Fellowship SAQ Templates 1. ASSESSMENT QUESTION Put AIMS at start: 1) Severity 2) Differential Diagnosis 3) Complications “My aims are to…” 1) Rapidly assess SEVERITY of illness Ie do they need resuscitation? 2) Establish a DIAGNOSIS Ie What is DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS? Put: Most LIFE THREATENING/REVERSIBLE FIRST Then: MOST COMMON Can do by : Systems: CVS/Resp/Neuro etc Specialty: Medical, Surgical, Psychiatric, Obstetric TRY & PRIORITISE LISTS Then state severity of MOST LIKELY DIAGNOSIS To guide Mx/disposition 3) Identify complications Could do: 1) Rapidly assess severity of illness 2) Establish a diagnosis (for this specific condition) THEN: 1) HISTORY 2) EXAMINATION For SIGNS/SOURCE/EFFECTS of illness For SEVERITY: eg arousal/alertness, vital signs, cap refill “I would perform a complete physical examination… …Fully undress patient… including/looking for…” “I would examine…” General/ENT/CHEST/ABDO/DERM/HAEM Try & make it specific to case 3) INVESTIGATION Can include “A period of observation in the ED” 2. DISCUSS QUESTIONS READ EACH WORD IN QUESTION Focus on question/case “What I would do” What are my PRIORITIES? Eg To exclude a certain Dx AIMS May write aims FOR THE SPECIFIC Q. Eg Investigation Then put in context in 1-2 sentences Then describe each point in format PROS CONS KEY WORDS/PHRASES PRE TEST PROBABILITY SENSITIVITY/SPECIFITY RISK STRATIFICATION CONS: Eg for an Ix: False reassurance eg of non-bacterial illness with normal WCC/CRP Remember specific figures for tests eg WCC in paeds sepsis (15,000) 3. EXAMINATION: Need to mention what you are examining for: I will examine for signs of: Envenomation Toxicity Shock… tricky Can say: eg Vital signs For signs of: Shock Cardiovascular collapse Indicating severe envenomation/toxicity A/B/C’s Expand for specific questions Eg in awake multi-trauma patient, with fractured pelvis A: Likely to be patent/protected in this patient Anticipate & manage: Need for endotracheal intubation If GCS drops to <8 B: Apply oxygen at 15L/min via Hudson mask C: Large bore IV access x 2 Anticipate and manage large volume blood loss Normal saline boluses 20ml/kg O-negative or cross matched blood as required/available Pelvic stabilisation – binder/external fixation/internal fixation Consider embolisation/theatre if above unsuccessful Eg Snakebite: Vital signs… as above Coagulopathy Bleeding puncture sites IV sites Occult bleeding Gastrointestinal IntracranialNeurological Ptosis Limb weakness Rhabdomyolysis Muscle tenderness Bite site Single or multiple First aid/ Pressure immobilisation 4. INVESTIGATION Questions (Part of “Assessment Q’s) Bedside Radiological Laboratory Others Can (& should) write in any order appropriate to topic ie Put MOST RELEVANT FIRST Can list as: Tests to: Establish diagnosis Look for complications Determine treatment Can list as: 1st line 2nd line In some cases NO INVESTIGATIONS may be warranted Eg Appendicitis “This is a clinical diagnosis” Investigations have a limited role and low specificity/sensitivity FWTU in everyone +/- FBE: WCC lacks sensitivity/specificity U/S CT Certain conditions eg snakebite Lends itself to listing by condition that is being assessed by the Ix Eg Snake Identification CSL VDK Not indicator of envenomation Bite site Preferred sample Moistened swab Urine Less reliable False +ves/-ves Blood Not indicated Not used Unreliable Coagulopathy Fibrinogen level – can drop rapidly after bite - used to measure response to antivenom D-dimer (FDP’s) – massively elevated INR/APTT – elevated Whole blood clotting time FBE: platelets – may drop Rhabdomyolysis CK: concern if > ____ Urinary myoglobin – urine dipstick +ve blood (plus micro negative for RBC) Renal function – renal failure from obstructed tubules & Potassium – hyperkalaemia REMEMBER TO COMMENT ON TIMING OF Ix IF RELEVANT Eg Snakebite Initial Ix If normal at __hrs Repeat @ 6 & 12 hrs post removal of 1st aid if no treatment given During treatment to monitor progress 5. MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS TRY & FIT UNDER THESE SUBHEADINGS: TREATMENT SUPPORTIVE + Communication + Consultation DISPOSITION POINT FORM IS BEST (& QUICKEST) way to answer Eg “I would identify & treat… (eg) complications” Then LIST in point form Can state differential Dx at start – ie most obvious/serious causes AIMS 1) ESTABLISH SEVERITY Avoid using “qualifiers” like mildly/moderately/severely unwell Just say: “The child/person is unwell” Mx will depend on:….severity of particular illness Eg DKA – pH, dehydration, conscious state 2) “My management…” “…will include…” “…will focus on…” then list major issues eg General Setting Resusc: ABC/IV/O2 Specific Eg DKA - Fluid – in detail Insulin – in detail Electrolytes – in detail Ongoing reassessment/monitoring (incl CVC/Art line if severe) “In detail” means Amounts Doses When to start/stop/change It’s fine to say: “I’d follow the local protocol…” “My routine practice is…” 6. ADMIN QUESTIONS – GENERAL TIPS Intro Define Terms Needs analysis Background research Internet, health dept, libraries, college and international sources Fiscal considerations Determine your own position Involve all relevant stakeholders in workshops/discussions Think DR, RN, pharmacy, radiology, GP, consumer, HITH Develop Implementation Develop a plan structure/time frame for implementation Evaluation Feedback, surveying Pt Satisfaction Quality measures Research Education Educate staff regarding outcomes 7. PROCEDURE OR PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT Intro Experience required– credentialing of staff Indications Contraindications Preparation Pt explanation Consent Location Staff Equipment, Monitoring Fasting status Procedure Universal Precautions Method Post procedure care Disposition Follow up Documentation Complications Controversies/Pitfalls Special Groups Medicolegal Audit 8. SITUATION MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS Ie not just Mx of a medical problem Usually: Situation management (see Admin Q’s) Eg: Complaint, Violent patient, the intoxicated staff member Aim: Deal with the IMMEDIATE problem (usually a medical one) THEN: QA Medicolegal Mandatory reporting OH&S Often can include: AUDIT REVIEW STAFFING Other issues Ie deal with main issue then take a step back and look at bigger picture