1/21/2015 - Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council

Meeting Activities
Executive Committee (EC) Meeting
Date: January 21, 2015
1. Call to order, Introductions
2. Minutes December 18, 2014
3. Executive Director’s (ED)Report
4. Review Agenda for January Council Meeting
5. Nominating Committee
6. New/Old Business
7. Adjournment
1. Meeting convened at 2:35 PM.
2. Minutes were approved with changes.
3. ED Report: Marcia Tewell reported that the governor’s office was represented at the Jan. 20 meeting of
Legislative and Public Policy: Kyle Brown, Zachary Pierce and Nate Pearson. It was
introductory; they intend to attend regularly and report back to the Governor on the meetings.
Legislation, sponsored by Rep. Lois Court, is known as “Terminally Ill Individuals End-ofLife Decisions”. Mary Anne Harvey strongly cautioned the committee not to refer to this
possible legislation as “assisted suicide “.
All Federal reports are in; Marna Ares assisted Sue Fager with meeting their deadline.
Lenya Robinson and Mary Hoefler will be the guest speakers on Trauma Informed Care and
Crisis Management at the next Council meeting.
A discussion about the Lunch and Learn series ensued: topics, regularity, length, focus.
Mary Anne praised the Lunch and Learn programming because growing attendance has
proven the significance of the topics is relevant.
4. Council Agenda Review: Sue Fager will use the Mission Moment to talk about the time line for the focus
groups that will guide Council in drafting the new 5-Year Plan.
5. Grants Updates: Mary Anne reported that the Documented Quote for Seclusion and Restraint has been
received by The Legal Center and that the educational sessions for teachers has been
Katie Grange said the Committee would be looking at whether any amendments to the 5
Year Plan needs to be initiated.
Next week the Planning and Grants (P&G) Committee will review the year and come up
with an agenda to keep the members on track. A new meeting time may be agreed on to
accommodate more membership.
The Committee want to invite grantees to come and report on their grants earlier than
they did in 2014, so that if they need help to stay on course with their statement of work,
they can get it.
6. Nomination Committee: Marcia reviewed the slate required for 2015.
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Katherine did not have any news to report and requested the Chairperson job
description from Marcia so that a letter could be drafted and sent to the Council.
Sarita requested that the letter specify what duties and responsibilities were
expected of the new Chairperson, who could come from any geographic region
of Colorado.
Mary Anne stated the new Chair had to be “strategic”; that new Councilors had
to have “passion” to sit on the Council. She also clarified the role of Council
Chair is to the Council and committees and no outside work is required.
7. New Business: Katherine announced another technology conference will be held in October 2015, similar
to the one she and Katie organized last October. Katherine will be attending an Assistive
Technology conference in Seattle in late February.
Mary Anne suggested Barb Ramsay talk to Council about her views on the Division of
Developmental Disabilities moving from Human Services over to Health Care Policy and
Financing, or the new Director of Vocational Rehabilitation and the challenges that
department faces at the March Council meeting.
The topic of the Council meetings was raised and how to make them more meaningful
and interactive.
Mary Anne felt the reading of reports was not conducive to a productive meeting and
thought they could be eliminated, since all minutes are on the website.
Katie and Tim agreed that reports were not necessary and Tim revealed he was not in
favor of watching videos at Council meetings.
Sarita mentioned that successful meetings have an “ask” component, where members
have the ability to ask questions, rather than just hearing a list of accomplishments from
the previous month. The key is to be proactive about the future.
NEXT MEETING: February 18, 2015 at the Council Offices
8. Adjournment: The meeting ended at 4:35 PM
1. Mary Anne moved to approve the minutes with two minor changes; Sarita seconded, and the minutes
passed with changes.
2. Topics for future Lunch and Learns were: Employment, Olmstead, Waiver Simplification, Community
Choice Transition and Seclusion and Restraint.
3. Marcia will send by-laws, job descriptions and responsibilities of the Chairperson to the EC.
4. Katherine requested that each Committee member bring some names of possible new members to the
February meeting.
5. The Council Agenda will be revised to have Committees not recap what was done the previous month
(meeting minutes are posted on the website for all to view), but to become interactive by asking Council
questions they can report on.
Those in attendance: Katherine Carol, Ed George (GTM), Katie Grange (GTM), Mary Anne Harvey, Tim
Hudner (GTM), Sarita Reddy
Guest: Mikelle Learned
Staff Present: Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell
Absent: Jeanette Cordova
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