SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE GRAMMAR By Irene Voulgaris In these blog posts I will mainly examine the grammar, structure and rhetorical markers used in each part of a scientific paper, making reference to relevant academic writing conventions in the process. Although I intend to focus mainly on the grammar of written scientific discourse, brief reference to useful reading and writing skills will also be made whenever it is deemed appropriate. An authentic published paper on food-technology 1 Let’s take a look at a paper describing starter cultures for cheese processing. It forms a chapter of a book in the area of food technology and I have uploaded it as a pdf file on the same blog post. The paper is entitled: “Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter-Cultures Processing:Past, Present and Future Developments” for Cheese and it has been written by J. Marcelino Kongo Previewing the paper It is always wise to see what the paper is about by previewing it first; that is, by reading only its title, its abstract or its introduction, its subtitles and its conclusion. In this way, you will quickly get an idea of its topic and how this topic is developed throughout the paper, without reading it all. The paper’s organization The paper consists of the following parts : 1. Introduction 1 The open access paper has been downloaded from 1 2. Lactic acid bacteria in dairy processing 2.1. LAB as starter-cultures in cheese processing 2.2. LAB food safety and cheese technology 3. Development of new starter cultures for cheese processing 3.1. EPS-producing cultures and acceleration of cheese ripening 3.2. Methods used to characterize LAB for starter cultures development 4. Concluding remarks Author details 5. References After previewing the paper, read it carefully in order to understand not just the main points made, but also the detailed information the writer offers us. Previewing and careful reading of the whole paper has enabled us to understand its information. So having understood its contents, we will analyze each part of the paper, this time focusing on its discourse grammar. Let’s start with the paper’s introduction: Introduction The identification of solutions to improve the life and health of consumers, providing safe and nutritious foods, is the major concern in Food Science. Toward that goal, preservation methods such as salting, drying, high/low temperature application, fermentation, and more recently, pulsed electric field, high pressure and radiation –alone or in combination –are applied. The chosen method depends on various factors 2 such as the type of raw materials, availability of the method, cost, effectiveness and degree of change it causes to the flavour and nutritional features of the food product. Fermentation, which is also called biopreservation, is a cheap, widely accessible method that meets today’s increasing consumers’ demand for minimally processed/preserved food products. Biopreservation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is indeed one of the oldest and highly efficient forms of non-thermal processing methods. Cheese production is based on the ability of lactic acid bacteria to ferment sugars, especially glucose and galactose, so to produce lactic acid and aroma substances that give typical flavours and tastes to fermented products. Lactic acid bacteria also release bacteriocins, antimicrobial metabolites, which are considered safe and natural preservatives, with great potential to be used on their own, or synergistically with other methods in food preservation. Notes on the grammar and structure of the paper’s introduction Present simple tenses for descriptive texts Read the introduction. What does the writer do in the introduction? In the introduction of the paper the writer refers to the role of food technology today, to existing food preservation methods and to the method of biopreservation with lactic acid bacteria in particular, as the optimum method for cheese production. Thus, the writer’s intention in the introduction is informative and descriptive. After making a brief 3 reference to contemporary food preservation methods, he focuses on one such method in particular: biopreservation with lactic acid bacteria. Which verb tense does the writer use? Now, let’s take a look at the verb tenses the writer has used to inform us about these methods and to briefly describe them. All sentences in the paper’s introduction contain verbs in the present simple tense. Some of these tenses are in the active voice and I have highlighted them in yellow, while others are in the passive. I have both highlighted and underlined the verbs which are in the passive voice. The writer has used the present simple tense to tell us what preservation methods are available today, which one is the most suitable for optimum cheese production, and what this method is like. Thus, basically, the present simple has been used to describe things existing today and the text is a descriptive one. In general, we use the present simple with descriptive texts which refer to the present. When is the passive present simple used in descriptive texts? When we do not need to mention the fact that the human factor is the agent of an action or process (as is indeed the case in scientific discourse) we use the passive present simple tense instead of the active. For example, in the sentence “Fermentation, which is also called biopreservation,…” the writer has used the passive present simple tense “is called” because fermentation is also called “biopreservation” by people. The agent “by people” does not need to be mentioned. In conversational English, one could say the same by using the active present simple: “Some people also call fermentation “biopreservation”. Impersonal style in scientific writing When you write a scientific paper, there are specific linguistic conventions that you should follow. One of these conventions is to sound 4 as impersonal as possible by avoiding the use of the active voice and by using the passive. Therefore, the use of the passive is the norm in scientific discourse. It is not difficult to figure out why this convention has been established in academic writing in scientific disciplines. Given the fact that the human factor has always been the agent of experiments, of man-made/industrial processes and of scientific discourse in general, scientists are not concerned with e.g. who does an experiment or with who controls a process. Instead they focus on the experiment or on the process itself. This is why they use the passive voice without mentioning the agent; that is, without mentioning the scientist (agent) who does the experiment or who controls the process. It would sound too repetitive if they did. Exercises 1. What does the expression “toward that goal” in the 3rd line refer to? 2. Which preservation methods are used for producing healthy and wholesome foods? 3. Name the factors which must be taken into consideration when making the choice of preservation method. 4. Define “biopreservation”. 5. In what ways do lactic acid bacteria act during the process of fermentation? Notes on discourse markers (also called linking words or linking devices) a. back reference discourse markers To refer to something we have mentioned earlier in a text we use back reference discourse markers. These are words or phrases that refer back to something we have already mentioned. For example, the phrase “Toward 5 that goal” in the 3rd line serves this purpose. The writer used it to refer back to the goal of food science mentioned in the previous sentence: “The identification of solutions to improve the life and health of consumers, providing safe and nutritious foods, is the major concern in Food Science. Toward that goal, preservation methods such as…” [In the paragraph above I have used the word “it” in the 4 th line to refer back to the expression “Toward that goal”.] In this way, we avoid repetition and the text becomes more cohesive. b. enumeration discourse markers When we provide a list in order to illustrate the various specific forms a more general term, a cover term, encompasses, then we enumerate them; that is, we name them one by one, separated by commas, sometimes after the expression “such as”. In such cases, “such as” is an enumeration marker. The expression “such as” lets the readers know that we are going to offer them a list of relevant forms. We also enumerate when we want to provide a list of factors/solutions/causes/consequences/results, etc. There are the following instances of enumeration in the text: preservation methods(cover term) such as(enumeration marker) salting, drying, high/low temperature application, fermentation, (enumeration) and more recently, pulsed electric field, high pressure and radiation (enumeration) –alone or in combination – may be applied. The chosen method depends on various factors (cover term) such as(enumeration marker) the type of raw materials, availability of the method, cost, effectiveness and degree of change it causes to the flavour and nutritional features of the food product.(enumeration) Notes on sentence structure non-defining relative clauses 6 “Fermentation, which is also called biopreservation, (non-defining relative clause) is a cheap, widely accessible method that meets today’s increasing consumers’ demand for minimally processed/preserved food products.” Non-defining relative clauses are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. They contain additional information about the subject or the object of the sentence; this information is not essential in order to understand the meaning of the sentence. It is just extra information. apposition Apposition is usually a noun phrase separated by commas which appears immediately after another noun or noun phrase. Both of these noun phrases refer to the same person or object. There are the following instances of apposition in the text: Cheese production is based on the ability of lactic acid bacteria to ferment sugars (noun), especially glucose and galactose, [noun phrase introduced with “especially”& also apposition introduced with “especially” for expressing particularization; in our case particular kinds of sugars] so to produce lactic acid and aroma substances that give typical flavours and tastes to fermented products. Lactic acid bacteria also release bacteriocins (noun), antimicrobial metabolites, (noun phrase & also apposition for providing a synonym for “bacteriocins” which is more easily understood: “antimicrobial metabolites”) which are considered safe and natural preservatives, with great potential to be used on their own, or synergistically with other methods in food preservation. Let’s move to the 2nd part of the paper now : 2. Lactic acid bacteria in dairy processing Milk is a highly perishable food raw material, therefore (linking word signalling result), its transformation in cheese or other form of fermented dairy product provides an ideal vehicle to preserve its valuable nutrients (Table 1), making them available throughout the year. It is known ( 7 impersonal passive present simple used instead of the active present simple “we know”) that while (linking word signalling contrast) unprocessed milk can be stored for only a few hours at room temperatures, cheeses may reach a shelf-life up to 5 years (depending on variety). Fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is a cheap and effective food preservation method that can be applied even in more rural/remote places, and leads to improvement in texture, flavor and nutritional value of many food products. LAB have a long and safe history of application and consumption namely (linking word signalling a specific example) in cheese processing (Aquilanti et al., 2006, Caplice & Fitzgerald, 1999, Giraffa et al., 2010, Ray, 1992; Wood, 1997; Wood & Holzapfel, 1995) thus (linking word signalling result) being generally regarded as safe (GRAS). Increasing knowledge of LAB physiology, together with new developments in processing technology, is leading to their application 8 beyond traditional starter culture application, namely (linking word signalling specific cases/examples) in new food safety roles and direct health applications. 