SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the
impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in
Georgia. People inhabited Georgia long before its official “founding” on February 12, 1733.
The land that became our state was occupied by several different groups for over 12,000
years. The intent of this standard is for students to begin to grasp some basic information
related to the Prehistoric Native American cultures found in Georgia, the early explorers of
the state and their treatment of the native peoples, and the rationale behind the major
colonial powers who laid claims to the lands of the future state of Georgia.
Native American Cultures
a. Describe the evolution
of Native American
In addition to being able to identify the correct chronological order of each
cultures (Paleo, Archaic,
Prehistoric Native American culture, students should understand the
Woodland, and
technological and cultural changes for each society. In order to help
Mississippian) prior to
students remember the chronological order of each group, use the
European contact.
mnemonic device: “Paleo Ate Wild Mammoth.”
For an interesting video clip about the archeological finds that have
provided archeologists and historians with information about Georgia’s
earliest people, see:
GPB’s Georgia Stories “Archeology”
Paleo Indians
Students should know that the Paleo Indians were the first human beings in
Georgia. There is evidence that they were in the state as early as 13,250
years ago, and they are often dated from 12,000-8,000 BCE. They were
nomadic hunters and gatherers who followed large game such as mastodons
and giant bison. Once these large animals (often called “Megafauna”)
disappeared, the Paleo Indians began hunting smaller game, such as deer.
The primary weapon they used was spears made of wood and stone or flint.
These spear points are often called “Clovis” points after the town in New
Mexico where they were initially discovered. Paleo homes were made out of
animal skins, which allowed the Paleo Indians to easily move from place to
place as they hunted. Artifacts produced by this group have been found
throughout all five regions of Georgia.
It should be noted that students often find it interesting that the word
“Paleo” means “very old,” and this factoid often helps them remember that
this group was the first Native American culture in Georgia.
For more information about the Paleo Indian Period see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Paleoindian Period: Overview”
Archaic Indians
The next prehistoric culture who lived in the state was the Archaic Indians
(8,000 BCE- 1,000 BCE). This group descended from of the Paleo Indians,
and they developed new technological tools due to their rapidly changing
environment. The Archaic Indians were also nomadic, but they made several
technological advancements, including the atlatl that allowed spears to be
thrown at a high rate of speed. In addition, they invented other tools such as
the grooved axe and pottery. They also made hooks and nets for fishing. This
group is often divided into three distinct periods: Early, Middle, and Late.
Similarly to the word “Paleo,” “Archaic means “old.”
For more information about the Archaic Indian Period see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Archaic Period: Overview”
Woodland Indians
The third prehistoric Native American culture was the Woodland Indians
(1000 BCE-750 CE). This culture is also credited for technological
advancements, including the use of the bow and arrow for hunting, and
pottery for storage. This group is credited for being the first to rely on
horticulture and farming as a major source of food. The Woodland Indians
began to live in small villages with homes made of wood, leaves, and bark.
Students should be told that this group depended on corn and that it was
they, not the Mississippian Indians, who were the first mound builders.
For more information about the Woodland Indian Period see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Woodland Period: Overview”
Mississippian Indians
The last Prehistoric Native American culture was the Mississippian Indians
(800 CE-1600 CE). This group is considered to be the most “complex”
prehistoric culture in Georgia. They were large scale farmers and mound
builders who traded extensively throughout North America. The
Mississippian society was organized as a “chiefdom” society, or a structured
hierarchical society with a small number of “elites” and the majority who
were “commoners.” The “chief” held almost all of the power in the village.
The people of the period lived in large “mound towns.”
This group was the first to encounter Europeans, such as Spanish explorer
Hernando de Soto, whose army starved thousands of Mississippian Indians,
and killed many others outright. However, this culture ultimately ended due
to the impact of diseases that were brought to the region by the Europeans.
Some experts argue that another factor for the end of the Mississippian
Indians was a desire by these peoples to be closer to European centers for
trade which broke up large villages. Remnants of the Mississippian Indian
tribes went on to form modern tribes such as the Creek and Cherokee.
For more information about the Mississippian Indian Period see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Mississippian Period: Overview”,
GBP’s Georgia Stories “Green Corn, Native American Gold”
For more information about Native American technology see:
GBP’s Georgia Stories “Primitive Technology”
b. Evaluate the impact of
European contact on Native
American cultures; include
Spanish missions along the
barrier islands, and the
explorations of Hernando
de Soto.
Additionally, the Georgia Council on Economic Education has created an
economic lesson plan for this time period titled “'The Only Way to Discover
the Unwritten Past…’ Before there was a Georgia.” To receive this lesson,
along with 16 others, 8th grade teachers can attend the Georgia Council's
Georgia Economic History workshop. See for more
Hernando de Soto
European contact had a dramatic impact on the Native American cultures in
Georgia. Hernando de Soto, the first European explorer in Georgia, was
directly responsible for starving and killing a large number Native
Americans in his quest for gold and glory (1539-1542). Later the diseases he
and his men carried with them, such as influenza and smallpox, caused
massive population losses and the end of the Mississippian culture.
Ironically, the Spanish who chronicled the Mississippian chiefdoms provided
us with the only written account of this culture.
A few facts that students tend to find interesting about de Soto’s journey
throughout the Southeast is that de Soto is credited with introducing pigs to
the Southeast, his body was “buried” in the Mississippi in order to prevent
the Natives from finding out that he had actually died, since they believed he
was a god, and that the only way we know about his expedition today is
based on the journals of three of his soldiers.
