Unit Lesson Plan – Current and Circuits Teacher: <Teacher> Grade: Time Frame: 9 School: Subject: NGSS DCI: 12 days <School> PSI Algebra Based Physics This unit provides necessary background and skills for the following units. Essential Knowledge 1.B.1: Electric charge is conserved. The net charge of a system is equal to the sum of the charges of all the objects in the system. a. An electrical current is a movement of charge through a conductor. b. A circuit is a closed loop of electrical current. Learning Objective (1.B.1.2):The student is able to make predictions, using the conservation of electric charge, about the sign and relative quantity of net charge of objects or systems after various charging processes, including conservation of charge in simple circuits. Essential Knowledge 1.E.2: Matter has a property called resistivity. a. The resistivity of a material depends on its molecular and atomic structure. b. The resistivity depends on the temperature of the material. Learning Objective (1.E.2.1):The student is able to choose and justify the selection of data needed to determine resistivity for a given material. Essential Knowledge 4.E.4: The resistance of a resistor, and the capacitance of a capacitor, can be understood from the basic properties of electric fields and forces, as well as the properties of materials and their geometry. a. The resistance of a resistor is proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. The constant of proportionality is the resistivity of the material. b. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is proportional to the area of one of its plates and inversely proportional to the separation between its plates. The constant of proportionality is the product of the dielectric constant, κ, of the material between the plates and the electric permittivity, εo. c. The current through a resistor is equal to the potential difference across the resistor divided by its resistance R. The magnitude of charge of one of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is directly proportional to the product of the potential difference across the capacitor and the capacitance. The p lates have equal amounts of charge of opposite sign. Learning Objective (4.E.4.1):The student is able to make predictions about the properties of resistors and/or capacitors when placed in a simple circuit, based on the geometry of the circuit element and supported by scientific theories and mathematical relationships. Learning Objective (4.E.4.2):The student is able to design a plan for the collection of data to determine the effect of changing the geometry and/or materials on the resistance or capacitance of a AP Physics 1 and 2 Standards: Note that this exact Smart Notebook presentation has not been used in the classroom, although all of the material has. The pacing below is approximate based on a 40-45 minute class period. Feel free to adjust as necessary and please provide your feedback! circuit element and relate results to the basic properties of resistors and capacitors. Learning Objective (4.E.4.3):The student is able to analyze data to determine the effect of changing the geometry and/or materials on the resistance or capacitance of a circuit element and relate results to the basic properties of resistors and capacitors. Essential Knowledge 4.E.5: The values of currents and electric potential differences in an electric circuit are determined by the properties and arrangement of the individual circuit elements such as sources of emf, resistors, and capacitors. physics Learning Objective (4.E.5.1):The student is able to make and justify a quantitative prediction of the effect of a change in values or arrangements of one or two circuit elements on the currents and potential differences in a circuit containing a small number of sources of emf, resistors, capacitors, and switches in series and/or parallel. Learning Objective (4.E.5.2):The student is able to make and justify a qualitative prediction of the effect of a change in values or arrangements of one or two circuit elements on currents and potential differences in a circuit containing a small number of sources of emf, resistors, capacitors, and switches in series and/or parallel. Learning Objective (4.E.5.3):The student is able to plan data collection strategies and perform data analysis to examine the values of currents and potential differences in an electric circuit that is modified by changing or rearranging circuit elements, including sources of emf, resistors, and capacitors. Essential Knowledge 5.B.9: Kirchhoff ’s loop rule describes conservation of energy in electrical circuits. The application of Kirchhoff’s laws to circuits is introduced in Physics 1 and further developed in Physics 2 in the context of more complex circuits, including those with capacitors. a. Energy changes in simple electrical circuits are conveniently represented in terms of energy change per charge moving through a battery and a resistor. b. Since