Abnormal Psychology Overview Abnormal Psychology – the study of people who suffer from psychological disorders Defining Abnormality Common characteristic – harmful/disturbing to the individual, disturbing to others, not shared by many members of the population, does not make sense to the average person. Insanity A legal term the purpose is to differentiate between people who can be help responsible and those with psychological disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Provides a way for psychologist to diagnose patients Contains symptoms of all psychological disorders Doesn’t contain causes because different perspectives disagree Categories of Disorders Intern’s Syndrome – the tendency to see in oneself the characteristics of disorders about which one is learning. Not a psychological disorder Anxiety disorders o Phobias – contact with feared object/situation results in anxiety. Examples are an intense fear of an unwanted situation, agoraphobia – open space, arachnophobia – spiders, social phobia – public embarrassment) o Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – constant, low level anxiety o Panic disorder – acute episodes of intense anxiety without any apparent provocation, increase in frequency, additional anxiety due to anticipating the anxiety attacks o OCD – persistent, unwanted thoughts cause you to feel the need to engage in a particular action o PTSD – flashbacks/nightmares following your involvement in or observation of an extremely troubling event Theoretical causes for anxiety disorders o Psychoanalytic – unresolved, unconscious conflicts between the id, ego and superego o Behaviorist – conditioning, cognitive learning o Cognitive – dysfunctional ways of thinking Mood or Affective Disorders – extremely/inappropriate emotions o Major depression – most common, symptoms (sad more than 2 weeks without clear reason, change in sleep and appetite, worthlessness, lack of interest in enjoyed activities) o Bipolar disorders – manic episodes (high energy, feel confident and powerful, sense of well-being), depressed episodes Theoretical causes for mood disorders o Learned helplessness, biology, pessimistic attribution styles Schizophrenic Disorders o Schizophrenia – disordered, distorted thinking, delusion and hallucinations (perceptions in the absence of sensory stimulation) o Disorganized schizophrenia – make up their own words, string together a series of nonsense words that rhyme, unappreciated emotions for a situation, no emotional response Theoretical causes of schizophrenic disorders o Dopamine hypothesis – high levels of dopamine are associated with schizophrenia, if the drugs lower the level too much, tardive dyskinesia (muscle tremors and stiffness) o Abnormality on 5th chromosome o Enlarged brain ventricles o Brain asymmetry Personality Disorders (less serious) o Antisocial – don’t have regard to other’s feeling, view the world as a hostile place o Narcissistic o Histrionic o Obsessive-compulsive Other disorders o Paraphilia – sexual attraction to that which is not usually seen as sexual o Eating disorders o Addition disorders – use of alcohol/drugs, substance use disorders (use of such substances regularly affecting your life negatively o Autism – seek less social and emotional contact, slow to develop language skills, seek less parental support when distressed o ADHD – attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, difficulty paying attention or sitting still, over diagnosed because of typical boy behavior