rainfall heat

Work Package 4: Layout Case Study Reports
The goal is to make a report giving an overview of the case study city (i.e. Rotterdam, Ljubljana,
Aalborg, Seville). Besides giving an introduction to the city itself, also the challenges and current
activities in the city should be catalogued. This can be broader than just the issues tackled by our
research itself to give a more comprehensive picture. Obviously the challenges that will be addressed
in our TURaS research should be well developed.
Aside from providing a good reference document for future papers/reports, it should also function as a
stepping stone to define further TURaS related work. This involves an overview of needs/questions
that arise from the stakeholders (what are their priorities and interests?) and methodologies that are
expected to be used. See below for a general outline, as well as a draft table of contents for the
Rotterdam case study.
General Outline
1. Intro TURaS and report
2. Description of City
a. geography
b. economy
c. politics
d. etc.
3. Current (sustainability) problems faced by the city
4. Projections of future developments
a. population
b. economy
c. land-use
d. climate change
e. etc.
5. Stakeholder analysis: who are the stakeholders, what activities with respect to sustainability
are currently going on in/by the city, and what are the priority questions of stakeholders
6. Methodological frame to answer relevant questions
a. Available information/data
b. Available models/evaluation frameworks
7. Envisaged steps to answer relevant questions
a. Data collection
b. Methodological development
c. Analyses/experiments
Work Package 4: Layout Case Study Reports
Draft Contents for case study Rotterdam
1. Introduction
Frame of TuRAS and purpose of report
2. City of Rotterdam
General description of Rotterdam with: some key characteristics; its location/function within the
Netherlands/EU; its history; socio-economic situation.
2.1 The Harbour
Description of the harbour with: its history; key activities; current role; etcetera.
3. Problems faced by Rotterdam and future developments
General paragraph with the most pertinent problems faced by Rotterdam with regard to sustainability.
3.1 Flooding
Addressing challenges Rotterdam faces with respect to flooding from sea, river and local extreme
3.2 Urban living environment
Challenges Rotterdam faces with respect to the quality of life in the city. Addresses, amongst others,
mobility, air pollution, heat stress, urban recreation, etc.
3.3 Fresh water and energy supply
Challenges Rotterdam possibly faces with respect to fresh water and energy supply.
4. Future Developments
General paragraph on which things are expected to change, which will be detailed in the next subsections.
4.1 Climate change
Possibly divided into subsection that go into impact on: flooding from sea/river; flooding from local
extreme rainfall; heat stress.
4.2 Urban expansion
Planned and envisaged urban developments in the greater Rotterdam area.
4.3 Harbour activities
Projections related to the harbour (e.g. expansion/moving of harbour activities; possible change in
focus of activities; etc.).
5. Stakeholder analysis Rotterdam
General paragraph on stakeholders and activities in Rotterdam related to sustainability and resilience.
Will be described in more detailed in the next sub-sections.
5.1 Relevant stakeholders
Description of the various stakeholders in Rotterdam related to sustainability and resilience
5.2 Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI)
Description of RCI: goals, plans, current status.
5.3 Rotterdam Climate Proof (RCP)
Work Package 4: Layout Case Study Reports
Description of RCP: goals, plans, current status.
Plus subsections for other relevant activities (check with municipality).
5.9 Stakeholder priorities (last sub-section)
Synthesis on activities in Rotterdam and the main priorities of the Rotterdam stakeholders. Including a
link to the activities that will be carried out within TURaS to address some of their questions/issues.
6. Methodological frame for TURaS
Introducing the activities that will be carried out within TURaS
6.1 Data
Relevant data and information sources that are available to carry out the described activities.
6.2 Models
Relevant models that are available to carry out the described activities.
7. Activities for TURaS
Description of envisaged activities.
7.1 Flooding
Activities related to flooding will focus on: effectiveness of measures and assessing indirect effects.
a. Inventory of possible damage reducing measures, their effectiveness and cost
b. Develop/update flood risk model: Create a general flood damage modeling framework
that is flexible enough to include several hydrological drivers (inundation depth; velocity;
duration), types of damage (direct, indirect) and measures (both spatial, as building
specific). Identify possible flood characteristics (maps denoting e.g. inundation, flow
velocity) and land-use characteristics (i.e. building types, land-use classes).
c. Test effectiveness of spatial planning and building code measures (Outer and inner dike
areas) Apply model on case study area using scenarios related to urban developments
(see task 4.3) and use of adaptation measures to assess the effectiveness. We propose
to use optimization or MCA techniques to assess the effectiveness of measures
d. Expand on the modeling framework by incorporating indirect effects.
7.2 Urban planning
This activity will focus on creating tools and methodologies targeted to optimize green infrastructure
and planning policies in urban environments. Activities carried out within this task will be performed in
close collaboration with spatial planners of the case-study area in order to optimize its potential use.
a. Creating an urban land-use model for the case-study area (Rotterdam), by identifying
distinct urban land-use classes and their relation with factors driving urban land-use.
b. Create and model autonomous urban land-use change scenarios as baseline
c. Identify measures to create climate resilient city, related both to mitigation and adaptation
d. Incorporate adaptation measures related to flooding (T4.2), green infrastructure (T4.4)
and the identified measures (from previous step) into the modeling framework to assess
their potential and effectiveness and to simulate the most effective scenario for urban
developments in the area (related only to flooding, only to green infrastructure, and by
incorporating all measures).