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August 12, 2015
Kind of Meeting:
Inlet Common School
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Mary Anne Ryan, Jamie White
Lori Hansen
Others Present:
Superintendent Chris Holt, Amy Townsend, Mary Marleau, Kristie Lawrence,
Lorraine Fay, Danicia Nerschook, Adele Burnett, Dan Murdock
The meeting of the Inlet Common School Board opened at 6:23 p.m.
Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to approve the July meeting minutes. Jamie White seconds the motion.
All were in favor.
-The tax warrant has been signed.
One transportation bid was received from Ted Payne’s Bus Service.
-Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to accept Ted Payne’s Bus Service Bid of $ 79,580.00 for the 2015-2016
school year. Extra bussing pricing includes $ 3.00 per mile or $ 38.50 per hour or $ 50.00 per charter
trip. Jamie White seconds the motion. All were in favor.
Jamie White made a motion to approve policy updates: Parents’ Bill of Rights and Programs for English
Language Learners. Mary Anne Ryan seconds the motion.
Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to adopt the following policies: Hazard Communication Plan, Exposure
Control Plan, ELL Plan, Building Level School Emergency Response Plan, and District Technology
plan(update). Jamie White seconds the motion.
The Building Level School Emergency Response Plan is available to the public.
Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to appoint Diane Tigue as Teacher Aide at $ 13.31 per hour. Jamie
White seconds the motion.
Jamie White made a motion to approve the MOU between the Inlet Common School and Town of Webb
Union Free School District for the tuition of one student for the 2015-2016 school year. Mary Anne Ryan
seconds the motion.
Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to accept CSE recommendations for student #000012028. Jamie White
seconds the motion.
-APPR Implementation has been certified and filed
-Summer Facilities Update
-Asbestos Inspection-No work needs to be done
-Bills were paid
Mary Anne Ryan made a motion to adjourn to into executive session at 7:25 pm for matter leading to
the appointment of a particular person. Jamie White seconds the motion. Resume regular meeting at
9:45 pm with no action taken.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.