Information Items - Diamond Trail Public School

Diamond Trail Public School
School Advisory Council Meeting Agenda
November 24th, 2015
Library 6:00-7:00pm
Gloria, Janet, Mel, Rose, Pam D, Tracy, Laurie, Amy,
Pam, Loreta
Any items for the bottom of the agenda?
Information Items:
Safe Schools Committee- has started, students have been selected for the position and have been
involved in some team building activities
Dragons Den Assembly- Dec. 4th and 18th
Financial Update- Amy-just over $5000
Year Book- Laurie- Started, getting it done through life touch, at least 40 pages, trying to keep it
under $20. Amy Get pictures for Laurie for year book, pictures of sports every day activities (please)
School Council Roles:
Co-Chairs: Tracy McDonald and Janet Schaefer
Secretary: Pam Doyle
General Members: Rose Colombe, Loreta Racho , Mel Brady, Gloria Brook
Committees At Diamond Trail
Parent Education Committee:
Committee Members to Date: Amy, Pam, Carissa, Rose, Tracy, Pam D, Mel & Loreta
The first session for the ProGrant proposal has been booked. Paul Davis will speak to the
students Gr. 4 to 8 and our parents during a luncheon to discuss Cyber Safety in April. Invited
Plymouth to the luncheon with hopes that more adults can come
Although the ProGrant will cover the parent luncheon- this committee agreed to give $200 to
help offset the cost of the student presentations.
Still looking for feedback on possible topics
 self regulation & Self Advocacy
 mental health and wellness
 Character Development
 Safe Schools
 play (suggested) teaching kids how to play
 Self help (suggested)
Fundraising Committee:
Committee Members to Date: Pam, Amy, Pam D, Tracy & Gloria
School Fundraising
Chocolate Bars Nov. 20 to Dec. 4th
Christmas Basket Raffles- names to be drawn at the Christmas Carol Sing Along Wed.
December16th, anyone is invited Food drive December 1st until the 18th
Christmas Shoppe- second week in December 7-11
Committee- Put in A Paris themed gift Basket with $75-$100 ad gift card from LCBO (Rose will
do the shopping)
Divisions will be smaller separate Fundraising later in the year
Goals: Playground repairs as needed
Help with Year End Trips/Busses etc.
Extraordinary things (games for Nancy's Class) Games- $100
Buddy Bench- Amy and Pam look into the procedure and start to be installed in the
spring. (TENDOR) Start now so that by next meeting she will have some more
information on it!
Family of Schools Committee:
Committee Members to Date (last year): Amy, Janet & Loreta
Goal: Bridging the gap between Diamond Trail and Eastdale.
December 3 is the annual Eastdale Open House. Grade 8 students and their families are welcome to
"Walk the Red Carpet" to Grade 9. The event starts at 6 pm and goes until 8 pm. Tours, door prizes,
"selfies" and "make your own sundaes". All are welcome. The whole School welcomes the students.
December 9 join us for our winter Arts evening. 7 pm to 9 pm. Enjoy the music, drama and art of
Eastdale students. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. Admission is free and non
perishable food donations to the Hope Centre are appreciated.
You can also enjoy a pasta dinner before the show on December 9 if you don't feel like cooking.
Dinner starts at 4 pm and goes to 6 pm. Eat in or take out. Pasta, meatballs, salad and a roll are
included. All food is prepared by the Eastdale Culinary program under the direction of Mr. Pouliot, chef
and teacher.
December 18 is the last day of classes before the Christmas holiday. Eastdale students will enjoy a
hearty breakfast that morning, followed by the Christmas assembly. In the afternoon, there will be fun,
games and a movie at the school. School re-opens on January 4, 2016.
Student council had a well attended Halloween party and dance
Wake-a-thon this Friday
$466.00n to humane society
got a new flag pole, new bike rack, driveway is now complete parent council has been very busy
the last parent meeting discussed random act of kindness which is going on this month, they discussed
Diamond Trail. the students at Eastdale posting posters around the school that say things such as
PIC Conference- School won $100 towards a speaker
Topics Attended Include:
 How to make the conference better and such, listening to discussions, have open house
put a table with information on parent council
 A lot of people think that fundraising should be top priority but some disagree
 Concerns we want to address - how do we get the parents involved. People need to
know or learn that they have a right to be present and can voice their opinions.
 the fundraising money is the Schools money it doesn’t belong to the fundraising
committee so it goes towards the whole school.
 Phone messages go out a week or so before meetings to all parents to invite them.have
a table set up for the afternoon primary choir sing-a-long with information on parent
 open door policy to speak with Amy and Pam regarding the committees
Committees Would Look Like:
A small group of adults interested in a common topic
The group would meet together to make plans and next steps
One member of the group would meet with Amy and/or Pam to talk about ideas
The committee would share information at the next meeting
Shared leadership from the larger committee to the smaller ones
Committees Would Sound Like:
The larger School Advisory Committee agrees to accept the decisions of the smaller groups.
Agree that all members of the groups have a voice.
Cooperation and Teamwork
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 23rd 6-7pm
- present information on (TENDOR)