Domain 2: Organization Domain 1: Ideas Extended Response Rubric NAME: _______________________________ H.R.________________Date:____________ 1 (65) 2 (65) 3 (75) 4 (85) 5 (95) May announce the topic, but a controlling idea is not established Little or no focus on the assigned topic, genre, and/or purpose Unclear supporting ideas Development is lacking due to the brevity of the response or response contains insufficient writing to determine competence in ideas Majority of details are irrelevant Domain 3: Style Developed controlling idea that addresses assigned writing task Generally consistent focus on the assigned topic Most supporting ideas are developed and relevant to topic Some parts of paper are well developed, while others are partially developed Response contains sufficient information to address topic as well as reader concerns and perspectives Well-developed controlling idea that addresses the assigned writing task Consistent focus on the assigned topic Supporting ideas and elaboration are relevant to the writer’s topic Response contains specific examples and details that address reader concerns and perspectives Fully developed controlling idea that addresses all aspects of the assigned task Consistent focus on the assigned topic Supporting ideas are fully elaborated throughout the paper and relevant to the writer’s topic 1 (65) 2 (65) 3 (75) 4 (85) 5 (95) May announce the topic, but a controlling idea is not established Little or no focus on the assigned topic, genre, and/or purpose Unclear supporting ideas Development is lacking due to the brevity of the response or response contains insufficient writing to determine competence in ideas Most details irrelevant Organization strategy is formulaic and/or inappropriate to genre Minimal evidence of sequencing Lacks an introduction or conclusion or an ineffective introduction or conclusion Unrelated ideas grouped together Limited use of transitions Lacks brevity Overall organizational strategy (intro., body, & conclusion)is generally appropriate to writer’s ideas Generally clear sequence of ideas Introduction is appropriate to writer’s topic & a clear conclusion Related ideas generally grouped together Transitions link parts of paper Overall organizational strategy (intro., body, & conclusion)is appropriate to writer’s ideas Logical sequencing of ideas across paper Introduction sets the stage, and conclusion ends the writing without repetition Related ideas grouped together Varied transitions link parts of paper Overall organizational strategy (intro., body, & conclusion)is appropriate to writer’s ideas Logical and appropriate sequencing of ideas within and across paper Introduction engages and sets the stage, and conclusion provides closure Uses effective and varied transitional elements to link parts of the paper, ideas, paragraphs, sentences 1 (65) Domain 4: Conventions Minimally developed controlling idea that addresses some aspect of assignment Limited focus on the assigned topic, genre, and purpose Some ideas partially developed, while others are listed without development Lacks sense of completeness Some points may be irrelevant or inappropriate for the writer’s audience and genre Language and tone are flat or inappropriate to the task Word choice is inaccurate, imprecise, and/or confusing Little or no attention to audience Writer’s voice is not apparent Lack of sentence variety Insufficient writing to determine competence 2 (65) 3 (75) 4 (85) 5 (95) Language and tone are uneven Word choice is simple, ordinary and/or repetitive Limited awareness of audience Minimal, inconsistent voice Little variation in sentence length and structure Limited brevity of response Language and tone are generally consistent with writer’s purpose Awareness of audience demonstrated in the introduction, body, or conclusion Voice is clear Some variation in sentence length & structure May include genreappropriate strategies Language and tone are generally consistent with writer’s purpose Word choice is precise and engaging Attention to the audience in the introduction, body, & conclusion Consistent voice Sentences vary in length and structure Some genreappropriate strategies Carefully crafted phrases or sentences create a sustained tone Varied, precise, & engaging language (figurative or technical may be used for rhetorical effect) Sustained attention to the reader throughout paper Consistent & appropriate voice sustained throughout paper Variety of sentence lengths, structures, & beginnings Variety of genre-appropriate strategies 1 (65) 2 (65) 3 (75) Frequent sentence fragments, run-ons & incorrect sentence End punctuation incorrect or lacking May contain frequent & severe error in usage & mechanics Errors interfere with meaning Insufficient writing to determine convention competence Sentence structure is awkward w/end punctuation missing or incorrect May have frequent errors in usage and/or mechanics Minimal control in the 3 components of conventions(Sentence formation, Usage, Mechanics) Some errors may interfere w/ meaning Limited brevity of response Simple sentences formed correctly; some correct complex and/or compound sentences w/ occasional errors Generally correct usage w/some errors Generally correct mechanics w/some errors Few errors interfere w/ meaning 4 (85) Correct simple, complex, and/or compound sentences/correct end punctuation Correct usage w/ some variety of instances but not in all elements Correct mechanics w/ some variety of instances but not in all elements Errors do not interfere w/ meaning 5 (95) Clear and correct simple, complex, & compound sentences w/ correct end punctuation Correct usage in a variety of contexts Correct mechanics in a variety of contexts Errors do not interfere w/ meaning