file - Chem-is

Ionic compounds
use mouse, when wish to resize image
Ch. 11.7 structure; there is no “ionic molecule”
Molecular lab 
to high-light multiple ions, to clarify structure – use cntrl + left click
# 106 simple cube, e.g. Po; i.e. no ionic cpd
Ionic compound – there’s no “ionic molecule”
# 107 body center cube, ex1. Fe
ex2. CsCl: molecular stockroom  inorganic  Cs cpd
Cl is in center of cube surrounded by Cs
Cs in the center of cube surrounded by Cl
to identify ion, select ion; read lower left text
to remove ion(s) – to ease visualization: select -> style -> hide
# 108 face center cube, ex1. Al
ex2. NaCl: molecular stockroom  inorganic  Na cpd
Molecular stockroom  inorganic  Ba cpd
a more complex unit cell
ex 1. BaCl2 (Ba in center as body center cube; Cl in center of tetrahedral; unit cell = later)
if needed, to change color: left click ion (to select)  edit -> color
to ease visualization of Ba & Cl’s surrounding: left click ion (to select)  right
click  set clipping center  repeat for other ion
to adjust size of clipping sphere: left click on clipping sphere (to select) 
rotate mouse wheel
to delete ions: Build  delete atoms  left click on ion (to be deleted)
ex 2. Ba(NO3)2