Minutes for the November 25 General Assembly Meeting

Second Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 25th, 2014, 8:00pm
Held at Carleton University in the Senate Room, Robertson Hall
Called to order, 8:15 pm
1. Approval of the Past Minutes & Agenda
Motioned: Nathaniel Bruni
Seconded: Alex Rochon
Motion Passes
2. Announcements and Correspondence
Mohamed El Koussy
Event being held in the atrium, ambassadors from various places will be coming.
Carleton Engineering
Has raised the most money for movember
Aerospace – Callum
There is an event coming up at Top Karting
Tanvir Janmohamed
Political science society is recruiting for model parliament for the weekend of Feb 6-8
Ayesha Landon-Browne
Student Philanthropy council, Philanthropy week is next week
Dan Crich
Group is looking into pulling off a FPA gala
3. President's Report
I am incredibly pleased that this appears to be the fullest Council that CASG has seen in quite
some time.
Over the past couple of years the engineers (CSES) have brought their representatives to
every meeting and they have easily filled their roster every year.
Through the past couple years, the science cohort has increased not only their amount of
elected seats but also their participation. The CASG committees are half-filled with
science students, and every single elected science Councillor is present at tonight’s
meeting. In addition to this, this is the first time that the Faculty of Science have filled all
of their seats, but one. I’m incredibly proud of the Science Society and these individuals
for stepping up, and showing up.
- This has also been a big year for Sprott, as their seats are all filled, AND we
have a permanent, and active Business Coordinator. I would also like to commend
the Business representatives and SBSS for engaging with CASG.
- FPA and FASS still have vacant seats that I am confident the coordinators will
work hard to have filled. Since they are very large faculty’s without the unifying
societies like CSSS, CSES and SBSS it makes it more difficult to fill these seats.
The tunnel mural “repaint” is slated to begin after exams and it will replace the “New
University Government” mural outside the UC entrance with that of CASG’s new logo
and information. Those who signed up for the volunteer and promotions and campaigns
committees should be contacted by Moe to help out. If you have an artistic talent, you
may also want to give us a shout!
I’ve completed the application to move office spaces but we’re still waiting to hear from
the space committee. Our current space is located on the first floor of the UC, behind the
ISSO, and is more of a closet, than an office space. We’ve requested to move into one of
the old Chaplaincy offices, which will soon be vacated in the Tory tunnels.
Tanvir and Mohamed will be working on the Study Snacks initiative. We’ve invested
more money this year, and are after a couple of local sponsorships, to offer one study
snack day per faculty, hosted and run by the CASG representatives in each faculty. It
should serve as an effective way to give back to your faculty, provide free food in
between the Chaplaincy and CUSA’s free food times and a way for representatives to
reach out to their membership.
We are still waiting to hear from Ted regarding our new application to get our Tedx
licence back. Almost all of our Senate Committees are filled with undergraduate
students, but I’m hoping that we can fill them by the end of this evening. If anyone is
interested in sitting on one of the Senate committees please come and speak with me!
The University Senate has struck their financial review committee, which has not met in
a disappointing 7 years.
The University Senate has also added two seats onto Senate to allow for contract
instructors to be represented at this level. Previously they had no representation.
We’ve also partnered with the Student Philanthropy Council this year in order to help
sponsor their Philanthropy Week. Ayesha will speak more about it afterwards and I will
send out the details via email. Philanthropy Over Coffee and Soup Carleton are two
events not to miss out on!
Academic Initiative Fund application for this term are still open. Moe and Tanvir will
reach out to you all with information.
4. Vice Presidents’ Reports
a. Vice-President Internal Report
Held the introductory meetings for the four standing committees on CASG Council
Each now has a chair as well as a membership list
Two of them have already met at this time, and the other two will be meeting once before
the semester comes to an end
b. Vice-President Operations Report
Holding AIF committee meeting November 26th. There are several applications we're
looking at.
Looking into the different options for study snacks. We'll be a little bit more cultural this
year and hopefully provide meat/zataar pies. In talks with Tanvir as to what we will go
c. Vice-President Academic
Had a meeting with Coordinators with regards to Study Snacks and the Speaker Series
next semester
As for TEDx, we are still waiting on a response from the Head Office with our license.
