EDEL 640 - Morehead State University

Professional Education Unit
Dept. of Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education
EDEL 640 (001) - Contemporary Instructional Practices in Grades P-9
Hybrid Course
Fall 2013
Melinda R. Willis, Ed.D.
GH 401L
Office: 783-2844
Email: m.willis@moreheadstate.edu
Course Description: This course will explore a variety of models of teaching and the relationship
between instruction and the learner; including active learning, critical thinking, questioning
strategies and grouping structures. A focus will be on learner characteristics of multiple intelligences,
diversity and learning styles.
Conceptual Framework:
“Community Engagement: A Light to and from the Mountains”
The Professional Education Unit at Morehead State University delivers rigorous, high quality programs
that prepare professionals informed by best national and international scholarship, plus research,
literature, and experiences specific to Appalachia- preparing professionals to improve the schools,
quality of life, and the communities in which they live and serve. This statement is not only the strategic
mission for the College, but it also incorporates the conceptual framework that guides all our activities.
Conceptual Framework Outcomes (CFOs):
The Unit and the faculty within individual programs assess the degree to which its graduates:
1. Master the content knowledge, professional and the 21st century skills need to make an optimal
contribution to “whole” student learning in education settings.
2. Are competent in the collection and use of data to inform decision – making and to demonstrate
accountability for student learning.
3. Demonstrate professional dispositions.
4. Are culturally competent and understand the regions from which they have come utilizing
knowledge and experiences to effectively “bridge the gaps” (economic, achievement, and
geographic) ensuring optimal learning for all students.
5. Engage in authentic field experiences in collaboration with committed school – based partners
and are empowered to improve the quality of education throughout this region and beyond.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): By the end of this course, the candidate will be able to:
1. The candidate will use a repertoire of instructional strategies.
2. The candidate will recognize intellectual, cultural, language and other differences in students.
3. The candidate will adjust instruction to accommodate student characteristics and differences,
including multiple intelligences, gender diversity, and learning styles.
4. The candidate will relate strategies to the nature of the subject and topic being taught.
5. The candidate will construct a plan for using a variety of teaching models in his/her own
Required Textbooks:
Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2009). Models of Teaching (8th ed.), Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
ISBN 978-0-205-59345-3
Academic Conduct - “All students at Morehead State University are required to abide by accepted
standards of academic honesty. Academic honesty includes doing one’s own work, giving credit for
the work of others, and using resources appropriately.” (See Catalog for the Academic Honesty
Attendance Policy - Attendance is your responsibility. You are expected to attend every class, arrive
promptly, come prepared, and participate actively. Missed Saturday classes CANNOT be made up.
Late Work Policy - It is expected that all work will be submitted on time unless otherwise approved
by the instructor. Work submitted late will automatically receive a 20% reduction. A grace period of
one week is permitted for late work to be submitted and still receive up to 80% credit.
Equity - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all students with a
documented disability are entitled to reasonable accommodations and services to support their
academic success and safety. Though a request for services may be made at any time, services are
best applied when they are requested at or before the start of the semester. To receive
accommodations and services, the student should immediately contact the Disability Services
Coordinator in the Office of Academic and Career Services, 223 Allie Young Hall, 606-783-5188,
www.moreheadstate.edu/acs/ It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any
special needs before the end of the second week of classes.
Campus Safety - Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should
familiarize themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event that evacuation becomes necessary.
