SENIOR ENGLISH CALENDAR Voicemail: (480) 883-5075 April 20 – May 1 Senior Projects, Existentialism/Philosophy/Dante/The Stranger Monday April 20 Tuesday April 21 Wednesday April 22 Thu/Fri April 23 & 24 Monday April 27 Tuesday April 28 Wednesday April 29 Thu/Fri April 30/May 1 DUE: PROMPT #3 TYPED, MLA, NO TII, 2 CITATIONS MINIMUM ACTIVITIES: Dante pair review and quiz; presentations; Teenage Hell presentations; prompt #4 distribution – due Thursday/Friday this week with two citations Homework: Tomorrow is last day to make up existentialism quiz; work on prompt 4 and philosophy essay; keep rehearsing presentations TODAY IS LAST DAY TO MAKE UP EXISTENTIALISM QUIZ ACTIVITIES: Presentations; Teenage Hell completed; intro. to Camus PPT; The Stranger discussion, book sign-out and SG distribution, if time Homework: Work on prompt 4 and philosophy essay; keep rehearsing presentations ACTIVITIES: Presentations; Part 1, chapter 1 begins w/SG completion/stamping Homework: Complete Prompt #4 for tomorrow/Friday; work on Philosophy Essay – due Monday 4/27 draft & Wednesday 4/29 Final; keep preparing for presentation DUE: PROMPT #4, TYPED, MLA, TWO CITATIONS, NO TII ACTIVITIES: Presentations; chapters 1 & 2 in-class reading and SG completion; SSR HW: Complete Philosophy Essay draft – due 4/27 draft & 4/29 Final; keep preparing for presentation DUE: PHILOSOPHY ESSAY DRAFT WITH EIGHT CITATIONS ACTIVITIES: Presentations; peer/self-editing; chapter 3 begins, if time Homework: Revise your draft – final essay due on Wednesday ACT LATE START DAY – 11:10 AM – NO ZERO HOUR – 20 MINUTE PERIODS ACTIVITIES: Presentations Homework: Finalize philosophy essay for tomorrow; keep preparing for presentation DUE: FINAL PHILOSOPHY ESSAY W/TII RECEIPT ATTACHED OR WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED – SIX PAGES MAX., NOT INCLUDING WORKS CITED ACTIVITIES: Senior project presentations; ch. 3 completed & ch. 4 begins w/SG Homework: Keep preparing for presentation ACTIVITIES: Senior project presentations; ch. 4 completed; existentialist music analysis and discussion; student songs that capture existentialist philosophy; chapter 5 inclass reading with discussion and SG completion; SSR Homework: Review SGs for Monday’s chapter 1-4 quiz; keep memorizing speech/preparing presentation – DO NOT READ CH. 6! For in-class on Monday!!