Review simplify integer exponents

Northeast College Preparatory School Lesson Plan
Teacher(s): Michael Launhardt
Subject(s): 8th grade math
Grade: 8th
Date of delivery: 09/21/12
1. Common Core Learning Standards Addressed:
8.EE.1 Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions.
For example, 32 × 3–5 = 3–3 = 1/33 = 1/27.
2. Learning Target(s): (What will the students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)
The students will be able to generate equivalent numerical expressions.
3. Essential Question(s)/ Guiding Question(s):
How do I simplify the multiplication and division of terms with positive and negative integer
4. Higher Level Thinking Questions to be used during the lesson:
The students will create a poster to demonstrate their knowledge of division of expressions with exponents and be
able to explain their work.
5. Bridge/Connections/Hook:
Simplify and evaluate:
1) 2 𝑥 ∙ 2𝑥
34 𝑎 3
𝟒𝒙𝟐 𝒚𝟑
𝟒𝟐 𝒙𝒚𝟒
6. Materials/Resources/Technology Integration:
7. Mini Lesson/Process/Procedure:
Clarify the difference between simplify and evaluating
Review differences between standard form and exponential form. Having students displaying difference with
examples using multiplication taking exponents to a exponent and division expressions. While doing this review for
the post test.
8. Work Time/Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning experiences
or their student products as formative assessment opportunities?)
Today will review during mini lesson and have students display different problems for the topics covered as a game
to engage students into reviewing. Then they will take the post test for the remainder of the period.
9. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson?
Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Making sure the student have calculators for the evaluate problem on the post test. Also making sure that all
students accommodations are taken into considerations.
10. Homework/Extensions/Enrichment:
No homework for the evening due to test.
11. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the
outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson’s outcomes look
This will be determined from the review of topics covered in this section by having students demonstrate their
ability to simplify and evaluate multiplication and division problems.
12. What adjustments will be made for students that do not meet the Criteria for Success?
If there is a need for this I will have students that do not demonstrate an understanding of the topic can seek
additional help in the AIS class and after school by making corrections to their test.
13. How does this lesson reflect academic rigor?
We will discuss with 8th grade vertical team.
14. How does this lesson cognitively engage students?
We will discuss with 8th grade vertical team.
15. How does this lesson engage students in collaborative learning and enhance their collaborative learning
We will discuss with 8th grade vertical team.