Mitt Romney as Mormon/Manchurian Candidate

Perhaps not all of us remember the movie “The Manchurian Candidate” a
1962 film. Adapted from a 1959 novel. The following is from Wikipedia, the
free internet encyclopedia.
“Captain Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their
infantry platoon are kidnapped during the Korean War in 1952. They are
taken to Manchuria, and are brainwashed to believe that Shaw saved their
lives in combat — for which Congress awards him the Medal of Honor.
Years after the war, Marco, now back in the United States working as
intelligence officer, begins suffering the recurring nightmare of Shaw
murdering two of his comrades, all while clinically observed by Chinese and
Russian intelligence officials. When Marco learns that another soldier from
the platoon also has been suffering the same nightmare, he sets to
uncovering the mystery and its meaning.
It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper
agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of
Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance
of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is
his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the
Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S.
government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a
puppet dictator.”
The novel has been adapted twice into a feature film by the same title, in
1962 and again in 2004. The 1962 film was based on the Korean War and
the 2004 film was adapted to the gulf war. The plot in both of the films had
to do with brainwashing. The first by the Communist in Manchuria and the
second by an American Military industrial Corporation. The purpose was to
pull off a palace coup d’état without violence by the voting process. The
2004 film is more in point to this writing, the 2012 election year!
How Does Mitt Romney fit into this article? Simply by the fact that he is a
brainwashed High Priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The entity that
created and controls the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints [LDS] or
more commonly known as the Mormons.
As stated above, the Brainwashing of Romney is a standard practice of the
Mormon Church. But he has been groomed to accomplish what his father
George was not able to do back in 1967 when he ran for president.
With Mitt Romney’s years in the church there is no question he is deeply
brainwashed to the Mormon quest for empire to pull off a "palace coup
d’état" That is to say that while he is boasting of doing good for America, his
allegiance to the United States is secondary to his blood-oath sworn temple
commitments to follow whatever the Church leaders ask him to do. What the
church leaders are looking for is allowing them to become the de-facto
presidency of the United States with Romney as their puppet.
Why would they do that? Simply because they believe as brain washed
Mormons themselves that the church as it is constituted is literally the
Kingdom of God on Earth with the church president as crowned earth king.
This allegation is proven by the actions of the church.
In 1959 one of their own wrote a book outlining church doctrine. While the
printed beliefs of the church were framed in such things as the thirteen
articles of faith only article ten gave a glimpse into the unpublished goal of
the church. So for most Mormons in 1959 it was great to be able to read the
doctrines of the church from A to Z in the book MORMON DOCTRINE by
Bruce McConkie.
Book Cover 1966 Edition
Some members of the upper church hierarchy took issue with McConkie over
some of his statements. As a result McConkie met with those leaders and
edited the book which was republished in 1966. The book was again
republished in 1979 to address the no longer credible statements about male
Members of African origins since they were now able to hold priesthood
based on the 1978 policy eradication of racial prohibition.
Mitt Romney ran for president in 2007 but dropped out after the religious
issue of the “Mormon King” thing was raised. Embarrassed that someone
actually had notice of that doctrine he had no satisfactory answer and
dropped out. Subsequently John McCain took the GOP nomination but lost to
Democrat Barack Obama.
In early 2010 about a year after the inauguration of Obama, the church
quietly removed Mormon Doctrine from its Deseret Books store shelves and
also saw to it that no more books were to be published. Under the
circumstances of the church support of the Manchurian Candidate Romney
running again in 20011/12 the church wanted to have deniability that it had
any intention of pulling off a coup d’état in America with Romney’s
candidacy. The deniability would be that the book did not truly represent the
goals of the church and that the church had no intention of seeking empire.
The church was preparing for its coup d’état.
The following is taken from the 1966 book and is also in the 1979 edition.
Kingdom of God:
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon or LDS) as
it is now constituted is the kingdom of God on earth; nothing more
needs to be done to establish the kingdom. The Church and kingdom
are one and the same.” Pg 415
“The Church or kingdom is not a democracy; legislation is not
enacted by the body of people comprising the organization; they do
not make the laws governing themselves. The Church is a kingdom,
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal King and the President of the
Church, the mouthpiece of God on earth, is the earthly king. All
things come to the Church from the King of the kingdom in heaven
through the king of the kingdom on earth”. pg 416
“There is of course, the democratic principle of common consent
where-under the people may accept or reject what the Lord offers to
them. Acceptance brings salvation; rejection leads to damnation.” Pg
“During the millennium, the kingdom of God will continue on earth,
but in that day it will be both an ecclesiastical and a political
kingdom. That is the Church (which is the kingdom) will have the
rule and government of the world given to it. When inspired teachers
speak of the future setting up of the kingdom of God on earth, they
have reference to the millennial day when the “The kingdoms of this
world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ; and he
shall reign forever and forever.”(Rev. 11:15)
“Daniel also saw the day when “the saints of the most High (LDS,
added) shall take and possess the kingdom forever and ever.” (Dan
7:18, 22, 27.) The Prophet (Joseph Smith) prayed that the present
ecclesiastical kingdom of God on earth might roll forth that the
future political and kingdom of God on earth might come”. (Doctrine
and Covenants (D&C) 65; Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1 pp 229-246.)
pg 416
The attempt to take and possess the government of the United States is
real. I taught it as a Mormon instructor many years ago. It is the ultimate
goal of the church even if it borders on the crime of sedition.
So the church is attempting to block and discredit any current discussion of
the issue. Deception is the hallmark of Mormonism from day one!
The removal of the book from church public sales was done with absolute
secrecy. Fortunately the public was alerted to this by the effort of a local Salt
Lake City Television Channel KUTV2. Otherwise we would not know about it.
So America, Nominate and elect Manchurian Candidate Mitt
Romney as president at your own peril. Caveat Emptor
“Buyer Beware”.