Name: Date: 1920s GROUP PRESENTATION RUBRIC Organization Command of Content Engagement of Audience Speaking Skills/Eye Contact MLA Works Cited Excellent 3 Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Presentation maintains focus on thesis/topic throughout without deviating. Student clearly: has extensive knowledge of topic and can speak freely about the subject with confidence; does not seem confused, does not stumble over or mispronounce key terms, handles questions from audience with poise. Information presented is accurate. Student formally introduces him/herself, greets audience, interests audience, and ties presentation together at its end. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. No “filler” words (e.g. like, you know, umm). Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. DOES NOT READ FROM SLIDES. MLA works cited page is complete, with at least 3 sources and no format or mechanical errors Satisfactory 2 Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Student knows what he/she has read about topic but may not be comfortable expanding on what is directly in the outline he/she follows. There may be a question of accuracy on one aspect of material. Student uses most of these techniques, but not all. Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Speech has few pauses or filler words. Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes and/or reads directly from one or two slides. MLA works cited page is complete, with 2 sources and some format or mechanical errors Needs Improvement 1 Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Student deviates from thesis/topic more than once. Student does not seem comfortable with topic; mispronounces words, may say some points that do not make sense and does not correct them. Several facts presented seem inaccurate. Unsatisfactory 0 Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Student obviously did not thoroughly research his/her topic. From pronunciation to handling of audience questions, speaker seems “dazed and confused.” Student neglects to greet audience and/or tie presentation together at its conclusion. Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficult hearing presentation. Speech has several pauses and/or filler words. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report from notes/slides. Student does not display any sense of engaging with audience. MLA works cited page is complete, with 1 source and/or some format or mechanical errors MLA works cited page is incomplete and/or many format or mechanical errors Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Speech has many pauses. Student reads all of report with no eye contact. Body Language/ Appearance Use of Media (Keynote, etc.) Time Limit Student stands with good posture, uses gestures to enhance and emphasize points, and does not fidget. Student dresses appropriately—no jeans, no revealing tops or clothing with inappropriate slogans; no excessively baggy pants or tooshort skirts/shorts. Slides ENHANCE presentation because text and images are coordinated and balanced optimally. Student’s posture is not always straight; gestures are used but are distracting at times; some fidgeting may be evident. Slides are used to illuminate and clarify key points of presentation; do not distract audience in any way. May not be visible to all audience members/may have technical difficulties. There is no problem with slide show working, being visible, etc. Presentation is between 3-5 minutes. Each member of the group spoke for at least one minute. Group is aware of timing and does not go over by too much. TOTAL: ________________________ / 24 Student dresses nicely but not formally enough for such a presentation. Slides may be slightly distracting to audience because they are cluttered with a few too many images or text boxes. Presentation is less than 3 minutes OR more than 5 minutes. Group is not aware of timing OR most members of the group spoke for at least one minute. Student’s posture is slouchy; no gestures used or those used are highly distracting; presenter may be fidgeting too much for audience to concentrate. Student is wearing more than one inappropriate item. Slides distract audience from the main points of presentation/does not enhance speaker’s points. Presentation is less than 2 minutes. Group is not aware of timing OR only a few members of the group spoke. Student’s body language is completely inappropriate for a formal presentation. As well, student dress is completely inappropriate to deliver a formal presentation. No visual aid used. Presentation is not given OR only one person of the group spoke.