“The school should always have as its aim that the young person leave it as a harmonious personality, not as a specialist.” – Albert Einstein HAVPA History and Appreciation of Visual and Performing Arts Fall 2012 Mrs. Amy Middlebrooks Amy.Middlebrooks@calloway.kyschools.us Course Description: The course content, based on Kentucky’s Program of Studies and Core Content for Assessment, includes the disciplines of dance, music, drama, and art, combined with the humanities. A variety of media, print sources, and participatory activities are blended to provide a connection among periods, styles, and cultures. Students become aware that time, place, and society influence the arts and that different people groups share common experiences and attitudes. By the end of the course, students should be able to analyze, interpret, and evaluate the creation and performance of works in various arts disciplines, and to explain (using words and/or artistic expression) how ideas, thoughts, and traditions of humankind are reflected in the arts. They should be able to compare and contrast different styles within the arts, and to make a reasonable, educated judgment as to where a piece of art lies, either stylistically or on a timeline, by considering what they know about the development of the arts over time. Kentucky Learning Goals: 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 Arts and Humanities Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards. Students have knowledge of major works of art, music, and literature and appreciate creativity and the contributions of the arts and humanities. In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. Through the arts and humanities, student recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes. Students recognize and understand the similarities and differences among languages. Students understand and communicate in a second language. Plagiarism Policy: Copying or paraphrasing material/text from the work of another student, from published sources or from the Internet without proper documentation constitutes academic theft. If it is determined by the individual classroom teacher that a student is guilty of plagiarism, the student will receive a zero for that assignment. If there is a question of doubt or a denial on the part of the student, the department chair and the principal will be shown the evidence and determine if the assignment was plagiarized. Grades: Grades will be assigned according to the policies and procedures of CCHS. The final grade will be determined by averaging all recorded grades for daily assignments and tests along with the Final Exam (which will be worth 20% of the overall class grade). Attendance: Consistent and regular attendance is mandatory. All policies for attendance and tardiness as defined in the CCHS student handbook will be in effect for this course. Classroom Expectations & Rules: 1. Come to class prepared to learn with all appropriate materials. 2. Participate positively in class. 3. Be respectful of people and property 4. Be responsible for your learning. This includes getting make-up work, turning in assignments, and being on time to class. 5. Eliminate distractions. 6. Follow all school rules. *punishments will be those indicated in the student handbook. A note about art: From time to time, students in this class will view pieces of art that show artistic nudity. These pieces, such as Michelangelo’s “David,” have been chosen for their overall educational value and because they are widely accepted to be masterpieces without which any art history course would be incomplete. These pieces (or their creators) are included in the KY Program of Studies, which is required by law to be taught in all KY public schools. When viewing and discussing these works, I expect all students to behave in a mature and responsible manner. Inappropriate responses will NOT be tolerated, and no one should ever be made to feel uncomfortable. Please contact me immediately if you have a concern about this matter. A note about the performing arts: Because participation understanding, and thus appreciation, all students WILL be required to participate in performance activities in this class. These include acting in skits, speaking in front of the class and dancing (parents who have religious objections to dancing are asked to contact me immediately in writing or by email). Such activities are a part of the Kentucky’s Program of Studies, which is required by law. Grades for such activities will be given. I understand that some students may be reluctant to participate in, or even fear, such activities, but I will do everything possible to ensure that this is a safe, understanding classroom environment where participation at all ability levels is valued. Students are not expected to have prior experience. All that is required is EFFORT, INVOLVEMENT and some small degree ENTHUSIASM and PATIENCE. The more they participate in these activities, the easier (and more fun) they become. Material: Paper, Pen/Pencil, 3-Ring Binder, 5 Tab-Dividers Syllabus Signature Sheet – Due by Friday! Students and Parents/Guardians: Please sign below as an indication that you have read the above syllabus. Also, please provide an email address (if possible) at which you may be reached for updates, questions, etc. StudentPrint Name: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________________ ParentPrint Name: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Tentative Plan of Action AKA Things We Will Cover Elements/Purposes/Principles o Introduction& Pretest o Elements of Art o Elements of Architecture o Elements of Music o Elements of Dance o Elements of Theatre Historical Approach o Prehistoric Times o Ancient Greece & Rome o Ancient Egypt o India o China o Middle East o Renaissance o Baroque o Neoclassical o Romantic o Realist o Japan o Impressionist o Post-Impressionists o Africa o Latin America o Early 20th Century (1900-1945) o Mid-20th Century (1945-1970) o Contemporary (1970-present)