Week 12B, Monday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 8:50 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Building Expressions, 3.2.1. How can I draw it? 1. Homework Due: 49-53 2. Objective: Describing relationships between quantities 3. Homework: 60-64 None 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Diversity of Life, Investigation 9, Roaches, Day 3 of 4 Group: ½ -liter container 2 hand lenses Cotton balls Lab notebook, 59-63 Morning Meeting: Objective: Content 01. Adaptations are structures or behaviors of organisms that enhance their chances to survive and reproduce in their habitat Investigate. Ask questions about the purpose of behaviors of the hissing cockroach. Explain. Explain how hissing cockroaches structural and behavioral adaptations help them survive. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Earth History, Investigation 4, My Sediments Exactly, Part 3: Stream Tables Class: Hissing cockroaches Banana Cotton balls Water Dropper bottle Math 8: Graphs & Equations, 3.1.5. How can I graph it? None 1. Homework Due: None 2. Objective: Graphs, tables, and rules 3. Homework: 45-49 Objective: Content. Investigate. Study the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition Explain. Determine how the processes of weathering, Group: Resource Book, 36,64 Lab Notebooks 26-29 Class: Stream Table set-up Earth material mixture Funnel water erosion, and deposition contribute to the formation of sediments, sedimentary rock, and landforms such as the Grand Canyon. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Advisory Caregiver Pick-up Tuesday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Building Expressions, 3.2.2. How can I organize it? 4. Homework Due: 60-64 5. Objective: Solving a word problem 6. Homework: 71-75 Resource Page 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Diversity of Life, Investigation 9, Roaches, Day 4 of 4 Class: Resource Book, 60-64 Questions, 1-3, pg 64 Paper Morning Meeting Objective: Content 01. Adaptations are structures or behaviors of organisms that enhance their chances to survive and reproduce in their habitat Mid-summative exam 9 Investigate. Read “Those Amazing Insects” Explain. Answer 1-3 on pg 64 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Graphs & Equations, 3.1.6. What makes a complete graph? 7. Homework Due: 45-49 8. Objective: Complete Graphs 9. Homework: 55-59 Resource Page 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Earth History, Investigation 4, My Sediments Exactly, Part 4: Weathering & Erosion Class: Weathering and Erosion questions Objective: Content 01. Erosion is the weather away of soil and rock by weathering, mass movement, and action of streams, glaciers, waves, and wind. Content 02. Eroded sediments can be transported by water, wind, or ice and deposited in new locations. Investigate. View the weathering and erosion DVD Explain. Answer questions from lab notebook pages. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Special Caregiver Pick-up Wednesday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Building Expressions, 3.2.3. How do I use the 5-D Process? Day 1 of 2 10. Homework Due: 71-75 11. Objective: Strategies for using the 5-D Process 12. Homework: 84-86 Resource Page Index Cards 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Zebrafish Investigation, Part 1, Systems of the Body and Disease, Day 1 of 4 Group: www.fishforscience.com. Meat-rack paper Crayons markers Morning Meeting Objective: Content 01. All cells do not look alike and that specialized cells in multicellular organisms are organized into tissues and organs that perform specialized functions. Content 02. Describe how the organs in the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skin and urinary systems interact to serve the needs of vertebrate organisms. Class: PP presentation handout Content 03. Recognize that cells carry out life functions, and that these functions are carried out in a similar way in all organisms, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists. Content 04. The following diseases negatively affect human organs: cardiovascular, muscular, inflammatory, bone, and cancer. Investigate. Find how disease affects a specific organ and/or tissues. Explain. Show findings on a group poster. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Graphs & Equations, 3.1.7. What wrong with this graph? 13. Homework Due: 55-59 Resource Page 14. Objective: Identifying Common Graphing Errors 15. Homework: 64-68 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Earth History, Investigation 4, My Sediments Exactly, Part 5: Making Sandstone Objective: Content 01. Sediments form through the processes of chemical and physical weathering Content 02. Sediments turn into solid rock through the process of lithification, which involves cementation, compaction, and crystallization. Investigate. Model the formation of sandstone in an ancient environment. Explain. Explain how sandstone can form in an modern environment 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Group: 2 hand lenses ½ liter container Plastic spoon Label 1 sample of sand in plastic cup Lab notebook, 33 Class: Sodium silicate solution Sand Water 1 liter beaker Stirring rod Safety goggles Special Caregiver Pick-up Thursday Time 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Lesson/Activity Materials Elective: Math Differentiation Morning Meeting Math 7: Building Expressions, 3.2.3. How do I use the 5-D Process? Day 2 of 2 1. Homework Due: 71-75 2. Objective: Strategies for using the 5-D Process 3. Homework: 97-98 Resource Page Index Cards 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Zebrafish Investigation, Part 1, Systems of the Body and Disease, Day 2 of 4 Objective: Content 01. The following diseases negatively affect human organs: cardiovascular, muscular, inflammatory, bone, and cancer. Group: www.fishforscience.com. Meat-rack paper Crayons markers Investigate. Find how disease affects a specific organ and/or tissues. Explain. Show findings on a group poster. Class: PP presentation handout 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Graphs & Equations, 3.2.1. How can I check my answer? 4. Homework Due: 64-68 5. Objective: Solving Equations and Testing the Solution 6. Homework: 73-77 Resource Page Algebra Tiles 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Earth History, Investigation 4, My Sediments Exactly, Part 6: Making Shale Group: 2 hand lenses 1 plastic spoon 1 plastic cup 1 container of sandstone Cococino sandstone Hermit shale REesource book, pg 60 Lab notebook, 35 Objective: Content 01. Sediments that settle in water form in a flat, horizontal layer; each new layer of sediments is distinct. Content 02. The present is the key to the past; geological processes that we observe today are most likely occurred in the same way throughout Earth’s history. Investigate. Model the formation of shale. Explain. Identify the sediments of shale. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Special Caregiver Pick-up Class: Mid-summative exam 4 Container of powdered clay 6-liter basin Plastic cup Plaster of paris water Friday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation 10:20 11:20 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Science 7: Science/Engineering Project Work time Math 8: Graphs & Equations, 3.2.2. How many solutions are there? 10. Homework Due: 73-77 11. Objective: Determining the number of solutions 12. Homework: 82-86 Resource Page Algebra Tiles 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Earth History, Investigation 5: Limestone, Part 1: Limestone Ingredients Group: 1 plastic cup Straws Lab notebook, 37 Morning Meeting Math 7: Building Expressions, 3.2.4. How can I represent it? Day 1 of 2 7. Homework Due: 97-98 8. Objective: Using variables to represent quantities in word problems 9. Homework: 99-101 Recess/Lunch Objective: Content. Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of calcium carbonate Investigate. Investigate how carbon dioxide contributes to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in water. Explain. Identify the sediments in limestone. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 None Special Caregiver Pick-up Class: Calcium Hydroxide 1 plastic cup Distilled water Safety goggles 2-liter bottles