Chapters 9&10 Vocabulary

Lord of the Flies
Chapters 9&10-Vocabulary
Period_______ Date_______________
Chapter 91. Brood: (verb). To hover entirely; loom
2. Intersperse: (verb). Distribute among other things at intervals.
3. Corpulent: (adj.). Excessively fat.
4. Parody: (noun). Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty.
5. Inaudible: (adj.). Impossible to hear.
6. Derision: (noun). Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule
7. Saunter: (verb). To stroll at a leisurely pace.
8. Shrill: (adj.). High-pitched and piercing in tone or sound.
9. Sulphurous: (adj.). Fiery; hellish
10. Phosphorescence: (noun). Emission of light with no burning or very slow burning with no appreciable
Chapter 101. Somber: (adj.). Dark;gloomy
2. Torrid: (adj.). Parched with the heat of the sun; intensely hot.
3. Assimilate: (verb). To incorporate or absorb into the mind.
4. Bleak: (adj.). Gloomy and somber; dreary.
5. Daunted: (verb). To be discouraged.
6. Theology: (noun). The study of the nature of God and religious truth.
7. Speculation: (noun). Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence.
8. Haste: (noun). Rapidity of action or motion.
9. Dredge: (verb). To come up with; unearth.
10. Barmy: (adj.). Full of barm; foamy
11. Composite: (adj.). Made up of distinct components; compound.
12. Writhing: (verb): Twisting as in pain or embarrassment.
13. Exult: (verb.). To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant.
14. Multitudinous: (adj.). Very numerous; existing in great numbers