electric potential difference times charge is energy, and energy is conserved, the sum of the potential differences about any closed loop must add to zero. c. The electric potential difference across a resistor is given by the product of the current and the resistance. d. The rate at which energy is transferred from a resistor is equal to the product of the electric potential difference across the resistor and the current through the resistor. e. Energy conservation can be applied to combinations of resistors and capacitors in series and parallel circuits. Learning Objective (5.B.9.1):The student is able to construct or interpret a graph of the energy changes within an electrical circuit with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, one parallel branch as an application of the conservation of energy (Kirchhoff ’s loop rule). Learning Objective (5.B.9.2):The student is able to apply conservation of energy concepts to the design of an experiment that will demonstrate the validity of Kirchhoff’s loop rule (∑∆V = 0) in a circuit with only a battery and resistors either in series or in, at most, one pair of parallel branches. Learning Objective (5.B.9.3):The student is able to apply conservation of energy (Kirchhoff ’s loop rule) in calculations involving the total electric potential difference for complete circuit loops with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, one parallel branch. Essential Questions (What questions will the student be able to answer as a result of the instruction?) 1. What are voltage, current, and resistance? 2. How are voltage, current, and resistance related? 3. What factors affect resistivity? Knowledge & Skills (What skills are needed to achieve the desired results?) By the end of this unit, students will know: That current is defined as charge over time The relationship between voltage, current, and resistance Ohm’s Law Kirchoff’s Rules (the rules will not be named but they will be applied) The relationship between voltage/current/resistance and power in circuits The relationship between emf and terminal voltage By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Use the following equations to solve problems with simple DC circuits: 𝐼= 𝑄 𝑡 𝑅= 𝜌𝐿 𝐴 𝐼= 𝑉 𝑅 𝑃 = 𝐼𝑉 = 𝑉2 𝑅 = 𝐼2 𝑅 𝑅𝑒𝑞 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 + ⋯ 1 𝑅𝑒𝑞 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑙 = 1 1 1 + + +⋯ 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑉𝑇 = 𝜀 − 𝐼𝑟 Assessment (What is acceptable evidence to show desired results (rubrics, exam, etc.)? Attach Copy During the Smart Notebook lesson designed to introduce concepts, students will be continually questioned on these concepts using a combination of class work/homework questions and the SMART Response system. Classwork and Homework questions will be discussed as a class and misconceptions will be addressed by the teacher prior to the formal evaluations listed below. Ohm’s Law Lab Quiz Series and Parallel Lamp Circuit Lab Quiz Current and Circuits Test Other assessments on the NJCTL website are optional and can be used as needed. (What is the sequence of activities, learning experiences, etc, that will lead to desired results (the plan)? Day 1 www.njctl.org Topic Classwork Homework** Current and Ohm’s Law Presentation to slide 31 Problems 1-3 & 7-9 Problems 4-6 & 10-12 7th Grade PSI Matter and Energy Flow Note that this exact Smart Notebook presentation has not been used in the classroom, although all of the material has. The pacing below is approximate based on a 40-45 minute class period. Feel free to adjust as necessary and please provide your feedback! 2 Ohm’s Law Lab Lab Finish lab and prepare for quiz 3 Ohm’s Law Lab Quiz + Power Quiz & Presentation to slide 45 + Problems 21-26 Problems 27-32 4 Resistivity and Resistance Presentation to slide 57 + Problems 13-16 Problems 17-20 & MC 1-9 5 Resistors in Series Presentation to slide 77 + Problems 33-37 Problems 38-42 6 Resistors in Parallel Presentation to slide 93 + Problems 43-44 Problems 45-52 7 Series and Parallel Lamp Circuit Lab Lab Finish lab and prepare for quiz 8 Series and Parallel Lab Quiz + Measurement and Electromotive Force Quiz & Finish Presentation + Problems 53-58 Problems 59-64 & MC 10-20 9 General Problems Problems 1, 2, 5, 6 Problems 3, 4, 7 Problems 10, 11, 14, 15 (harder problems can be left out and replace with simpler extra practice problems from the website) 10 General Problems Problems 8, 9, 12, 13 11 Review MC Review MC Study for test 12 Current and Circuits Test Test N/A * It may not be possible to complete labs in the order stated due to lab schedules. Other labs on the NJCTL website are option and can be used as needed. **HW Problems are currently not scaffolded from least to most difficult, but are instead listed in order of topic. Teacher should pay special attention at the end of each class period when assigning HW so that only problems related to the topic that was taught are being assigned.