As soon as we get the green light from there we can begin planning the event and
recruiting speakers.
CASG will be handing out Study Snacks for 5 days this Exam period:
December 10th - Science
December 12th - Engineering
December 15th - Business
December 17th - FASS
December 19th – FPA
I am sitting on the Senate Committee for Student Affordability and a full report will be
given at the end of the committee sessions in February
5. Coordinators’ Reports
Anna Morello; Science Coordinator
- Filled 20/22 seats,
- Board meeting was a week ago, dean spoke for almost an hour and spoke on position of
all of Ontario
- Admissions are up 2.9%, Carleton is up 14% and discussing how universities are no
longer having science labs, and how Carleton still provides them.
- COOP option has been added to Neuro Science
- Science student society has booked Chateau Laurier for science formal
Jonathan Lewis, FED Coordinator
- 8 programs are now accredited again, the rest are not which is normal…more money but
there is overcrowding in classes, which will be fixed.
- Engineering is against fall reading week, for a larger reason it messes with accreditation
- March 9-14 is national engineering week.
- CESS, has a new textbook library from engineering textbooks to romance novels, CESS
has a balanced budget, more money for student group funding,
- Moving their office to Mackenzie building near Leos, and all other streams of
engineering will have offices there as well.
- We are building a toboggan out of concrete and Lego.
Dan Crich, FPA Coordinator
- Update for meeting on Thursday, it will be 12:30 in the CASG office
Kas MacMillan, FASS Coordinator
- Things are going great, we had faculty meeting last Friday, all abut restructuring
programs, we also had a team meeting, to get to know each other
- We are still trying to fill the 37 department seats
Christina Mion, Business Coordinator
- We had our faculty meetings, they went smoothly, our team operates a but different
- We are hoping to go into CASG more
6. RRRA Report
7. GSA Report
8. CUSA Report
Folarin Odunayo, President
Had legacy conference this weekend, it was a big success with over 300 people attending,
which was more than anticipated. This was through the entrepreneurship program Hatch
We have job openings at the international students centre and BECAMPS, please check
the posting online, the end of next week is the deadline for applications
We’ve got game is next week before exams, were bringing a bunch of video games to
play, this will be in the atrium
Charity ball is back, this was established to raise money and donate to the Ottawa
community, being held on Jan 17th, the day after science formal, looking forward to it and
tickets will be on sale in December, it is a masquerade theme!
We have a meeting December 3rd to go over the audit for the 12-13 year and 13-14 year if
you want to see the outcome, it begins at 5 and council begins at 6, if you have questions
come to the meeting or go online to our website.
9. Board of Governors Report
Folarin Odunayo, CUSA President
– Meeting is next week, regarding committee meetings, an audit and finances, how to improve
the needs and wants of students, we have a meeting every Friday.
10. Senate Report
John Mesman, CASG President
– First was that we allocated to 2 senate seats, for contract instructors which has never done
before, to give them an opinion and its pretty smart and good move, it was a very long
drawn out process
– Struck financial review committee and it hasn’t been filled in 8 years, and they will get
official say in budget for the university, meeting with BOG and they will submit
presentations separately. The only vacant seat is from science.
11. Constituency Report
Jordan Brezer, Department of Law
- Law sent a group to 4th annual capital cup, more than half than the awards were won, we
hosted tournament and it was well done
Fatima Barron, Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs
- We had an essay editing session, it was pretty good turnout 12 students showed and had
their paper edited by two-dozen students.
Waqar Muhammad, Department of Physics
- We were able to give our opinion on fall reading break, including the faculty, the
financial review committee is being filled
Jessica Mullin, Department of Law
Program review has gone out, we have been encouraging students to fill out the survey,
its on how the department will change over the few years, and we still trying to find a
way to reach out to all students
Ben Stone, Department of History
- We recently they had our book sale, we sold history books affordably, and it was very
12. Committee Reports
Anna Morello, Promotions and Campaign Committee
- Meeting is at 617 Robertson Hall at 8pm
13. Items for Information
14. Question Period
Jerry Zhao: This is for the exec, can you give us an update for Ted X?
