee to decide whether or not to allow a club or society to
collaborate with Rubix on a case-by-case basis. The Committee all agreed on the Surrey
Snowsports idea.
8. Agenda item Discussion: Activity Zone – Sports Day event
The Committee felt that teams for the Activity Zone Sports Day event should not be
based on accommodation and should allow people to form teams and sign up. The issue
that some teams may not have enough people for a team of 10 also arose. It was
suggested teams could be combined to make up the numbers and for there to be a
minimum and maximum number per team instead. KS also proposed a bouncy castle to
be added under other activities.
KS give comments back to Activity Zone.
9. Agenda item Discussion: Community events
On 19th November Guildford town will host a Christmas lighting ceremony and IH will be
dressed as Steve the Stag in the parade. KS suggested the Committee to attend with
their Committee t-shirts.
JJ to make a Facebook page with details of event.
10. Any Other Business
The Committee offered movie ideas for the Christmas film event at Rubix on 13th
December which are to be put to the students to vote on. These included: Love Actually;
Elf; The Grinch; The Holiday; Miracle on 34th Street; Santa Clause the movie; The
Muppets Christmas Carol; A Christmas Carol; The Snowman; Home Alone.
KS to check on Filmbank if the Union is licenced to show these films.
University of Surrey American Football approached KS to help promote their
Homecoming match on 15th November.
KS to tweet about event.
BC raised idea of fundraising as a Committee such as donating to local food banks. AS
also suggested sending Christmas presents to children at Great Ormond Street. KS
asked if it would be better to support more local charities including the elderly. Also to
get students involved a competition could be organised where the prize would be a VIP
table at Rubix
IH to research local food banks and charities.
KS suggested next meeting and subsequent meetings to take place in front room to
encourage other people to attend the meetings.
11. Date of Next Meeting
It was decided Community Zone Committee meetings will take place next Tuesday at
4.00 p.m. and will be scheduled to take place at the same time every week unless
otherwise agreed upon.