You should notify your instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will
require assistance during an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize themselves with
emergency response protocols at www.moreheadstate.edu/emergency
NCATE / EPSB Accreditation Alignment of CFOs and SLOs
EDEL 640
Aligned with
Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education
Core Academic
Association for
National Middle
School Association
E/LA Standards 1-10;
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
2, 3
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4,
4, 5.2
E/LA Standards 1-10
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
1, 3
E/LA Standards 1-10
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
1, 3
1, 6
E/LA Standards 1-10
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
1, 2, 3
1, 6
E/LA Standards 1-10
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
1, 3
E/LA Standards 1-10
Math Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards
1, 3
(point values)
Chapter Readings and
(100 points)
CFO: 1,
SLO: 1, 2, 3
Content Area
Demonstrations and
(75 points)
CFO: 1, 2, 3, 4
SLO: 1, 4, 5
Content Area Literacy
Demonstrations and
(75 points)
CFO: 1, 2, 3, 4
SLO: 1, 4, 5
Article Selections and
(50 points)
CFO: 1
SLO: 1, 2, 3
“Beyond the
Textbook” Unit Plan
(100 points)
CFO: 1, 2, 3, 4
SLO: 1, 4, 5
Compendium of Best
(50 points)
CFO: 1, 2, 3, 4
SLO: 1, 4, 5
1, 4, 6
1, 6
1, 6
1, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2
2, 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5_
1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2
2, 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4,
4, 5.2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2
2, 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2, 4
Assignment Descriptions:
EDEL 640
Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education
Assessment (point value)
Chapter Readings and Responses
(50 points)
Content Area Demonstrations and
(75 points)
Content Area Literacy
Demonstrations and Reflections
(75 points)
Article Selections and Discussions
(50 points)
“Beyond the Textbook” Unit Plan
(100 points)
Compendium of Best Practices
(50 points)
Specific models for responding to each section of the text will be provided
by the instructor. These will be utilized to address learning from textbooks
as well as your own learning of the content for this course. Responses will
be posted to BlackBoard in the model format requested.
You will responsible for planning, teaching, and self-evaluating a 30-45
minute lesson for the class that is in your content area. For this
demonstration, you may work in pairs or individually. Class members will
participate as learners. Discussion will follow each lesson. The KTIP lesson
plan format will be utilized as well as the KTIP evaluation scoring guide.
Each class member will write and submit a reflection on BlackBoard for each
You will responsible for planning, teaching, and self-evaluating a 30-45
minute lesson for the class that includes at least one content area literacy
standard. Class members will participate as learners. Discussion will follow
each lesson. The KTIP lesson plan format will be utilized as well as the KTIP
evaluation scoring guide. Each class member will write and submit a
reflection on BlackBoard for each lesson.
Each class member will identify and post one journal article related to
teaching adolescent learners. This article may be content-specific but
should include strategies / activities for teaching and learning. Each class
member will read and respond to the article on Blackboard through the
Discussion Board. Sign up for posting your article will be completed during
the first class meeting.
Using the graphic organizer that is provided, develop a multi-day plan for
your content area that addresses chosen content area standards as well as
content area literacy standards. Resources, instructional strategies,
standards, and assessments will be included.
Throughout the semester, you will collect activities, strategies, model
lessons, websites, apps, resource information, journal articles, etc. that will
support you as you provide effective instruction in your content area. An
actual notebook or digital notebook will be maintained. All resources must
include the publishing information or the web location information.
EDEL 640 (001) – Contemporary Instructional Practices in Grades P-9
Tentative Calendar
Fall 2013
August 24
On Campus
Introduction to course and
syllabus review; in-class
demonstration and reflection
Models of teaching: An overview
August 29
September 5
What is Due
Submit Chapter response I to BlackBoard
Resources that support teaching
and learning: Professional
Model: Information Processing
Resources that support teaching
and learning: Discipline specific,
content area websites
Model: Social Family
Articles posted on BlackBoard; participate in
discussion on BlackBoard
October 5
On Campus
October 10
Looking closely at your standards
Content area demonstrations and reflections
Model: Personal Family
Submit Chapter response IV to BlackBoard
October 17
Resources that support teaching
and learning: Text sets,
manipulatives, visual aids, and
Model: Behavioral System
Resources that support teaching
and learning: Choices
Resources that support teaching
and learning: Pulling it all
Looking closely at the content
literacy standards
Modifying instruction for various
Stepping back and looking back
Articles posted on BlackBoard; participate in
discussion on BlackBoard
What’s next!
Final reflections; Next steps
September 12
September 19
September 26
October 24
October 31
November 7
November 16
On Campus
November 21
November 28
December 7
On Campus
Submit Chapter response II to BlackBoard
Articles posted on BlackBoard; participate in
discussion on BlackBoard
Submit Chapter response III to BlackBoard
Submit Chapter response V to BlackBoard
Articles posted on BlackBoard; participate in
discussion on BlackBoard
Submit “Compendium of Best Practices”
Content Area Literacy demonstrations and reflections;
Turn in “Beyond the Textbook” Unit Plan on
Turn in reflection: “What is MY model?” response