For an interesting video clip about Hernando De Soto’s expedition see:
GPB’s Georgia Stories: “Hernando de Soto”
For more information about Hernando de Soto and the impact that his and
other Spanish explorations had on the Native American cultures of Georgia
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Spanish Exploration”
Spanish Missions
After De Soto’s failed expedition (he did not find any gold and died on the
journey), both the Spanish and the French explored the area that became
Georgia, and both attempted to create colonies which nonetheless failed.
However, the most successful Spanish colonization attempt was during the
“Mission Period” from 1568-1684. During this period the Spanish set up
several missions (churches) on both the Barrier Islands as well as in the
interior of the state. Some of the sites included Cumberland Island, St.
Catherine’s Island, and the Okefenokee Swamp. Many were also
established near future Georgia cities, such as Lumber City and Valdosta.
The primary reason for establishing these missions was to convert the
natives to Christianity (Catholicism). However, the mission system was used
to bring Native American cultures into the Spanish political and economic
system. For instance, unmarried Indian males were required to work for the
Spanish in Saint Augustine for several months out of the year. Once again,
the close contact with the Spanish brought disease and death to many Native
American villages. By the mid-1600’s the Spanish mission system was
crumbling due to the deaths of large numbers of natives, along with Indian
raids often supported by the British. The last Spanish Mission in Georgia was
destroyed by a pirate attack in 1684.
For more information about Spanish Missions in Georgia see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Spanish Missions”,
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Mission Santa Catalina de Guale”,
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “List of Spanish Missions”
c. Explain reasons for
European exploration and
settlement of North
America, with emphasis on
the interests of the French,
Spanish, and British in the
southeastern area.
Spanish Exploration
Each of the three major European nations had different reasons for
exploring North American and the Southeast. As discussed earlier, Spanish
interest can be summed up with the three “G’s:” God, Glory, and Gold.
Specifically, Spain wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity, the
conquistadors were looking for personal fortunate and fame, and the
Spanish Monarchy wanted to bring as much gold into their treasury as
For more information about the reasons for Spanish exploration of the
Southeast see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Spanish Exploration”
French Exploration
Though the French did explore southeastern North America, their primary
focus was on the fur trade and their sphere of influence was in Louisiana, the
Ohio Valley, and Canada. However, the French had connections to the future
Southeastern United States and the state of Georgia. For example, French
sailors such as Jean Ribault sailed off the coastline of Georgia and South
Carolina in 1562. In addition, French Protestants came to the “New World”
in search of religious freedom. These settlers called “Huguenots” moved to
South Carolina in the 1680’s, and crossed into Georgia in the 1730’s.
For more information about French exploration and colonization in the
Southeast and Georgia see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia “Spanish Exploration”,
The New Georgia Encyclopedia “French Presence in Georgia”
English Exploration
The English were interested in permanent colonization in North America
due to the economic policy of mercantilism. In a mercantilist economy a
country sought to export more than it imported. Often the “mother country”
sought out colonies that could produce raw materials which would then be
sent back for production. The colonies would then purchase the finished
products. Other reasons for English settlement in the New World included
“religious freedom” and the opportunity for colonist to begin “a new life.”
The first permanent English colony was Jamestown, Virginia, which was
established in 1607. Though initially unsuccessful, the colony began to
thrive after John Rolfe successfully developed a new form of tobacco. Based
on the success of Virginia and the other northern and middle colonies, new
southeastern English colonies were created and encouraged to produce
agricultural products such as rice, tobacco, and indigo for England. These
colonies included Maryland (1632), Carolina (1663: Divided in to North and
South Carolina in 1712) and Georgia (1733).
For more information about Mercantilism see:
GPB’s Georgia Stories “Mercantilism”
For more information about these English motives for settling in the
Southeast see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia “English Trade in Deer Skins and Slaves”,
The New Georgia Encyclopedia “Fort King George”,
GPB’s Georgia Stories “Cultures Blend”
For more information about the major crops produced in the Southern
colonies see:
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Indigo”,
The New Georgia Encyclopedia: “Rice”,
GPB’s Georgia Stories “Georgia’s Major Export: Rice”
Sample Question for H1a (OAS Database)
Sample Question for H1b
Which development resulted in increased population and
permanent settlements among Georgia's prehistoric Native
What was a misunderstanding that many times led to warfare
between Europeans and Native Americans?
A. Improved weapons meant that more animals could be
killed efficiently.
B. The Native Americans began to trade throughout
eastern North America.
C. Improvements in agriculture meant food could be grown
and stored.*
D. The tribes established more complicated social
structures and ceremonies.
c. Explain reasons for European
exploration and settlement of North
America, with emphasis on the
interests of the French, Spanish, and
British in the southeastern area.
A. disagreement about a division of labor between men and
B. differences about common ownership of land in North
C. wanting a common language and culture throughout North
D. Native American insistence that white Europeans adopt
Native American customs and beliefs
The major European powers (Spain, France, and England) competed
and sometimes fought over the land that would become the United
States and Georgia. However, each nation had different reasons for
exploring and settling North America.
In an expository essay explain the reasons for each country’s
interest in the exploration North America, where they settled, and
how successful each country was in meeting its goals.