HELPING CHILDREN WITH COMMAN EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS “CHILD BEHAVIOR DISORDERS” Young people can have mental, emotional, and behavioral problems that are real, painful, and costly. These problems often called “disorders”, are sources of stress for children and their families, school and communities. The number of young people and their families who are affected by mental, emotional and behavioral disorders is significant. It is estimated that as many as one in five children and adolescents may have a mental health disorders that can be identified and required treatment. Mental health disorders in children and adolescents are caused by biology, environment, or a combination of the two. Examples of biological factors are genetics, chemical imbalances in the body, and damage to the central nervous system, such as a head injury. Many environmental factor also can affect mental health, including exposure to violence, extreme stress and loss of an important person. Families and communities, working together, can help children and adolescents with mental disorders. A broad range of services is often necessary to meet the needs of these young people and their families. THE DISORDERS Below are descriptions of particular mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders that may occur during childhood and adolescence. All can have a serious impact on a child’s overall health. Some disorders are more common than others , and conditions range from mild to serve. Often a child has more than one disorder. ANXIETY DISORDERS Young people who experience excessive fear , worry , or uneasiness may have an anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are among the most common of childhood disorders. according to one study of 9 to 17 years olds, as many as 13 of every 100 young people have an anxiety disorders. Phobias, which are unrealistic and over whelming fears of objects or situations. Panic disorders, which causes terrifying “Panic attacks” that includes physicals symptoms, such as a rapid heart beat and dizziness. Post traumatic stress disorders , which causes a pattern of flashback and other symptoms and occurs and children who have experienced a psychologically distressing event, such as abuse , being a victim or witness of violence or exposure to other types of trauma such as wars or natural disaster. SEVERE DEPRESSION Many people once believed that severe depression did not occur in childhood. Today , experts agree that severe depression occur at any age. Studies show that two of every 100 children may have major depression, and as many as eight of every 100 adolescents may be affected. The disorder is marked by changes in:1. Emotions- Children often feel sad, cry, or feel worthless. 2. Motivation- Children lose interest in play activities, or schoolwork declines. 3. Physical well-beingChildren may experience changes in appetite or sleeping patterns and may have vague physical complaints. 4. Thoughts- Children believe they are ugly, unable to do anything or life is hopeless. It also is important for parents and caregivers to be aware that some children and adolescents with depression may not value their lives ,which can put them at risk for suicide. TREATMENT, SUPPORT SERVICES, AND RESEARCH: SOURCES OF HOPE Now more than ever before, there is hope for young people with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Most of the symptoms and distress associated with childhood and adolescents mental, emotional and behavioral disorders can be alleviated with timely and appropriate treatment and supports. In addition, researchers are working to gain new scientific insights that will lead to better treatments and cures for mental, emotional, and behavioral disorder. Innovative studies also are exploring new ways of delivering services to prevent and treat these disorders. Research efforts are expected to lead to more effective use of existing treatments, so children and their families can live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. “SOLUTIONS FOR CHILD PROBLEMS” The child with emotional problemsAre you worried about a child with emotional problems? A range of behaviors and emotional responses signify emotional concern in children:- These include externalizing behaviors, like frequent temper tantrums and aggressive, active out behaviors. Emotional problems in children may also include internalizing behaviors, such as extreme shyness, passivity and withdrawal or psychological concerns like anxiety and depression. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN. It is helpful to remember that we all experience a range of emotions, and feelings:- children, as well as adults, experience both positive and negative emotions. Anger, for example is not wrong or bad but a normal human emotion. WHEN THINGS GO WRONG “Emotional control, particularly controlling anger and aggressiveness, are the most common emotional problems faced by today’s children”. Children who exhibit emotional problems may experience difficulty regulating their emotions. Unless this concern is addressed the risk increase that the child will develop child behavior problems. HELP THE CHILD WITH EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS Remember- emotions are not bad, they just are- Children ned help to understand and cope with their feelings and to understand that their emotions are normal. REVIEW THE SUGGESTION BELOW- TRY THOSE THAT APPLY TO YOUR SITUATIONS. 1. Be a good role model, pay attention to your own emotions and model the appropriate expression of these. 2. Accept and acknowledge the feelings of your children. 3. Teach children problems solving, conflict resolution and assertiveness skills. These techniques can provide the child with strategies to regulate and manage his emotions. 4. The child with emotional problems may feel stressed and upset. To help a child manage and regulate his emotions in a healthy and positive manner, it can also help to enhance the child’s self-esteem and to reduce stress. You can also teach the child how to relax and cope with stress. Shivangi Christ Convent School