Council of the European Union Brussels, 15 October 2015 (OR. en) 13044/15 Interinstitutional File: 2013/0443 (COD) LIMITE ENV 629 ENER 355 IND 153 TRANS 326 ENT 213 SAN 333 PARLNAT 104 CODEC 1342 NOTE From: To: General Secretariat of the Council Delegations No. prev. doc.: 10383/15 ENV 441 ENER 267 IND 108 TRANS 224 ENT 124 SAN 203 PARLNAT 76 CODEC 953 18167/13 ENV 1235 ENER 600 IND 388 TRANS 693 ENT 356 SAN 555 PARLNAT 325 CODEC 3086 - COM(2013) 920 final No. Cion doc.: Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants and amending Directive 2003/35/EC Comments from delegations With a view to the Working Party on the Environment (WPE) on 20 October 2015, delegations will find in the Annex comments received from Denmark on Part 2 of Annex III of the Presidency compromise text (document 10383/15) concerning the abovementioned proposal. 13044/15 CM/mb DG E 1A LIMITE 1 EN ANNEX ANNEX III PART 2 MEASURES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 6.2 Member States shall make use of the UNECE Guidance Document for Preventing and Abating Ammonia Emissions (Ammonia Guidance Document) 17, and best available techniques set out in Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council 18. A. Measures to control ammonia emissions 1. Member States shall establish a national advisory code of good agricultural practice to control ammonia emissions, based on the 2014 UNECE Framework Code for Good Agricultural Practice for Reducing Ammonia Emissions, covering at least the following items: (a) nitrogen management, taking into account the whole nitrogen cycle; (b) livestock feeding strategies; (c) low-emission manure spreading techniques; (d) low-emission manure storage systems; (e) low-emission animal housing systems; (f) possibilities for limiting ammonia emissions from the use of mineral fertilisers. 2. Member States shall establish a national nitrogen budget to monitor the changes in overall losses of reactive nitrogen from agriculture, including ammonia, nitrous oxide, ammonium, nitrates and nitrites, based on the principles set out in the UNECE Guidance Document on Nitrogen Budgets4. 3. Member States shall prohibit the use of ammonium carbonate fertilizers and shall reduce ammonia emissions from inorganic fertilizers by using two or more of the following approaches: (a) 17 18 […] Decision 2012/11, ECE/EB/AIR/113/Add. 1. Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) (OJ L 334, 17.12.2010, p. 17). 13044/15 ANNEX CM/mb DG E 1A LIMITE 2 EN 4. (b) replacing urea-based fertilizers by ammonium nitrate-based fertilizers; (c) where urea-based fertilizers continue to be applied, using methods that have been shown to reduce ammonia emissions by at least 30% compared with the use of the reference method, as specified in the Ammonia Guidance Document; (d) spreading inorganic fertilisers in line with the foreseeable requirements of the receiving crop or grassland with respect to nitrogen and phosphorus, also taking into account the existing nutrient content in the soil and the nutrients from other fertilizers. Member States shall reduce ammonia emissions from livestock manure by using two or more the following main approaches (a – d): (a) reducing emissions from slurry and solid manure application to arable land and grassland, by using methods that reduce emissions by at least 30 % compared with the reference method described in the Ammonia Guidance Document and on the following conditions: (i) only spreading manures and slurries in line with the foreseeable nutrient requirement of the receiving crop or grassland with respect to nitrogen and phosphorous, also taking into account the existing nutrient content in the soil and the nutrients from other fertilizers; (ii) not spreading manures and slurries when the receiving land is water saturated, flooded, frozen or snow covered; (iii) applying slurries spread to grassland using a trailing hose, trailing shoe or through shallow or deep injection; (iv) incorporating manures and slurries spread to arable land within the soil within four hours of spreading. (b) reducing emissions from manure storage outside of animal houses, by using the following approaches: (i) for slurry stores constructed after 1st January 2022, using low emission storage systems or techniques which have been shown to reduce ammonia emissions by at least 60% compared with the reference method described in the Ammonia Guidance Document, and for existing slurry stores at least 40%; (ii) covering stores for solid manure; (iii) ensure farms have sufficient manure storage capacity to spread manure only during periods that are suitable for crop growth. 13044/15 ANNEX (c) reducing emissions from animal housing, by using systems which have been shown to reduce ammonia emissions by at least 20% compared with the reference method described in the Ammonia Guidance Document. (d) reducing emissions from manure, by using low protein feeding strategies which have been shown to reduce ammonia emissions by at least 10% compared with the reference method described in the Ammonia Guidance Document. CM/mb DG E 1A LIMITE 3 EN Justification In November 2014 the European Environment Agency reported that damage costs of ammonia in the EU were around 10-25 billion euros in 2008-2012. Around 93% of these ammonia emissions come from agriculture ( p. 17, p. 30). As the purpose of the NEC directive is to improve air quality in the EU by raising technical standards, there is a need to not only discuss reduction targets but also the measures to achieve real emission reductions. The measures listed in Annex III, part 2 are all techniques with a great potential for reducing ammonia at a low cost. By making some of the suggested measures mandatory, the level of ambition in the Annex would be raised significantly while also securing a more level playing field for European farmers. Since 1988 slurry tanks in Denmark have been required to have either fixed or full floating cover. In 2003 a ban on broadspreading of manure was introduced. Together, the legislation on manure application and covered storage is suggested to have led to a decrease in ammonia emissions by approximately 30% at a minimum of cost. Furthermore, it is obligatory for all new installations in Denmark to reduce ammonia emission from animal housing by 30 % compared to a given reference. This is achieved by the use of technology or by applying low protein feeding strategies. The IE-directive is already targeting ammonia emissions from large industrial farms. However, since only a limited part of European agriculture is covered by the directive, there is a need to encourage Member States to look into reducing emissions from small and medium scale farming, too. The Danish experiences show that especially the measures dealing with emission from manure storage and application can make a great impact on emission reductions at a very limited cost. 13044/15 ANNEX CM/mb DG E 1A LIMITE 4 EN