Maternity Care Referral Form Fax referral to: Djerriwarrh Health Service (DjHS) (Bacchus Marsh & Melton Regional Hospital) Mercy Hospital for Women - Heidelberg Werribee Mercy Hospital Western Health (WH) (Sunshine Hospital) Fax: 9746 0668 Fax: 8458 4205 Fax: 8754 3467 Fax: 8345 1691 This form constitutes a valid referral to Djerriwarrh Health Service (Bacchus Marsh & Melton Regional Hospital), Mercy Hospital for Women – Heidelberg, Werribee Mercy Hospital and Western Health (Sunshine Hospital), and provided all requested details are complete. Patient Details Referring Doctor Details First Name: Last Name: Name: Previous last name: Practice Name: Date of birth: Practice address: Address: Suburb: Postcode: Ph: Suburb: Postcode: Fax: Home phone: Mobile: Provider number: Medicare no.: Date: Yes No Yes No ATSI status mother: Interpreter required: Specify language: Country of origin:________________Year of arrival if known:_____________ Previous Mercy patient: Yes NoPrevious WH patient: Yes No Shared Care I am able to provide shared care to the patient: Previous DjHS patient: Yes No Comment: Current Obstetric History LNMP: Estimated delivery date: Gravida: Height: Parity: cm Known multiple pregnancy: Weight: kg Last PAP test: date & result Yes No BMI*: *must be included to enable triage and booking Female circumcision: Yes No Past Obstetric History Tick if applicable Previous severe pre-eclampsia Mid trimester loss OR miscarriage x 3 or more Previous small baby <2800g Previous fetal abnormality (specify) Previous preterm birth <35 weeks Previous Caesarean, how many_____ ( specify gestation____) Still birth Other (specify) Placental abruption Rhesus isoimmunisation Gestational diabetes PPH >= 1000mls Past Medical and Surgical History Social History Patient name Referring doctor Date Risk Factors Relevant to Pregnancy Tick if applicable Diabetes pre pregnancy Heart disease Asthma requiring admissions or oral steroids within past 12 months Epilepsy DVT or pulmonary embolus Cervical surgery Anaemia Previous cone biopsy /2 or more LLETZ procedures Thalassemia / haemoglobinopathy Psychiatric disorders Hepatitis B or C High blood pressure/or on medication Renal disease SLE Thyroid disease Smoking Family history of genetic disease (specify)__________________________________________________________ Alcohol and other drugs (specify)___________________________ Investigations /Test Results Provide results to your patient to bring to her first appointment Pathology Provider ________________________________________ Required tests/investigations: FBE HIV serology Blood group and antibodies MSU / urinalysis Rubella Ferritin Hepatitis B Syphilis serology Hepatitis C Thalassemia testing/ Hb electrophoresis Morphology 20 week Ultrasound (please provide details of ultrasound provider) Please note for Werribee Mercy and Sunshine Hospital low-risk women will need to see their GP to order 20 week morphology scan, as these are not routinely available at the hospital. Early requests made directly to imaging department may be accommodated for Mercy Hospital for Women with GPs being advised of outcome depending on capacity. Consider: Dating ultrasound Vitamin D Chlamydia GTT at 16 weeks: if past GDM, PCOS, BMI>35, Family history of diabetes, previous baby >4.5kg Aneuploidy Screening Aneuploidy screening options have been discussed with the patient: Yes No If yes: First Trimester Combined Screen (please provide details of ultrasound provider) Second Trimester MSST Non-invasive Prenatal screening using cell free DNA (please provide details of provider) The patient has declined aneuploidy screening: Yes No Attach Relevant Investigations Medications (please note if taken first trimester folate and iodine) Allergies Other Relevant Information Doctor’s signature: Date: Appointment details will be sent to referring GP and patient. IMPORTANT NOTICE – PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE This facsimile transmission is intended for the exclusive use of the person or hospital to which it is addressed and may contain information that by law is privileged or confidential. If the reader of the facsimile transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, distribution of copying of this transmission is prohibited by law, and the contents must be kept strictly confidential. If you have received this transmission in error, kindly notify us immediately and return the original to us at the above address. Patient name Referring doctor Date