Ch 13.1 Streams & Rivers pg 280 – 282

pg 280 – 282
Ch 13.1 Streams & Rivers
Almost half of the water that falls to the Earth’s surface eventually ends
up in a stream or river (_______), where it travels overland to the oceans.
Streams and Rivers are an essential part in the water cycle and account for
most of the _________________________.
A __________ is a stream that runs into a larger stream. The main river
will eventually drain into the ocean. A river and all of its tributaries is
called a _____________.
The _____________, or _________, of a river includes
all the land that drains into the river either directly or
through its tributaries. The largest drainage basin in
the U.S. is the ____________________.
The high land that separates
one drainage basin from
another is called a _______.
The Continental Divide
The major divide in the U.S. is called the
______________________. Rain falling east
of the divide will flow into the Atlantic Ocean
and rain falling west of the divide will flow
into the Pacific Ocean.
Parts of a River System
The beginning of a river is known as the ______________.
When the _________ of a river finally reaches its destination, the water
slows down & deposits its sediment, forming a _______________.
An _________________ is similar to a delta, but forms on land where a
river emerges from a mountainous area and flows out onto a more gently
sloping plain.
Label Me!
River Development
The three stages in the development of a river are described as _________,
__________ & _________.
Most rivers begin in the highlands or mountains. There, water sources
such as melting snow and ice feed ____________ young rivers.
As the young rivers feed into larger rivers over _________ they may take
on characteristics of mature rivers.
As the river approaches the ocean it __________ and becomes
___________________taking on the characteristics of an old river.
1. A ____________ river has a steep slope, fast-moving water, V-shaped
valleys, and many rapids and waterfalls.
Rapids & Waterfalls – caused by _________________________________
2. A _______________ river has a shallower slope, is slow moving, and
winds back and forth in broad curves called ______________.
3. An ________ river moves very slowly, has a nearly flat slope, and has
oxbow lakes. Elevated ridges along stream banks are called __________
Meander Formation:
Inside curve:___________ Outside curve: __________
Meanders  Oxbow Lakes
A river wants to find the shortest, straightest
way to the ocean, so it will change paths
along the floodplain cutting off wide loops
leaving behind a curved body of water called
an __________________.
3.4 Floods
pg 290 – 292
Rivers may overflow its banks as a _________________. The floodwater
may cover part or the entire valley floor where the river runs eroding and
depositing sediments. This part of the valley floor is called the
Floods can _________________ or ___________________.
Coarse-grained sediments are deposited by ____________ ____________
water. Fine-grained sediments are deposited by ________ ________ or
standing water.
Characteristics of Streams & Rivers
pg 281-282
_________________ – the distance water travels in a certain amount of time; fast moving rivers
erode material more quickly and can carry larger particles.
_________________ – the slope or incline of a stream; sources of rivers tend to have large
gradient whereas deltas of rivers have small gradients.
_________________ – the volume of water a river or stream passes in a certain amount of time;
becomes larger as tributaries add water; seasonal changes.
_________________ – the path through which water flows; size and shape effect velocity.
Basic Drainage Patterns by streams/rivers: