Study Group Australia Pty Limited trading as Martin College SCHEDULE OF FEES 2015 Course name: Bachelor of Business National register ID: CRICOS Course Code: CRS1300309 081691G Locations: Mode of delivery: Mode of study: Standard duration: Total units of study required: EFTSL per unit of study: Core units of study: Tuition fee: * Online/Distance: Brisbane, Sydney, Online* Face to face (On campus), Distance* Full-time 3 years 24 0.125 Must be passed. $13,336 per year or $1,667 per unit of study (subject) for domestic/overseas students. Available for domestic students only. Key Trimester Dates Trimester 1, 2015 Mid-trimester break Tri 1 Exams Tri 1 Moderation Trimester 2, 2015 Mid-trimester break Tri 2 Exams Tri 2 Moderation Trimester 3/Summer School (optional) Mid-trimester break Tri 3 Exams Tri 3 Moderation Orientation 05/03/2015 03/07/2015 30/10/2015 Bachelor of Business (Tourism) CRS1300304 081694E Bachelor of Business (Marketing) CRS1300307 081692G Commencement Date 09/03/2015 13/04/2015 08/06/2015 15/06/2015 06/07/2015 17/08/2015 05/10/2015 12/10/2015 Census date 27/03/2015 02/11/2015 20/11/2015 21/12/2015 08/02/2016 15/02/2016 Higher Education Provider ID: PRV12044 – CRICOS Provider Code: 01682E 24/07/2015 Bachelor of Business (Event Management) CRS1300312 081693F Completion Date 05/06/2015 17/04/2015 12/06/2015 19/06/2015 02/10/2015 21/08/2015 09/10/2015 16/10/2015 05/02/2016 01/01/2015 12/02/2016 03/03/2016 Page 1 of 3 Study Group Australia Pty Limited trading as Martin College Year 2 Year 1 Year Trimester Unit of Study Unit of Study Name 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 ACC100 MGT100 MKG100 COM100 IMS100 HRM100 LAW100 ECO100 MGT201 QBM200 MGT200 TRM200 TRM201 MKG200 MKG201 EVM200 EVM202 FIN200 MGT202 TRM202 TRM203 MKG202 MKG203 EVM201 MGT203 Introduction to Accounting Principles of Management Introduction to Marketing Effective Business Communication Information Management Systems Introduction to Human Resources Mgt. Introduction to Business Law Economics for Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Business Statistics Project Management Introduction to Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism Operations Consumer Behaviour Market Research Event Industry Fundamentals Event and Leisure Management Business Finance Organisational Behaviour Cultural Awareness Tourism Management and Development Services Marketing Integrated Marketing Communications Event Development Understanding and Using Research Higher Education Provider ID: PRV12044 – CRICOS Provider Code: 01682E Bachelor of Business Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Bachelor of Business (Tourism) Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Core Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Core Bachelor of Business (Event Management) Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Page 2 of 3 Year 3 Study Group Australia Pty Limited trading as Martin College 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 MGT300 MGT301 MGT302 TRM300 TRM301 MKG300 MKG301 EVM300 MGT303 MGT304 TRM302 TRM303 MKG302 MKG303 EVM301 EVM302 IND300 Strategic Management International Business Management Leadership Regional Tourism Environmental/Sustainable Practice Brand Management Marketing Management and Planning Event Logistics and Risk Managing Organisational Change Entrepreneurship Tourism Policy and Strategy Sports and Special Event Tourism B2B Marketing eMarketing Venue and Facility Management Event Sponsorship and Promotion Professional Industry Engagement Core Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Core Core Elective Elective Elective Core Elective Elective Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Core Core Core Notes: Bachelor of Business (Specialisation) (AQF Level 7) is for students who complete the course. Associate Bachelor of Business (Specialisation) (AQF Level 6) is for students who exit at the completion of year 2. Diploma of Business (AQF Level 5) is for students who exit at the completion of year 1. Higher Education Provider ID: PRV12044 – CRICOS Provider Code: 01682E Page 3 of 3