Tanvir Janmohamed: We are still trying to get licence, that’s when the 8 week period is over and
they have to respond.
15. Other Business
a. Motion to Fill Vacant Seats on Council
b. Motion to Amend the Electoral Code
c. Motion to Strike the Scholarship Committee
d. Motion to Approve a Change in the CASG Scholarship Fund
16. Adjournment
Motion to Fill Vacant Seats on Council
Presentation Summary:
Whereas there are currently seats on Council that are vacant and should be filled within a timely
Information Transfer:
Be it resolved that certain seats of Council be filled with the passing of this motion.
Moved: Katrina Crocker
Seconded: John Mesman
Katrina Crocker Motivation: We have 3 new nominations for students to fill seats. The motion is
to fill those vacant seats.
Questions For Mover
Call To Question
Unanimous, Motion Passes
Filling the Seats
1st person
Hailey Arts – Biology
- Second year bio and earth science
Sheema Rizi – French
- Katrina spoke on behalf – 4th year double major in law and French
Emily – Department of English
- Very excited, spoken on behalf of Adam
Motion to suspend terms for this vote
Moved: John Mesman
Seconded: Waqar Muhammad
For suspending rules to move all at once
1 abstention
Motion Passes
Motion to fill seats
1 abstention
Motion Passes
Motion to Amend the Electoral Code
Presentation Summary
Whereas the Carleton Academic Student Government aims to work with the academic societies
and groups on campus.
Whereas the Carleton Academic Student Government strives to have a full council of
department representatives.
Whereas the Carleton Academic Student Government already outlines under section 3.10 of the
Code the non-standard representative seats on Council.
Whereas the Electoral Code is in need of updating.
Information Transfer
Be it resolved that section 3.13 be amended to read:
3.13 All Science seats (22) (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Neuroscience, Physics,
Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Integrated Science Institute, Computer Science,
Mathematics and Statistics, Health Sciences) are filled by the members of the Carleton Science
Student Society and their respective departmental representatives. The remaining Computer
Science Seat is filled by one of the Vice President Academics of the Carleton Computer Science
Be it resolved that sections 3.14 through 3.16 be removed and the following subsections renumbered accordingly.
Be it resolved that section 3.18 be amended to read:
3.18 All Business seats (4) (Commerce, International Business) are filled by the Sprott Business
Students Society, with the additional seats of Business Student Senator (1) filled by the
respective elected student.
Moved: Katrina Crocker
Seconded: John Mesman
Katrina Crocker Motivation: this needs an update, as a part of the mandate we want to get more
involved on campus
Clause 3.19 to appoint certain seats, as with PAPM one comes from Arthur Krugar collage and
one comes from student at large.
Questions For Mover
Nathaniel Bruni: For each of the 4 academic societies, is the membership exclusive to the
faculty? To become member of executive, do you need to be a member?
Katrina Crocker: you must be a member from that specific department.
Peter Russell: Question about the second section to be it resolved, why is it being removed?
Katrina Crocker: They all now come down from the stream of engineering.
Jerry Zhao: Based off of the answer to Nathanial’s question, could you add wording to make that
explicit? Can we divide the question, first three to be a motion, and the last to be a motion?
Moved: Nathaniel Bruni
Seconded: Jerry Zhao
Nathaniel Bruni Motivate: In terms of why I am doing this, just the nature of both the science
and business societies, the way they are constructed by executive and membership, there are
levy’s and more grouping and general representative, but for Law and Political Science, for one
thing have to pay to vote for that seat, there isn’t the security, because the VPA of both societies,
there isn’t security that they may not be from the actual faculty.
Adam Carroll: For some of these societies there is paid membership?
Nathaniel Bruni: Yes, in order to vote for the exec you must pay a membership fee.
Adam: Other societies have levy, but they don’t have the same pay?
Nathaniel: it is the same, everyone has to pay in a levy situation, when it comes to paid
membership, your restricted of the programs in who they can elect as their representatives for
Katrina Crocker: Something that already exists under 3.19 electoral code
Not limited to anyone, like AKC, like expanding to English, in order to ensure representation
with at least on member, the second is open for student at large
Jerry Zhao: For AKSSES, and science, membership in those are automatic, that’s not the case
with Political Science Society.
