15093 - Service Station_Tenterfield

natural solutions for environmental challenges
the service division of Ecotechnology Australia Pty Ltd.
Dear Chris,
Thank you for your enquiry regarding the contaminated site investigation for the BP Service
Station located at High Street, Tenterfield.
The following two reports were provided to Ecoteam for comment:
Report 1. Tenterfield – May 2004 ESA.pdf
Report 2. GHD_BP Tenterfield Monitoring Well Installation Report Rev 0_(16239)_201 -1.pdf
We have read through both reports and we note the following information:
Report 1.
GeoEnvironmental Consultants were engaged by BP to complete a Phase 1
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).
C6-C14 carbon chain length concentrations were above adopted assessment criteria at
sample numbers AH1.2 and AH1.4.
Report 2.
GHD was commissioned by BP to install four additional groundwater monitoring wells
and to conduct limited sampling.
All soil samples contained detectable concentration of lead, however these were well
below the Health based investigation levels for soil contamination for commercial sites.
Exceedances of Naphthalene above Groundwater Investigation Levels and Benzene
above Drinking Water Guideline were detected in groundwater at Location MW3D.
These levels indicate that low levels groundwater of contamination is present. Further
investigation is required to ensure that these levels do not pose a threat to the
environment. The exceedance may indicate that there is a leaking underground
petroleum storage tank (UPSS) due to the location of the sample.
All relevant guidelines have been consulted in the preparation of the following
recommendations and accompanying notes. In following on from the previous two reports
provided to Ecoteam, we recommend the following actions:
1. Further soil sampling at soil sample no. AH1.2 and AH1.4 (Report 1) to determine the
lateral and vertical extent of the potential kerosene contamination.
2. A systematic soil sampling investigation at the UPSS locations and associated
infrastructure to validate that contamination is not present. If contamination is present,
the systematic soil sampling investigation will determine the lateral and vertical extent
of the contamination.
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natural solutions for environmental challenges
the service division of Ecotechnology Australia Pty Ltd.
Please note the following:
1. The recommended further soil sampling investigation will determine potential
contamination levels at the kerosene tank and the UPSS locations only. A detailed site
investigation (DSI) would be required to determine with 95% confidence whether above
threshold contamination is present across footprint of the service station.
2. The revised sampling program and accompanying report cannot be used as an
assessment of the level of contamination for site decommissioning and redevelopment.
It is suitable to be used for property sales and purchases.
3. Ongoing monitoring of groundwater at the site will be required according to the
Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems)
Regulation 2014 (UPSS Regulation). According to the regulation “Persons responsible for
UPSS must report leaking UPSS to the appropriate regulatory authority as soon as
practicable after becoming aware of the occurrence, and must repair or replace the
leaking UPSS in accordance with required standards”.
4. Both Reports 1 and 2 do not meet NSW Environmental Protection Authority guidelines
for a DSI. The recommended actions outlined above will also not meet these
requirements. However, a DSI is required only when a service station is
decommissioned and redeveloped.
Please contact us at the Ecoteam office on 6621 5123 for further details if you would like to
proceed with the soil testing recommended above or if you require any more information.
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