2.1. LAB as starter cultures in cheese processing Cheese-making is based on application of LAB in the form of defined or undefined starter cultures that are expected to cause a rapid acidification of milk through the production of lactic acid, with the consequent decrease of pH, thus (linking word signalling result) affecting a number of aspects of the cheese manufacturing process and ultimately (linking word signalling reinforcement/emphasis) cheese composition and quality (Briggiler-Marco et al., 2007). [Below the writer describes how cheese used to be produced in the past. This is why he uses simple past tenses which I have highlighted in blue.] The earliest productions of cheeses were based on the spontaneous fermentation, resulting from the development of the microflora naturally present in the raw milk and its environment. The quality of the end product was a reflex of the microbial load and spectrum of the raw material. Spontaneous fermentation was later optimized through backslopping, i.e., inoculation of the raw material with a small quantity of whey from a previously performed successful fermentation, and the 9 resulting product characteristics depended on the best-adapted strains dominance (Leroy & De Vuyest, 2004). [Below the writer returns to the present time, so he uses simple present verb tenses once again.] Today, backslopping is still used to produce many artisanal raw-milk cheeses, namely (linking word signalling a specific example) those bearing the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status, which are considered to be an important source of LAB genetic diversity, as well as (linking phrase signalling addition) being crucial from an economic and even ecologic point of view, since (linking word signalling reason) production of said cheeses (usually processed on a small-scale) contributes to local employment and maintains people functioning as “guardians of local environment” in regions that otherwise would be deserted. The starter-culture (which is) applied in this, so-called, natural fermentation, is usually a poorly-known microflora mix that although having a predominance of LAB, may also contain non-LAB microorganisms, and its microbial diversity and load is usually variable over time. In fact, studies directed to characterize traditional cheeses show that those (which are) made from raw milk harbor a diversity of 10 LAB (Bernardeau et al., 2008) depending on geographical region, where a few may show particular interesting technological features that upon optimization may have industrial applications (Buckenhiiskes, 1993). For example, because (linking word signalling reason) wild strains need to withstand the competition of other microorganisms to survive in their hostile natural environment, they often produce antimicrobial substances (which are) called bacteriocins (Ayad et al., 2002), which are natural antibacterial proteins that can be incorporated directly into fermented foods as such (food-grade) or indirectly as starter culture (Bernardeau et al., 2008). Although (linking word signalling contrast) nisin is today the only bacteriocin that has reached commercial status, approved worldwide as a natural food preservative, many other bacteriocins may soon reach similar status. Recently, our work (to be published) with LAB isolates from traditional portuguese raw-milk cheeses, revealed several lactobacilli having antibacterial activity against pathogens such as (linking word signalling exemplification) Listeria monocytogenes, Staphyloccus aureus, Salmonella newport and even E. coli. Future studies may allow us using these isolates or their metabolites, applied in situ or ex situ fashion, in applications where food safety is a concern. Moreover, traditional cheeses also obtain their flavor intensity also from the non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB), which are not part of the 11 normal starter flora but develop in the product, particularly during maturation, as a secondary flora (Beresford, et al., 2001). The isolation and optimization of wild-type strains from traditional products, to be used as starter cultures in cheese processing, is indeed a highly active field of research in Food Science today. 2.2. LAB food safety and cheese technology Cheese is made in almost every country of the world and (linking word signalling addition which will not be emphasised in the rest of the paper as it is very common there are more than 2000 varieties which are made from milk of several mammals, and are processed industrially or by traditional methods. However(linking word signalling contrast), despite (linking word signalling constrast) the large number of varieties, the basic steps which are required in any cheese processing are essentially the same, and slight variations in any of these steps may result in products of different general quality (Figure 2). Milk treatment. In large-scale cheese processing, the milk is heated, e.g. 73°C for 15 seconds, to destroy pathogens and reduce microbial numbers, while (linking word signalling contrast) in most traditional Protected Designation of Origin raw-milk cheeses heat treatment is not applied. Also (linking word signalling additional information) the milk may be 12 standardized, i.e. the fat content may be increased or (linking word signalling alternative way) reduced, or the casein-to-fat ratio may be adjusted. Starter-culture addition. The type of commercially available starter preparation to be used is determined by the cheese recipe. As previously stated (back reference clause) , large-scale processing relies on