Modeling Clay Geology

Name:_____________________________ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date:_________________
Modeling Clay
Instructions: For this lab you will be using modeling clay to represent the law of superposition
and a few of the exceptions to this law. For each geological creation that you make please take
your time and accurately model the geological formation you are trying to show. Upon finishing
your model create a nice picture (including color if possible) of your various layers of the earth.
Also indicate on your picture the age of the layers of rock. (Example: Oldest Layer, 2nd Oldest
Layer, 3rd Oldest Layer, Youngest)
Please do your best not to mix up the various colors of clay. When you finish roll up each color
of clay into an individual ball and put them in zip-lock bag. Oh and one more thing…..have fun!
Exceptions to the Law of Superposition
-----------------------------------------------------Folding of Layers
-----------------------------------------------------Faulting of Layers
Additional Questions:
1. What is the Law of Superposition?
2. Define/explain the 4 exceptions to this law mentioned above.
Additional Challenge:
1. Create 4 layers of rock that have two or more of the geological formations above. (For
example an intrusion and a fault). Draw a picture of what this might look like below.