Nathaniel Bruni: To clarify, not to put down the 4th be it resolved clause, the notion between the
first 3 and last are much different, I think CASG should consider them separately.
John Mesman: In favour, essentially agreeing that it is two separate things, I do still agree with
the motion, but still agree to separate, to be apart of CASG you must be enrolled in the program,
want to echo the concerns, to do it separately.
Call to question on amendment on motion
Absentions – 3
Motion passes
Back to Main Motion As Is
John Mesman: I am in favour
For passing main motion as amended
Call to question
Absentions – 1
Motion passes
Onto the second part of the motion
Katrina Re-motivate: Essentially for the second part of motion, we want to include more
involvement from faculties. How it works, is one is from the society and one from the
department, we would look to move the VPA to any member of the executive.
Kas MacMillan: These motions will only include departments with 2 seats; on seat can go to
student body and society?
Katrina Crocker: Yes.
Jessica Mullin: Was there any numbers available of actual law students in the society?
Katrina Crocker: 249 are members
Jessica: how many are in the society?
Katrina: unknown
Nathaniel Bruni: Would one member of each, surrender their seat to fulfil?
Katrina Crocker: Those seats are filled already; this is something for next year as an amendment
to elector code
Alex Miller: Would the trial run and eventually expand to other societies,
Katrina Crocker: Yes we would open to other societies at next meeting if they were interested.
Based on 2 seats.
Peter Russell: How would you decide that the exec would fill the seat?
Katrina Crocker: Usually VPA we would have to look at constitution.
Nathaniel Bruni: Would it be better for non voting members, spreading to single member non
program seats, do these societies have to have a say?
Katrina Crocker: so add a 3rd non-voting seat? No I wouldn’t be, because it’s based on
constituency. You would have to go to each department.
Adam Carroll: Would the mover be willing to send to the committee?
Katrina Crocker: I would prefer not but if council would prefer it perhaps.
John Mesman: Like I said earlier I am in favour, its an important step forward and I understand
the apprehension to the club or society on who can vote and not vote, I am confident we are
giving representation to the right people. Or we wouldn’t have moved the motion. We know
some students are not apart of the faculty, which is why we have 2 seats, like PAPM and
Science, it is reflective on the direction we want to go in. Giving more pull in societies. We will
keep an eye on this.
Nathaniel Bruni: Amendment 3.21 VPA, the member of the executive and then have of the law
and political society.
3.20 – of the law and legal society, that is a member of the programs, also applied to political
science society.
Katrina Crocker: point of information, there is a member of the program that is already in the
electoral code
Nathaniel Bruni: We can remove the last part.
Do you except as friendly? We do not need to vote?
Debate back to original motion
Peter Russell: The mover could accept this as friendly, as a point to refer new changes for other
faculties to the committee of governance. I move to amend, that will refer all future matter to be
referred to the governance committee – in a be it resolved.
Nathaniel Bruni: Point of inquiry does that expire at the end of the CASG year?
Jessica Mullin: Remove 3.20 section and put to a committee, law and legal studies department is
large and I know that I am not a member, I am from a small minority and interested in research,
and not interested in the programs, I feel this gives power to the monopoly.
Jordan Brezer: Point of information, there was 1200 students last year
Katrina Crocker: I am not excepting this
John Mesman: If someone would like to amend this, move to amend.
Nathaniel Bruni: I hope you can defer this to a member of the law society as to who actually
responded for the executive.
Jessica Mullin- I defer to Katrina.
Katrina: 40-45 who voted and all were asked to come out
John Mesman: Point of information, there is 925 students, voter turn out, there are 249 in the
society only 40 students chose to vote in the elections.
Katrina: Point of Information, the law society is the largest undergrad in FPA, if we have a
problem with this it will be the same with other programs; this is the largest rep to vote.
Jerry Zhao: Point of inquiry, two elections can you give a turn out
John Mesman: the combined program was missed, the second round of elections was 27 and the
first was 30.