using defined, commercially available starters, while (linking word signalling contrast)for traditional cheeses, a natural fermentation (whey from the previous lot) is often used. Milk treatment Coagulation Whey draining Salting/Pressing Ripening Figure 2. Common steps to most cheese making processes Coagulation. During (linking word signalling duration, length of time) coagulation, modifications on the milk protein complex occur under 13 defined conditions of temperature and by action of a coagulant agent, which changes the physical aspect of milk from liquid to a jelly-like mass. Various coagulants are available, e.g. (abbreviation signalling exemplification) lemon juice, plant rennet or more commonly a proteolytic enzyme such as (linking device signalling exemplification) chymosin (rennin) or (linking word signalling alternative way)– due to(linking device signalling reason) high demand from the cheese industry – proteolytic enzymes from the mould Rhizomucor miehei that are obtained via biotechnology. These enzymes (back reference noun phrase) have an acidic nature, meaning they (back reference word) have optimum activity in a slightly acidic environment. Therefore (linking word signalling result), the action of lactic acid bacteria in this phase(back reference noun phrase) is crucial as (linking word signalling reason) they (back reference word) are required to rapidly release enough lactic acid, to lower the milk pH from 6.7 to near 6.2, (thus (linking word signalling result) creating an appropriate environment for optimum activity of rennin) and later to pH 4.5 as (linking word signalling process progression) the processing proceeds, creating an inhospitable environment for many unwanted bacteria, thus (linking word signalling result) increasing the end product safety. 14 Cutting the coagulum. The resulting coagulum is cut with appropriate knives into curd particles of a defined size, e.g. 1-2 cm, or it (back reference word) is transferred into containers or cheese moulds. The cutting or ladling of the coagulum is a very important step in the manufacture of some cheese varieties as (linking word signalling reason) it (back reference word) determines the rate of acid development and the body (firmness) and texture of the cheese. Heating or cooking the curds. Heating (37-45°C, depending on the type of cheese) the curds and whey affects the rate at which whey is expelled from the curd particles and the growth of the starter microorganisms. During (linking word signalling duration) heating, the curds and whey are often stirred to maintain the curd in the form of separate particles. Whey removal. After heating and stirring (linking phrase signalling succession), and when the curd particles have firmed and the correct acid development has taken place, the whey is removed allowing the curd particles to mat together. Milling the curd. In cheeses such as (linking device signalling exemplification) Cheddar, when the curd has reached the desired texture, it (back reference word) is broken up into small pieces to enable it (back 15 reference word) to be salted evenly. Milling the curd is done either (linking device used in conjunction with ‘or’ denoting one of two ways, etc) by hand or mechanically. Salting is usually done to enhance the taste of the curd and to increase its (back reference word) safety and shelf life. Ripening. Finally (linking word signalling the last step of the process), for most cheeses, the resulting mass is molded and (it is) put to ripening for periods that vary from 15 days to one, two or more years. Ripening is a slow phase, crucial for the development of aroma and flavor, which is brought about by the action of the many enzymes which are released by the lactic acid bacteria. During (linking word expressing duration) ripening the protein in cheese is broken down from casein to low molecular weight peptides and amino acids. Proteolysis is the major – and certainly the most complex of biochemical events that take place during (linking word expressing duration) ripening of most cheese varieties and lactic acid bacteria play an important role in it (back reference word). This (back reference word) happens while (linking word meaning during the time when something happens) the cheeses are stored in the curing cabinets and in some cases in caves, usually with temperature and humidity controlled. 16 During (linking word signalling duration) coagulation, the initial step of casein hydrolysis is performed by chymosin (milk coagulant) and proteinases from starter lactic acid bacteria, starter moulds and other microorganisms. The further degradation of high molecular weight peptides which are produced at the initial step, is subsequently (linking word denoting succession) catalised to low molecular weight peptides by endopeptidases from the lactic acid bacteria during (linking word signalling duration) ripening (see Fig. 4 and 5). 17 Primary proteolysis in cheese is defined as changes in β-, γ-, ascaseinpeptides, and other minor proteins that are detected by PAGE (Figure 6). Primary proteolysis leads to the formation of large waterinsoluble peptides and smaller water-soluble peptides (Fox, 1993, 18 Mooney et al., 1998). Secondary proteolysis products include those peptides, proteins and amino acids (forward reference noun phrase) which are soluble in the aqueous phase of cheese and are extractable as (linking word signalling exemplification) the water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) fraction. The WSN fraction is a complex mixture of large, medium, and small peptides and amino acids. These components (back reference noun phrase) result from the action of milk clotting enzymes, milk proteases, starter lactic acid bacteria and contaminating microorganisms (Rank et al., 1985). 