RASH Week Of: Jan 9th – 13th Subject: Science Periods:2,3,4, Grade: 7th grade SCIENCE Monday Essential Question: How are the relative ages of rocks measured? Arrival Activity: Summarizing Activity: Copy the weeks lesson in the planner. Go over Visual Summary page160 and Lesson Review page 161 for quiz. (ESOL) Relevant Practice: Students will be introduced to lesson 2 Relative dating page 162 Engage your brain page 163 Learning Activities: Writing: x Inquiry: x Learning Objective: Collaboration: Students will be able to summarize how scientist measure the relative ages of rock layers and identify gaps in the rock record. Students will go over lesson 1 for a quiz and student the visual summary and lesson review in groups before going over as a whole class assignment. ESOL Reading: Vocabulary page 163 x Benchmark(s): Sc.7N.1.5 Sc.7E.7.6. 3 Tuesday Essential Question: What is relative dating? Learning Objective: Arrival Activity: Take a 10 question quiz on lesson 1 Read and highlight page 164 Summarizing Activity: Learning Activities: Writing: x Inquiry: x Read and highlight page 164 to answer the question “what is relative dating” (ESOL Think Outside the book) # 5) Read page 154 Relevant Practice: Collaboration: ESOL #6 Reading: Question #6 Highlight and read page 164 Benchmark(s): Sc.7 N1.5,E,6. 3 Wednesday Essential Question: Arrival Activity: Learning Activities: Writing: x Learning Objective: Students will read 165 – 167 How are undistriburbed rock layers dated? Page 165 Summarizing Activity: Read and Hightlight a65 – a67 (ESOL) Daily Demo Line up TE page 217 Relevant Practice: How are sedimentary rock layers disturbed? Page Question #8, 9, 10 , 11 166 Inquiry: x Collaboration: x Reading: x Benchmark(s): Sc. 7 N, 1.5, sc,sc,e,6.3 Thursday Essential Question: How are rock layers Ordered? Arrival Activity: Summarizing Activity: H.O.T. Question What is Relative Dating? Relevant Practice: Students will read orally and highlight together (ESOL) Learning Activities: Writing: x Inquiry: x Learning Objective: Collaboration: x Students will read and highlight (ESOL) how are undisturbed rock layers dated? Read and Hightlight pages 164 -165 (ESOL) Reading: Questions #6,7,8 x Benchmark(s): Sc.7.N.1.5 ,E.6.3 Friday Essential Question: Arrival Activity: Learning Activities: Writing: x Learning Objective: How are the rock Layers measured? How are the relative ages of rocks measured? Summarizing Activity: Read and highlight 168 -171 (ESOL) H.O.T. Question What is superposition? Relevant Practice: Students will read to find out how rocks are Visual summary 172 lesson Review layered. page 173 Inquiry: x Collaboration: x Reading: X ESOL highlight Benchmark(s): Sc.7.N1.5, E,6.3