Vert Bio Exam 1 Review

AECL/BIOL 365: Exam 1 Review
is considered to be the father of modern taxonomy because he
invented the use of a two part naming system called
2. Birds are considered to be a
common ancestor and all its descendents.
group because they include their most recent
3. The fins of dolphins and the forelegs of a dog are considered to be what type of structures?
4. What rule states that the extremities of endotherms vary inversely with body size?
occurs when segments of a population become separated
and then diversify in separate places.
are a group of extinct fish that had a bony carapace but lacked paired fins.
These organisms were present in the
or the age of fishes.
7. Class
appeared in the Silurian and have a skeleton made of cartilage but don’t
have a swim bladder whereas class
have a bony skeleton and a swim bladder.
Both classes are extant.
is a transitional organism between fish and tetrapods that was notable for
having fins with wrists.
9. The first tetrapods or amphibians were dominant in the
10. Order
includes frogs and toads or amphibians with metamorphic lifestyles and
strong back legs for jumping.
11. The
structure contains the
storing nutrients.
is a structure that broke the tie to water for tetrapods. This
for removing nitrogenous waste and the
12. Turtles are
or organisms without any skull fenestrae. Reptiles and birds are
or organisms with two skull fenestrae, while mammals are
13. The
or stem reptiles were lizard like insect eaters with an amphibian like skull.
14. Vertebrates within the order Testudines are notable for having a dorsal
15. Order
and a
includes the two species of tuatara.
16. Order
includes bird hipped reptiles from the Mesozoic who were often the
prey of Theropod members of the order
was the transitional organism between reptiles and birds whose fossil was
found in a German quarry in 1861. This organism had fused clavacles or a
18. Birds and mammals are both
temperature through the production of their own heat.
or organisms that maintain their body
19. Mammals are notable for having two sets of teeth or
jaw articulation.
and for having
20. What mammalian ancestor was the size of a large dog, had heterodont dentition, and had a
dentary bone composing most of the lower jaw?
bone initially starts off as cartelage and is later ossified into bone during
bone has no cartelage precursor.
22. There are three types of muscle:
, and
muscle is neither striated or branched. This type of muscle is also slow acting
and is involuntarily controlled.
24. A muscle fiber is composed of thousands of
membrane called the
25. All vertebrates have a
circulatory system.
no lungs.
, and the fiber is surrounded by a
ciruculatory system, while many invertebrates have an
respiration is common in the Plethodontid salamanders because they have
27. What four traits must an organism have to be considered a chordate?
28. What four traits are required for natural selection to occur?
29. Describe fenestrae.
30. Why aren’t reptiles considered to be a monophyletic group?
31. Describe the four hypotheses of flight discussed in class.
32. Name and describe the two types of skeletons in vertebrates. Then describe the changes that
occurred in the skeletal system starting with fish and moving up the vertebrate phylogeny.
33. Describe the development of the circulatory system in the vertebrates.
34. Describe the flow through respiration system in birds.
35. Describe how the posture of a cat vs. a lizard affects how it respirates during locomotion.