19 20 21 During (linking word signalling duration) processing, the pH history of the cheese is a good indicator of the actual product safety. For example (linking device signalling exemplification) a ‘slow vat’ allows more time at high pH for undesirable bacteria to grow, while (linking word signalling contrast) during (linking word signalling duration) cheese ripening, unwanted bacteria may grow due to an acidity neutralization resulting from secondary microflora growth such as (linking device signalling exemplification) moulds. For most ripened varieties the combination of a low pH and ripening time, which leads to moisture decrease in the cheese, will in general (linking device meaning ‘in most cases’) cause a gradual decline of all groups of bacteria due to (linking device signalling reason) increasing inhospitable conditions inside the cheese. The pH history of a cheese and the hygienic practices which are applied in its (back reference word) manufacture are thus(back reference linking word) key factors to guarantee safe products. Thus, (back reference linking word) the isolation of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria to be used for the development of specific starter cultures with improved acid production and other antimicrobial activities may be an excellent way towards reaching the goals of simultaneously obtaining safe traditional cheeses, which are still bearing their unique flavours. 22 Nowadays, western consumers still enjoy artisan cheeses thanks to their outstanding gastronomic qualities; however(linking word signalling contrast), in most industrialized countries the large-scale cheese processing is the most important branch of the food industry. In such cases (back reference expression), there is a strong need to control the fermentation process towards maximum efficiency in terms of yields and standardization of the end product. This (back reference word), and the need to fulfill the safety assurance of the final product, is usually achieved by, among other improvements, adding a high dosage of pure lactic acid bacteria selected starter cultures, which are commercially available (today’s world starter culture market is more than US $1 billion), as well as (linking device adding information) by heat treating the raw milk, most commonly by pasteurization. Notes on the grammar and structure of the 2nd part of the paper The text type and its logical structure The writer provides us with more detailed descriptions of preservation methods in the 2nd part of the paper and he also describes the general process of cheese making in detail. As it is common with every mancontrolled or machine-controlled process, there is extensive use of the passive present simple tense. I have highlighted the passive present simple tenses in yellow and I have also underlined them. Active present simple tenses have only been highlighted in yellow. 23 Exercise Read this part of the paper and expand Figure 2 which depicts the general process of cheese making, to briefly describe each stage of the process. Use mainly the passive present simple. Answer: The process of cheese making Milk treatment: Milk is heated to 73° C. It may be standardized, i.e its fat content may or (it may be) reduced. Adding starter culture: Commercially produced starter culture is added to the milk in industrially produced cheese. Natural starter culture is added to the milk in traditionally produced cheese. Coagulation: Milk coagulates, that is, it turns from a fluid state to a semi-solid state due to its chemical transformation with the starter culture. Cutting the coagulum:The coagulated milk mass, the coagulum, is cut with special knives in small cubes, called curds. Cooking the curds: The curds are heated to 37-45° C. Whey draining: The curds are drained from the whey. Milling the curds:The curds are milled into tiny pieces in some types of cheese. Salting/Pressing: Salt is added to the drained curds and then they are pressed in moulds. 24 Ripening: Cheese is placed on shelves to ripen for periods ranging from 15 days to a year or two. Semantic cohesion and rhetorical cohesion The writer’s train of thought is conveyed to the reader with appropriate logical cohesive discourse markers. Logical markers (also called “discourse markers”), on the other hand, do not have lexical meaning but act as logical signals, that is, they signal the rhetorical intention of the writer, his train of thought. The logical markers which appear in the 2nd part of the paper signal the following rhetorical intentions of the writer: contrast addition alternation back reference forward reference duration exemplification reason result progression succession generalisation The logical markers of the 2nd part of the paper have been highlighted in grey and the type of each of them has been identified in brackets. Apart from logical cohesion the text is also characterized by semantic cohesion. Semantic cohesion is achieved by using appropriate synonyms, cover terms and specific terms which carry lexical meaning within the same discipline register, i.e. ‘starter culture’, ‘lactic acid bacteria’, ‘fermentation’ etc. Students need to master the register of their discipline. A good dictionary of their field terminology is deemed essential. They 25 should also read relevant published papers extensively, to familiarize themselves with good examples of scientific discourse in their field. Extensive use of visuals to provide data The writer offers the readers a wealth of relevant scientific data in visual form with appropriate use of tables, graphs and diagrams in the 2 nd part of the paper. He has also used a couple of relevant photographs. More specifically, the writer has used a flow-chart to show the process of cheese making (Figure 2) and the biochemical changes in cheese making (Figure 4) in brief. To do the latter in detail, he has used a very sophisticated flow-chart (Figure 5). Apart from flow-charts, tables have been used (Table 1, Table 2) and also graphs (Figure 7) and bar graphs (Figure 8). (We will examine the rest of the paper in my next posts.) 26