Katrina Crocker: More people vote in the executive than the entire law reps today
Roy Sengupta: In light we could move this entirely to committee.
Jessica Mullin: as I was making this amendment, if council feels it’s an issue to all societies.
Jordan Brezer: I am against amendment, firstly the law society is the largest fPA and has strong
representation among law, CASG representatives had the highest vote, to the point raised there
has been major push to do more legal studies stuff and to strengthen relationship with
Nathaniel Bruni: I am against; the law department is best-structured society on campus and if
any programs deserve to have a seat its them.
Motion to amend and move to committee
Mover: Petter Russell
Seconded: Roy Sengupta
Roy Sengupta: I think its important that is a major change, moving from open winner takes all to
more society based election, I think that the opinion is a major change to electoral process on
how we will get people out to elections. More consideration is needed
Kass MacMillian: I am against, I understand where jess comes from, because its being
implemented to departments with only 2 seats, I think that its only going in those situations
Katrina Crocker: It’s only effecting the 2, in terms of sending to committee, we have addressed
the main points here, it’s not a new major change 3.19 has existed and its to expand for more
John Mesman: I agree with almost everyone, Katrina and I wouldn’t have presented if this
wasn’t fiscally responsible and it is the best interest of CASG. I don’t think moving to committee
will do anything.
Jerry Zhao: I am in favour to send committee, there are still concerns that we are talking about
open membership society, PAPM is going through major changes, something similar may
happen to law or political science, we have to make sure everyone is aware.
Jessica Mullin: I disagree with John and Katrina that we should see what more impact. I am
concerned; I speak in descent that you wouldn’t be able to do an unbiased look. Not enough time
John Mesman: Just looking up here for member retention and voter turn out of students,
I will put this on the governance and on the agenda of the future
Nathaniel Bruni: call to question
John Mesman: seconded
Calling to question on the amendment – to send to the committee and then brought back
For amendment – 12
Against – 25
Abstain – 11
Motion fails
Back to main motion as originally amended the first time
Weve passed question period.
Kass MacMillan: I am against, why it wasn’t sent to governance review committee in the first
Called to question
Roll call vote
Ashley Grenstone: Abstain
Roy Sengupt: Against
Alex Chaffey: Absent
Olivia Sykes: For
Emily Fergusson: Abstain
Victoria Watson: Abstain
Adrienne Row-Smith - Absent
Omar Elsharkawy: Absent
Ben Stone: For
Adam Carroll: Abstain
Dillon Harhangi: Absent
Yara Shammas: Absent
Natasha Oliveira-Zepeda: For
Uzma Chowdhury: Absent
Katie Stalker: For
Nicole Parsons: For
Joshua Zarate: Against
Brigitta Abboud: Absent
Marry Aksim: Aabstain
Euan Wheaton: Abstain
Jerry Zhao: Against
Fatima Barron: Against
Alex Miller: Absent
Keisha Panoff: For
Jordan Brezer: For
Jessica Mullin: Against
Nathaniel Bruni: Against
Sheyeryar Ahmed: For
Jordan Bootsma: For
Aaron Rainey: Absent
Lauren Gravis: Absent
Peter Russell: Against
Randy Fox: Absent
Siobhan Oxley: Absent
Camy La Riccia: Absent
Megan Allisat: Absent
Antish Gopauloo: Absent
Erin Hemm: For
Jon Lewis: For
Tiffany Isesele: For
Darcy Gray: Absent
Chris Featherson: Absent
Ethan Morrell: Absent
Monica Ruttle: Absent
Colin Smith: For
Blake Bentley: For
Callum Pryor-Byme: Absent
Jessie Thuswaldner: Abstain
Hayley Arts: Abstain
Ayesha Landon-Browne: Abstain
Kyle Fournier: For
Kathryn Little: For
Nicholas Chin: For
Alicia Duval: For
Waqar Muhammad: For
Pramodh: For
Saumya Bansal: Abstain
Aiden Ari Forsyth: For
Melanie St.Cyr: For
Carrie Fong: For
Chelsea Black: For
Garett Duff: Absent
Abe Fehr: Abstain
Henry Hammond: Abstain
Sebastian Srugo: For
Hamza Abu Alhawa: For
John Mesman: For
Katrina Crocker: For
Mohamed El Koussy: For
Tanvir Janmohamed: For
Liban Mohammed: For
Kas MacMillan: Against
Dan Crich: Against
Anna Marello: For
Christina Mion: For
Folarin Odunayo: Abstain
Michael (GSA): Absent
For: 33
Against: 9
Abstain: 14
Motion passes
Motion to Amend the Electoral Code (Part II)
Be it resolved that CASG build upon section 3.19 to add further academic society involvement:
3.20 One of the two Department of Law &Legal Studies seats (1) is to be filled by a member
from the Executive of the Carleton Law & Legal Studies Society.
3.21 One of the two Department of Political Science seats (1) is to be filled by a member from
the Executive of the Carleton Political Science Society.
Be it further resolved that all future matters of this nature be referred to the Governance Review
Moved: Katrina Crocker
See above.
Seconded: John Mesman
Motion to Strike the Scholarship Committee
Presentation Summary
Whereas the Carleton Academic Student Government has $6,000 dollars dedicated to
acknowledging students who achieve academic excellence.
Whereas in order to distribute the scholarships a committee must be struck and applications sent
out to the Carleton community.
Information Transfer
Be it resolved that committee members be selected in accordance with Bylaw and
5 Caucus members, elected by CASG Caucus
These members must represent a minimum of 3 different faculties.
Moved: Tanvir Janmohamed
Seconded: Katrina Crocker
Jerry Zhao: Filling committees?
Tanvir Janmohamed: Yes
Motion to Fill
Fill Committee
Nominations – Nathaniel Bruini , Anna Morello, Kas MacMillan, Fatima Barron, Lauren Gravis,
Henry Hammond, Ben Stone.
Nathaniel Bruni: I have been in situations based on merits, to help support academic achievers
Anna Morello: I have sat on scholarship for the past 2 years, can lend a hand, we have made
good decisions.
Kas MacMillan: I am FASS coordinator, I am in 4th/5th year here doing 6th year, have good
understanding what constitutes and what's deserving.
Fatima Barron: I have peer helping and I realized academic excellence and how important to
support that
Lauren Gravis: I have experience and am apart of sorority and we deal with that.
Henry Hammond: I’ve been the math society president, CASG and science 2 years, making
things fair and achievement recognized.
Ben Stone: I am someone who came on scholarship I understand importance of them.
Urge chair for tanvir to sit, because its not on bylaws and on motion
John Mesman: Unware, as of last year, motion to reconsider to add Tanvir automatically
Nathaniel Bruni: Can we amend the motion to amend the motion to have VPA and 5 elected
John accepts as friendly and Nathaniel seconds
Favour of adding Tanvir as chair
Motion passes
5 Chosen
Tanvir (Chair)
Motion to destroy ballots
Motion to Approve a Change in the CASG Scholarship Fund
Presentation Summary
Reminding that the Carleton Academic Student Government has $6,000 dollars dedicated to
acknowledging and rewarding students at large for their hard work,
Whereas the academic success of our students is incremental to the goals and values of the
Carleton Academic Student Government,
Noting that the Carleton Academic Student Government Scholarship Fund, in the past, has only
awarded students excelling in the area of academic grades,
Recognizing the hard work that Executive Members of Clubs and Societies put into creating a
better academic learning environment for students at Carleton University.
Information Transfer
Be it resolved that the Carleton Academic Student Government change its division of the yearly
Scholarship Fund to be redistributed into 14 scholarships;
Calls upon ten scholarships to be awarded at the value of $400 each, based on academic
excellence portrayed through grade levels;
Further calls the next four scholarships to be awarded at the value of $500 each, based on
academic excellence and hard work portrayed through involvement in Academic Clubs and
Societies on campus.
Moved: Tanvir Janmohamed
Seconded: Mohamed El Koussy
Motion to move this motion to next committee
Dan Crich: When does the scholarships go out?
Tanvir Janmohammed: January
1 abstention
Motion to adjourn
Moved: Dan Crich
Seconded Mohamed El Koussy